Which is worse, fapbait incel gaming news or pink haired tumblr journalism?
Which is worse, fapbait incel gaming news or pink haired tumblr journalism?
"Journalists" in general.
He really is angry isn't he
Both are incredibly obnoxious and I wish there was a single place on the internet post-gamergate/2016 election to talk video games and not REEEEE about politics.
Why the fuck would you ever want to see NRS women in any state of undress? NRS is completely unable to make women that don't look like men.
since injustice 2 they have been doing well. also pic related is fixed cassie. skarlet still looks uggo. looks like she will be the token tumblerina.
pink haired tumblr journalism by a landslide.
Pink hairs have more power and influence
The incels don’t fuck up games that they have zero intention of buying, and don’t have the power to fuck as much shit up.
What’s the highest profile thing homeslice here has fucked up?
The current designs meAn more focus on the face, which is even worse.
Literally just remove hipsters from the gaming industry and it would fix itself overnight.
>no dood games are ART they need to have le epik cinematic story with shoehorned current events metaphors so I could RELATE to them
Either report the facts, or do proper investigative work.
No articles about boobs or lack there of, no articles about how "problematic" something is, or how some SJW boogeyman exists in the trenches of some company or blah blah balh.
>that clear plastic top
[new fetish acquired]
Outragefags in general should be handed a blindfold and cigarette
If they want to profit off of being idiots, they should just become clowns
No, their attitude is that games are a product designed to appeal to the broadest audience possible. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Only thing you could ever do that will make these companies change.
I also don't see what's wrong with the quote in the picture.
>right side of history
Fucking hell, I thought that was a meme. Are modern liberals really that far gone?
They're both the same shit, just for different audiences.
So fixed Cassie is still ugly?
Yes. Its not really a meme if its real. Just visit Seattle or Portland. You learn just to ignore it like the rest of society who voted not Hillary. Really wished Biden would have run but whatever.
Those two.
They derail any real discussion about the medium.
>Doesn't post image of her cleavage
he is a dumbass the costume has been in the game from day one
V is super cute.
Exactly my fellow user. When I play my game where women tear each others faces off with laser guns, I want my entertainment to have a deep and meaningful story that touches all the modern political issues.
This was basically all of Injustice 1/2 for me. Wonder Woman was probably the worst offender
with such small breast the cleavage might not even exit
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