Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Attached: 1517498422654.jpg (1646x2020, 952K)

holy fuck the cringe of that pic.

wtf is on that guys head with the water getting poured on him

That's literally cardboard made by Nintendo that costs 80 dollars


Dmc is fun and not on the shitty switch :)

Attached: 3737483992282.jpg (2560x1920, 1.6M)

why is the sony man yellow

. . .

Attached: ..png (688x758, 63K)


He's right ans you can't refute it.

hahaha what the fuck?


Attached: 1519170980153.png (1160x1265, 617K)

>t. 12yo brazilian monkey

Attached: 151712412342.jpg (496x376, 47K)


>still uses the basedboy wojak

Attached: youmustbekiddingme.png (258x204, 113K)

>PlayStation """games""" are so boring that sonyfags find shitposting on Yea Forums more entertaining

Attached: 5147198719874.jpg (1111x597, 145K)

>basedbro instead of basedboy
still, wojakposters are all redditors

Attached: laughingwalrus.png (559x553, 327K)

Attached: 237.jpg (680x1156, 156K)

It is not allowed. Now go back to resetgaf.

Attached: Untitled.1.png (924x595, 236K)