Why aren't you playing Overwatch?

Why aren't you playing Overwatch?

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Because it's garbage.

I have no arms

To spite you.

Paladins is better and even then that shit is fucking terrible


The better question is, why are you?



it's shit stop asking already

i have standards
not very high ones, mind you, but high enough not to play this trash

Imagine still playing overwatch

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ded game

It's so damn boring and comp is riddled with faggotry. Would play again in a heartbeat if they implemented 12v12 or higher.

Why do you make this thread every single fucking day?

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online multiplayer games are for normalfags addicted to over socialisation that's why!

There's no reason to play it. Who wants to unlock sprays and grind for random costumes for characters you don't even want to play?

>i hate the artstyle
>i avoid playing multiplayer games that are stuffed with kids
There you go

he wants people to post porn of his spic waifu because he doesn't know what fucking google is
its the same shit as those "are you buying X's game?" threads

Yeah because that's the point of the game, right? Idiot.

I booted it up a couple weeks ago and couldn't even get through one game. It's so fucking stale. I actually applaud the people who managed to stick with it for so long.

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i broke my wrist masturbating to mercy mom fetish sfms

Because multiplayer FPS games aren't fun without talking with a mic and on OW I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

what is the point then, because they nerf the living shit out of the characters to the point that the game itself is genuinely unfun to play and the map design is dogshit and riddled with chokepoints so even if your hero hasn't been gutted the map is so fucking bad that you don't wait to play anyways

So honesty question anons, what do you think went wrong with Overwatch?

Did you think it was shit from the beginning or did you stop playing after getting bored of it or something

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oh no no no no look

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I'm playing Paladins

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because paladins

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it's boring
every game mode is payload or attack/defend, so you spend the entire game going one direction
fighting comes down to using abilities and team coordination instead of FPS skill

My friends dont play it anymore, they're on the Apex hype train now. So I have no real desire to keep playing it.

She's the only reason I ever played Paladins. Need more porn of her.

The balance was terrible. Honestly if the balance wasn't so fucked up I'd still be playing.

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higher focus on event-locked cosmetics and listening to every casual shitter's input on the game than actually trying to make a fun product
back before blizz started working their usual balancing magic it was actually decent fun, but about the hundredth game of "fight through the chokepoint" it became dull and the only virtue i could find with it was to play the few characters i liked, which in turn stopped being a possibility after they nerfed and reworked them into the dirt
blizz can't balance for shit and it always shows

eSports ruined video games.

Rather jerk off to the porn of it

I stop playing after getting bored of it during the open beta

because its shit and blizz cant balance it right to save their fucking lives
remember when they spent A FUCKING MONTH going back and forth nerfing and buffing mcree and 76 cause nerfing one made the other too strong so they nerfed one and buffed the other and went back and forth? should've seen it coming since they could never balance wow right either (namely warlocks and rogues never got kneecapped with the nerf bat while every other class got beaten to an inch away from death at least twice in wows life). unrelated by they also cant write a story that doesnt boil down to
and they cant into character development. jainas been riding her horde hate boner for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS while every other major alliance character has gotten over garrosh

It's literally the only reason why the game has levels.

It went wrong when they started going hard on the "esports" scene. Then they started the "we cannot have competitive spirit in our game" hugbox attitude where you can even be banned for spamming voice commands. Also they stopped having good ideas like Mei's snowball fight. I haven't cared for any of the post-release new heroes they've introduced except maybe Sombra, so that doesn't help either.

Dumb shit fag nigger butch

>broke my wrist masturbating
you're doing it wrong


and holy shit they cant design decent maps either.
attack maps with literally only one fucking path to the point? not even tf2 fan maps are that retarded
overwatch maps either favor defense to the point of being one sided or just dont know what the fuck they're doing


good, was wondering where this thread was today

>Yeah because that's the point of the game, right? Idiot.
You do realize you just proved my point? Right?!

Because it's repetitive and I've already put 200 hours into it
Also I want to fuck and cum in Olivia

unironically gets worse with each patch
I don't know how devs can be so incompetent

It's always been bad. Unlike other team shooters, like TF2, where the focus is to outskill the enemies with your own abilities, Overwatch focuses on using your abilities to stop your enemies from doing anything.
>stun them so they can't do anything
>freeze them so they can't do anything
>trap them, to they can't move
>hook them so they're stopped from going where they're going
>put up a shield so they can't shoot you
>deflect their bullets so they can't hit you
>revive your team mates so their death didn't matter

It's not about outskilling anyone, it's about hitting your ability at the right time.

>ever at all

That's a really good point actually. Its kind of like League where it focuses a lot on abilities more than mechanical skill. Not to say there's no mechanical skill in overwatch but there's a lot more situations where the better player still loses because their opponent had their "not die button" up or whatever.

I feel like even in League there's more outplay potential too, as long as the other person isn't snowballing.


>there's a lot more situations where the better player still loses because their opponent had their "not die button" up or whatever.
You basically condensed it to its core. That's the essence of Overwatch I was trying to get at. I play competitive Pokemon, and even that feels m,ore balanced that competitive Overwatch.

>first person waifu shooter
Who is the dumb cunt that decided this?

No updates

because the gameplay is boring

Played it for couple of seasons, it was fun, after that I burned out. Also I was mostly playing hog because he was braindead and fun, so you can figure how that went.

More like
>Who is the genius businessman who realized the market for this?

Ok well that's a bit of a reach

I'm not to sure about RNG being a balanced part of any competitive game. Especially after missing 3 game winning focus blasts in a row

But I agree in that that is kind of at the essence of OW's balancing. I think there needs to be more counter play. They kind of use character switching for this but it's just annoying to have to switch to that *one* character every game because something in meta is only countered by their kit.

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>implying anyone actually switches heroes like the fucking games designed around
its okay though, that widow/genji/hanzo at the bottom of the leader board is totally skilled, i mean he's been playing him/her since closed beta and has literally zero play time on other heroes. he's just having an off day

can this thread just delve into posting porn already

t. horny underageb&

can it be gay porn

99% of the time these overwatch threads just derail into waifu posting and jerking off about how much people want to breed pharah

waifufags are a bigger cancer than furries. Hiro needs to do something about them.

I wouldn't say garbage, but I got bored of it.

Too many colorful characters

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I kept finding myself getting far too frustrated at it.
Eventually I realized that no matter what I do, theres only so far you can go while carrying 5 drooling retards.
So I stopped playing.

>waifufags are a bigger cancer than furries. Hiro needs to do something about them.
This kills Yea Forums.

>yfw you realize this site was founded by a waifufag

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>including the fake posts

>playing Overwatch

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