ITT: Games that aged well
ITT: Games that aged well
too much fucking bloom
Dreamcast graphics just look nice.
How alive is bf3 and bf4 nowadays?
Yeah I always hated the overdone bloom/lens flare of bf3.
2nding this big time, damn game looks like it came out in 2015 when it came out in 2011. The art style and gameplay is top notch and was sensational for the time. Its 8 years old and I still regularly play it and it doesn't feel clunky, in fact I prefer it over BF4 which I thought felt like shit compared to 3.
10hz tickrate coded into the engine
You can find servers for BF3, theres more in europe but the US has several that are still functional and active most of the time. There was this one I loved that played the classic rush maps but its currently empty which makes me bummed because it was loaded 24/7 less than 6 months ago.
BF4 still has a boatload of servers to choose from, only thing you might have trouble finding is more obscure gamemodes like carrier assault. Theres still All DLC servers too.
Dead Space
Do you know if BF4 is more alive on PC or PS4?
>Literally unable to fix m+kb controls no matter how many different fixes I apply
I've changed the .ini, I disabled vsync entirely, I enabled vsync through Nvidia, I enabled triple buffering, and it still feels like I'm waddling through mud when aiming with my mouse.
Obligatory Mirror's Edge
Because it's made for a controller you retard. Get one and use it with the game. The whole point of having a PC is so you can use the best control scheme for any game, and guess what, it's not M+KB for that game. So grab a controller and quit crying. I swear the supposed "master race" is functionally retarded. I bet you'd try to use a M+KB for a fucking fighting game instead of a stick, too.
BF3 is the last good BF since 2142, wish they had made all the BF4 stuff into BF3 DLC instead of killing it off with an inferior sequel
Dead Space 2 controls beautifully with kb+m. All shooters do, you dumb motherfucker, there's no reason for it to control as poorly as it does outside of incredibly lazy porting.
My 360 pad broke and they're insanely overpriced now.
thx i have to replay it now
The general rule is that for the large majority of games, they're more populated on console, since way more people are playing games on console than PC. I can vouch that BF4 in particular is still really popular on PS4.
>Dead Space
Theres your problem, it's not a shooter. It's a survival horror.
It's a TPS. Are you pretending to be retarded right now?
it's objectively better with kbm sorry
You need to understand where the aim point is, it's not just the center of the screen, it originates from your hand on a ball joint - the way I describe how it feels anyways
Dead space, even today the graphics look great.