Can I just say: thank GOD for emulation.
Can I just say: thank GOD for emulation
Other urls found in this thread:
are you even gonna play it or just record webms from the first world for 5 years
dang, do these guys work on anything other than Odyssey?
hey, it's a fun game, im glad you get to enjoy it now too!
Emulated Breath of the Wild already runs objectively better than the Switch - with modifications. What else do you need to play on the Nintensoy Switch besides?
>bing bing toddlershit
Grow up
Wh-What? No! Look, I'm playing it now too, and on my PC! Look at the frame rate! And the textures! Aren't you jealous? Yes, you're jealous! Stay mad!
yikes! soulless
emulation is piracy and piracy is despicable
You sound upset toddler
Yes, Pokemon, Arms, Octopath, and BOTW have all seen significant improvements, the former two essentially being fully playable.
Keep in mind this webm is running on the latest version of YUZU - NOT Cemu, and that it averaged 7 fps in the last version.
You aren't allowed to play that. Turn it off.
Meh, my 4-year-old already beat this game. I guess this is good for people that don't want to buy their children toys for some reason.
If this is anything like CEMU it's already fucking doomed.
you can just ask for the build from someone and yuzu dudes don't care
Honestly I'm done with emulation, specially on current platforms, it doesn't even work that well for GameCube or Wii games, I realized I was spending so much time trying to emulate games and with so much frustration that I just bought the fucking console, it happened to me with Persona 5.
Now I got a PS4 and I don't even play it, but at least I don't have to wait and get disappointed by every new version of the PS3 emulator that doesn't run it well. Also piracy.
Not what I meant. Is it at least Open Source?
>Pokemon, Arms, Octopath, and BOTW
More toddlershit. Why even bother with Nintendo?
I'm really glad it's progressing, I'm really interested in playing Zenoblade II.
>inb4 hur dur just buy a switch
My country is so poor my parents bought me a laptop for school and they're going to be paying it monthly for three years.
Make smash Bros work flawlessly with online then I'll care.
show me some mature games for mature gamers such as myself edgy-kun
This is a pure feel of freedom.
what country?
But Gamecube games emulate really well, the fuck are you on about
Yet PS3, PS4, XB, 360, XB1 emulation is fucking nowhere and 3DS, PS2 and Wii U emulation is shithouse for most games. Really makes you think huh.
hopefully it'll be even better by the time RF5 comes
Yeah I mean
you wouldn't have anything worth playing if it wasn't for consoles with actual video games
North Macedonia
PS3 emulation is doing pretty good so far, several exclusives fully playable
Thank God. Thankfully all worthwhile Wii U games already got ported to Switch, then we can throw CEMU and its faggot devs into the trash.
>console is 18 years old
>first comment
>3 seconds of gameplay
>already see graphical glitches on Luigi's face
>this is a fucking launch title
I get where you're coming from, some games run really well, but fuck this is annoying.
Xenoblade 2 when? It's the only Switch game I really want to play, because of the girls, and I can't justify spending that much money just out of waifutism.
That's so fucking choppy.
It really sucks that 3DS and PS2 emulation are still shit. Wii U was just to play BotW it seems. People paid a lot of money just to avoid buying a Switch there.
Citra runs most 3DS games no problem on canary.
The way Nintenfriends get their panties in a twist whenever emulation comes up is always amusing.
>emulating anything
LOL, be glad you can play Half Life 2 at max settings.
Seething about people not seething. Are you OP by any chance?
The framepacing is fucking horrible. I hope that's just the webm
That's the emulator, same thing happens with CEMU, shit's borderline unplayable.
The only people who care about emulating Nintendo systems are Sony negros that don't even have a PC.
Wrong, you can emulate a game you already have. I have a PSP and MHFU and I'm emulating it.
This is cool, but I can already emulate botw at 60 fps. I can't really think of a Switch title that makes me care about this yet.
Damn that's a shame. I noticed it in previous threads too. I guess they're more concerned with hitting the numbers than actually making it worthwhile
Newfag here. How does Switch emulation work with online multiplayer and motion controlled aiming? Asking because of Splatoon 2.
What are you talking about ? I've seen lots of nintendofags emulate nintendo systems, starting from the NES.
>same thing happens with CEMU
t. third worlder with a shit computer
Yes, it hits 60fps but choppy as hell, good for screenshots though.
installing the emulator now, where do i download the games from?
It doesn't. Since when can you play pirated games online on official servers?
CEMU is proprietary and everything about it and related to it is 2003 Pajeet-tier scamware.
The fact that people use a proprietary abandoned app just to download games (USB helper) is like taking a time portal back to the early 2000s before open source was the standard.
If CEMU was open sourced it would instantly improve 200x.
Xbox Live allowed you to play with pirated copies.
If you expect to play online games with fucking gyro aiming on an emulator you're gonna be waiting forever. Seriously you guys should realize that emulation just works well for older consoles, it's a nice thing to keep the access to titles that are forever hostage on platforms that aren't sold anymore, it's a curious thing to look at in modern platforms, like PS3 or Switch, but don't really expect the games to be fully playable, and fucking online? That's a little too much to ask.
t. guy with a good PC expected to play console games on PC but it was just a pain and they never work well.
It's not 2002 anymore boomer, you can emulate cemu on 1050ti i5 laptop that's somewhere around $550
PS3 emulation is actually really great now.
A lot of games can be played perfectly now even on modest hardware.
You can play Splatoon online through CEMU if you dump your online info.
No online multiplayer at all and I think sploon 2 is still mostly broken.
And considering how yuzu is being done by the citra team, if we do get online it will be a shitty gimped version that only plays with other yuzu users.
Only game I've really tried is Ni no Kuni and it runs really great.
>JUST 550 bucks
I don't think that user can purchase a computer with an graphics card. Besides, it's still a laptop.
Well, I agree with everything you said I suppose. I guess I'll keep an eye on it.
This is what Nintendo gets for releasing shitty 10 year old games in 2018. Underpowered piece of shit gimmick console was begging to have an emulator within a year. Won't even play any of the games anyway because they are all trash.
You are probably one of those faggots who always shittalks Nintendo, but as soon as you can steal the game you're on it
>10 years old
Are you OK user?
Looks like you were so seething that you're still seething.
>paying for emulators
What are some switch-exclusive games that are even worth emulating?
Well since the GBA it has been proved that emulation doesn't have any impact on sales. The Wii, Wii U, DS all got emulators fairly quick. And we all know the reasons for their success/failure didn't have anything to do with it. So if this makes you mad you're a fucking idiot.
Smash Ultimate once it gets ported
that's it
Metroid and...
>worth emulating
Looks like ass
Lol ultimate already is a port and it's shit
only thing i want to play is xenoblade but i aint buying a console for that
now smt5 and rf5 would be a different story, but by the time both of those are out, I believe emulation will be the better option anyway
I love my Switch!
>spending $3000 on a pc to emulate the games of a $300 console
Looks like a 10 year old game to me. Archaic graphics and mechanics. Bare bones trash like all mario games. $10 experience sold for $60.
The Switch is much easier to reverse engineer as the hardware is documented and has been used in several devices before, unlike every other console.
>having to inflate the prices to prove your point
I paid $500 for my computer than can play BOTW in 4k 60fps
>and worse
Emulation doesn't make any sense financially unless you absolutely hate the company you're emulating, and if that's the case why are you even playing their games?
does the switch version have any improvements over the wiiu botw? not in the emulators, just in general
Is this game as good as mario galaxy?
>archaic mechanics
Watching videos is not equal to playing the game.
>he plays games at 20 fps in upscaled 1080p
It runs at a higher resolution which is irrelevant for emulation, that's it I think?
No it's one of the worst games ever made.
Honestly, no.
you left out
>in addition to every other game that can be emulated
So get this, in stead of buying a bunch of consoles and $60 dollar games or having to hunt down physical copies of old games, usually often sold for 3x times their worth because of "collector's value, you condense them all into one platform!
Consoles rot children's minds.
What even is Rocket League? I see it at the top of Steam stats and I have no idea how it plays.
Or unless you already have the hardware necessary to emulate and get to enjoy free games :)
it only has slowdowns the first time you encounter a shader. its not perfect, but its not even close to "borderline unplayable"
Someone needs to dissect your brain to figure out how to achieve the mental gymnastics you manage to achieve.
gyro aiming works on cemu, online works on dolphin and apparently cemu, too . so why wouldnt gyro aiming work on cemu online?
Can you emulate Xenoblade 2 yet?
I got my Switch used and immediately hacked it, so we're on-par in terms of payment to Nintendo. As long as you're playing and talking about games instead of the usual offtopic bullshit, that's all that matters to me.
>try emulating demons souls
>waste time making character
>start game
>black screen forever
wat do?
color buffer thing
buy ps3
m8, dolphin is the best emulator made, im blown away with just how well it runs most games, plus the fact its got an actual virtual memory card that acts as it would in the games is mind boggling.
are there savestates? or can you at least back up saves?
Install Linux and buy an AMD card.
well, that time i got to a video of some guy walking in a dark place, and then it crashed right after. wat now?
Wait, Demon Souls is emulatable now??
>needing save states for Demon's Souls
You kill yourself. You're hopeless.
ive gotten every emulator except a dreamcast one working, idk why rpcsx3 has to be a nigger
RPCS3 will never realistically support save states and even if they did it would be almost unusable apparently due to how large and slow it would be.
Devs have said basically this.
Demon Souls has been emulatable perfectly for a long time now.
That guy might be using Windows and AMD, not sure.
vulkan fixed it
Every modern emulator is gonna be like this until we get some futuristic storage. They're just too large. Best case hopefully we get similar states to PSP/Vita.
>AMD card.
Don't do this.
Has been for over two years.
O shit, I thought i'd never play it without buying a ps3. What emulator is recommended?
how long until ps4 is emulatable
i want to replay bloodborne at more than 8.5fps
>>AMD card.
>Don't do this.
You should do this and install Linux.
The open-source AMD drivers on Linux are better than Windows.
It's soccer with cars
Going by the other 2 installments I played, the game will be full of glitches and intentional unfair malicious bullshit on top of that. I don't feel like replaying whole levels to get a surprise oneshot at the end, slip through the floor or just simply to retry a boss.
There is only one.
If they crack the DRM it might be really fast as you wouldn't actually need to emulate anything, the PS4 uses an x86 processor just like your PC, it would just need a compatibility layer like Wine.
It literally isn’t under any law
Pokken Tournament DX, Daemon X Machina, Smash Ultimate, MHGU
No, thank Yuzu
>it's the game's fault!
This is pretty impressive! Though it still looks a bit rough. I'm kinda sad; I LOVE keeping up with emulators as they progress as you get to visually see the improvements through how games look and run, but even years after they first start up a lot of emulators for newer consoles just aren't good enough to be viable for regular use.
Like are Xenia, RPCS3, Cemu, or Citra good enough yet to really be reliably usable? Without having the highest of high end computers?
don't slip next time retard
Not saying this is wrong as it is a problem with the game, but once your character started to slip, why didn't you adjust your character's movement? It looks like you just kept walking the same way you were walking once you started to slip, and the fact that the character stopped after the first slip gives you a chance to correct your movement before continuing. It just seems weird to keep walking forward anyways.
this one place is straight up safer to do a risky jump than just walk over
does it still exist in the remaster edition?
why keep walking forward when he starts slipping?
>People are actually defending this
Yea Forums really is the most contrarian place there is
CEMU and Citra are very good now.
Xenia has lots of visual glitches and RPCS3 can't run anything worthwhile other than Demon's Souls and Persona 5.
Don't be stupid, no one actually walks in the game, the webm is clearly a recreation of the event but moving slowly to show the exact point of geometry fuckery,
Moving at a regular speed you would have no time to react.
I can't find the keys for Dream Tank Match and I can't dump them. Anyone know a good database for Switch keys?
The dude playing is clearly a shitter. And the fact that he decided to record it for all to see just shows how much of a moron he is.
anyone that has explored Blighttown knows about it, it's not a big deal
The issue with modern emulators is they only 'work' for specific games that are actually in demand. Cemu is a glorified BOTW player and even then has major issues, PLCS3 can play Persona 5 pretty well but not much else, Xenia and Citra are promising but can't really do anything yet. The Patreon model of emu developing has only really lead to inflexible emus so far.
>webm is not 60fps
Mind posting one with evidence. Every time I use an emulator for 2D games the FPS is abysmal.
You run along the branches? I have always jumped them or creeped. Falling down once was all I need to learn.
Scratch that, Citra works fine, I was thinking of Yuzu. That can't really do anything yet but looks promising.
RPCS3 is better than Cemu.
bars are wide enough for you to go through you dumb fuck
It's the best game.
this is only possible because nintendo insists on using 10 year old tech in their consoles.
there's literally a quarter of a second between starting to slip and falling. And once it starts it's unrecoverable anyway.
All of them can play some games.
Xenia can play some games perfectly same with Cita, RPCS3 can play a fuckton of games perfectly and Cemu can play a bunch as well.
Try actually using the emulators before shitposting about them.
>poor shadow culling
>emulation is bad
eat shit.
Legit. I'm not impressed until I see New Donk.
how's the online?
Don't think you can play online.
I wouldnt play this trash even for free.
>RPCS3 is better than Cemu.
lmao are you retarded?
Cemu actually runs games and has plenty of plugins for a ton of games.
Switch emulator will be perfect before SMTV comes out
Is it actually GOOD or does it also need a i7 to run Switch's 2005 looking games?
RPCS3 runs more games.
OK retard
It's not, the guy is running like a 5.0 ghz cpu, the emulation for 3d graphics started on august, it going to be a long journey still, but yeah, mario, arms and pokemon are very playable if you have a +4ghz cpu.
Not the ones that matter.
I have both emulators here. With Cemu I can run Zelda BoTW, Hyrule Warriors and Twinlight Princess all at 60FPS and 4k resolution.
Meanwhile with RPCS3 I can barely run Persona 5, Demon Souls, Xillia 2, or any of the other games I tried. Unless you got a i7 you dont get decent FPS in any game, and I'm not about to get a i7 to emulate fucking PS3 games.
Who the fuck asked to emulate this.
like seriously who plays a souls game without online?? shit is literally impossible without coop
Eh, I dont care about Mario or Arms but I guess I'm curious about Pokemon.
How does Xenoblade 2 work? Super Smash bros?
Thats pretty much what I wanna play.
Octopath Traveler might be worth it too maybe.
Hey fuck you that's literally the only switch game I even intend on trying.
>Not the ones that matter.
yes ones that matter
you're just a fucking retard who doesn't emulate
whats worth playing and playable on rpcs3 besides demons souls?
>Ninja Gaiden Black on PC literally never ever because nobody cares about emulating Xbox and rightfully so
>it's very conveniently not one of those games that microsoft put out for both XONE and W10
>the game's literally trapped on a dead console forever
Kinda hurts desu
Pokemon runs good, but I heard that it has crashes pretty often, super smash and xeno don't boot yet.
3DS is perfect for most of its library retard. Beat both smt games on it
Odin's Sphere worked near perfectly. I only had an OC'd 3570k, too.
How about giving me the names of the games that matters then, fucktard?
should i try playing with magic in demons souls for a first run? in dark souls, it always seemed like you get good spells too late to make the stat investment worthwhile early on, at least without using a guide and already knowing where to get the best spells right when theyre available. because of that, ive never used anything other than basic pyromancy
Reminder there are shills telling you PC+nintendo when every nintendo console is emulated within it's lifetime but call PS4 more of the same despite it being the console with the most petitions for its library ports.
>3DS, PS2 and Wii U emulation is shithouse for most games
Might wanna upgrade your toaster.
All those three emulate games perfectly right now.
"I'm not mad YOU'RE MAD"
get the fuck outta here
There's no point, you're the kind of autist who will say an emulator is shit until it plays 1 specific game you care about. PCSX2 is shit in your eyes, isn't it?
Royal is the easy mode minmax class.
Yes, thank god dolphin exists. Odissey is pretty mediocre, not worth emulate at all.
when I can do 1440p 144hz BotW on w/ an i7/rtx 2070 then i'll start paying attention, but playing games I already played on a system in the middle of its lifespan is a snoozefest
yeah, ive read that magic is kinda OP after posting that. will it be more fun and less of a cakewalk if i do a melee class with a just a little stat allocation into magic?
what year is it
>cant even name the games
Yeah that's what I thought, retard.
>emulations run like shit and need expensive computers to even run proper DS Games
Heres what happens.
Now that all these emuator development teams are making a Patreon page, we aint getting decent emulators anytime soon.
Much like every other Patreon jew they will milk that development time as long as they can keep suckers giving them money.
Cuz really, if they make the emulator work well ASAP they wont have their gold goose anymore.
are you happy with 4k60fps?, i dont think cemu goes up to 144hz
Does Maximo 2and Ratchet and Clank work now without software rendering?
Imagine being poor
>tendies can't meme
>they port a sony meme
Can't make this shit up
you need to go back.
>high end PCs can only be used for emulating a console
>impossible solo
>tfw I solo play dark souls 1, 2 and 3 because I pirated the games and bloodborne because I had no idea how online worked in that game.
Unironically git fukin gud
God? Heh, you do realize hes not real right? Tssk kids these days...
Yeah I'd like to play octopath
>those frame dips
>missing particles
No thanks, bro.
I'm literally playing BOTW right now with a much better gamepad than nintendo could ever hope to come up with, @downscaled 4k with perfect smooth performance that your little console couldn't even dream of. Pretty good game, user!
I also have a trillion other games AND other emulators that I can enjoy whenever I want without any paid online idiocy AND I can also alt-tab to laugh at neckbeards losing their shit over which piece of plastic is superior.
But hey... bing bing wahoo!
>Mario Odyssey is still in bad compatibility
Wew, come back when it moved up to okay
I don't care man, the game will probably be easy if it's not your first time through a Souls. People used to be royal because it was the easiest for first timers.
Yeah man take pride in being a faggot!
og xbox emulation made some good progress last year tho.
How well does Bayo 2 run on yuzu?
>paid more than $1000 to even play a $60 game
how come snoyfags cant even win a single argument?
I know you guys care about Mario and Zelda more but can you please work on getting Xenoblade 2 running in 1080p? Only game I'm really interested in and it's exclusive.
>stuttery shit
>conveniently ignores 95% of the post so that he can delude himself into thinking that he "won" something
the levels of mental gymnastics with you consolebabbies
For reference, this was odyssey running yuzu an update ago.
>doesnt come up with a good argument
man how much winning am I going to endure
Where can I find a safe non-torrent download link for Odyssey?
PC always wins baby.
No one would actually pay money to build a PC specifically to play Nintendo shit dumbass. It's just a plus that we get all the better versions of these games for free, and it's an even bigger plus that it makes you so angry.
Call me when it can emulate Xenoblade 2 and Octopath.
Every Nintendo game is bare bones as fuck you shill
Who the fuck wants to play XBOX/Playstation games?
Give it 6 month to a year. Octopath should come earlier. And unlike console babbies I have a massive backlog of games from steam sales to play in the meantime while you're starving for games asking daddy nintendo for ports.
theres literally nothing wrong with eating cereal as an adult. it's tasty, healthy and easy to make
grow a pair and seed it like a woman you love
>pays more than $1000 to play shitty console ports that barely work so they download barely runnable emulators to finally play games in 2FPS
Stop defending it
Can you play Bayonetta 2 with this emulator?
Why? It's easily avoided.
tried to play one of the pokemon games just a few weeks ago and one of the events at the start of the game was bugged and the fps was really bad when you were outside, has it been fixed since then?
Fanboys are handling Yuzu's progress about as well as expected. Why are you people so bothered by someone being able to play the same game as you a year and a half later on a setup that cost ten times as much that they have for other purposes anyway?
>using emulation to play modern shitty games instead of old, classic, good games
But it's such a pain and whenever I actually tried to torrent, the download wouldn't copy onto my computer for whatever reason.
>>webm is not 60fps
It's encoded in true 60 FPS, but it will erratically repeat a frame every 3–20 frames or so, probably a result of OP not having a capture card and using a software screen capture while the emulator is hogging their CPU.
How badly botw runs on the switch really triggered me. I get that the switch is just a middle of the road tablet, but come on dude how hard the framerate dips in towns are unacceptable.
A 5 year old brought a switch with his own money that he saved, why cant you save user
Emulation is good for people who play video games and I look forward to them getting better at emulating the switch and plenty of other consoles that still haven't been software emulated.
He's right though. If you spent time playing the classics now, then you can visit new games in the future, when they'll be considered classic, and emulation is up to speed.
maybe OP isn't a dumb kid that doesn't know the value of money
you know a PC can play brand new games for $0 right?
literally infinite free entertainment
>boko shield
thats haram
Imagine being so retarded that you dismiss a whole company out of unfounded hate
No, I'm pretty sure that's the only game they released on Switch
>emulating bad if Nintendo McDonald's console but good if other non Nintendo console XD
user normal people don't play that shit. Only Ninty cultists play that and they already have Switch. Maybe Splatoon 2 campaign is worth playing? Splatoon 1 campaign was alright.
>ummm but what about my extremely specific examples?
Stop being a faggot. I recently went through my PS2 backlog and literally every game I tried worked perfectly.
>not having every emulator in existence on your PC right now
If you faggots dont know yet Retroarch is a thing.
>won't be able to play smash, xenoblade, splatoon, pokemon, astral chain, animal crossing, bayo 3, fire emblem, mario maker, etc
Can the emulator run Travis Strikes Again?
But it will retarded onions McDonald's Lord get incurable cancer, incurable aids
the same way you increase the framerate to 60 you can increase it up to 165. good fucking luck getting it to actually run at that rate though. the highest i got was a very inconsistent 80-85, mostly dropping into 60s, so i just capped it at 60
>newfag thinks it is not allowed to use words properly
Lurk more retard
>always get interested in this stuff and cave
>download and play
>buggy shit everywhere and fucked up audio
i seriously hope you dont actually believe this
Reach for some more straws, butthurt Billy
I've beaten every game and never summoned, I've never even felt the need to and I don't have friends
This is truth.
I said "modern", not "modern nintendo", you illiterate child. All modern consoles (and modern PC games) are shit.
>using a buggy as fuck hacked together pseudo-emulator that poorly reimplements tons of better emulators with a goddamn shitty interface
Jesus fucking hell, anyone who actually recommends retroarch needs to have their head examined.
My sister got me a $50 eshop card for my birthday. Love her to death.
I'm usually a cartridge cuck but what are some good digital only games?
And you are only doing it 2 fucking years after it came out and everyone else already played it! Good job!
You cannot do to drm with ps4 discs. You have to get the bios and then rip the discs without removing drm. Also you could use virtualbox to have a ps4 vm but you have to add shit tk virtualbox since the ps4 has shit to check hard drives and you have to emulate parts of the motherboard which would be a pain in the ass.
>Persona 5, Xillia 2
>trying to emulate games that are already on PC
Literally why?
RPCS3 devs are probably more concerned with getting games that aren't already on PC to run, like Nier, Drakengard 3, Ni No Kuni, Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Crown
These are just the ones I have personally played to completion.
I wish I had a CPU good enough to emulate RDR1 on Xenia, playing it on a PS3 felt really shitty, the image quality is so bad that PS2 era games on PC on ultra without mods arguably look better
seething AND cringe, how yikes!
>buggy as fuck hacked together pseudo-emulator that poorly reimplements tons of better emulators with a goddamn shitty interface
It's hilarious how wrong you are. I dont think we are even talking about the same thing.
>P5 and Xillia 2
>already on PC
Lay down the cheap weed, user.