vidya redpills thread
Vidya redpills thread
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Trial and error shit doesn't outclass anything
Why do people insist on prepositioning their threads like retards?
is this the birth of a new epic meme?
>garbage indie games (sans Cave Story)
>better than any Mega Man
Pick one.
it's an update to an old cringy meme to help it become based for the modern Yea Forums-poster
Megaman still has better bosses than all of those combined (maybe not CS's last boss but still).
The real redpill is its ok for sone games to be better than others because as a fucking neet you have time to play them all and still shitpost on Yea Forums
I haven’t even heard of those games other than cave story.
Neets are the only ones that actually play video games. Wagies don't have time to play video games so all they do is shitpost on their phones.
>more wordswordswords than work put into the visuals in a fucking image format
How to spot a shit image macro 101.
I only played Halo 1 and 2 for the first time a few months ago and CE's campaign just plays better
3's multiplayer just feels like a slower worse version of halo 2 multiplayer.
I work 6 days a week as a salesman and play let it die every night lately
god I wish I could go back to having all that free time
>crying mad wojak actually representing speaker's opinion like he should
Is there hope for this tortured soul to finally be memed right?
>lol that block that looks like every other block kills you the game
>literal who
>not even in the same genre
>IWBTG but on NES
>better than MM2, 3, MMX and MMZ
Quality pill, my man.
>Basic is bad
>get job
>get wife
>get child
>get house
>get groceries
>get 401K
>get health insurance
How since I have one life, and everyone here will be dead, gone, and forgotten in a blink of times eye anyway, that we all just do whatever the fuck we want to do with our lives, as long as we're happy and don't hurt anybody. Sound good?
>having a partner and buying groceries is consumerism
lmao the absolute state
A-am I doing it right?
thanks doc
not video games fag
Came here to post this.
Imagine adopting such a blackpill view of the world just to justify being a less than worthless individual.
Imagine having to cope madly because someone on the internet said he has different priorities than you.
>it's a niche genre/it's for a specific audience only
You have to be a literal autist, contrarian, or have nostalgic feelings in order to fid it good.
the most important thing in life is to make sure you're miserable and in debt like everyone else
I finished both of those at about the same time and feel the opposite. BRs being super common means you can headshot everyone to death the moment you see them sans the bugs and the Elites. Having to grenade spam and mag dump all throughout CE wasnt fun for me
You deserve a medal, doc
fpses are violent despite what people say
you are not wrong
Soon he will realize mindless video games don't make him as happy as meaningful social connections and living outside of your mom's basement would. When he graduates highschool
Need a stronger dose doc
wats up, user?
I'm not butthurt you're butthurt!!
what the fuck is this template supposed to convey
Not even a red pill, just a basic fact. The old megaman games feel like watching Citizen Cane for the first time now. Feels like you’re just playing though almost overly done tropes of this style of game but can’t blame ya can’t blame the games because it’s where those tropes came from in the first place.
Yea Forums growing up and stopping with the cancerous
>I am smug so I win
bullshit that attracts normaltards.
Thanks doc
Here's mine: Halo ruined FPS games with aim assist and recharging health/shields.
>hurr durr vídeo games have an age limit
It’s called a FREE market
Cave Story literally never outclassed anything. It had a sense of style and was cute, but that was it. Boss design, level design and game length were completely uncompetitive.
>as it proudly defends its fixation on overpriced electronic toys
On top of that, "I'm not hurting anybody, let me do what I want!" is always the slogan of society's lowliest vermin
Trannies, furries, hoarders, landwhales, the incestuous, and loser geeks like you are all cut from the same cloth. Sad
Doc, this dose is too high! It's too much for me!
Because it gets replies.
BRs are unironically fixing this by giving you items that you have to use to recharge your health/shields/armor or whatever you want to call it.
>vidya redpills thread
The new Deus Ex games are an abomination and betray every core principle of the series.
Digital distribution is the final boss of video games and what will eventually kill the medium as we know it all together. Valve is the harbinger of the destruction and Steamcucks are the biggest cucks in the history of cucks for taking the big fat jew's cock so deep and praising him for it.
>deleted for a dose too big
>vidya redpills thread
you could say the same for metal gear
Stop projecting
I don't get it.
classic MM was outclassed by MMX 25 years ago.
Why didnt anyone ever steal the good parts of Halo and only ever stole the shitty controls and consolized elements? The only game that ever tried was UT
>"actual human interaction is more fulfilling than being a gamer dweeb shut-in"
>scientifically proven fact
>"y-you're projecting! sh-shut up!"
thank god you used wojak instead of literally anything else
Better yourself then.
You're in the wrong.
I don't even remember the boss battles from HR.
I think RPGed the first guy, if the woman was the one where the was the electric grid, I don't remember how I killed here, either grenades or Assault Rifle, the Jew in the maze I think I shot with some sort of granade launcher or shotgun, and the mainframe I think I also just used the assault riffle.
The DLC on that oil rig, I killed the final boss by accident as I threw in a poison granade to weaken him and that knocked him out, I think
You're sexually attracted to Tucan Sam?
Jokes on you, I'm over 30 and still haven't realized that yet.
I don't even like fighting games, but where is the connection here?
''Fun'' is not the best parameter to judge a video game. Tons of good games are not 'fun', like Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Alien Isolation, Manhunt, most horror and survival games. Lots of VNs too.Fight me.
There is literally no functional difference between buying a game digitally though a DRM client on PC and buying a physical disk that can only be played on a specific console.
>b-but my wall of DVD cases and cartridges
Ones and zeroes, faggot. No different from information on a hard disk. And the company that makes them is just as free to brick your console and restrict your access to their games as any DRM storefront on PC is.
PC will always be superior to consoles in the long term because it's easier for pirates and crackers to steal back control the games from the company that sells them.
There are no bad persona games.
there are no good persona games, that especially applies to IS and EP fags
Yea Forums hates undertale exclusively because it was popular, thats it
Danke Doktor
>if you kill him you'll be just like him: The Game
Yeah man, just magically become a superhuman god who shits fucking rainbows overnight! Totally possible! Just become a Rocket Surgeon Stemgineer Esquire! You're worthless if you're not a SUPERGOD!
Yea Forums has always been a bunch of singleplayer-fags, they can't handle the fact that someone is better at them at vidya despite ruining their lives spending thousands upon thousands of hours playing them.
Yea Forums is pretty good at literally who fighting games though
well, i can't disagree with that
Sure, fun may not be objective, but it is a determining factor for replay-ability, thus enhancing its lifespan. If a game isn't fun to you, why bother playing it again?
Based on your examples, would you consider a haunted house to be not fun by virtue of being purposefully designed to scare you and leave you vulnerable? Because that's how a lot of people have fun.
You don't have to like it, but you shouldn't invalidate those who do.
The UNIst lobbies are good cause it is a small dedicated community who shockingly, play and talk about the game they like. Most of this board just wants to be part of something, without actually putting any effort in. Lobby threads couldn't live like that, and because the brand is small enough people didn't feel the need to attach themselves
>the vocal minority in gaming (i.e. Yea Forums) doesn't matter and shouldn't be pandered to
I love Kass!
I've been given permission by Nintendo to marry him!
Me and Kass are officially getting married!
This counts as a vidya red-pill, Kass is from Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Nintendo is a videogame company!
Exept in the case of physical distribution you actually get something real in return, in 20 years, you will find the old copy of DMC5 your friend lended in your drawer and provided you have a working PS4 this same copy will play just as it did back in 2019.
If you bought the game on steam all you did was tip a fat jew for the privilege of an icon displaying on a virtual list and you can't even be certain daddy Gaben will let you play it in 10 years. Might aswell pirate the game and back it up on an HDD.
Ironic post as you've shown yourself unable to accept different opinions.
It would be better to say video games have to be "entertaining" or "engaging" rather than saying they have to be "fun." I understand why some people would have a problem with "fun," because it gives the impression that every single game has to be bing bing wahoo bouncy fun time and there are plenty of great games that aren't like that at all.
But every good game has to be engaging, keep the player interested and involved in some meaningful way. Something like Silent Hill might not put a smile on your face, but it will keep your interest.
>I'm better than you at video games!
>And by video games I mean 2 or 3 Street Fighter titles.
I was thinking of this. When I look at some people's life, yeah, I would love to live that kind of life. Being outgoing, experiencing things etc.
But those people can have that kind of lifestyle not because of their actions, but the environment. Upper class, living in a good place, really good looking, rich, etc. Hanging out, havings friends, making experiences sounds and looks good looking at those people. But in my life? No. I'm average looking. With a ton of effort I could maybe get some average looking girl who does not really care about herself. Getting drunk at some random bar gets boring. I could go on
In the end the lifestyle choices depend on the circumstances, not the other way around. I have more fun being a shut-in playing video games than if I tried to pursue a lifestyle I will never achieve
only applies for shit that is actually opinions and not facts
you're going to have to put a wojak on that or get out
Allow me to redpill you on the Halo series. You objectively cannot refute this image.
that's literally the message of the game. it's made on purpose. It's a game that makes you look at a common enemy like a person. That's a very good thing, we don't see a lot of games with these mechanics.
>you have to be a genius polymath to get a job and talk to women
>meanwhile actual cripples and mental defectives can get laid and find work
are you even human?
Swap Halo 2 and Halo Reach
Swap ODST and Halo 1
Did you even read my post? You can't prove the image wrong in any way. I'm sorry.
But I just did?
Better list for you
>God Tier
Halo 3 ODST
>Top Tier
Halo 2
Halo CE
>Mid Tier
Halo Reach
>Low Tier
Everything else
Everyone laugh at the insufferable faggot who chooses to blame society for his fuck ups.
Life isnt gonna throw you a bone because you bitched a lot, man the fuck up and do something about it.
You don't need some crazy degree to be hired at a minimum wage job, and you dont need to be attractive to get a girlfriend.
I know ugly fat motherfuckers who are with 10/10s because of their confidence, charisma, and outgoing personality.
They also make up for their fat by being well groomed.
No one will give the fatguy a chance if he smells like shit, has pubes on his greasy neck, and only talks about vidya or anime.
You're a failure if you choose to blame others and not yourself.
You didn't user, your post wasn't the objective truth like the image I posted.
Mega Man was always pretty damn trash except a few of the X games.
here's the biggest redpill
a game having politics is totally fine, and if you disagree with the message so much that you sperg out then just don't play it. Peace Walker was the most blatant propaganda in AAA gaming and yet no one gives a shit.
Put it in comments.
Then block his images when they come through by resolution, md5, filename, and the rest.
Congrats, you killed kassfag.
>just world
childish logic my man
>meanwhile actual cripples and mental defectives can get laid and find work
man i really hope people stopped with this meme. i know at least 5 virgin guys above 20, all of them are decent looking, no mental illnesses, have/working on a degree, not even short or anything deflective.
i know a guy with msc in compsci who could barely find a job. and no, he isnt an autist, had the best grades in the class.
every time i see this "hur dur there are crippled people enjoying life" i just want to fucking punch you liar faggots in the face. life is shit for the vast majority of people, struggling to find some shitty job and maybe once a year fuck some skinny-fat bitch who does nothing but smokes weed, watches netflix and complains on twitter.
i know you are trying to be positive and all but life is neither easy or good for most people so stop with these delusions
What are you on about? Tumblr art style is objectively horrendously bad "art" and should be purged from the world.
Vanilla WoW was objectively a shit game precisely because 2/3rds of its classes were unusable. The only thing that made you think it was good was its half-way decent community, which has been dead and gone for over a decade, and it isn't coming back with classic servers either, since everyone will be a tryhard minmax faggot and all the mystery has been sucked out of the game (and genre really) by datamining faggots like mmo-champion.
>Might aswell pirate the game and back it up on an HDD.
Did you even read my post? Piracy is the only way to preserve games in the long term, and digital distribution on PC benefits pirates because it's easier to crack PC DRM than it is to develop a console emulator.
how so
>how so
relay the plot of peace walker to me
Yea Forums doesn't hate Undertale
thats what im asking you
I really feel sorry for people who think getting laid and living on minimum wage is some sort of badge of honor. I'm no neet or anything but there's much better things in life than having somebody make your peepee feel good.
this, tank controls are thing of the past
>you shouldn't play vidya you're too old
>you should be more adult
>*watches 5 hours of TV a day*
Merci doc
Pokemon will never be good; for the sake of selling copies to braindead retards and toddlers, it will always remain linear, low effort and uninspired.
>but there's much better things in life
like what
Women don't want to talk to you because you are unemployed. You can't provide for them or a the kids they want.
How the fuck are you not finding a job in this economy? The recruiters comes to you right now. Go throw some resumes out there and when you get your starter job actually fucking try. You don't even have to try hard, you just have to try a little bit to be better than most of the assholes you are working with. Go sell cars or something.
I'll still defend Mankind Divided, not as a deus ex game but as a game. Superb hub-world that I've explored fully in like 5 playthroughs just to get swole ASAP.
Shame the ending comes so fast, but at least once you learn of how to get the alternate ending it's hilarious each time as the big bad stares you down in awe at what you're about to do.
Everyone knows this, the real problem is that these people hang onto the false hope that they'll ever improve, they don't, and then they buy their games anyways.
when you read this post then remember you have a 290lb friend who's gotten laid and has the physique of Newman and Kramer combined
Like playing vidya
haha, its time for the sandwich!
Halo was at the brink for starting a trend on gaming of using RTS like artificial intelligence to drive the characters so you can have an emerging story, but the game industry blatantly ignored it and just copied the worst parts of the game and made em even worse.
remaster with good camera controls when
False equivalence. Trannies and furries are almost always pedophiles. Landwhales are a waste of resources and sister fuckers give birth to literal retards who do nothing but waste more resources.
The only thing loser geeks do is shitpost on Yea Forums.
life is fucking shit unless
>you were born rich
>you are extremely good looking
>you are exponentially smart
>you live life as a women easy mode
literally everywhere are see happy people are either born to wealth, are good looking or were just born smart. everyone else is "depressed" and "does not understand why" when its fucking obvious. you feel shit because life is objectively shit, thats about it
Move Reach down to low tier
Move 2 up to God tier
Move 5 up to top tier
There, it’s the perfect tier list
and by the way, wojack isn't funny.
Explain to me why halo 3 should be god-tier
explain post ironic cringe culture to me
Fighting games aren't made with longevity because the publishers care more about getting their game into EVO over anything else. I don't know what the boomerposter is on about though.
>t, muppet who literally never played the original games.
BEST Yea Forums thread
Because its good
It's not as hard to get laid as you think.
Don't bother with Tinder if you're not good looking though.
What's really hard is finding someone who will love you afterwards.
t. 400 lb mentally ill loser who still gets laid every once in a while
That's not far off desu
I'm pretty objective about it because I played as much Halo as anyone that owned an Xbox and/or Xbox 360 without having ever owned any Microsoft consoles
If you don't use Tinder, then what do you use?
A good example of post-ironic cringe culture is deliberately using frowned-upon mannerisms with no intent of inciting a shitstorm.
Like if I claimed that Griffith was an epick villain who betrayed his friends for teh lulz, that would be post ironic.
But you can have both, that's what a hobby is.
>you're and
stopped reading RIGHT there
Videos games are a waste of time
Negativity is a better outlook to have than positivity and nihilism is an inevitable end state of the search objective meaning. It is better to live with a negative or cynical outlook than enforce the delusion of positivity.
>reddit spacing
>"I know 5 or 6 guys who are fucking failures"
>"th-they represent the majority, everybody is as miserable and sad as they are!"
Even if you aren't lying (unlikely, given how overdramatic you sound) 5 or 6 virgin failures are not representative of society at large.
And you didn't disprove my point. We KNOW for a fact that actual retards and freaks can lose their virginity and get jobs, so something must be genuinely wrong with your imaginary friends that makes them dysfunctional, simple as that.
>picking an arbitrary number like 24
>false dichotomy of you can only play video games or have a more “productive” hobby
>only applies for shit that is actually opinions and not facts
The large majority of things that are considered "red pills" on Yea Forums match this
a.k.a. retarded conspiracy theories
As if negativity can't be delusional?
>newfags still dont know what reddit spacing actually looks like
Used to use chat rooms, now I mostly use Discord and /soc/ though it's been a few months since I've gone looking. You can also use Leddit and "traditional" dating sites.
I'm sure only looking on the positive side has never once caused horrible fuck ups out of unwillingness to look equally at the bad side of things. This is valuing feeling good over living in reality. It's an egomania fueled cope.
It can be, but "Just B positive bro" is advice about enforcing your own delusion. Observe things and judge them to the best of your ability. If you find you are more often wrong than right, change your outlook.
Another salted noob that's, too this day, picking bits of magnum rounds out of his skull
>a.k.a. retarded conspiracy theories
Those are actually not opinion based at all. They may be false, but they certainly aren't subjective.
Capitalism has overtaken the light of culture in society. Art or media in general if you don't consider videogames as an art form, are produced to be as profitable as possible like any mass production factory. This is what Adorno and Horkheimer called the culture industry.
The reason why all videogames, movies or music look and feel the same and are low risk uninspired dull products is the result of profit dictating production as companies will seek to make whatever sells.
The profit motive completely annihilates creativity and ideas that seek value and beauty. Genuine art has an organic impromptu that can't co-exist with the meticulousness of capitalist culture.
>Being a nihilist futilityfag
>muh priorities!
You got a genuine laugh out of me. Never stop posting friendo
Art is arbitrary and anyone unironically attempting to advocate for a system of less efficiency because of "Art" needs to have a good long look at its arbitrary nature and question whether art that is designed to appeal to people is really less worthwhile than art that is designed to appeal to the author.
But I have a job in software development, a girlfriend I've been with for 2 years and my own home and I'm 22. If you're fucked for work/money it's not videogames screwing you.
Of the big three Western publishers/devs Ubisoft is the only one that listens to feedback and actually implement it. They’ve also been very good at sticking with their multiplayer games even when they’re struggling. They were also better at using the Wii U’s gimmicks than Nintendo during the first year of its life
>not being a nihilist futilityfag
The morals of the world are collapsing around you and we're coming to take your spooks, either join us in the "It doesn't matter anyway" pool or hit that post-irony swerve so hard you go crazy.
>>nihilism is the inevitable end state of the search for objective meaning
you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
>the sun rises in the morning
objective, proven
>the earth is shaped like a sphere
objective, proven
>water is wet
objective, proven
>life has no point
subjective, based on fee-fees and desires
>life has a point
subjective, based on fee-fees and desires
Most people live to be 70-90. Imagine settling down 5 years after graduating high school or even conceivably immediately after college.
this tbqh
Ehehehe, he still believes in the existence of proof.
>jacking off to the human girls in pokemon
LOL are you fucking stupid???
Thanks doc!
Sure, if you just latch onto any meaning arbitrarily, you'll avoid nihilism, but you'll be engaging in arbitrary devotion.
>game need to sell 999999999999999999999 trillions or else its considered a failure
fuck capcom
>based on fee-fees and desires
Stop thinking an individuals life counts as "life". Look at the whole, see that it doesn't go anywhere or do anything of value beyond containing suffering. Which it only uses as fuel to achieve its nothing goals.
there is no positive side, you are either genetically gifted and enjoy life or you cope with "finding a purpose and meaning" to life which does not mean anything, you just cant enjoy life because you arent good looking or rich.
there is no blueprint happy people unlocked, they did not find a meaning, they enjoy life because their life is objectively better
Halo, good
What halo inspired, really fuckin bad and the cancer that's killing FPS
Grazie dottore.
Yea Forums needs this pill badly
>We KNOW for a fact that actual retards and freaks can lose their virginity and get jobs
no they cant, i literally never seen that. what ive seen since i was 5 year old is good looking people from good backgrounds have it easy and other people try to find excuses for struggling when in reality they are just genetically shit
What if I have a gf and a job/ under education and still have time to play Vidya and shitpost?
you're dumb
Aren't redpills supposed to be uncomfortable truths?
I don't think anyone started to praised Skyward Sword after BOTW. I haven't seen it at least, minus maybe some "SS Zelda was more delicious".
the real redpill for most of you sad fuckers
>wojack edit
And Earl
This wpuld be true if its premises were true. But Yea Forums doesn't hate Undertale.
>have wife
>have child
>have very good job
>own my own house
>own 3 vehicles
>have social life
>b-b-but video games ruin you!
Having a hobby doesnt mean you spend all your time doing it.
thanks doc
>Faces of Evil was better than Ocarina of Time
you heard it here first folks!
that charts refers only to the 3d games
Mmm yes better get back to watching Eastenders and The Voice like a real adult
>No fun allowed
FFXIII is actually the best Final Fantasy game
>Actual strategic combat - anybody who says otherwise hasn't played it past the first chapter
>Great music
>Deep lore
>Emotional human drama
>exciting set pieces
>intense boss battles
>actually useful summons
>beautiful environments
>Levels designed for you to experience the plot at optimal pace
>Best open world
Would agree if it wasn't for Amelia and i want more art of her
you want something that makes me sad
here's something that makes sad
2 old friends talking about how they will have to kill each other, talking how neither can negate what will happen next, only for a bloody meaninglessness shit show to happen next
Jon was in the wrong
Wrong image
Redpills aren't supposed to be blatant lies, user. The only truths you stated are
>Great music
>actually useful summons
>beautiful environments
The rest is bullshit.
That wasn't even the mentality, even in comparison to their other PS1 games the Legends series didn't do that well
> he fell for the normie meme
>>look at the whole
>I have to look at the entire human race, billions of disparate people with their own goals, social statuses backgrounds, etc, as a unit to understand your POV
That is illogical.
value and suffering are also subjective. What would actually be a valuable accomplishment for the human race to you?
>the normie meme
The meme that is normies or the meme devised by normies?
top zez
>I Wanna Be The Meme and its clones outclassing anything
Perpetual shit taste. "Hard" ≠ good
Same, if you can't be fucked to proof read the shitpost you're making, I'm not going to bother reading your armchair psychologist horseshit.
Fuck outta here, there's no room for logic on this board.
We DO say that for MGS4 onward.
Mario please...... stop feeding me viagra............
an erection insn't supposed to last more than 4 hours, please mario
Gracias doc
>full of gays
>treats homosexual romance as natural
>next game has gays too
>Majora's Mask is worse than OoT
Sure pal.
I thought redpill's were supposed to be hard to swallow, this is just fact
>Majora's Mask is worse than OoT
it true tho
People pour billions of dollars into pushing agendas, dont be delusional.
Don't you feel ashamed for tying that?
>effeminate men aren't better at being mindless consumers
All games are bad.
They’re better at being traps is what they are
>mfw i'm 31, own my own apartment in manhattan, have a well paying career and my girlfriend literally buys vidya for me
Sjw agenda is part of globalist agenda.
Oh yeah like watching football suddenly makes me a man of culture? Faggot.
Thanks doc
so am I supposed to take this like suppository, doc?
I do have a real job and a girlfriend, but I still like to play my PC and Switch from time to time, even though it takes the back seat to my more personal projects/endeavors.
you rent or own?
>IWBTB, Copy Kitty, Cave Story, Battle Kid
>Outclassing the Blue mother fucking Bomber
Take a Cyanide pill boyo.
>m-muh sportsball
That you defaulted to this retort tells me exactly what kind of person you are. You're either a blimp or a skeleton, and your father is eternally disappointed that you never got into sports.
>y-you're projecting
my father was a lazy, bookish nerd
Explain why
Here's a redpill for you!
As if you could possibly have meant anything else in that trite, shitty edit of yours.
Thanks doc
>It’s called a FREE market
Individualism has failed everywhere it's been tried.
Please don't bring Copy Kitty into your shitposting.
Merci beaucoup, Docteur.
고마워요 의사양반.
TP was a piece of shit game & the worst in the series, every other Zelda does things better then a previous entry but Twilight Princess is mediocre as fuck, horribly paced & was outdated as soon as it came out due to the horrible graphics. There isn't a single memorable moment in that game aside from all of the SFM Midna porn. Which is why Nintendo realized that edgy & mature styles are terrible & had to go back to the Cell Shaded style forever. TP hate Wind Waker out of jealousy that there game was forgotten & looked at as a black sheep, whereas WW has caused Nintendo to adopt the Cell shaded graphic style as the trend for future Zelda games
Yes, but it takes time. It's about to fall apart so we should have fun while we can.
BotW is the best 3D Zelda in the franchise and the last good one before that was Majora's Mask. FACT.
it's just a shit game you retard. having a stupid gimmick doesn't make it good.
Damn, I have similar feelings for Halo 4.
It is a seriously fucking ungraceful game, but it has a lot of heart and I can't help but appreciate it for that.
MegaMan 11 doesn't even compare to MegaMan X. If anything it's creation was just nostalgia bait and a piss poor attempt at making fun of mighty no 9 even though it was initially capcoms neglect towards the franchise that gave inafune's turd attention.
It's all so tiresome.... Also nice wojack faglord
Mobile gaming and microtransactions is the future whether we like it or not.
Obrigado, Doutor.
i want to fug pearl
dzieki doktorze
Fuck no. Sun is decent, but it's a "jack of all trades master of none" game.
Yo~n has the best graphics and polish any Compile art game.
Fever 2 has the best graphics of any SEGA art game, as well as some of the best side content thanks to the letters, plus the best story mode outside of the anniversary games thanks to having 9 storylines in total.
7 and 15th have the best music in the series.
15th/20th have the most gameplay modes.
Whether you like or not eventually all video game companies want video games to be treated as a service that never stops draining money(MMOs) rather than as something to give to Consumers to play and then move on to the next game like any product should be. With the invention of the internet this is truly what they always wanted.
That is why it is important to support good single player games not pirate them.
So if you pirated good games like Devil May Cry 5 but then complain about no good single player games being mean but rather battle Royals and it's your fault
But Mega Man literally is trial and error
There is an SJW agenda but it's not "the joos", but shit being as the usual.
The pampered princes of the world, the sons and daughters of the elite being extremely retarded and getting into the most stupid cult they can find.
And as they have money and power, they use it to shove themselves into whatever they can to force the newest crap.
When it comes to 2D games, I agree.
This ruffled some feathers
Twilight Princess is better than Wind Waker though.
You mad, bro?
Why isn't wojack and pepe posting a bannable offense
If you're in a state of infancy at 24, its not video games doing it. That's yourself not maning the fuck up and doing what you need to. Your hobbies are by definition not productive, and they aren't supposed to be, they only become a problem if you are totally consumed by them.
Yea Forums can't handle the red pills
The true fucking redpill
Life has been much more enjoyable the less time I spend with friends I found who come to this shithole and instead actual have normal well-adjusted lives
Why do you leftists support white genocide?
>Yo~n has the best graphics and polish any Compile art game.
Visual Novel stylised is a fucking cancer
>Fever 2 has the best graphics of any SEGA art game, as well as some of the best side content thanks to the letters, plus the best story mode outside of the anniversary games thanks to having 9 storylines in total.
Those Letters and Storylines can't be salvaged if only 2 characters in the entirely game aren't overly annoying
I have also played F2 and read all those Letters and it didn't change my perspective on any of the roster and the only interesting detail i round was that appearently Yu really wanted to die
>7 and 15th have the best music in the series.
And Sonic 06 also has a bangin soundtrack. Not a weigthy argument
>15th/20th have the most gameplay modes
long island master race here to call you a stupid kike
Wait, what's the opposite? Do you think there's a difference when we're both in the ground?
>Visual Novel stylised is a fucking cancer
Nigger, are you really going to say Yo~n isn't one of the most visually polished games in the entire fucking series? Even if I prefer the stylization of Fever/Fever 2, Yo~n has some fantastic details that should never have been removed like unique puyo popping effects for every single character and new garbage icons up to one fucking Trillion garbage puyo.
>Those Letters and Storylines can't be salvaged if only 2 characters in the entirely game aren't overly annoying
>it didn't change my perspective on any of the roster and the only interesting detail i round was that appearently Yu really wanted to die
I mean, this is mostly just your shit taste. Aside from having garbage dub voices, I can't think of any characters from Fever who (at least until 7-onwards) were worse than characters from the Compile Era. Even Gogotte, for being the most bland and forgettable Fever-era character, is still only as forgettable as someone like Panotty or that one kid who rides a dragon from Sun.
>And Sonic 06 also has a bangin soundtrack. Not a weigthy argument
What? If the point I'm making is about music, then yes, it's an argument. Besides, that, we're not talking about Sonic games here. Sun's soundtrack is pretty boring with the only standout tracks being the OP theme, the VS mode theme, and that unused "Botsu" track.
One person had a better and more fulfilling life than the other
Can you guess who?
daaaaaamn a epic meme looks like THIS?!
you can tell how worthwhile someones gaming opinion is by how they feel about rockstar games
No, and neither can anyone else here.
Fucking this. Current gen is the best gen in video game history. Last gen wasn't exactly the worst (that honor goes to 5th gen) but still pretty bad, especially the beginning. We're currently in a golden age of gaming that people will look back on fondly in 10-20 years.
>people taking back green NO PICTURE AVAILABLE anonymous
Based and redpilled
You can actually
Because the nihilist spends his time moping around and not trying to achieve anything or kills themselves
Because race is a social construct putting any effort in preserving something so ambiguous as "race" is a waste of energy and resources. Class is something tangible and material as it is based on property and wealth race, on the other hand, is an idea made up of bullshit, mysticism and more bullshit. Also yeah there are plenty of black people smarter than you.
>but muh genetics
Yeah, I bet you have of plenty pseudo-scientific shit.
Thanks, Doc
Doctor Mario is better than Puyo
>There's a middle ground between being overly negative and critical about everything and blindly accepting the world around you.
>ambiguous as "race"
Black people are black
White people are white
Those in between are mutts
Not too hard to understand buddy
Singleplayer? Sure. Not multiplayer.
Fuck communism but you're absolutely right on race. It is unironically a social construct. And for the record I'm not an SJW and don't think gender is a social construct.
mega man isn't basic run and gun
gunstar heroes is basic run and gun
i wish mega man was more like gunstar heroes
People like games you don't
and thats okay.
You can’t trick me Jew, I’ve seen plenty of people get gfs without a job.
True, but ethnicities aren't.
>"cringe" is the modern equivalent to "epic fail"
The problem is most people who spam wojak and pepe and call things cringe don't actually remember demotivationals, rage comics, etc because they were underage.
Why are you faggots so delusional about Nintendo? Why is an underpowered overpriced shitbox like the Switch acceptable?
>It has games
If you don't like Mario there's fuck all for you. The eshop is full of the lowest shovelware filth imaginable.
>Nintendo isn't normalfag as shit
only other comparable area was late 90s-early 00s pc gaming where most games were targeted at a pc audience, not console ports
This is just an "unpopular opinion" thread.
asians are mutts? there are 3 races retard. negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid
Thanks doc.
How do you explain sickle cell anemia and the disproportionate amount of Monoamine oxidase A genes in the black population?
Kiitos tohtori!
Nintendo simply does not make that many memorable games anymore and for you people to still praise them as if this is the 1990s and early 2000s are seriously delusional
You know what I meant. I just didnt list every individual race.
I was saying that mixed raced people were mutts.
I can agree that being on this site can make me negative when I'm on here, but usually in a fun way. I don't think it's a bad thing given that I'm naturally positive irl/around other people. I'm only negative when I'm alone and really depressed and get lost in my own head about it. That's the real bad kind of negative which has been a thing since way longer than I've been on here.
If anything my girl is the one who is too negative and she doesn't even use this site.
they're the furthest away from the rest of humanity in terms of genetics
look at this image like an isosceles triangle
asians and whites at the two top angles, blacks at the bottom angle furthest away from the other two angles
What the fuck are you shilling you stupid gook
Stay away from my dog.
Where do u live?
if you live somewhere that isn't growing fast where jobs are being handed out like candy then it's your own fault
There's nothing wrong with selling older gen tech if you sell it at a reasonable price. That would be like calling the gameboy "an insult" because it doesn't do 3D graphics. You also usually see the best exploitation of previous gen tech on consoles that skip a technology leap. The Wii for example gave a 6 year extension to the PS2 era of games and the kinds of games budgets and ideas that you don't see anymore on current gen tech.
As an addendum, I think your "redpill" could be true for people who live on /r9k/ though. That board is actually depressing. /pol/ can also be depressing at times, depending.
Can somebody edit out the Wojack?
I just asked a question faggot maybe I'm looking to move to a place like that. You Indignant nigger.
>billionaires and millionaires don't try to influence politics with their money in any way
red is the wrong color here, you should have colored it blue
>race is a social construct
>class is not
Not him, and I don't buy into the white genocide bullshit, but you got it all backwards, user.
Race is likely not a social construct. Evidence shows that we're hard-wired to gravitate to people who look like we do (or at the very least like our parents do). Is that detrimental to society at large? Yeah, probably. But it's a natural instinct.
OTOH, class IS a social construct. Why? Because money determines class, and money is a social construct. Money only has value because most of the world believes it does, but nobody in their right mind would try to upend the system.
>whites bad
>but blacks and Jews good.
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?
>anti white shill throwing out the "I'm not an SJW line"
Why do you leftypol subhumans want a white genocide?
If you're garbage, sure. I was able to get to a boss without dying when I was a kid.
Why does leftypol want a white genocide and worship niggers?
>Evidence shows that we're hard-wired to gravitate to people who look like we do (or at the very least like our parents do). Is that detrimental to society at large? Yeah, probably.
Why is the individual at fault if society is working against the natural desires of its subjects?
Basically with the advent of irony as a popular means of communicating ideas in a facetious fashion means you're immune to criticism because it's all just a joke and irony. We've now hit the point where since irony is such an easy default defense mechanism, people get embarrassed or outright offended by sincere, genuine thoughts and find it "cringey." And instead of addressing these points in a similarly wholehearted fashion, it's easier to say they're "cringeworthy" for not hiding behind several reaction images and strawman greentexts to convey their points in reverse through a bizarre game of meme pictionary.
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?
Even worse, they want an omnicide. From their viewpoint, all races must surrender their individual identities and conform to mutthood.
jesus why is google reverse image search so shit now? yandex found me a source on that instantly
Why not use the user version?
They're failed males who think their only strategy is be complete sycophants to feminist agenda and globalist to get just enough power or influence to score some pity pussy.
Yea Forums loves Undertale, Yea Forums just hated it from 2016-early 2018 because it was popular
Undertale came out four years ago what the fuck
>Spent some time with my family
What is wrong with people
I didn't scroll down fast enough to see it.
If so, why does Yea Forums worship bugmen, who are just as far away from the European Master Race™ as the niggers?
I mean I wasn't really making an anti-white post so you should cool it with the accusations and maybe take a Yea Forums break.
That's not true, all leftists hate the white race but worship Jews, Niggers and non whites like gods
Technically that is the only way to achieve a singular ethnostate without genocide, mass deportation, or eugenics.
It's fun in coop
What are you talking about? Measure the pixels in that image.
Whites and Asians are 104 pixels apart.
Whites and Blacks are 240 pixels apart.
Asians and blacks are 328 pixels apart.
because if you have a pc every console is an underpowered overpriced shitbox
Fuck off reddit
absolutely fucking based post, the /r9k/ tards need this fucking badly.
>Implying most shit is even good enough to earn praise let alone be good enough to envoke positive opinions on
Yeah no
This is true but the redpill is too big for Yea Forums's tiny pencil-necked throats
If you want to maintain civilization there are some instincts we have to suppress, overcome or sublimate. Sappy as it may sound, we have to work together to be comfortable, secure and fed.
>t. lib who wants a mutt ethnostate
Not that you're wrong...
It's not the objective truth. Halo 2 is not as good as Halo 1. It's flawed.
But art and culture has been dominated by the left for decades.
the fuck
big difference between leftists and liberals
art and culture have been dominated by liberal capitalists
oof and yikespilled
That's starting to change these days. People are more openly expressing conservative viewpoints than any other point in this decade.
The nu-hipster age is coming to a close.
>big difference between leftists and liberals
redpill me on this.
>Daily Dose
>more like Nostalgia Dose
i'm surprised there are people in Yea Forums that know what those colors represent
People love Japanese games because they desperate crave a homogeneous society that Japan provides
wait, the OP wasn't at fault for this one
this frog is cruel
Maybe Piccolo and Vegeta are really gay for each other and are a fan of having anal sex in the mountains.
it's a difference between social and economic issues
leftists are communists first and foremost
you can be a commie but also hate niggers, be against immigration, and love the whole right wing social platform
liberals are chiefly concerned with social issues and most are not communist
Ok but which ones, and is suppression right by principle of suppression? If people feel like aliens in their own lands, why would you continue to force this agenda when all of world history shows that this is against everyone's wishes?
ASSAFAGGOTS require a level of investment, dexterity, and knowledge that ironically makes its fans less casual than the average Yea Forumsirgin
Being up to date on the latest wojak edit getting dumped all over Yea Forums does not keep you from being a casual
Smash newcomers shouldn’t be formulaic.
Cuphead is the best game of the past 5 years, or at least in the top 5.
Smash Ultimate gets boring very quickly.
Brawl is the best Smash.
Sonic should be in his classic form in Smash.
Video Games will never be taken seriously as an art form, just like animation, no matter how hard anyone tries, or how many agendas are pushed.
Pokémon is very boring.
Fuck off, cunt.
Nintendo is the onions platform now.
Sony is the good goy platform
Xbox is the conservacuck platform.
Only PC remains redpilled, until the end of time.
Thanks doc
Leftists, feminists and liberals are the worst corporate tools in history of mankind.
If you actually believe that
Much obliged, physician
>borderlands 2 being fun is an uncomfortable truth
>wojack isn't funny
It can be and often is.
>darkie has a shit opinion
Like clockwork, or in your case cuckwork heh.
that opinion is sensible though?
granted it's a tripfag talking but it's still a correct opinion
I have a fine art degree, am 30 years old, and the highest ive made is 22k a year (current job as an exam proctor at a university). 1300 job rejections with a well designed resume :^)
Would you pay someone $80,000 for a year if they had zero experience? Nobody starts at the top. Or the middle. All the degrees in the world would make for a nice little fire. If you have never worked you may be smart, you may not. You might be a great worker or you might show up late every day and not do shit. And no matter what I know you have to be trained so now I lose more money showing you how to do your job.
But yeah, pal, we should suck your cock because you got a degree and know how the world works at 23. I'd say try it and see how far you get but you already see. Nobody is going to take a chance with that money on an unproven kid. Period. And if you can't get a woman it's 100% you. You aren't going to find one sitting there bitching about games.
>commie leftists dominate art
>"wtf why does all this art sucks? it must be the capitalists fault..."
Pinkos, not even once
maybe there is hope for Yea Forums
>but it's still a correct opinion
1. That doesn't make sense, opinions cannot be correct, troll
2. lol
Read a book sometime, you troll.
Any PC game that wasn't ported to consoles is irrelevant literal who garbage that nobody has ever cared about & will remain forgotten as the years go on. Blizzard shit being the lone exception
I met a retard like you back in community college. He started to make fun of a sign that says "Curing cancer tomorrow starts with you today". I told him that it was silly to make fun of that. He immediately shots back "YEAH, WE'RE REALLY GONNA CURE CANCER TOMORROW, AREN'T WE?! How does it feel to eat your own words, huh??"
The point of the sign, my dear retarded teaboo, is that one day you will be that god, but it's going to start with hard work that you need to start doing today. Putting it off will only slow you down, so you need to work on yourself not "next monday" or "tomorrow", but today.
I've known people like you, user, and let me tell you something you may want to hear even though in your heart of hearts you wish for it to not be true. All those people I've met who said these things like you said? They were right, all of them. The more years that go by the more I realize they were right. That's not to say never try, but it is to say that sometimes, we're just fucked and there's nothing we can do about it. The blackpill is the ultimate redpill.
killer7 is a good video game
read baudrillard
thanks doc
>You’re and
it’s been a while. Can we be nostalgic for older Yea Forums?
thanks doc
That's why they made X, making a new classic MM was just Capcom going for the safest and most nostalgia fueled option they could think of.
Each MM series builds upon its predecessor by expanding the formula, just look at Zero/ZX, they should never have returned to classic.
Cmon my dude this is a nice meme dont ruin it you fucking cunt
>"I'm not hurting anybody, let me do what I want!" is always the slogan of society's lowliest vermin
>Trannies, furries, hoarders, landwhales, the incestuous, and loser geeks like you are all cut from the same cloth. Sad
Yes, because they're the ones who get told that.
Fine, faggot.
Holy fuck how can someone suck so much. Actually I know, I had friends who couldn't beat Megaman in school. Nevermind people are retards.
what? you seem pretty occupied with how others live their lives, you assume that he just mopes around shitting on other people with his bullshit when it is, in fact, you who does those things.
Just continue to cope and live your life based on how others view you instead of having true freedom, whatever it may look like, I guess. It's funny how a poster on 4chinnel is so rent free in your head
>People are more openly expressing conservative viewpoints than any other point in this decade.
13% of the population commits 50% of the murders
I mean sure it's fine when it's actually a part of the game's story and not shoehorned in
my negro fucking 10/10 bait
Love how this post instantly triggered defense mode on a bunch of insecure losers who missed the point, no one can be entirely cynical all the time and no one is saying that being it is wrong either, the only thing this guy ever did was expose your insecurity with a post that purposefully misses the whole picture. Now pic related is what an actual redpill looks like.
Even that is not entirely correct
fever is a fun mode and the newer puyo games have a more interesting artstyle compared to most puyo games (except yon)
You mean like how a blatant mary sue was shoehorned into the story of PW and the rest of the game was an extremely awful anti-nuke message?
thanks doc
The best mario game is better than the best sonic game.
The worst mario game is worse than the worst sonic game.
Overall Im not sure what to think.