Epic Games Store Development Roadmap Includes Wishlists, Mod Support, Cloud Saves & More


>Announced on March 14, the Trello board shows a large list of features that are coming to the Epic Games Store. These features will hit the store in waves, with some features being 1 or 3 months away and other features coming in 6 or more months.

>The first new features that Epic plans on adding in the next few months include the ability to search by genre, a store page redesign, improved DLC support, and cloud saves. Coming later in the next 4 to 6 months, Epic wants to add user reviews, wishlists, additional currencies, play time tracking, and an overlay.

>Beyond 6 months, Epic is planning on adding achievements, a shopping cart, automated refunds, and gifting games to other users.

Now can Yea Forums stop crying?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not on your life, Chinese pig-dog.

>Now can Yea Forums stop crying?
No until they explain this shit.

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>ability to search by genre
lmfao they actually launched without this?

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>6 months for achievements and fucking shopping cart
How is it a multi-million dollar is so slow at adding essential features

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stop shitposting

real talk, have there been any developments since tim sweeny's first reddit response to the illlegal collection of steam data? or is "we swear we are only collecting friends and not sending anything to headquarters until you give permission" still where we're at? has media picked up on the story? rumors of lawsuits yet?

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It almost feels like they were pressured by circumstances to do this, rather than organically committing to this, because of this was an organic decision then surely we would have had something like this much sooner.
Also, the fact that some of these are being paraded as achievements of progress rather than missing features that should have been there in the beginning is just sad. But at least they are trying, better than just perpetually dripping one or two features at a time.

no shit. tim is on record saying that the feature lacking store was perfect as is.

>Shopping cart 6+ months
>Wishlists 4-6 months

Shouldn''t these be super easy to implement? Why are they medium and longterm goals?


they have other more important stuff to focus on right now

Fuck off chang, nobody buys your plebbit tier deflection.

>3 paragraphs
>gay tag line
Exact same format as those posts from that shill that has posted 200 of these threads since December. Still not installing your shitty spyware, chinky.

Stop fucking linking kotaku you asswipe.

lmao so now we have early access stores as well as early access games. No thanks botnet.

>Mid Term (4 - 6 months)
>User Reviews

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Why would they ship without this shit lmao. Also they're still gonna pay people to be on Epic exclusively so none of this matters. Also kys spammer

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Hey noobcakes, you’ve posted enough threads that you should know to pastebin kotaku.

>Why would they ship without this shit lmao
same reason all other stores ship without every feature that Steam has you underage smoothbrain. They take dev time to develop, and dev time costs money. you want to ship without the non-essential features first so you can start getting users and money.
> Also they're still gonna pay people to be on Epic exclusively
they're not paying people in the way you think they are. they're called minimum sales quota deals. they are helping the devs, and it is actually an investment by Epic.

Is there a reason to like the Epic Store other than zoomer Fortnite-induced stockholm syndrome and holding certain games hostage?

In light of recent events, I feel pretty vindicated about not liking this ChiCom bullshit launcher from the get go.

As long as Tencent or any Chinese shit is involved, no.

Fuck off.

at this point posting "chink", "chang", "bugman"/"bugmen", and "tiannamen" should be instant bans

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>they're not paying people in the way you think they are. they're called minimum sales quota deals. they are helping the devs, and it is actually an investment by Epic.
They're giving them a big pile of money then saying "any sales you make up until this number we take 100% of the money" so they are paying people in the way people think and they're not helping anyone since there is no residual income, once the pile is gone they're shit out of luck until/unless the games sell really well.

If you were familiar with Epic before the whole Metro thing then yeah you probably would've rooted for the Epic store because Epic was a good company. The exclusivity deals are also a shitty reason to also not like it, besides the metro exodus one because they literally ripped it off steam. Now after it being found out that they are illegally collecting every bit of your steam data without your permission no one should be able to like it though.

not enough games to fill all popular genres

>they're not paying people in the way you think they are. they're called minimum sales quota deals.

Everyone knows what they're doing to pay out to devs. That's still a a fat sack of cash to devs for exclusivity (and usually it's to games that are almost done so they barely help development). An actual 'investment' by Epic would be them buying devs and actually taking the risk of completely funding new games

sorry your internet is censored so much winnie the pooh

leave winnie the pooh

>literally censoring it
tibet winnie the pooh etc

Free Tibet

>They're giving them a big pile of money then saying "any sales you make up until this number we take 100% of the money"
learn how to speak english you retard. a minimum sales deal means that if the game's sales don't pass a minimum number of units then Epic will make up the difference in revenue. And yes, this is helping the devs. the devs are taking these deals because they project a decent chance that their game will flop hard. taking epics deal means that they have at least a safety net. if they do sell well and Epic doesn't have to pay anything that doesn't mean Epic didn't help out. Epic helped hedge against the unpredictable future and provide the devs with some security.

Did someone get Tiggered?

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你好 Bugman Chang! What are your thoughts on the events that transpired on 4th of June, 1989 in the Tiananmen Square of Beijing?

Free Tibet, Bugman, Dalai Lama, Tiannanmen, Chink Chang Chong China, Winnie The pooh

Tibet Bugman Lama Tiannanmen, fuck China.


Now this is Epic.

Hope you get filtered off by your communist surveillance state, Chink.

oh, cool, it's nice to see Epic adding features to their store.
Now then, when are they going to remove the feature where they try to steal my passwords/personal information/etc.

>learn how to speak english you retard.
Are you fucking retarded or something?
>if they do sell well and Epic doesn't have to pay anything that doesn't mean Epic didn't help out.
That's exactly what that means you numbnuts.

so is anyone going to answer my legitimate, non-shitpost question or is all Yea Forums can do is post "hurr chinaman" even though my question is against Epic?


>nothing but basic features
>Six fucking months

How embarrassing.

You asked four questions chingchong-user.

nice damage control

no im not retarded
>any sales you make up until this number we take 100% of the money
this phrase makes 0 sense. this is why this is an 18+ board you underage faggot
>That's exactly what that means you numbnuts.
again, 18+ board. thats basic business.

Don't pretend that it dindn't take a trillion years for Steam to add features.

>a minimum sales deal means that if the game's sales don't pass a minimum number of units then Epic will make up the difference in revenue.
That's exactly what he said you retard

Why couldn't the Ebin Game Store launch with all these features to begin with? You'd think that competing with Steam being their primary goal, they'd want to at least be on the same level with what they're up against.

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I didn't know that adding more controller support, Proton, allowing Steam Link to work anywhere in the world (not just locally) and a new network API to allow devs to run dedicated servers weren't features

China already blocks Yea Forums you fucking retard, the only Chinese who could possibly be posting here are evading that block or not in China. All you do with posts like these is shit up Yea Forums, you're not ejecting anyone.

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This has to be an Epic shill, or a chink trying to raise their social score

At this point Steam vs Epic threads should be considered flamewars and deleted like console wars.

So is it going to take Epic another fifteen years to be on the same level as Steam is today?

>search by genre/tag
>another 1~3 months to implement

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>this phrase makes 0 sense
"This number" is the minimum sales quota figure that'd be different for every deal, if they've paid you up front (which they have it's how the deal works) then you get no revenue for the copies you've sold that they've guaranteed since you've already gotten that money. Are you legitimately retarded or do you not know how the deal you're defending actually functions?

>thats basic business
Do you not understand that if they take a huge chunk of money to finish a game forfeiting the bulk of the game's profits that there is no sustainable way the devs can make another game, so either they get stuck on Epic welfare for the rest of their lives which is unlikely, or they can't make any more games. How does this help a developer?


For multiplayer games Steam has some nice services that Epic isn't even close to replicating.

Still not gonna use it. I dislike Chinese spyware that has actual proof that Tim Sweeney is a lying faggot and went ahead and scraped everything

Remember, since Epic compensates devs if they don't make sales, piracy is morally justified since not only do you not get chinese spyware, but Epic also foots your bill

It also took a huge amount of work for steam to build trust.

Because they’re retards who aren’t trying to compete by satisfying the consumers. They clearly don’t recognize that steam isn’t their biggest competitor.

According to comparitech.com/privacy-security-tools/blockedinchina/ Yea Forums is unblocked, but I found that during a 5min search so take that site with a grain of salt.

try harder chang

It's over, Epic shill

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Search isn’t a priority when you have 30 games

explain why it digs through a private steam file instead of using its api, dickhead.

They're an opt in review system for the publishers. Ie completely worthless.

It doesn't even matter. Lets say it's not blocked, lets say the filter exists, with how often you mongs attempt to trigger said filter, why the fuck wouldn't they just block this site? China has blocked things for less.

I keep seeing this image posted with a defense of Epic. I am convinced there are definitely shills in addition to the usual shitposters

>Now can Yea Forums stop crying?
Who would even buy from Epic store if there's already so many other stores? Personally, I hate that Epic is trying to force it on us by getting exclusive with games but fuck it, I can wait a year for a mediocre game.

So what? Steam actually had to conceptualize those tools in the first place. Epic on the other hand is going to take ages in a glorified copy-paste operation.

So I'm completely justified pirating since Epic Games paid for my copy. Based Tim

i guess the roadmap doesnt include removing the spyware

>Damage control on Yea Forums

Fuck off chinese garbage, go to play Diablo Immortal or something

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Yes, if anything it's morally correct to pirate them as a means to lower the GDP of China and help free Tibet. If you buy Epic exclusives you're helping subjugate Tibet, you wouldn't want to do that right?

>they get stuck on Epic welfare for the rest of their lives which is unlikely
the fuck? you have no idea what you're talking about. They aren't stuck with Epic. their deal only is restricted to this one game. Yes, even with Epic making up the difference, if their game flops then they will have a hard time funding another game, they will be better off than if they didn't get any of epics money. i don't see how you can be so retarded.
>forfeiting the bulk of the game's profits
the fuck is this supposed to mean? they aren't forfeiting any money.

i didn't say it didn't do that did i dumb esl-kun. That shitpost image doesn't show EpicGamesLauncher digging through your steam folder. it just shows EpicGamesLauncher being a normal piece of software

I asked one question, "are there any developments?" and then specified with some examples of developments im looking for.


>Epic store competition was meant to make Steam better
>The only store improving is Epic Store to get on Steam level of service
So before i can see some actual competition i need to wait another years? Nice

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>Launch store with far less features than your main competitor ensuring you'll have to play catch up with them
>Make big moves against them anyway
what the fuck where they thinking? why not slowly build up your storefront to a respectable level before pulling risky shit? were they worried people would forget they exist once Fortnite stops being so popular?
It's like a kid goes into PvP at a low level in an MMO, gets upset that he gets his ass kicked and then spends real money on powerful gear to compensate while he slowly levels to where he should be
you did this a few threads back shill, you got blown the fuck out then too

>i got blown the fuck out
you wish dumb shitposter. the only responses I ever get are "hurr chang"

Half of this shit the should have been in the initial launch in the first place. But at the end of the day it's still Chinese spyware

Third party APIs change constantly and you have no control over them.
Steam's config files, on the other hand, haven't changed in years.


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Epic Games Launcher reads every steam file you have though and parses every bit of into a binary format though.

well said comrade, i love censorship as well.
Fuck those democratic values their rotten society is based on, we will prevail
Now excuse me i have a funeral to attend, my son died in an escalator accident last week


And why exactly does the Epic Game Store scrape a fuckton more data than your friends list, including games played data and wishlists? How convenient that data like that would be useful for Epic trying to determine how best to fuck over Steam to poach its users

Tim Sweeney thinks Steam only carries and sells Valve games, and that Epic is the first store to carry games from multiple publishers.

I wouldn't trust anything that comes from his deluded head.

>deleted like console wars.

>including games played data and wishlists
what the fuck doesn't do this?

去你妈的 shill.

I'm pretty sure no other programs on my computer scrape Steam's data. Also Epic's own claims are that the data scrape it only for use when linking friends lists

how much more spyware they have on their roadmap?

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>Linking to kotaku

Gonna boycott Epic just for that.

Why does epic need this data?

chink, chang, bugman/bugmen, and tiannamen

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Weird how a company releases some random PR drivel that they couldve done when they launched but instead waiting until they needed to bury some unsavory news about their product, next theyll be saying their product has come out as a homosexual man. tienanmen square poohs leave

Instead of using Steam's invasive APIs that could lead to holes in the software and lead to unnecessary security leaks Epic is using a safer method of collecting your data that steam carelessly leaves lying around. on your computer that protects the consumer.

is this Epic's official response or is this what you shills have come up with? either way lmao

tfw just gonna buy all my games full price on steam now to spite the chinks

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Wrong choice user, just pirate all EGS exclusive because Epic already paid the devs for your copy

You literally could see all 4 games they had when they released without scrolling down

>a basic flipping shipping cart is going to take six months
What the flip

Well, of course I wont buy anything with a hand in Epic

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>achievements being 8 months away
hahaha ohnono, They clearly don't know their audience, They should've launched with that shit.

Tim said he doesn't want to user the api because it's a security risk. But he also thinks steam only carries valve games, so who knows what the fuck he thinks he's talking about.

Is that live footage of Dante fighting aliens in the new dmc?

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

>Yfw they took my shitpost literally

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why hasn't this thread been nuked yet? more than like 80% of the replies are shitposts

but why haven't they gone bust without them?

fucking jukebox poster

Epic pay Hiro for the privilege to keep their shill threads from getting deleted.

>Stop shitposting in my shill thread!
Not today, Chang. You aren't censoring this one.

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calm dawn Ying Pink Chong, almost no threads on this board are actually about vidya
If you want vidya go to page 10 and try to bump up some of that shit

escalator references are always the best. where are the elevator references though?

>Now can Yea Forums stop crying?

Not when they're >pcgamer.com/valve-doesnt-sound-too-happy-about-the-epic-store-copying-steam-data/

too bad I firewalled all epic domains

Based and chinkpilled.


Truly based.

Tianamen Square Massacre