Why can't other PS4 games run at 1080p 60fps?

Why can't other PS4 games run at 1080p 60fps?

Attached: doom.jpg (1770x1080, 398K)

>other ps4 games

Doom is a game you can play on the PS4. It is a PS4 game.

They aren't running on IdTech, the best thing to come out of Carmack's brain before leaving ID, and is probably the most optimized engine currently used in vidya. Of course BethID modified it heavily, but it's built off the original IdTech.

but user, this game is critically flawed BECAUSE it runs 60fps on PS4.
>every encounter is just waves of enemies
>every body disappears after fight like nothing happened
>proceed to the next area
>rinse and repeat
gore is one of the part that made original Doom cool. You can't prove me wrong, don't even try bitch

Even with these points, if you did the exact same thing on another engine (with disappearing bodies, arena-rooms, etc.) it would still tank to 30 FPS at 1080p. Unless the graphics were held back severely.

But they can? I just played Odin Sphere and Overwatch. Are you dumb?

how do you know? arenas in Doom4 are incredibly simple, there are no grass or wind and complex shadows.
It almost feels like some kind demo for engine.

Doom64 is still built of IdTech, isn't it?

Overwatch uses much simpler graphical effects and Odin Sphere is a fucking 2D sprite game.

Shadow of the Colossus, Nioh, DMC, RE7, MGS5.
I'm just guessing here, but I think those are all 1080 60

Atelier Sophie & Tokyo Xanadu

>last gen games

Attached: 1390313017232.jpg (544x691, 49K)

>Shadow of the Colossus
1080p30 or 720p60
last gen port

Shadow is apparently 1080 60 or 4k 30.

That's on Pro, not on base.

It would be utterly embarrassing if a console that sold itself as 4k ready could not achieve 1080p60.

And shouldn't count towards OP's question anyway, given that it's a game a few generations behind. Nu-Doom came out almost eleven years later, and only a week or two after release saw 60fps and 1080 on newer PS4 systems.

Shadow the Colossus on PS4 is a remake with completely new assets.

>remake = last gen

>literally one remake on the list

ah sorry, the shit I read made it sound like it was 60 on everything but that the Pro version also had the added 4k mode.

other than that the only games I can think of are some weebshit (Senran Kagura) and fighting games (everything). Not much.

It's a full remake, not a spit-polished PS2 game.

if it runs on a ps4 it's current gen

Because it is based on an engine that was touched by the godking himself. Optimization is a dead art to game "developers"

higher fidelity generates more sales than framerate

nudoom has both

It isn't optimized for shit. They prerender everything that's why it can run on everything. This also means there will never ever be mods on the PC version. Fuck id software they're cancer incarnate.

DOOM is rare, we don't get polished labors of love like that anymore.

that game would have to do that first pro tip "dynamic resolution" and "55 fps" are not 1080 60

I don't think I've ever noticed nudoom dip in resolution on the ps4.

ps4 =/= ps4 pro
soc is 30 fps, nioh is 720 60 with drops, dmc-re7 drop below often just like re2. MGS5 is probably the most consistent 1080 60 out of those

What the fuck? Do you have a personal tie to the company or are you just a hardcore "fan"? If neither of those two, you're just acting like a baby.

I don't think I noticed wipeout hd dipping in resolution or anything on ps3 even if it used some weird shit with resolution to keep framerate steady. But then again I don't really care.

I noticed the dynamic resolution in Wipeout HD and Wipeout 2048. Didn't see anything like it in Doom PS4.

NuDoom is an extremely unambitious game from a tech standpoint. Enemies aren't even present in the game world, they are spawned in when an encounter begins, and even then, the engine is hard-capped to allow only 12 (!) enemies at a time, and those encounters lock you into an isolated arena. Heck, even the bodies of defeated enemies disappear almost instantly.

Attached: 19812821.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Doom 1 & II, early 90's dos games made by a handful of inexperienced people
>corpses don't disappear
>this is actually used to create cool gameplay mechanics, such as the arch-vile who resurrects corpses of fallen enemies

Doom 2016, a modern game boasting cutting edge technology and a budget of tens of millions of dollars
>enemy corpses instantly disappear
>no arch-vile in the game
>arbitrary limit of no more than 12 enemies on screen at a time

Whew, I'm so glad video game technology advanced so much

Attached: 1549045785357.jpg (660x574, 31K)

>early 90's dos games made by a handful of inexperienced people
>forgetting that carmack had previous software development experience in addition to being john fucking carmack

>They prerender everything

Attached: 1489274001160.jpg (686x750, 60K)

Doom runs at 1080p60 on PS4, but not because of Carmack. idTech 666 is post-Carmack era. This engine became so good because they hired some CryTek guys.

That's good for you. Just a random comment anyway. Mostly play older shit that either runs like a dream or not. As long as shit something that counts stable and not 10fps steady.

Doom isn't an open world game, which makes it easier on the hardware. Games with small environments can also bve better looking than those open world games that must have 100 models onscreen and other requirements that will mean you can't make them as detailed as a more linear game.

>my JRPG #927324 game on the other hand, heh, the bestest game ever!!!!!

baked lighting

the vast majority of modern games nowadays have baked lighting anyway, I remember being able to interact with some luights of Shadow Warrior 2011 and that's it

this its shitty game and looking the sequel gameplay its even worse

and how many support mods?


You're thinking of the megatexture thing they use, not the baked lighting. Baked lighting has no effect on the modability of a game.

So? Why are you moving goalposts?

2D games have not been technically impressive since the PS2 at the latest.

And? You were asking why other games don't run at 60fps and you were proven wrong.

It does if they don't provide actual engine tools. Doesn't that snapcity shit they provide have an infinitesimally small tile limit? Then there's open world light/weather cycles that'd take a millennia for a PC to render, no doubt.

Are they still using megatextures? I thought that was a RAGE experiment, and considering how well that game went...

Wasn't there some talk that maybe they were going to add mod tools in the new NuDoom game? id used to support modding, this new style of them where you get a shitty map editor and that's it just sucks. Also fuck you Carmack with that "modders are too stupid to understand our engine" remark, that's such a bullshit excuse to do lip service to the Zenimax higher ups who are probably pushing this shit.

That's kind of ironic he'd say something like that considering his background. If we're being frank after reading the book about id I'm more or less under the impression that he's not the big deal everyone makes him out to be.

I don't keep up with Doom though, in all honesty I don't find the engine particularly impressive. I especially found the gameplay awful.

he said that the engine is too advanced for people to understand, something like that