Let's have a yugioh thread as my excuse to post this

Let's have a yugioh thread as my excuse to post this

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Other urls found in this thread:

yugiohtopdecks.com/card/Danger!? Tsuchinoko?

Delinquent Duo is still pretty insane but the king of all bullshit is still probably Painful Choice.

New Tag Force never


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I want to play an older game because I'm a little tired of archetypes lately. I kind of miss my youthful days of desperately putting together disparate cards in the hopes of making something work rather than just working to assemble an archetypal deck

>New LOTD game is jap only

How do you randomly select one of your own cards?

Hey retard if your decks are so good then why are you sitting in the mustard aisle?

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You have your opponent pick one from your hand


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Is that a motherfucking Loss reference

By rolling a die.

Legacy of the duelists


who are you again?

because slifers can't ketchup

Why do zoomers hate pot of greed so much?

>new WC never ever
>new tag force gx never ever (the best ones)
>localized tag force 6 and special never ever
>yugioh rpg never fucking ever
Just fucking end me. If we at least had rom/iso hacks like pokefags but we cant have at least that.

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Why do boomers hate otk so much?

What about obelisk?

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>upstart goblin
why the fuck would you use this

Did they ever get together yet?

>localized tag force 6 and special never ever
It sucks for TF6 but TF special's translation is good enough if you just want to duel. The story mode is dogshit so even if the translation wasn't made by a retarded memelord it would still not be worth it.

Because having a 39 card deck is worth your opponent having 9000 LP

To make your deck smaller so that you can faster get to good cards

Why did you put Upstart Goblin there?

>run 3
>suddenly your deck becomes 37 cards
>increase the probability of getting to your good cards
It's a real mystery

>It sucks for TF6
TF6 is on my backlog, is the translation that bad?

have you never played a card game before you literal simpleton? it's a deck thinner with a minor drawback

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I'm at a loss for reasons, really. Just wanted to.

I meant "it sucks that TF6 doesn't have a translation patch". However now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there's actually one that translates most of the game but not the story.

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There is nothing broken about Upstart Goblin. There shouldn't be a 1x per deck restriction on it. Everyone just plays with 37 card decks instead of 39 card decks.

Konami TCG just wants to jew you into buying 2 more cards for your deck.

yeah unban pot of greed too

What a god.

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You’re partly right. But keep in mind, 37 cards decks = faster format and I don’t think konami wants ftks to happen all the time.

Who's this guy again?

the new LOTD was also traded marked everywhere else. Worse case scenario, we just get the game later. My hope is that it's announced world wide at e3.

Completely different.
Pot of Greed is +1
Upstart Goblin is +0

Right now, everyone is playing 39 card decks because 1x Upstart Goblin is legal.

If 3x Upstart Goblin was legal, everyone would effectively be playing 37 card decks. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just Konami's greed forcing you to buy 2 more cards.

What the fuck those jews put it to 1? For what purpose?

This isn't a good argument. Just 1 pot of greed makes your deck 38 cards and gives you a +1 hand advantage on play. When you play upstart Goblin you don't gain any sort of hand advantage and if you never draw it the whole game it doesn't matter. It's literally just there to compress the deck.

Bastion is such a treasure.

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Exodia player here. Please allow me to play 3x upstart. Thanks.

Exodia stopped being viable the minute One Day of Peace went to 1.

Always funny seeing Yea Forums scrubs try to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh! like they understand.

You've literally never been relevant since 2003


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>logical and smart guy
>has an even shittier deck than the mc
GX was such a shit show

Nothing said is wrong. Upstart doesn't give you card advantage like Pot of Greed does.

Is this loss?

Bastion descend into madness might be the greatest thing this franchise has ever produced.

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is this loss?

Painful choice is a shitty card and always has been. You choose 5 cards, your opponent sends 4 of them (obv the best ones) to the grave. You keep the shittiest one. Wooooow

For me it's Mokuba.

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>TFW stuck playing against level 10-30 shitter NPC's in Duel Links because I have no goddamn idea how to build a deck worth a damn

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You don't understand why Upstart is limited, this is what's funny.

Hope this is bait, otherwise you made the single dumbest post currently on Yea Forums.

anime is a chinese psyop designed to turn the west into queers

>faggots in these thread sperging about numbers and pluses
>this is the modern yugioh player base
game should've ended itself after GX, prove me wrong.

Why don't you just build a deck you like bro, besides the part where you don't have any of the cards you want for it

You just gotta believe

Dude, i know you put pride into your reddit copypasta, but it wasn't funny after the first time.

just kidding fuck you

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*Wins ycs*

Why did Kaiba turn his little brother (male) into a princess (female)?

Shit I checking out the cdromance translation state, apparently the girl(?) translating the story got sick and is in the hospital, so the story translation is cancelled. I mean its a shounen game and there's furigana so maybe I can get around with reading the story.

>excuse to post this
If that's the game we're playing.

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Then why not use pic related?

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actual autism, holy shit.

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>why not use a slow card

It's a trap.


Man GX was a fucking ride and half

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Im sorry they took the wrong route they should have focused on making the game slower not faster,

Upstart Goblin is trash and fucking no one in OCG runs it, even Sky Striker players barely touched it

>a dropout
wait really


I want to fuck every Fur Hire. UUUUUUWWWUUUUUU

>O-Old ygo didn't deal with card advantage!
Card advantage is core in any card game. Even in very early YGO, when Gemini Elf was a $120 card.
Just because you didn't know about card advantage back then, doesn't mean it didn't exist.


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You fools would literally give your opponent a 1000 life points instead of just waiting one messily turn?

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Literally ruined a yugioh season, even harder than "buy blackwings, nigger" guy.

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>Why not jar of greed
...do you even play this game?
>dead card current turn
>useless top deck
All that weight for a +0?
Are you kidding?

>life points
>meaning anything

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where in my post did i say old yugioh didn't deal with card advantage ;^)

Magicians are my favorites so I've been working on a magician/psychic deck out of the latest box but it still has some kinks to work out. The extra deck is just an Arcanite Magician and two Explosive Magicians.

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The reason why it still my favorite.

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Dumb scrub.

How is Foolish Burial even real haha like it sends cards from your deck to your graveyard it's not like you can do anything with them so there's no point in having it limited am I right guys?
He's barely in Season 4. And by barely I mean I don't think he shows up at all, even at the end. He stays in the Monster Dimension after Season 3 with his tiger wife, but he can probably travel between the two, it's just science.

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I summon "Dancing Elf" in attack mode and i end my turn.
Your turn, Yea Forums.

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It was the 5 old farts that did it

Step up your draw game, schmucks

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Life points don’t mean jack shit nowadays, your plan either works or doesn’t, none of that heart of the cards bs because this is real life.


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I thought the game was designed by Kaiba himself.


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I seriously don't get the hate for GX
The game was still young. They still hadn't figured out exactly how it was going to evolve into revolving entirely around card advantage making fusion a horrible method of summoning

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The guys creating the cyber duel world did. Joey even takes a jab at mokuba saying something like man these guys are perverts.

Shhh, Yea Forums! The Kaiba brothers are sleeping!

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Bastion was truly /our/guy, the nigga was forgotten by everybody, descend into madness, becomes a loli wafufag, until he develops a femdom/musclegirl kink and drop out school to live with his amazon gf

does anyone even play the current meta.
>tfw still playing trickstars because I want the 'Danger?!' to be over already.

Too bad this archetype is total shit.

>none of that heart of the cards bs
Take that back, faggot

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He stays in the card game dimension to fuck a tiger
I'm not joking

Heart of the Cards was Yugi top-decking like a motherfucker.

Reminder that in addition to gay clowns and blue-eyed dragons, Kaiba also likes muscular beast men.

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Most people hate GX for being too campy and silly compared to DM. I mean, even with the edginess of late seasons still has some ridiculous moments.

No way fag.

The real never ever is a Duel Terminal Lore RPG or anime. I just want to shit on lswarms with the Chad himself. Pic related.

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What does the tiger look like

Just pick a meta deck and grind out easy wins until you get the cards and gems to build the deck that you actually want. You have until the 25th before Koaki dies and it's an easy f2p build that will rack you a lot of wins if you start right now.

I wonder love this

>too campy and silly compared to DM
Did they miss the first major villain of DM using a deck based on Looney Tunes or the ridiculous extent of Kaiba's dragon fetish?

People hate GX because it's either incredibly banal or absolute batshit retarded plotwise and it shifts between the two on an episode by episode basis

Best girl.

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Who doesn't?

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Pegasus was fucking MURDERED by the end of Duelist Kingdom.

A crazy camp billionaire and one competetive mega autist liking card games too much in no way compares to shit like DINO DNA

You meant gaslight.


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The school environment was pretty fucking boring and limited what they could do.

I wrote a smutfic centering around her. Not exactly my best work, but I'll post it anyway

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Ygopro is the closest you can honestly

>every deck uses them

>caring about them when Gagagigo exists.

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In the manga, when most people are only familiar with the anime. He literally shows up in several GX episodes.
The school environment is silly but there's a bunch of other shit on the island too for no reason besides Kaiba putting it there.

Since when?

needs more paizuri porn

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I'll read it. It better be good.

Fuck yeah

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That's not a girl, that's a fucking cow.

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The readers on AO3 and ff.net liked it, but it was my first attempt at writing the character and I think it shows.

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How the hell did she even got into Obelisk?

Literally cucked by card

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Nigger what? how many times are they gonna add shit to the XYZ monsters?


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By looking like Kaiba.

>tfw Ojamas are actually his best deck despite all the time he spends shitting on them.

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I fucking love the over the top fusions. I wish they did something similar with old Hero cards.

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By being slut bait. She jobbed in almost every duel she was in. Same goes for her 2 dumbass friends who didn't even duel

I can think of two big reasons.

Same way all the others do. The couch at Kaiba Corp.

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Based and Chazzpilled

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Sex with teachers probably

yugiohtopdecks.com/card/Danger!? Tsuchinoko?

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This is autism in its purest form, not you user. The card

That's not Yubel

I don't want them to stop until we get a real Alphabet monster.

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But why

No thanks

>tfw /ourgirl/ is coming back

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Post YGO Anime rankings.
GX > ARC-V > DM = 5DS > Vrains = ZEXAL

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free summons and graveyard triggers
Japs fear the day Dangers come to the OCG

God lord I wanted her goth form to stay so badly. amazing what dark colors and revealing clothes does for a chick

Girls automatically get into Obelisk, I'm not joking.

Rei is the exception because she chose Slifer Red.

>ARC-V above anything

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>love aesthetics of a clan
>lol secret rare prices
>wait for them to become irrelevant and buy them for peanuts.

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Aw yiss, my literal dream girl

>google out of curiosity ''gem knights story''
>get this
A group of warriors endowed with the power of minerals, the "Gem-Knights" value honor above all else and disapprove of battle for the sake of battle. At the provocation of the barbaric "Laval", however, they are forced to take up arms and protect the clans from their wanton destruction. However, the "Steelswarm" begin to invade the surface land, intending to take over. The Gem-Knights join up with the other clans in a temporary union spearheaded by the "Vylons". Along the way, they obtain new powers with which to resist the "Steelswarm". Although the "Steelswarm" are quickly dispatched, conflict is far from over. The "Vylons" decide to exterminate the clans in order to prevent future wars.

The clans once more band together in order to halt the "Vylon", but it is the collaboration between the "Gem-Knights" and "Gishki" to whom credit for their eventual victory goes: "Gem-Knight Pearl" is the downfall of the "Vylon". After the "Vylons" are driven back, the alliances between clans once again dissolve.

The "Gishki" immediately resume their invasion of "Mist Valley", which had been their main objective pre-"Steelswarm". In order to obtain resources from the Valley, the "Gishki" enact a genocide on the "Gusto". The Gem-Knights intervene to rescue the remaining "Gusto".

When the "lswarm" virus begins to spread across the Duel Terminal world, the Gem-Knights join the "Gusto" in a prayer for the "Constellar," a legendary band of divine warriors, to aid them. The "Constellar" may not be strong enough to resist the "lswarm" army alone, as the "Gishki" clan falls to the virus. Knowing this, the "Gem-Knights" fuse into the most powerful Gem-Knight.

this sounds pretty mental . Do anime actualy includes all this?

Isnt Rei actulally still in Oblisk she has a blue Duel Disk in season 4 just she stays in the red dorm and jacket

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>Not playing with your Nightmare GF's Terror Incarnate


Iron Chain support when?

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ARC-V first part was great.

Backup soldier for the 3 exodia pieces you didn't choose

>Do anime actually includes all this?
No, Duel Terminal story is self-contained.

Backup soldier only works on normal monsters. It can't pull exodia's head

No, it's all JP only reading material, and there's no anime or anything about it, though some events are shown in the cards related to the archetypes of course.

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Its got better pacing than most of the other series believe it or not. Go rewatch DM , GX or 5Ds. conceptually its good too It kidna drops the ball at the end but thats nothing new for ygo

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>giving your opponent resources.

>weeboo MTG with shit art

that's where you're wrong, friendo

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5ds > GX >Arc-V (early) > VRAINS >>>>Zexal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arc-V (late)

DM is pretty much nostalgia for me so I will not rank with the others.

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>Granny Glasses

Fucking ruined.

Also world legacy would be cool too

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To be fair, nobody uses the archetype on its own.

Is the 5DS anime good? I have fully watched GX and DM a bunch of times but never gave 5DS a chance because people said it went full turbo autistically serious

I really really like this picture!

I just cant get into it due to how retarded the cards are now. 5D's was my limit with synchro and dark synchro monsters. Hell I didn't even finish the series so I dont even know how stupid it got with that Meklord shit

Weeboo MTG is literally Duel Masters. It doesn't have shit art though. Infact, Its better then MTG solely because it fixes its problem with making half your deck lands.

>tfw tag force 3 has blair routes where she either cucks you for Juden or outright says she loves you
>tfw no more yugioh gx kino

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>Bootleg god cards from nowhere
>An actual legitimate vampire castle
>Gateway to pure generic darkness
>That weird bootleg millennium item thing that Judai had for like two episodes then shoved in a drawer because it didn't fucking do anything
>Fucking alchemy lab where they not only mastered immortality but also fucking trading card transfiguration
>A sealed goddamn vault where they store a student that makes everyone high
>And also we'll build a Randian nightmare of a school where students are free to kill as they please
What the actual fuck Kaiba?

5ds > GX > DM =V > VRAINS > actual pile of shit > Zexal

Kaito deserved better

Starts okay, falls apart, gets good again. Best girl with the big titties stops appearing because her voice actor got knocked up and they had to write her out of the story.

I don't think I could get through it without nostalgia and curiosity.

That's about the best yugioh hentai doujin out there other than the alt dark magician girl one with joey. All the others are either faggot bait or horribly darwn

The full turbo autism is where Yugioh is the most fun
Watch the original Jap of course, like every other series the dub sucks ass

Hearty kek

All in the name of his salty runback
If there's a greater character in fiction than him, I sure as hell haven't found them yet

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Kaiba is so autistic he decided to make his own Hogwarts based around a children's game.

I only watch Yugioh for Kaiba. He is a special boy and I love him.

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I hate the protagonist's deck after the switches to Neos and Neo spacians. They're far more boring and retarded than E-Heroes.
>Dude you have to first have two monsters on the field to fuse them together and then you lose the fusion during the endphase but that's supposed to be an upgrade to the deck you had because you no longer need poly!!!!!
Fucking spaceman cancer

desu i would love a yugioh rpg game or a board game with minatures and shit but i guess konami is set with all the links money