ITT: Vidya characters that look like you.
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March 16, 2019 - 19:41
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March 16, 2019 - 19:43
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March 16, 2019 - 19:56
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March 16, 2019 - 19:57
Are you me?
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March 16, 2019 - 19:58
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March 16, 2019 - 20:00
Like V, but uglier. It aint exactly great living.
Attached: 10933_DmC5_V_d06dce38187ff661bed68ce30126ee5e.jpg (950x633, 54K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:00
Attached: [email protected] (370x320, 30K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:00
Attached: me.png (470x469, 489K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:01
That's right, I'm you.
Attached: astolfo2.jpg (661x882, 113K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:02
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March 16, 2019 - 20:03
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March 16, 2019 - 20:04
I wish I could participate in this thread but there's almost no video game characters of color for me to identify as because of how white-male-dominant the gaming landscape is, so the closest I can get is a freakin call of duty character...
Attached: Prophet.jpg (1366x768, 216K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:04
I just lack a big brother figure to follow around.
Attached: TailsFromSonictheHedgehog.jpg (600x383, 50K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:05
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March 16, 2019 - 20:06
The Crackdown 3 guy? Dudley? Balrog maybe?
March 16, 2019 - 20:06
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March 16, 2019 - 20:06
Attached: literally me.png (610x917, 1024K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:07
Attached: 07c.png (640x360, 374K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:07
damn premature gray, i look like a club kid faggot
Attached: haseo-hackgu-vol-1rebirth-6.79.jpg (210x240, 17K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:07
Except 24 and not asian.
Attached: Saejima.Taiga.full.577101.jpg (1500x2125, 406K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:08
>mfw I realize I browse Yea Forums with all these cuties
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March 16, 2019 - 20:09
i'm straight, but i really need a cute trap gf
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March 16, 2019 - 20:09
Hey man, Prophet may be ass to play against, but he's a cool dude
March 16, 2019 - 20:09
Attached: 1515393754111.gif (270x160, 1.5M)
March 16, 2019 - 20:09
Add 50 pounds facial scarring and make him freakishly tall.
Attached: kane.gif (640x480, 77K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:11
They are too African looking and I'm Caribbean black.
March 16, 2019 - 20:11
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March 16, 2019 - 20:11
I honestly don't know any characters that look even remotely like me
are there any bald manlets with 5 o'clock beards in vidya?
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March 16, 2019 - 20:11
this but with black and shorter hair, also the same social life
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March 16, 2019 - 20:11
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March 16, 2019 - 20:12
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March 16, 2019 - 20:12
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March 16, 2019 - 20:13
Why are there no skinny vidya characters? It always ranges from average to fat
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March 16, 2019 - 20:13
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March 16, 2019 - 20:14
Mostly the greasy hair though.
Attached: dbfcb1a16a9a5dc6e8546da41de5684b.jpg (400x416, 51K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:15
ugh all the black people or NIGGERS as I like to call them, get out of my board
March 16, 2019 - 20:15
Hey look, it's me
Attached: Rattman23.jpg (360x450, 54K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:16
Attached: but not asian.png (1000x1000, 766K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:16
Can someone explain this London thing to me?
March 16, 2019 - 20:16
London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, is a 21st-century city with history stretching back to Roman times.
At its centre stand the imposing Houses of Parliament, the iconic ‘Big Ben’ clock tower and Westminster Abbey, site of British monarch coronations.
Across the Thames River, the London Eye observation wheel provides panoramic views of the South Bank cultural complex, and the entire city.
March 16, 2019 - 20:19
There was a tripfag from london who would say "Please be in london" any time there was even a hint at a girl existing.
March 16, 2019 - 20:19
Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 109K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:19
But with shitty beard and even worse at talking with people
Attached: takuru-miyashiro-chaos-child-83.9.jpg (210x240, 18K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:19
not telling which one!
Attached: Eko_Portrait_AH3.png (499x700, 230K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:20
>even worse So like Takumi then?
March 16, 2019 - 20:21
I sincerely do hope that asian chick lives in london, though
March 16, 2019 - 20:21
Just add 150 pounds desu
Attached: Nobunaga_Oda_(NAS).jpg (640x906, 568K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:21
>hes trying to become a normalfaggot kill yourself, you're the wrongsider. if you're not a takumi you need to get the fuck out of this board right now
Attached: 77.png (200x200, 198K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:22
Attached: 4timesaday.jpg (727x800, 57K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:22
Nah, I get out of my house for stuff that isn't eating or school
March 16, 2019 - 20:23
chaos;chads ww@
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March 16, 2019 - 20:24
I can't name one unless you can find me a character that is both athletic and shorter than average, because as far as I can tell, my body type goes unrepresented.
Makes cosplaying a bitch without resorting to high school anime bullshit.
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March 16, 2019 - 20:24
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March 16, 2019 - 20:25
Pretty much this guy, though unfortunately no black upper lip.
Attached: Hitoshura_Human.png (450x811, 1.41M)
March 16, 2019 - 20:25
>dude this anime character is totally me!
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March 16, 2019 - 20:26
never ever
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March 16, 2019 - 20:26
Atleast I don't look like Scooby
March 16, 2019 - 20:27
Why are all Takus in VNs so goddamn good? >Takumi from C;H >Takuru from C;C >Takuji from Subahibi
Attached: takuji.png (1000x1252, 1.11M)
March 16, 2019 - 20:28
Attached: fatman.jpg (1280x720, 62K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:29
Without beard, but with second eye.
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March 16, 2019 - 20:29
Because o-taku
Attached: thinking.png (558x371, 404K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:29
reminder that this is the worst girl
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March 16, 2019 - 20:30
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March 16, 2019 - 20:30
With a shittier chin, chubbier and garbage haircut
Attached: file.png (462x609, 339K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:30
i always make my custom characters look like me. i like it
March 16, 2019 - 20:30
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March 16, 2019 - 20:30
The guy from Axiom Verge is skinny
March 16, 2019 - 20:32
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March 16, 2019 - 20:32
i'm 5'2
Attached: bardin.png (591x902, 436K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:33
now that's a good girl, fuck serika. who thought that killing your friends family would be a good idea
March 16, 2019 - 20:33
If you look like Alex Yu hmu
March 16, 2019 - 20:34
There's a fix for that
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March 16, 2019 - 20:34
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March 16, 2019 - 20:34
man I didn't understood what was going on there at all, especially when serika suddenly appeared in takurus void
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March 16, 2019 - 20:35
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March 16, 2019 - 20:35
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March 16, 2019 - 20:35
But less attractive and in normaler clothes.
Gotta show skin when losing all the weight didn't improve the face.
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March 16, 2019 - 20:36
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March 16, 2019 - 20:39
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March 16, 2019 - 20:41
Attached: mad.png (1280x720, 379K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:45
Not me but my friend looks similar. Not sure why he fucking changed his hair from black to blonde now he looks gay as fuck instead of emo.
Attached: ash.png (393x740, 151K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:45
>itaru is like the universe >constantly expanding Best quote of the whole series
March 16, 2019 - 20:47
I always thought I was average height until I saw how tall Little Mac is.
Obviously I'm not as jacked as he is, though. Yet.
Attached: Little_Mac_SSB4.png (1200x1200, 1020K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:49
>you're a loser if you like one of the best films of the past decade dude are you even trying
Attached: crazy mask.png (1244x932, 839K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:51
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March 16, 2019 - 20:52
Attached: Nanako.jpg (1280x720, 87K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:53
Blade Runner 2049 was a breath of fresh air in this shitty decade for movies
Attached: ARE YOU SHITTING ME.jpg (875x639, 120K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:54
Why in god's name would you even want a photo of some random short guy that's moderately-muscular but uncut due to an overuse of cardio?
March 16, 2019 - 20:54
Mmmmm, chocolate boys
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March 16, 2019 - 20:54
Attached: me.png (591x574, 140K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:56
I even agree that Ren is an annoying druggie inb4 tumblr game
Attached: Annotation 2019-03-16 165614.jpg (489x750, 33K)
March 16, 2019 - 20:56
you know why, now post it
March 16, 2019 - 20:57
I don't think it's against liking the movie itself, but rather against being a shallow piece of shit with huge ego.
March 16, 2019 - 20:57
Do Americans seriously not know what the fucking CITY OF LONDON IS? Holy fucking shit
March 16, 2019 - 20:58
Probably the dude from The last of us but with less hair
March 16, 2019 - 20:58
I liked the film until after the IA girl died, then it went to shit for me, the last third at least. Before that it was a 9/10
March 16, 2019 - 20:59
Pls don't be in Miami
The main character is really relatable though
Attached: BLADE FEELS 2049.jpg (759x500, 32K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:00
Nah, it's just a normalfag "meme" making "fun" about the evil people that hurt their fee-fees.
March 16, 2019 - 21:02
No, I genuinely don't, unless you're implying you want to jerk it.
March 16, 2019 - 21:04
It's a joke you nonces
Attached: literally me.png (748x654, 41K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:04
I got nothing boys
Attached: Terranort saw the plot of Kingdom Hearts.gif (276x225, 981K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:05
We know it's a joke, it just doesn't work when the movie is LITERALLY about not being special.
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March 16, 2019 - 21:06
not everything has to be a statement you know
March 16, 2019 - 21:08
Attached: luminary.jpg (600x338, 201K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:08
/fit/ tripfag tranny lover
March 16, 2019 - 21:08
Jokes on you; I lift for manga characters from the 2010's.
Attached: Cq5FHMcUIAACvCy.jpg (500x700, 55K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:08
Picture of me
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March 16, 2019 - 21:09
Boo hoo buckle ur shoe bibber
March 16, 2019 - 21:10
like the dude in the last of us but with the hair like military short and more beard.
March 16, 2019 - 21:11
I can't think of any vidya characters that are lanky Mexican skeletons
March 16, 2019 - 21:12
>Vidya characters that look like you.
The main character in the PS2 game "Eye toy: Play" looks a lot like me
March 16, 2019 - 21:15
Attached: file.png (200x328, 69K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:17
literally me
Attached: marluxia.jpg (225x350, 43K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:19
Attached: 239.png (480x368, 202K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:19
Takuru literally wanted this to happen If you mean his parent
March 16, 2019 - 21:22
How does it feel that you were originally going to be a woman?
Attached: winks in 99 hits till death.gif (500x300, 80K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:22
I look like Daru if he was 130 pounds
March 16, 2019 - 21:22
In body and mind
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March 16, 2019 - 21:24
Attached: future daru card.jpg (500x730, 84K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:25
Attached: neverever.jpg (320x423, 73K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:28
very nice
Attached: averages.jpg (850x1028, 240K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:32
Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 60K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:36
Nah I'm good mate, wanna get pissed?
March 16, 2019 - 21:40
Me on the right, with my friend on the left. Her name is Anonymous.
Attached: 990072cc7c0e660337a142ab1efc36da.jpg (2200x2200, 477K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:46
This with short black hair.
Attached: 1545692662329.jpg (409x390, 86K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:57
Attached: 1549550658661.jpg (1280x720, 90K)
March 16, 2019 - 21:57
I can't think of any vidya men with curly blonde hair.
March 16, 2019 - 21:58
You have an amazing chin no homo
March 16, 2019 - 22:06
I hope this includes the Ethnicity
March 16, 2019 - 22:12
Unrealistic male body standards
March 16, 2019 - 22:13
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March 16, 2019 - 22:13
specifically this version... without the metal arms, obviously.
although I have a bit of a Shang-Tsung-esque goatee/beard going on at the moment.
Attached: 9c934dfae5303ba60d47274c79b44b0b--mortal-kombat-jax.jpg (142x354, 11K)
March 16, 2019 - 22:20
quite literally me
Attached: re2-leon-kennedy1.jpg (400x1000, 45K)
March 16, 2019 - 22:27
Literally physically and spiritually me.
Attached: picture of me in my flying machine.png (480x480, 294K)
March 16, 2019 - 22:30
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March 16, 2019 - 22:48
Blade Runner 2017 is shit, only the original was good.
March 16, 2019 - 22:50
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March 16, 2019 - 22:50
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March 16, 2019 - 22:55
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March 16, 2019 - 22:55
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March 16, 2019 - 22:55