>you like dark souls 2?! wow i didnt know you were a man of taste user *giggles*
You like dark souls 2?! wow i didnt know you were a man of taste user *giggles*
Other urls found in this thread:
Face is way too fat.
Round faced women need to leave.
>Why yes, Dark Souls 2 is my favorite game, how did you know?
well here we go
his chin and adams apple could be interchangeable
he just needs to be more confident
Are there people who genuinely did not like Dark Souls 2?
If you beat it, you can't say you didn't like it.
Lies and slander. Who told you this?
I beat every game I play, it's literally the only way to judge it fairly.
and a dentist to fix the jaw
>no women will never look at you like this
Every-time I talk to a woman they look at me with annoyance and contempt.
Definitely the worst game in the full souls series including Demon's and Bloodborne, that's just undeniable. Also the e3 downgrade shit was what really made people hate it then the subsequent remaster which still looked like dogshit. People were also pissed when they found out the B team made it while the A team that made demons and DS1 made Bloodborne (the best game in the series and also a PS4 exclusive forever)
would be better off with a blacksmith or mason to fix that.
you guys do realize that women aren't harmless coy, cute blobs but annoying, demanding and whiny bitches right?
>liking manjaws
sorry did you catch the gay on the way here
have sex
if you ever get in a long term relationship you will realize
nice try, incel, but you're not fooling me
I'm distractingly ugly and only 5/10 girls do this to me.Most beautiful women at work treat me like a person not an annoyance, I'm not sure why I think it's because they know that I know I would have no chance with them
Anyway the solution is to go gay
>I was joking, get the fuck away from you retard.
I don't like it, but it has more replayability than 3 imo. Then again I only like 1 and BB.
Dark Souls 2 wasn't THAT bad
>sorry, I'm not into girls with watermarks over them
Sure thing robotranny
I'd rather a manjaw over a double chin at 30.
What are the point of these? They don't come off as being sexy per say yet that is what they feel like they are trying to sell. If their only point is to leave me wondering, then fuck I guess they did a good job.
>Copy and paste, save as PNG
you don't have to worry anyway because any woman will literally smell the desperation out of you in the form of sweat and cum stained pants
>tfw ugly and a shit person who has been alone for so long that the idea of someone actively wanting to be with me is a foreign concept and I'm not cruel enough to have someone put up with me
gotta maintain that eye contact, user
This sums up all 3 games so well.
I played DaS2 recently and it's still like this. I don't undertand why they did this, is it just a bug?
I got my first hug recently, we're all gonna make it user. Girl was cute as hell, though I'm not interested in her.
user there are people who hurt other people everyday just with daily interactions. Just by being alone you're net positive in not causing suffering to other people. You're not as horrible as you think ,chin up
worked very well for me
im 24 and beyond all hope
As someone who has problems keeping eye contact with people IRL, I don't see how this video helps. I have absolutely no trouble keeping eye contact with her. It would seem like anyone who can't keep eye contact with a video probably has some very deep issues that goes well beyond just "practicing" with a video...
Not him but these don't work at all for me, because this is just a recording where I don't feel judged and the silence would be awkward whereas here it's simply me looking at my screen with no real feedback
>They don't come off as being sexy
That's not the point.
literally git gud
Yeah, we figured that one out already. Their real point is even worse though. You can't practice eye contact with a screen. The reason you can't maintain contact doesn't exist with a screen unless someone is on the other side viewing you.
I have debated so many retards telling them how broken this game is and they refuse to believe it. I have never seen more delusional defenders of a game than those of DaS2. Thousands of hours of footage like this exists even for the Scholar of the first Sin edition and they still refuse to believe it. The other games in the series had bugs like most modern games but this one is still fucking broken.
The thing I have to wonder about these webm's is how many times do I need to die in order to experience this glitch? Literally thousands of deaths in DaS2 so far and none of them have been like these webms.
in the vanilla game, those enemies were only found in the tall grass area in Things Betwixt, where their legs couldn't be seen, thus they half-assed the leg animations.
When they moved them out of that area for SotFS, they didn't bother touching up the animations
autism speaks
The footage doesn't really matter if you've played the game. I have beaten the game and noticed very few bugs. Why would I let some other persons experience influence my experience? I'm sure there were bugs, just not anything gamebreaking or memorable.
Why should a game that has a definitive remastered version have any game breaking bugs this big and this common? Especially when other entries in the series don't have them? The biggest one of all of course being instant dying bosses and NPC's.
I have yet to finish 3 and give my overall impression of the series and compare games within it, but I had a mediocre time with it. There's a lot to say, but I guess a summary of my thoughts are: almost all bosses were disappointingly easy with the only major exceptions being a couple or so bosses in the DLCs, grinding down mob respawns felt less like a challenge and more like a tedious chore, and the game runs on for too long in my opinion. I felt dread overcome me when I got done with almost all the base game content but got to the DLC, even though the DLC was better in some ways over the base game, just because while DaS1 felt like a good length for me based on the gameplay and maybe could have used one or two more levels, DaS2 dragged on too long for me to tolerate. I am probably very fortunate because I didn't encounter as many bugs as other people have, and I can't remember where I might have encountered ones I did, but the game still felt very awkward at points, and while I don't think I can describe it easily, the way the character responded and the way enemies engaged felt different to DaS1. The only reason I would replay it is to do bosses that I had to summon NPCs for story reasons, but other than that I don't have any intention of playing through it again. I would much rather replay DaS1 in NG+.
This but unironically.
Standing up properly and smiling he'd look cute enough. Not smoking hot or anything but that shit is only important for casual sex. If you're not hot, just being happy, hygenic and dressed normal is more than enough to be cute, which is what's more important in attracting a girl for a longterm relationship.
This is not a bug, the animations are just shit all over the game.