Should video game characters be allowed to be flat?

should video game characters be allowed to be flat?

Attached: precisroll.jpg (500x768, 243K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It should be encouraged.

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yes, as long as they're mocked for their inferiority

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is she having an allergic reaction

Yes, the ongoing cultural war against flats is distasteful.

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small tits > flat

flat is justice

but user
small tits ARE flat

Tits should be like the Earth

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Anything above a c cup size should be considered cowtits and anyone liking them might as well start jerking off to cow udders

what about c cup itself
where does that fall


round and flat, depending on your views?

Fine as long as the girl has other qualities that make her stand out

Who is the flattest vidya character though?

Attached: ywn lick this retard's tummy.png (1000x1665, 563K)


Attached: chicken chan can hurt me any time.jpg (400x452, 105K)

A cute

Attached: Amy and Chicken.jpg (725x1024, 112K)

who's this tummyslut

Mika Returna

Attached: ywn kiss Mika's tummy.png (825x1100, 69K)

the real question is. should they be allowed to be fat?

Attached: fat face the rouge.png (428x437, 76K)

A dummy

Attached: DFiPoW1UQAA3vwG.png orig.png (2000x1502, 1.38M)

yes but not that fat

You went to the work safe video game board to talk about breasts.


vidya breasts

yeah but in video games

no, i came here to talk about midriffs
and the licking of navels

Good for naizuri.


Attached: Flatter than a 5 year old.jpg (1089x532, 151K)

Worksafe breasts

Attached: Bonk Cake.png (1979x2516, 2.72M)

why is she so FLAT

post more xD

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Boobs get in the way of justice!

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It's an inherently not safe for work topic in average workplaces.

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>browsing Yea Forums at work

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neither is most of the discussion here really but hey as long as it's video games

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what are games where the cast is primarily flat?

Attached: precis.png (480x480, 193K)

If they're going to be flat then they better make it up somewhere else... like hips, thighs and/or ass.

Attached: Assassin_of_Black_A-1_Pictures_Fate_Apocrypha_Character_Sheet1.png (1144x562, 112K)


Or tummy

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pic related is the Queen of Flat.

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how can one girl be so flat

Redpilled posts.

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Attached: Ecks Dee girl spinning.gif (358x353, 48K)


Midriff and Belly Button >>> Big Breasts

It’s a fact

Attached: 4E5A3589-B5B7-40C2-ABC4-756FC0358AFB.png (811x985, 312K)

Have this instead

Attached: Ecks Dee Retard.png (2048x2048, 1.62M)

whipping pepe.png
something something proportions, something something true patrician.

I love Kass!

Attached: Husbando.jpg (3000x3000, 2.61M)

Midna has a good midriff

Attached: New and old Imps.jpg (605x540, 55K)

Paper Mario

Should be mandatory

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Attached: Midna Daki.jpg (279x800, 118K)

Attached: mikaaa.gif (358x353, 48K)

No, flat tits are small, but not all small are flat
user was referring to flat as just completely undeveloped instead of the wider term that should be applied to all small chests for bullying

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Attached: Crying Mika.png (1000x1665, 555K)

Games for this feel?

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flat chests are not for bullying
except sexual bullying

fuck your shitty crop i couldnt find anything

Princess Maker 2.

Straight from Twitter

>what is Yandex

apparently this guys been living under a block still posting loli on twitter, surprised he hasn't been banned yet either

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C'mon, man, I don't want this thread to 404.

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Gomen replaced with cute

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yes. all video games are 2d. learn the technology

post source, niggy

Are there any notably flat characters that aren't lolis or taters?

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penelo is kinda flat

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Someone already posted her in this thread, but I can't think of a flatter fully-grown female than Magilou.

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Attached: Basedretard.png (1000x1665, 559K)

What do triple A chests look like?

devoid of breast

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S-so strong!

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