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>b-but itsuno said he liked DmC!
shakespearetards btfo yet again

Why? Itsuno should be proud that a Western company cared enough about his franchise that they made a good take on it with Western-style social commentary and more accessible gameplay. Seems kind of ungrateful if you ask me, Ninja Theory worked hard on it and it got great reviews, what more could you ask for?

i fucked your mom hard and she gave me a great review, better be grateful for me faggot LOL


Go to bed, Tameem.

Not surprised, DmC was fucking trash.


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That's exactly what happened. No amount of sugarcoating and greenposting won't change that. Itsuno is dishonest.

Nah, he only said that because he didn't want to cause controversy.
Now that DMC 5 is out and successful he can freely admit that DmC was fucking trash (something that we already knew).

This is Reuben, not Itsuno you shitlord. Itsuno was not openly shitting on DmC, he's even lied through his teeth that DmC was his of the series..

*his favorites

That's it, i'm off to bed.

It's called being polite. When your bosses, especially in Japan, make a decision, it's usually a good idea to support the project, even just verbally, as to not cause a big problem. Thats why we only found this out from someone else, and not from Itsuno himself.

>capcom takes a series you pulled out of the shitter by pouring your very soul into it to apologize for the DMC2 trainwreck
>gives it to absolute fucking mongoloids who shit all over your work, thinking they know better than you
>it ends up being a complete fucking mess, have to go give the mongos a hand, just like you did during DMC2's development
>everyone predictably hates it
>capcom successfully nosedived your series straight into the fucking ground and for all you know, that's pretty much it for the devil may cry franchise
how is this a surprise to anyone? did people actually believe him when he said "h-haha DmC was p-pretty good it was m-my favourite"?

Don't forget that Ninja Theory's incompetence meant that Capcom pulled Itsuno off from his dream game because DmC was shaping up to be this much of a total fucking disaster.

dmc was never good

Remember guys, Dante is not a gay cowboy

great post

>it ends up being a complete fucking mess, have to go give the mongos a hand, just like you did during DMC2's development
I hate when DmC apologists try to ignore this. In that recent documentary he said he didn't even want to make DMC4, I can't imagine how he felt getting dragged in to clean up DmC.

While I do think Itsuno is often just being gracious/polite in interviews, how trustworthy is Reuben exactly? Keep in mind the dude is crazy, and he's not actually a developer. He's obviously defined Dante since 3 but he's ultimately a voice and mo-cap actor. How much would he really know about the goings-on at Capcom? Maybe he has friends on the inside.

Reuben has been friends with Itsuno for a decade and makes it his personally spiritual calling to never tell a lie.

He hangs out with Itsuno often and fluent in japanese.

>Keep in mind the dude is crazy
The dude's a conspiracy theorist but he's legitimately a sincere and honest guy and has claimed to never tell a lie ever since his "revelations." He has no reason to lie about Itsuno, who he's been friends with for over ten years.

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Itsuno can't resign until he gives me Dragon's Dogma 2.

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The absolute state of DmCfags. How are they even still alive after all these years?

DmCfags exist?

Shitting on DmC is good fun, but you're retarded if you don't understand what he means
>they took DMC away from me, rebooted it, and gave it to someone else without telling me
>this pissed me off and made me want to quit
That's what happened.

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>mobile link
Fucking yikes

and he wanted to fix it but it didn't work out and it flopped. Thank fuck the reboot is confirmed dead with no continuation

This is the man that told the rumours about DMC5 after Dan fucked up and spilled the beans, I say I trust him. It's also no secret that him and some of the original cast didn't like the reboot, and Itsuno said he had to fly over NT studios to teach them about enemy design and effective animations.

DmCucks are in denial of this because this time around, they were smart enough to not piss on everyone like Tameeme did.

No bullshit, they don't teach comprehension skills in school anymore. Zoomers take everything literally and can't connect the dots.

it lives on through its influence on DMC5

after seeing capcom let tameem drag my series through the mud to market his edgy kusoge reboot i'd probably want to resign too

It boggles my mind that Yea Forums talks about DmC more than 6 years after release. I legitimately believe in my heart of hearts that you guys secretly like that game, and can't let it go.

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>my series
Sup Kamiya?

this guy slaps your favourite japanese franchise's ass
what do?

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Give him a kickstarter campaign to see both his game and reputation crash and burn.

So Metroid fans secretly like Other M?

Find me an Other M thread up

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don't forget
>they pulled me off my dream project to salvage the mess this other studio made

>good take

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Wait for the next Metroid game to get a proper trailer, then the bait shall suddenly pop up.

How will tameme ever recover?


Here's Reuben himself literally spilling the beans. 13:10 if the timestamp doesn't work.

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still at it huh? doesn't matter. the sales report should the final nail in the shitposting coffin

You guys are fucking delusional. 5 literally pays homage to DmC.

Lets test and see if you have the game. How is it paying homage to DmC?

Don't be shy

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Itsuno literally threatened to quit because of DmC.

They literally pulled Itsuno off of his dream game Dragon's Dogma and left it half-finished so he could go and fix NT's retarded shit. If I was him I would've pulled a Donte and said FUCK YOU and never worked in that company again.

What even happened to Red Ash?

So Itsuno is just a fag? According to what Reuben just said Itsuno made the game exactly how he wanted but the game has so many crappy things in it, doesn't make sense. Especially considering Itsuno said they made him change the art style to realism.

Yeah, just like how DMC5 pays homage to DMC2. What a fucking asshole, that Itsuno guy, did you know he wanted to make a fucking SEQUEL to DMC2? He was gonna call it DMC3!

No he said that he didn't totally hate it, just that he fucking hated how Ninja Theory handled it and how he had to step in and hold their hand as they kicked and screamed. It was DMC2 all over again.


I'd call you an idiot for not knowing that Japanese people never speak their mind, but in this case it's not even the reason.


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See This just seems like bullshit.

The character art style
"Not in a million years"
The EX outfits especially Dante's
Vergil's moveset and outfit
"Fuck you!"
20x more swearing than previous games
Instead of cuhrazy cutscenes they're mostly face close-ups
Style announcer
The Void
Crappy anti-DMC music
Not purely gothic architecture
Probably some other things

Stop being a fucking faggot. The game has been out for a week, it's time to talk about it and stop the autistic droning.

Inafune pocketed the 9mill and spent it all on brazilian escorts and cocaine.

>hey fix this game no overtime pay
>itsuno tries his best with dmc2 but it still fails
>despite the criticism proves himself with 3
>everyone loves it
>gets a chance to make his dream game DD
>gets pulled off it to go fix dmc AGAIN
god i cant imagine how frustrating that must be

>Yeah just like how DMC3 is just DMC2 2
>f-fuck you! stop being a fag!
Take your meds you schizo.

There's a line during Vergil's fight where Dante tells him "you think you can defeat me? not in a million years" which I like to interpret it as DMC5 telling DmC this.

>admits that dmc4 had budget restrictions so he had to reuse levels in its second half
>series taken away from him
>dragon's dogma evidently needed more work

>4 out of 6 games are directed by Itsuno
It's undoubtedly Itsuno's series now.

Come on now stop acting like you're 12. Itsuno objectively said DmC might be his favorite and he clearly took from it. Another thing is Nero's facial expressions, those were 100% lifted from DmC. They wanted to make a new Donte for some fucked reason.

It's amazing how people are twisting it to be shitting on DmC when the director is clearly a fan. It was a homage just as it was an """insult""". There's no way Capcom would endorse bad manners, it was a tribute.

Even just the art style is objectively DmC over DMC which was set in like ancient cities with long goofy trench coats, strictly. It's just modern now, like DmC.

>he has an ayy documentary coming out on gaia
What the fuck he's a glow nigger.

>Itsuno objectively said DmC might be his favorite and he clearly took from it.
Itsuno also objectively threatened to resign over it.
>Another thing is Nero's facial expressions, those were 100% lifted from DmC.
This is actually delusional. It's called "facial capture," you stupid fuck. DmC uses it because Ninja Theory is a mocap/facecap studio, DMC5 does it because it's required for facial animations in the RE Engine. We have multiple examples of this and multiple statements verifying this claim.

anyone have screencap of the leak before e3?

>Itsuno also objectively threatened to resign over it.
Unconfirmed and it's a shady claim, again see as well as my post showing contrasts between 5 and DmC, which supposedly he didn't like? It doesn't make any sense to believe this podcast given the evidence contrary to it.

Facial capture produces facial expressions, you fucking dumbass. The expressions are 100% lifted from DmC's direction of Donte being as obnoxious as possible. DMC5's characters(particularly Nero) follows suit.

>Vergil's moveset and outfit
It's been what, at least 20 years since Vergil "died" in DMC3? The outfit retains his 3 sensibility but is darker because of Nelo Angelo
>"Fuck you!"
I've missed the threads for a while but I'm assuming this was a big argument for DmC apologists when the streamers inevitable got a hold of the game before launch. Nero saying "fuck you" during the final fight is hilarious, just read a transcript of the Slurm queen fight and tell me they're even comparable
>20x more swearing than previous games
San Andreas was better than GTAs before it. Big boy words aren't the problem again, it's the context
>Instead of cuhrazy cutscenes they're mostly face close-ups
Annoying too, but the Michael Jackson scene and the live action cutscenes were still great
>The Void
This should've been a thing since 4, honestly.
>Crappy anti-DMC music
Dante's theme sucks but is still way better with the second singer but if you hate Devil Trigger or think it's anti-DMC then you need to fucking kill yourself
>Not purely gothic architecture
You mean like 4? "HURR DURR GOTHIC CASTLES" was a big complaint raised by DmC fags and now that the series added some variety you still manage to hoe cry

>Unconfirmed and it's a shady claim
Literally stated out loud by Reuben Langdon, who speaks fluent Japanese and has worked with Itsuno and Capcom as a whole for nearly 15 years. He's a lot more verifiable a claim than a random journalist's translation on fucking VG24/7, in an article written by a guy who was routinely mocked for not recognizing Dante and then saying Nero is Dante's brother.

And it's amazing how people can look at DMC5 and say it's literally DmC2. Yes, it carried over some things DmC had, but tonally, stylistically and gameplay are completely different. A few "fuck yous" don't mean it's LITERALLY DmC dialogue. And I'll say this everytime someone brings up style: DmC did NOT invent realism, and certainly DMC's intentions were never to look "anime", it always had western influences and the style was leaning to look as real as possible.

>with Itsuno and Capcom as a whole for nearly 15 years
He actually worked with Capcom as far back as Resident Evil: Code Veronica, so nearly 20 years in that regard.

>is darker because of Nelo Angelo
I figured it was darker because V was wearing all black when they rejoined, but that makes sense too I guess.

cope, cope, aaaaand cope

It's like he's contracted not to criticise the game's his own company makes in public or something, like literally everyone on planet Earth

If you think I'm going to argue with someone acting this delusional, you're mistaken. The game paid massive tribute to DmC, it has more in common with that game than DMC4(which only the cast and combat returned from, that's literally it).

Yes, he's not Itsuno. Remember when Hayter said all this shit on a podcast about MGSV, the MGS movie, and Kojima and Yea Forums said he was full of shit? Funny how suddenly voice actors know everything, especially ones who believe in aliens.

>the autists are STILL using the translation argument
It's not hard to translate a sentence like "I love DmC, might be my favorite in the series." even I could do it.

I just gave you 20 points showing how it objectively does. How is it "tonally" and "stylistically" different? The gameplay is lifted from 4 yes(aside from the shit bosses).
>and certainly DMC's intentions were never to look "anime", it always had western influences and the style was leaning to look as real as possible.
You faggots are just straight up lying at this point. A bunch of anime beams coming from spiky haired immortal demon twins? Yeah nah that was trying to look realistic. DMC4 came out in the era of realistic looking games and it looks more anime than all of the previous games, you're so full of shit it's not even funny. Itsuno even said he was forced into realism for this game. Which again contradicts what this glownigger said.

It's nice to know that in some way, by buying and playing the shit out of his game, I have helped to protect Itsuno's smile. He deserves better.

Reuben isn't only Dante, he's worked on quite a few Capcom games. I'd assume he knows quite a bit about the goings on, being a regular like that.

>Date Masamune
>Ken Masters
heck he's even credited in RE2 voices. He's not just mocap as well, he's stunt coordinator for some of their games namely RE5 and 6

>Yes, he's not Itsuno.
And neither is Kirk McKeand, who is the one making the claim about Itsuno. Why do you trust a literally who journalist who provided no audio for their conversation and intentionally omitted a large part of the interview because of the fact it features Matt Walker chastising him for stirring trouble, over a man who has been friends with Hideaki Itsuno for almost 15 years and would know a lot better about what he would do in relation to Capcom (A company Itsuno has worked with for nearly TWENTY YEARS in all of their major gaming departments sans Monster Hunter) and at no point has ever actually lied? What do you get out of this other than showing how biased you are?

My bad, I meant a company Reuben has worked with for nearly 20 years. Itsuno's worked for Capcom since 1994.

>Why do you trust a literally who journalist
Because he would get sued for defamation for making an interview up? And mainly because what he says is bound in logic looking at reality. I already wrote up a list of things 5 snatched from DmC, obviously the team liked the game. Obviously Capcom liked the game or they wouldn't have made it. You faggots are trying so hard to pretend the company that put the game hates it as much as we do when in reality they loved it and liked how much money it made for them, so in playing it safe with 5 they fleeced parts of it just like they took the gameplay from 4.

I'm not biased, I'm just not an ignorant and autistic fanboy like you are. Nero literally says Fuck You in the game and you faggots defend it. You're mentally retarded.

Didn't read that part anyway, you went on an autistic rant lmao.

All I'm hearing is "I trust a literally who journalist who has already documented multiple falsehoods with no audio proof of any claims and proof of omitting portions of the interview because it validates my claims over one of Itsuno's close friends and an affiliate of Itsuno's company saying it out loud" and all that tells me is your parents probably blame your autism on being vaccinated.


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>It's objective because I made the list
DmC treated itself way too serious to the point it was un-intentionally funny, and it always makes me laugh when people say "it's a satire!". Literally the same excuse Tommy Wiseau used after people's reaction to The Room. DMC5 is a lot more lighthearted in comparison with a few "serious" moments which I'll admit, they did not have much effect on me, but it's never shy on what type of game it's trying to be.

As for the style, I'll link you to this: youtube.com/watch?v=comV8W-N5Z4

So basically Itsuno has a free pass to do whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of his career at Capcom now?

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Well a new DMC game came out and people thought the series was dead with that being its last entry. Of course people are gonna remember. If you saw a new Silent Hill come out you'd see people bitching about the western made games again too.

Because you're a faggot cherry picking what parts of the truth you want to deal with. Discredit that autist all you want I don't give a shit about him. Either way it's obvious Itsuno likes DmC and it's strange that Reuben said he was ready to leave Capcom if he couldn't make it, considering how it turned out. And why wouldn't Itsuno force them to let him make DD2 since that's his dream game? It just doesn't make sense.

I'm just trying to figure this all out because I like talking about DMC. I'm not here to baselessly bash them or defend the company like I'm getting paid. I'm here to talk about the brand.

DMC1-4 also took themselves seriously so I'm not sure where you're going with this. 5 is a stark departure from past titles and it's more in line, in most ways, with what DmC did. Can you TLDR me that video? I saw it in my recommended videos last night but I'm not going to watch it, I'm rather upset with the game and don't want to listen to the people who made it explain how.
>It's objective because I made the list
And yeah it is. 5 isn't the DMC we used to play.

>it has more in common with DmC than DMC4
>except combat, the thing that comprises 90% of what DMC is about
>and humor, which DmC was devoid of
You sure you're the one arguing with someone that's delusional? Even if 5 borrows minor ideas from DmC it's still closer to 3 and 4, anyone caping for DmC this hard objectively has shit taste because no one should defend a bad game this hard.

Here's what 5 has in common with DmC
>level design, because fucking corridors. At least there's no backtracking like in 4
>photorealism, which is a basic modern standard for AAA vidya so DMC would've hit that point regardless of DmC's existence
>the void, which I already mentioned should've been added since 4
>Nero kinda looks like Donte but still acts completely different and has a clear history and character arc unlike Donte

>Because you're a faggot cherry picking what parts of the truth
You mean like how you're literally cherry picking by going "B-but I don't like that source." How the fuck is Reuben's claims unverifiable and shady but a random journo's not?

>And why wouldn't Itsuno force them to let him make DD2 since that's his dream game? It just doesn't make sense.
Because multiple reviews with Famitsu and Dengeki Online (Two of which having video versions) have him state that he got the chance to choose between DMC5 and DD2. He chose DMC5 and said once DMC5 is finished, he'd work on DD2.

>willing to quit his job to bring us the kinography that is dmc5

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Is that even coming out today?

How many times do we have to have this fucking thread?
Ok we get it, that chinese guy was fragile and wanted to quit because Dante got black hair, and the fanboys are throwing a tantrum because DmC is mentioned.
Okay we get it. Enough.

it's now been a week since DMC5 release so it should. RE2R got a sales report after a week

Stop being an autist.

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>>except combat, the thing that comprises 90% of what DMC is about
90% of the budget was spent on other things and that's what I'm talking about.
>and humor, which DmC was devoid of
Come on now, I didn't even play the game and I know that is bullshit. And characters cussing and acting immature is some of the "humor" both games share.
> Even if 5 borrows minor ideas from DmC it's still closer to 3 and 4
Oh wow you're starting to flake and agree with me, congrats man. What does "caping" mean? And I'm not defending DmC I fucking hated it, and the influences I see from it in 5 make me mad as hell.

Don't forget the rest of my list. I love how you're ignoring the direct quotes and Virility. I read somewhere that even the snapshot stuff in NG+'s is somehow related to DmC, not sure about that one though.

>How the fuck is Reuben's claims unverifiable
Read my posts you dumbass, I've been explaining why it doesn't make sense. I know he's hinted DD2 but why wouldn't he have made it first?

So in response he ... gave black hair to Dante in 4SE and DMC5? Makes a lot of sense!

I already spoonfed you more information about the game's design, I'm not gonna give you an abstract because of your short attention spam and temper tantrum. And never, has anyone thought DMC games took themselves seriously, perhaps DMC2 but it's because that shit barely had a story. It was the first thing people gripped on DmC's hate when it was revealed, because they took the fun out of it and went on a different direction.

>Nero kinda looks like Donte but still acts completely different and has a clear history and character arc unlike Donte

It shows that at the end of DmC that he grows as a person while swearing to defend humans from demons and stops being juvenile.

I'm glad this is the case instead of him having no balls and just talking about how "great" DmC was.

Oh please. He likely only said that shit just to be polite and not bite the hand that feeds him, which is extremely faux pas in a Japanese company (or anywhere, really).

>I know he's hinted DD2 but why wouldn't he have made it first?
Because he started working on his next project in 2014 (Dengeki Online interview: dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/767/1767892/ ) meaning at that time Dragon's Dogma Online (Released in 2015, announced in 2014) was in development. Please do your actual research before making these broadstrokes bullshit claims.

>Come on manchildren, grow up. Just because the new Dante has different hair and swears now it doesn't mean the game will be bad. Stop being so superficial. These changes don't matter in the slightest and you'd have to be a pathetic loser to care so much about a character's hair colour or the fact that they say 'fuck'. It's still the same kind of character and it's incredibly shallow of you to focus on these minor details. Just stop talking about it.

>Anyone who is ignoring that this game is literally DmC2 is delusional. Nero's hair is short and he says 'fuck', so it's clearly the same thing. If you're not upset about this you're just a pathetic fanboy who is purposefully ignoring these obvious similarities. Why aren't you talking about it?

>And never, has anyone thought DMC games took themselves seriously
You're only saying this because it suits your argument, not because it reflets the games. DMC games have always taken themselves seriously that's why people care a lot about the lore. It's why the series has mangas, animes, and novels. It wasn't until DmC and now DMC5 where characters act like children and you can make the argument that the series doesn't take itself seriously.

You're simply not a genuine fan if you think DMC 1-3 wasn't taking themselves seriously story wise. Even 4 took itself seriously aside from Dante acting like he did, but it was fine how he acted since the game was unfinished.

Again, I'm just trying to learn here. Notice how I ask questions? Thanks, that makes more sense.

Why do you think DMC5 took so long to make?

>Why do you think DMC5 took so long to make?
Because Capcom Dev1 was all over the fucking place.
>A division working on DmC: Definitive Edition with the help of Q-LOC
>Itsuno working with another division on DMC4SE to design Vergil, Trish, and Lady (At one point Itsuno said he was by himself working on DMC5)
>The last portion of Dev1 working on Dragon's Dogma Online via support and patches
>Lead writer Bingo Morihashi working on Bayonetta 2 at the same time of initial development, meaning they didn't even have a written scenario yet, just a bunch of ideas Itsuno had had since DMC3 (Nero losing his arm to Vergil was planned as far back as DMC3, and originally it was Dante who'd lose an arm. Source is the DMC5/RE2 Toco Toco minidoc. Look up "Archipel" on YouTube to find a translated version.). The fact it wasn't as incoherent a mess with as strained and stretched out a dev team for the first portion of prepro as DMC2 or 4 is impressive.

>I didn't even play the game and I know that is bullshit
Well I did, 3 times up to DMD because I knew dumb cunts like you would still defend it, and apparently you're saying you haven't played it which makes your butthurt even more baffling.

Name one intentionally funny thing about DmC, there's one line during the Barbas fight that made me chuckle but that was about it.

He was a producer on 3 and 4

What's hilarious about DmC is the unintentional humor, especially after DMC5 existing

>Name one intentionally funny thing about DmC
It's funny how intentionally terrible it is!

Attached: statler&waldorf.png (498x298, 279K)

Bros, redorbpill me on this.
If I have enough red orbs, say 3million I have no use for, could I 1shot bosses with faust hat?

Most of the Bob Barbas fight is genuinely fun and entertaining, and it's the one scene that sounds like DMC. If the entire game was written like that one fight it would have been pretty good.

you can 1 shot most bosses with 200k in DT

>he grows as a person
What kind of person was he? Donte grew up in an orphanage full of demons, became a punk rock rioter asshole retaining a moral core for some reason, then drowned himself in sleazy goth club pussy until one day his brother sent some Wiccan girl to recruit him into Anonymous to overthrow some demon 1%er who somehow never knew about the descendants of his biggest enemy in spite of the fact that one of them lives in a trailer in three middle of a fucking pier and regularly attends a demon club ran by the big bad's bottom bitch. Donte's character makes no sense within the story DmC presents, he never even grew close to Kat, compassion was already part of his character

Attached: 5-Faust-Hat-Vs-Urizen.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

So why are people saying "Capcom is back!"? Just shills?
>The fact it wasn't as incoherent a mess with as strained and stretched out a dev team for the first portion of prepro as DMC2 or 4 is impressive.
I'd argue the opposite.

I'm not defending it. At this point I know you're a double digit IQ retard since you think I am.
>Name one intentionally funny thing about DmC
Most of the game, literally every cutscene I've ever seen of it. I haven't even seen these and they're clearly perfect examples.
>changing in slow motion after immature cussing xD
Imagine thinking this game wasn't trying to be a joke. 5 isn't nearly this bad but it clearly took inspiration from DmC with its shitty jokes, cussing, cocky demeanor. The lack of good 1to1 dialogues and actually cool cutscenes was probably something the team chose to do since clearly it wasn't needed to sell a game, as they learned with DmC.

>Most of the Bob Barbas fight is genuinely fun and entertaining,
It's literally just running around slamming buttons until you can wail on his face.

Another thing I want to point out is this facial expression here Donte does after she says "yes"
You see that same acting in 5 a lot from Nero, he's always smirking or whatever after cutscenes or whatever dialogue. I don't know what to say about it exactly but I don't like that movie game bullshit.

I thought you were baiting but you're an actual DmCfag holy shit. What a sight to behold

Dante is a faggot teenager on a junkyard

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>more accessible gameplay
There it is boys. The death-knell of the gaming industry.

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Barbas is a cool concept, but the fight is pretty lame. DmC doesn't have any good bosses

What is his powerlevel Yea Forums? Does he have a limit?

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>I'm not defending it. At this point I know you're a double digit IQ retard since you think I am.

Jesus. If this isn't a cop out I don't know what is. DmC is fucking terrible and so is 5 for taking so much inspiration from it.

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please tell me that's dmd

If by having lore you think it's a way of the game taking themselves seriously why can't you say the same about DMC5? After all there is an explanation about the Qlipoth, it's source of power and what the fruit is, there is lore about the series and characters both in-screen and off screen, Dante seems a lot more focused this time around and even tells Nero to step-off because he doesn't want him to be in danger, there is a short flashback about what happened to Eva, etc etc.

My intention was not to say this series is all about wahoo crazy pizza man adventures, what I tried to tell you is that DmC tried to pass off some sort of commentary about society or god knows what. Tameem even said so himself that it was his intention to paint some superlative narrative in video games. Fans love these games because it has a great mix of likeable characters, amazing music, effective story (not amazing or great, but effective), great gameplay, all centered in a game that is about having fun.

I'm sorry DMC5 failed to you, but I can't share your opinion about this game paying homage to DmC.

>shitposters always post the ITSUNO LOVES DmC
>now confirmed he didn't and it's actually PTSD to him
>now goes back to defending what literally 99% of Yea Forums hated, DmC.
What do you get out of this? (You)s?

Attached: 1551408023057.jpg (1484x932, 76K)

Tameem, he's praising your game.
2019 Yea Forumsirgins are the most contrarian beings in existence. The entirety of Yea Forums hated DmC. No joke.

More then likely. Capcom knew that they couldn't lose any more senior staff. Itsuno was too important and now that DMC5 is selling well, they will be even less keen to let him go. He's getting DD2 and uninterrupted this time.

That's not even a smirk though. It's like a worried, unbelieving look.

>So why are people saying "Capcom is back!"?
>Dragon's Dogma had a rushed development that got interrupted by Itsuno flying out to help with DmC
>Every fighting game they made from 2012 onwards has been fucking terrible at worst (MvCI, SFxT, launch SFV) to mediocre at best (Current SFV)
>Monster Hunter was sitting around with just 4 and a bunch of rereleases and side-releases exclusively for handheld
>Mega Man was relegated to a fucking mobile game
>The only Resident Evil games of note were RE6, Revelations 2, and fucking Umbrella Corps
>The only actual DMC content was just DmC and a SE for 4
>Several actually liked titles being removed (UMvC3), cancelled (Mega Man Legends 3), or relegated to mobage Hell (90% of Capcom IPs)
>Everything pertaining to Inafune's mess

Suddenly became:
>Dragon's Dogma 2 on the horizon with fucktons of DD:DA ports to bring in a wider player base
>Vague attempts at trying to improve SFV (Admittedly to little avail)
>Monster Hunter World
>New numbered Mega Man title
>RE7 followed by REmake 2
>Inafune's reputation crashing and burning
>Capcom specifically saying they want to revisit classic IPs and actually make new games for them

This. So many retards are getting baited. Well done OP.

I thought this was Itsuno's response to Ninja Theory's GDC "Dante is not a cowboy"

Attached: 1551858461084.webm (638x360, 2.9M)

It is. Faust Hat ramp up in damage in insane. I don't know what they were thinking with it. It's charge attack is even worse. If you can find some moment to throw it out there, you'll get SSS and kill the boss.

This happened before or after DmC launch?

>It wasn't until DmC and now DMC5 where characters act like children
>Give that to me
>No way, you got your own
>Well I want yours too

Dante and Vergil especially were always children that never grew up and out of their issues.

It's like Itsuno used that slide to make Nuro in 5.
Here's a direct quote from Nuro

You're missing the point. DMC fans(the old kind) liked the lore because the game took itself seriously. This was Dante in 1 looking stoic as always with his serious tone. I'm not saying DMC5 doesn't have lore or whatever but I can say that it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously because it has characters like Nero 2.0 and Nico who aren't acting serious or mature in any way. They're literally talking to one another like annoying teenagers. Dante does act more serious in 5 compared to previous games but the wacky pizza man DNA is still there and I'd argue he just wasn't acting enough in the game to have any real argument one way or another. He was just kind of there with feelings of the game being rushed.
>but I can't share your opinion about this game paying homage to DmC.
The problem is that they aren't opinions. That's why I can call you guys autistic drones. Virility, direct quotes, similar cutscene direction, and more are all straight ripped from DmC. There's no contrary argument you can make without being a delusional fag.

Finish reading the sentence. I'll post some Nero shots after this.

Attached: dante.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

>Give that to me
>No way, you got your own
Is there a video of this I want to see it again.

Holy shit user, thanks. I have more orbs than I know what to do with after i beat Hell and Hell, so I wanted to get rid of them somehow kek.

>just played in a DMD Mission 13 with a based as fuck V player who kept setting up combos for me
>S'd it, no damage, and got the Quick and the Dead trophy

You Vfags are alright..
Also Three Warriors best mission don't argue.

>Finish reading the sentence.
The rest of the sentence adds nothing. What, are you complaining that characters emote? Do you just not like reaction shots? That's retarded.

Where did those pyrotechnic effects come from? What the fuck?

When I first played the demo I thought to myself it was going to be interesting to see Yea Forums's reaction to it. I was in the middle of platinuming DmC DE when that demo dropped, and they are very similar. As soon as I hit that first S and heard SAVAAAAAAGE I bust out laughing.

>but I can say that it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously because it has characters like Nero 2.0 and Nico who aren't acting serious or mature in any way. They're literally talking to one another like annoying teenagers.
>serious moments and silly moments can't coexist
>in a DMC game

Attached: 1455781267845.png (712x560, 349K)

Still a homage to their dev team, I cringe either way. Fuck man it's like they both teamed up to make me feel bad.

Now listen to their actual performances and compare it to Nico. I can't stand people like you shitting on 3's story, that part was good and not at all child like. They were about to fight to the death.

it's the cutscene before the final fight.

Didn't have any relevant screenshots. Anyway I said "or whatever", Nero is often gesturing with his face. If it's not a smirk it's something else. Like after he saves Lady or whenever he calls the van mid mission, there's going to be something very similar to what Donte did in that clip. Movie game bullshit they spent more time on than cuhrazy cutscenes.

If you can't see the difference between old DMC cutscenes and new DMC cutscenes you're beyond retarded. Is a week really not enough for you to digset a game?

>before the final fight
Oh yeah!

>It's DmC2 because it takes itself too seriously
>It's DmC2 because it doesn't take itself seriously
Barry are you OK?

>mfw I first saw this gay ass scene

Attached: aba.gif (480x265, 3.62M)

>picking apart sentences because you can't argue with the rest of it
Show me a direct comparison if you're so confident the cutscene direction hasn't done a 180.

Guys, they're just copying DmC, they're ha- oh.

Attached: devil may cry 3.jpg (1515x815, 63K)

>I can't stand people like you shitting on 3's story,
What part of that was shitting on the story? They're childish, this is reinforced a dozen times over throughout the game. In fact their entire conflict is childish and really serves no purpose for either of them.

This guy is right. I can't really understand why 5 praised like a "TRUE" DMC, cause it feels like 4&DmC symbiosis and have nothing in common with origins of the series.
But I am lying, cause I clearly see why "fans" saying this - they are fucking zoomers

Attached: 1543019191847.jpg (1140x930, 147K)

Haven't played the game yet, did Itsuno include danse macabre in any shape or form in DMCV? That's all I want to know.

Attached: DANSSSE MACABRE webm.webm (2048x990, 1.08M)

>Nero is often gesturing with his face.

Yeah, characters tend to do that. It was present in previous games too even if the mocap wasn't as good.


Attached: 1551905730322.gif (280x158, 889K)

Actually, _no.

Itsuno should have just declined and let DmC be a DMC2 tier disaster

Would anyone be interested in seeing just how much inafunes influence on Capcom fucked shit up? I still got the archives of their DmC demo taking about the lack of taunts and directions and how DmC was the 1st to do style switching


Attached: 15db8vmwz6511.png (1722x1677, 2.66M)

DMC3 is filled with moments similar to DMC5, mostly performed by Dante. There's this clear moment when Lady is angry about her dad possibly being killed by Dante and he's just goofying around while she's putting her heart on her sleeves, wouldn't you say that's pretty immature? DMC had serious moments, but it was never SUPER serious.

Stop thinking it's DmC2 because of some juvenile lines.

Fuck I need to find that picture of Kyrie that has her cutting Nero's hair, it's cute.

>This guy
Speaking in third person is a sign of autism.

>Dante and Vergil especially were always children
This is shitting on the story because they didn't act like children. Calling your father a fucking asshole is acting like a child. Being a spastic like Nico is being a child. 3's story and the characters are on a completely different level than the immature story of 5.

It's so pathetic that people are arguing with some of the points I'm making. They literally are zoomers aren't they? Like brain dead 20 year olds who grew up guzzling down the koolaid.

I don't exactly know how to say this but the direction was completely different in previous games and the animation work was just fine. They would gesture before a cool quote or while they were doing a cool thing. In DmC5 it's just like DmC where they're doing it to add cringy comedic effect to boring converations.

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-09 01-10-21-83.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

But Dante acting like that is a part of the deeper aspects of the story showing the character's growth, it wasn't immature just for the sake of being immature like the entirety of Nico.

> Same shortcoats
> Same pants (even bulge)
> Same boots
> Same pendant
> Same haircut
> Same smug face expression with squinted eyes

>DMC1 Dante

Fucking zoomers. Then swap him with this motherfucker.

Attached: 1552765948473.webm (746x420, 2.92M)

>they both swear a lot
>they both have shitty jokes

>Same shortcuts
Their coats are literally nowhere near the same.
Nero doesn't even swear a lot. He says a fuck a grand total of three times in the game.


>Dante does act more serious in 5 compared to previous games but the wacky pizza man DNA is still there
This is my problem with Itsuno's Dante when compared to Kamiya's.

Kamiya's Dante made a joke (usually one per monologue) to instill confidence in the player and to remind us he's a badass alpha that's just as tough - if not tougher - than the thing he's talking to. When I first saw Phantom crash through the cathedral roof, I was terrified because I linked it to other games with giant spiders (Resident Evil, Zelda, Doom). I was afraid it was going to slap my shit. Then Dante casually walks up to it, knocks on its leg, and makes his joke. It brought my confidence back and reminded me I was playing as a man more than capable of handling this. It reminded me of Todd MacFarlane's Spider-Man - cool, badass, and confident. He'd make a joke, then get serious.

Itsuno tried to overcorrect after Capcom butchered Dante in DMC2. He turned him into Waypool. I wouldn't mind him making more jokes, but it was cranked to 11 to the point where I was tempted to skip most of the cutscenes after a certain point. Like I said, more jokes and being more confident? Fine. But he's become Rodney Dangerfield, with every sentence he says being a joke. He's ridiculously annoying. To Itsuno's credit, I think this is his best iteration of Dante, but the MJ dance scene coupled with Langdon's constant dragging out the last syllable of every word is grating.

>this fucking guy again

He says "fuck" whenever you use the DT and he uses other words as well.

>Whenever you use the DT
A grand total of four times.

Final nail in the coffin for DmCfags.

What's a good button layout for Nero?

> They literally are zoomers aren't they?
Jokes aside, I think yes they are. On russian 2ch (yes, I am slavshit) all oldfags came to conclusion that 5 is above average and doesn't feel like 3's descendant. But seeing all this shilling on Yea Forums is quite painful, even objective critics is called "contrarian".

I'm 28, meaning I was old enough to actually own a PS2 (a real one! Yes, an actual PS2!) with DMC1 when it launched in 2001. I was 11 when I first got it, so I can remember Dante not being a 40 year old douche.

Yes but that's just one character (which I didn't found endearing or likeable), most of them have some growth and don't always have their switch turned up to 11 the way she does.

I liked 3's the best because you see him changing into 1's Dante, I really liked that because it's realistic for a guy like him to act like that in his youth. And growing out of it is interesting to see. One of the only parts about DMC3 I don't like was the final thing Dante says when he says he lives for this stuff, that was lame.

I didn't like him at all in 5 though, he was just a washed up version of 4's Dante which lacked the goofiness and style. It just seemed canned and forced.

You can use the DT whenever you want.

>Show me a direct comparison if you're so confident the cutscene direction hasn't done a 180.

That goes for just about every enemy introduction cutscene, really. They have practically identical cuts and pacing. In those in particular V and Nero even react in the same way to a similar thing happening. And if you don't want your sentences picked apart, don't be a retard.

They're extremely similar. If there's any differences, it's only that silly things and serious things are more separated out and self-contained in 5, usually something is either silly or serious and not both at the same time.

>You can use the DT whenever you want
Stop being a dummy, the DT is considered one time.

he did like it, he helped out in in it after all. I think he was more dissatisfied with capcom overall. What other games was capcom doing from 2010-2014?

We talk about even older games, user, welcome to Yea Forums.

Yea Forums doesn't talk about DmC. Only contrarian shitposters are bringing it up to shitpost.

Imagine defending DmC to the point you start going mentally insane ITT

Attached: Anonymous rise tf up.jpg (960x540, 94K)

Silent Hill fans aren't stubborn dipshits afraid to admit when another title did something right.

I always knew that Itsuno was based.

Music changing with style rank
cinematic slowdown on last hit
Balrog's jumping fist attack is the same animation as the punchy fist in DMC
Not in a million years
Vergil has doppleganger with his DT
Vergil's helmspillter looks like Vergin's

What did DmC do right? was it the FUCK YOU part? or the FUCK YOU part?

Hang yourself

>This is shitting on the story because they didn't act like children.
Yes, they did. Specifically they were acting like children trying to be their specific ideas of cool to cover up their traumas. Their entire conflict with each other is immature and really serves no purpose for either of them. This isn't shitting on the story, that was literally the point of it.

Leveldesign, music, animations, gimmick bosses, auto lock-on

I can't believe how BTFO the DmCshills are now that the truth is out. It's like complete and utter pscheshatter in this thread. Clinging to minor similarities, overlooking obvious differences, outright refusing basic concepts. I'd feel bad if they weren't such unlikeable cunts, much like the reboot itself

"Not in a million years," "Fuck you," and "Savage" are the only things that have any actual validity and they're words, not gameplay mechanics.
>Music changing with style rank
Generic QOL. Probably more inspired by Metal Gear Rising having the music change and matching crescendo to pivotal scenes.
>cinematic slowdown on last hit
Shinobi did that before NT even existed
>Balrog's jumping fist attack is the same animation as the punchy fist in DMC
It's literally just Gilgamesh/Beowulf/Trish's ground punch done in mid-air.
>Vergil's helmspillter looks like Vergin's
It's literally Dante's helmsplitter animation from 4 and 5.

I wish I spoke Russian, a lot of gaming series that I like have really good communities over on 2ch. I lurk there wishing Yea Forums wasn't so terrible.

>most of them have some growth
What? Where? Show me the hard hitting cutscenes and don't resort to extrapolating what happens with your own words. You should look at the entire story as it is without omitting characters because you don't like them, it's the entire game that's shallow and immature not just Nico and Nero(at times). Nico is in the game because the direction is aiming for a more immature audience than for example 1 through 3 were. I was just using them as strong examples of my point.

>posts enemy introductions when I'm neck deep in charaters and writing discussion
Damn you got me there!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1307034055087.jpg (400x490, 140K)

also free camera

>I don't exactly know how to say this
That's because you're wrong and have no basis from which to make your points. In that screenshot you're showing there, Nero isn't even expressing anything as a reaction to V, that's a lingering expression from a moment before when he was joking that V must be tired.

What are you talking about? Whenever you use the DT Nero says "don't fuck with me!"

I saw a lot of discussion for it yesterday, made me sick. See here they are again

Everything that DMC series already had?

>dynamic music
>actual color palette
>DT making the world look like Sin City was awesome
>platforming sections were solid
>tons of collectibles
>Zelda-esque boss fights
>announcer callouts got you hyped
>Must Style mode is a godsend to the series
>Limbo was gorgeous
>Dante actually developed
>dodging multipliers rewarded defensive play
>Vergil's Downfall was great
Next, you'll greentext each point, say "lol dis sux" for each, and pretend you're actually having a conversation.

>What are you talking about?
That's one instance. Just because you can repeat it that doesn't make it multiple instances, otherwise you can just repeat it ad nauseum and it would be infinite. You count everything contextually.

Strider 2014. possibly the only outsourced game that turned out good during that time.

Attached: 279063-strider-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 107K)

I wish I had Dan's chin genetics

i imagine Itsuno saw this hanging when he entered NT's office

Attached: 1535461074846.jpg (848x1200, 68K)

Yeah, but
1) In different way
2) 5 lost most of it

>thinking 2ch is better than Yea Forums
лyчшe бы ты и ocтaлcя тaм

>actual color pallete
What the fuck did he mean by this? I'm not going to list each individual point, they all suck and or are completely irrelevant.

You're reaching so hard. That's my exact point.
>smirking for comedic effect at boring dialogue
Previous games only showed smirks at key pivotal moments and not every other cutscene.

>Nero swears a lot, he does it whenever I do buster attacks or taunts
>that doesn't count
???? What the fuck are you on?

>"I just want to Kill the Demon King"
>"If you kill him, who's going to take his place?"

This is the closest tease we get to the Vergin motive reveal and you can't even take it seriously because he didn't even think that part through until Blind Nigga asks him. It's the only funny part because it's the only self-aware part.

Attached: 1552415727271.jpg (1193x708, 61K)

>Western-style social commentary

Attached: 1476304559239.jpg (570x479, 21K)

Maмкинa элитa пoдгopeлa, дa двaч лyчшe

>that height chart compared to that man’s frame

What the fuck

>Nero doesn't even swear a lot
This level of delusion is un-fucking-real.

Attached: 9Q2134gsm.gif (420x232, 1.24M)

Is that supposed to be Vergin or Donte?

Straight lines with the occasional grapple/glide segments in more straight lines. 4/5-tier at best, 2-tier at worst.
God no. Everything's weak, short, and without impact.
>Gimmick bosses
>Auto lock-on
Literally a blight of game design. Q-LOC removed it for a reason. The only game I can think of to do it right was God Hand.

Okay nigger, I'm done trying to explain to you why counting something that is repeated by the player as multiple times shouldn't be counted as multiple times. I don't know if you're being obtuse just to be a cunt on purpose or if your education is just that worthless, regardless, enjoy your own company.

In artstyle is really the only thing I see.

нy вoт и шёл бы тyдa, oтcюдa пoдaльшe, дeбилкa

Holy shit you're actually willing to defend the dodge mechanics? That awful, unbalanced shit that blatantly ripped off bayonetta except with none of the fun?

Did you even play DMCV?
>Says fuck you to dad during DT
>Says fucking once while being mad at the tree
And that's all I can remember.

>Generic QOL. Probably more inspired by Metal Gear Rising having the music change and matching crescendo to pivotal scenes.
DmC came out first ant Itsuno worked on it so i'd like to think he borrowed the idea from his own company rather than the competition.
>Shinobi did that before NT even existed
Let's not pretend they did it in exactly the same way. DmC and DMC5 have the exact same slowdown and zoom in on the player character on last hit.
>It's literally just Gilgamesh/Beowulf/Trish's ground punch done in mid-air
I'm not referring to that one, I'm referring to the punch that bounces the opponent to the ground.
>It's literally Dante's helmspiltter animation from 4 and 5
No, it literally isn't. He teleports above you and slams down the Yamato with the same animation as DmC's Vergil.

I hate DmC but I played it through 3 times so I know what I'm talking about here. The influence is there, and it's done well.

>I'm done trying to explain to you why counting something that is repeated by the player as multiple times shouldn't be counted as multiple times

Attached: CebPFyx.jpg (1242x1290, 80K)

1. DmC came out before Rising
2. Shinobi's slowdown is not even similar. DmC did it after each fight, you could go through fights in Shinobi without burning the Slash gauge

Attached: 1111.jpg (254x283, 14K)

>Dynamic music
Already done
>Actual color palette
Wow rather than brown it uses eye searing bright colors like red and red and then in the dlc it drops a fancy blue and bleach white
>Dumb opinion
>Platforming sections were solid
Between flailing in the direction of shitty massive blocks more than platforms or auto jumping between bright blue hoops?
>Tons of collectibles
Actual garbage since they dont amount to anything
>Zelda-esque bossfights
Ah, Shakusphereian
Already done
>Must style mode
I sure love getting style points cause I whacked them with the biggy weapon
>Limbo was gorgeous
On occasion when it didnt use that amazing color palette to try and blind you sure
>Donte actually developed
In the same sense that Kat was an actual character and Vorgin was foreshadowed properly right?
>Dodging multipliers
Already fucking done
>Vorgins downfall was great
In comparison to the original game before DmC DMC DE came out sure.
DmC would've been given a better shake if all the bullshit leading up to it didn't exist, if it had a different name it or they paid attention when they thought nero was dante they (ninja theory and tameem) may have had a chance of not getting constantly mocked whenever the game came up.

Posting the only good thing that came out of DmC. El Donte needed his own game


Attached: 0FFE3A1B-EFBB-4205-9296-CA700BD6B0FA.png (500x600, 352K)

Did you ever play Ninja Gaiden?

>actual color palette
Nah, it's just the movie poster trick of contrasting orange tones with blue tones. When you notice, it falls apart.

>I'm not referring to that one, I'm referring to the punch that bounces the opponent to the ground.
Yeah. It's literally the same animation, the only difference is the legs because Dante's in mid-air. Go ahead and compare.

Is that his jacking arm?

>posts enemy introductions when I'm neck deep in charaters and writing discussion
>Damn you got me there!!!!!!!!!

You were talking about cutscene direction. The enemy showcases showcase the direction is practically the same.

Danse macabre is in the game

i dont think even Ninja Theory knows
they confused Nero and Dante themselves

Yeah, nice avatar. That perfectly fits the exact mental image I have of you.

Attached: kek satania2.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Я здecь пopядoк нaвoжy и yмy-paзyмy фopчeвcких дypaчкoв yчy, пoкa ты пытaeшьcя дoбитьcя yвaжeния зaпaднoгo бapинa

Attached: 1538717340325.jpg (1920x6000, 1.24M)

>Already done
No it wasn't
>sees Zelda, thinks Shakespeare
>Already fucking done
Not in DMC

>me after beating for 24 hours to nico nico

Other than what other people have said:
>Red Grave exploded by qliphoth looks like limbo
>Sparda family home is pretty much just lifted from DmC
>V's Devil trigger giving him white hair

So why doesn't Vergil and Dante have the same face again? Oh a retcon is it?

Allow me to help you post art from the game man.

Attached: 34DCD5FD-BD82-45B0-84D2-F661672C9414.jpg (1024x683, 68K)

just going to point out that the union jack on his jacket is the correct way up.

Kek imagine if Kamiya was a crybaby like Itsuno

Attached: Vjdante.jpg (1024x768, 310K)

>all the bullshit leading up to it
Gotcha. I fucking knew it. Holy shit, I'm ecstatic.

Learn to "separate the artist from the art".

Dodging at the last minute has always given you style in DMC. It was just harder to do, and jumping didn't count.

Because people age differently you fucking spaz.


>я здecь нaвязывaю нa вceх cвoё cyбъeктивнoe мнeниe нe пoдкpeпив eгo фaктaми
(я дaжe нe читaл чe ты тaм пиcaл нo вoт жoпoй чyю чтo тaм имeннo тaк и ecть)

> I can't die
> You cannot kill me!
> Wow, so cool

If you're gonna call garbage bossfights with the most depth being "The weakpoint moves" zelda-esque you're as deluded as the fuckers calling the game shrikespearical.
On the other hand, I am actually wrong about the other two. So yeah.

That isn't a cutscene related to anything I've been talking about. You're actually pathetic lol.

Also no even that's not true. When you see new enemies that zoom effect naming them isn't like previous DMC games at all, nor is the photograph you take of them in harder difficulties. Some user said it was lifted from DmC but I have no idea about that.

You're fucking retarded lol. Thanks for making me laugh for the past 5 minutes though.

They do, it's just hard to tell because Vergil doesn't have facial hair. It's literally the same face model.

Why does Trish hang out with Dante?

wait why is he talking about ufos?

jesus fucking christ
is this the SHAKESPERIAN writing ive heard about?

>What? Where?
Vergil changing because of V, Dante getting hotheaded and needing to be calmed down by Nero as a reversal of what happened between them in 4, Nero and Nico having the same daddy issues (At one point Nico is talking about how all she got from her father is her looks literally as the camera is focused on Nero) while he manages to save his instead of having him be lost to his own obsessive desires like hers.

Just because Dante isn't doing flips and having a gunfight as Lady exposits why she hates her dad, that doesn't mean nothing is going on.

Itsuno is nowhere near Kamiya's level. Dragon's Dogma is very good, but Kamiya has conquered so many genres its not even funny.

When the artist isn't knee deep in attempts to be part of the art, they may be considered separate.

Dante's theme in DMCV caused a massive shitstorm because of how hated it is.
Stay mad you glue eating tard hahahaha

Hy нaзывaть вceх нecoглacных дeвcтвeнникaми и кoнтpapиaнaми, этo oбъeктивнo и apгyмeнтиpoвaнo
Кoмy ты пиздишь, coбaкa. Tы вчитывaeшьcя в мoи мyдpыe cлoвa кaк в cтpoки кopaнa

what do you think Shakespearean means?
Hint: it has nothing to do with quality

Should i post more? Also the designs they were going to do before settling with the final designs

Attached: 40B3EA41-5C75-4B1B-9806-63FF36F83480.jpg (920x518, 55K)

Dave Mustaine is a whiny, tinfoil-wearing douche, but goddamn can he play. I can appreciate what he puts out because I'm not a teenager that sees everyone and everything under one filter. Try it.

Dragon's Dogma 2 when?

>Кoмy ты пиздишь, coбaкa. Tы вчитывaeшьcя в мoи мyдpыe cлoвa кaк в cтpoки кopaнa
нy лaн лaн pacкycил

They are twins retard.



A "making of DMC5" video was posted on the official DMC channel just a while ago.

I wish Kamiya had continued directing DMC games and Resident Evil too.

Just imagine what he could have done with future instalments of the franchise.

These actually look great

Attached: 20181214_111737.jpg (580x394, 168K)

Should I post a picture of the conjoined twins that do not look like each other?

KEK good shit user.

Attached: BFE83750-6A5C-4CB5-AB7B-47A27B024F53.jpg (640x1140, 50K)

>You're reaching so hard. That's my exact point.
>smirking for comedic effect at boring dialogue
No, he was smirking and making a joke because HE was the one that was actually tired and trying to play it off on to V.

>boring dialog
The cutscene is about V(ergil)'s past, when the city was attacked before, their old home, and how he's going to try and retrieve Sparda. None of that is boring or pointless to the plot.

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Imagine if Itsuno spent the last 6 years screeching at foreigners on twitter instead of making games

Show me the cutscenes I said, so everyone reading can point out how none of those cutscenes were even remotely hard hitting.

Nero and Nico's "issues" are off hand sentences the other characters don't even respond to, Dante being smacked by Nero was just a cringy reason to let Nero retort with "no UR dead weight xD",

Vergil doesn't show any change whatsoever, the whole V arc doesn't even make sense and was just some bullshit because itsuno wanted to include an emo fag in the game but couldnt' figure out how Mundus should be involved. This one falls in line with that extrapolation I was talking about.

>Just because Dante isn't doing flips and having a gunfight as Lady exposits why she hates her dad, that doesn't mean nothing is going on.
3's story is more than this and you know it.

>That isn't a cutscene related to anything I've been talking about.
>literally "It doesn't count if it doesn't play into my narrative!"

When Dante says it, it means something. He's been impaled multiple times and shrugged it off. When Dino says it, it's laughable. He is never injured aside from one time where he tries to finger his own heart. It's stupid.

Dante and Vergil aren't conjoined twins you massive fucking moron wow.

>Some user said it was lifted from DmC but I have no idea about that.
It's in DmC but Bayonetta started the trend.

>No, he was smirking and making a joke because HE was the one that was actually tired and trying to play it off on to V.
Yes, like I said
>>smirking for comedic effect at boring dialogue
>The cutscene is about V(ergil)'s past, when the city was attacked before, their old home, and how he's going to try and retrieve Sparda. None of that is boring or pointless to the plot.
Now we come to a completely different subject of debate. The one where you think 5's story wasn't shit tier. You're a joke, man.

It has nothing to do with the story or characters now does it?

I understand this is the closest you've gotten to feeling like you've won an internet argument, seeing as you're trying to implicate age into this, but you can calm down. The game itself is shit with terrible platforming sections, horrible bossfights, trash level design, abysmal set pieces, and laughable writing, voice acting and motion capture that causes characters to look horribly inebriated when they're in action or like they're listening for call outs on when to move. Tameem being a dipshit or not wouldn't change this but it does make it easier to hate this boring dull game that did absolutely nothing for its genre but be a waste of time and money. Its okay to accept this and let go.

Are you being an obtuse cunt on purpose or was it caused by someone dropping you at some point in your life?

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Dave Mustaine doesn't go on year-long tours where he doesn't play any music but instead brags about an upcoming cover album of his and says anyone who doesn't like how he plays is a loser and that the original composers of the songs are nowhere near as good as him.

Don't forget Mundus forcing him to orgasm when trying to pull his heart out.


They literally said they went for realism over more fun action gameplay like in DMC4. How fucking sad goddamn. I hate where this industry has gone.

You can shitpost all you want but at the end of the day you're still either an autistic shitposter or a minority with a shit opinion. You're still an outcast either way. You will never be happy.

DMCV ruined these threads forever. Fucking autistic fanbase.

Can you show an example?

weird how dante was half angel but only had a devil trigger in DmC

Thanks for stating the completely obvious.

DmC ruined these threads*

Neither did Tameem Antoniades, you butthurt little faggot.

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They cut it along with the explanation on why vorgin wears sterile gloves all the time

I think they'll go back to normal once people actually pay attention to the game. It's not like MGS or TW threads. Thankfully DMC isn't as popular, I guess that's why.

>DmC ruined threads where butthurt DMC fans whine about DmC

unironically this

>Nero and Nico's "issues" are off hand sentences
Most of Vergil's character and motivation in 3 is set up by like three sentences. This is standard fair for the series, establishing things about the characters through small moments and one-off dialog. You're literally just ignoring precident and going "NOOOOO IT'S JUST AN EXCUSE FOR CRINGE AND MEANS NOTHING".

>3's story is more than this and you know it.
Not if you don't read between the lines and extrapolate the meaning behind what the characters are saying.

Yes. NT completely forgot that Donte was an angel in the story, where even established characters, and dev interviews confirmed that he’s half angel and demon, yet continuously said he’s human. There’s a scene where Kat is driving and he says that he hurts himself sometimes to see if he’s still human. The writers literally forgot this plot and story.

I knew it would say shit like that, that's why I don't want to watch it.

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>Mentions DmC in a circlejerking reddit DMCV thread

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>he doesn't know


yes, and?

Hayter has virtually no relationship with Kojima.

>smirking for comedic effect at boring dialogue
How is Nero playing off his own tiredness as a joke at V's expense any different than Dante taunting a boss to boost his own confidence? For their characters it's the same fucking thing.

>Neither did Tameem Antoniades
>but instead brags about an upcoming cover album of his
Constant bragging about how DmC will revolutionize the genre
>and says anyone who doesn't like how he plays is a loser
Literally called people losers for wanting 60fps
> and that the original composers of the songs are nowhere near as good as him.
Shat on the previous DMC games multiple times, insulted the entire cast ranging from having their art director compare Dante to Brokeback Mountain, calling Trish and Lady "Gun-toting prostitutes," and various other snipes.

Also paid reviews.

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Pic related.

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If DmC wasn't so bad, we wouldn't be whining about it

>Go for realism over fun action gameplay
>Make more fun action gameplay than ever existed in 4

Go figure.

Imagine if he spent more time shitposting on twitter than making good games

You should force yourself to watch it. It really shows what the mindset of basically all developers out there is now. It isn't about making fun games for the sake of fun. They are pushing hard for that photo-realism crap even at the expense of gameplay. What is funny about developer videos like this is they always try to manipulate people into thinking they are doing something great for fans but if you actually aren't an NPC you'd see right through this for the propaganda it is.

This isn't to say DMC5 is shit. I'm just saying it really shows what developers creating games are truly thinking how they should go about making them these days.

That just about sums it up. DmCfags panhandling for approval from a game they don't respect.
There is nothing more cucked or pathetic than that

Because DMC4 is unfinished fatass, DMCV BARELY even surpasses an unifnished game lmao

What does this even mean?
Even after DMC 5 was released, DMC fans are still butthurt about DmC. This thread is proof. You fuckers cannot let it go.

He wasn't talking about his issues in 3, he was just being a cool antagonist. Was there a problem with his performance? No, none whatsoever. Was there a problem with Nero asking how Nico feels about him kill her father? Yeah I think there was... This is called "cringe" here on Yea Forums. Sorry to break it to you.

>Not if you don't read between the lines and extrapolate the meaning behind what the characters are saying.
Actually it does, because the character interactions were detailed enough that you don't have to pull shit out of your ass.


Most of 5's cutscenes are exactly like this, shit dialogue with smirks instead of cool shit. Total opposite of previous games.

>What does this even mean?
It means literally nobody in these threads thought about you until you stuck your stinky ass in here.

Shut up fag see

4 has better bosses and more interesting level design. I liked the enemies way more too. What did you mean by this?

A completed DMC4 would be the definitive GOAT action game and nothing would come close.

It's more fun than 3 or 1 too though. There's no way you can argue there isn't way more going on from a gameplay point of view in 5 than in any of the previous games.

your still young little faglord

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>Mention a game at all
>Retards turn it into another shitfliging contest about "WHIZ IS BUTTER?"

Protip: if you have to label your self as a fan of anything to defend it you're already a lost cause. People felt disappointed and you can't deny that because it was shown through its reception and the overall sales, they probably overreacted but aren't you doing the same thing sperging in this thread because it's not a circlejerk in your favor?

I personally didn't find it that bad after actually playing through it but don't make me disown it based on the fact you people are still losing your shit about DMC still being the favorite. They already said they'd still have an interest in pursuing it in the future, you literally have no reason to cry.

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I am not DmC. I am a person who laughs at DMC fans who have been given a brand new game in their series after a failed reboot, but instead of beating the new game on harder difficulties they want to whine about the reboot some more


So they literally added a gay cowboy dance scene to V? Seems like a shot at DMC desu

>4 has better bosses and more interesting level design.
Are you out of your mind? Aside from Credo, 4's bosses and most enemies are terrible, and so is almost every level. I know people love to bitch about levels in 5 just being hallways, but in 4 they were just hallways with locked doors that forced you to do a retarded puzzle before moving on.

Let's break this down
>Better bosses
There are only a handful of bosses and you fight most of them multiple times, except for the actual fun ones like Credo and Dante.
>more interesting level design
Which is reused due to backtracking and having to go through them twice.
>I liked the enemies way more too
That may be your prerogative, but nearly all those enemies were designed for Nero, Dante and the other characters are ill equipped to deal with them. DMC4 not only brings back a lot of them, but also some more iconic enemies from the previous games. Why on earth would you prefer 4's?

So you mean to say that the jobless losers at Yea Forums haven't already beaten the game to the level they feel adequate before bloody palace is released to reduce chances of burnout. You just believe everyone is similar to you and tries to get into internet slap fights over games they don't play?

Stay mad that nobody gives a shit about your game except when you bring it up


>Total opposite of previous games.
You haven't explained at all how or why it's different outside of vaguely calling it "shit with smirks".

>Zelda boss fights
>dodge mechanics
These are bad things
>Vergin's downfall
Not developed by NT aside from the plot which was a Bleach ripoff


nigga got take your pills, autismo.

They've been trying to spin DmC as this totally fine side project both Capcom and Itsuno was happy with but, man, the facts don't make it very likely. The reboot bombed so hard, multiple times, that they had to bring back the continuity from a motherfucking decade ago because there was zero faith in the current canon to gain a new audience, after having already told original fans to fuck off.

That is insane.

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It's stuff I already know and it hurts to see a bunch of toddler devs ruining old time series. Like one thing I can see quite clearly is that DMC5's story was rushed, and they made pivotal scenes for trailers rather than for game purposes. Back in the day they wouldn't show shit in trailers but it's different now, as we can see from FFXV, MGSV, and KH for starters. They're making fancy trailers with cutscenes but they aren't putting time and love into the actual game. For example how many times does Nero rev his sword or aim his gun toward the right of the screen? A lot right? How many of them look good? Pretty much only the ones you see in trailers.

It's funny that I get called Barry so often for shitting on DMC5, but I was one of the main people trolling that autist because it was clear hat Versus was fucked due to the "zoomers" of dev teams being hacks. Capcom is in the same boat, the current era of developers is pretty weak, if it wasn't for the fancy graphics and advancements to animation I think even the most braindead fanboys would be calling 5 a soulless rehash. It relies on garbage rather than stuff that made the old games great to sell millions, and it's really sad that they succeed imo. It'll probably only get worse.

I just wanted cuhrazy cutscenes and a good story.

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Why should I have to? Play the fucking games



Won't he get into trouble by saying this? This sounded more like a gossip around co-workers more than a public statement.
I mean it clearly undermined Capcom's image as a company.

>Like one thing I can see quite clearly is that DMC5's story was rushed
This is pretty much confirmed in the concept art the released today as well as the video. They rewrote V twice before they decided to go with what they got.

All the bosses in 5 are shit tier, not so in 4.
5 has literally no level design 99% of the time, 4 has plenty.
4's enemies were just more fun to fight. They had better looking animations, colors, and they often caught me off-guard unlike 5's most of the time.

You are the autist

>He wasn't talking about his issues in 3, he was just being a cool antagonist.
And he doesn't talk about his issues in 5 either, only V does. V elaborates on Vergil's issues without Vergil having to act contradictory and exposit about his feelings.

>Was there a problem with Nero asking how Nico feels about him kill her father? Yeah I think there was... This is called "cringe" here on Yea Forums.
Nothing about that scene was cringe, they were just having a fucking conversation.

>Actually it does, because the character interactions were detailed enough that you don't have to pull shit out of your ass.
No, they weren't, as evidenced by a fucking decade of retards asking what Vergil's deal was and why he wanted power. Don't pretend for a second that nobody ever had to read into the characters to get the point beyond what the game explicitly stated, and that a ton of faggots never did that and weren't confused and calling it shit as a result, just like you're doing right now.

>It's funny that I get called Barry so often for shitting on DMC5,

I'm about ready to filter that fucking word. People love to use him as the scapegoat forgetting he's an Aussie shitposter and isn't even that prevalent until late night and post the exact same way in the exact same threads, and yet, somehow every fucking negative comment is Barry. Fuck this place and the retards who can't even lurk long enough to find out who the shitposters are.

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This explains so much.

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>Nero smirking and breathing tiredly at Kyrie as he just arrived
>Nero looking angry and petulant as he sits in church
>Smirking at Dante as he revs his sword
>Smirking at nearly every boss at least once
Yeah bro, it's so different from 5 it's crazy.

It's confirmed by the game itself. I'm not the smartest guy around but it's clear to me that anyone with a critically thinking brain should be able to see how fucking retarded the story in this game is even without looking at the concept art or reading about the development. Almost none of it makes any sense, they obviously scrapped all of the good ideas to make a "blockbuster" selling game rather than something decent. V is the perfect example of that claim, he didn't need to be in this game at all but here he is attracting emo fags, casuals, and fujoshis.

It's very annoying. Yea Forums used to shitpost against him but now they're shitposting -like- him by pretending any critique is coming from one person. Instead of "fuck off Khkun" coming from Barry it's "fuck off xvkun" coming from whatever this autist should be called. What an upgrade.

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Reuben is unironically redpilled

>When you're a nigger and you don't know what a homage is
>When you think calling out things you know from shitposting gives you credit for playing it
>when you're such a loser you shitpost against DMCV all day everyday FOR FREE
lmoa pathetic

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So you're just shitposting, cool. I know you'll act like calling you that is a win, but all three of those claims are so obviously false that they don't even deserve a response.

>And he doesn't talk about his issues in 5 either, only V does.
And Nero, and Nico, and Lady. All to weak reception by both us the player and to the rest of the game cast. And V was a shit device for a shit purpose because it didn't lead to anything. The devs wasted so much time and effort giving him a character and for what? There was no conclusion to his story. Maybe in a sequel we'll see more of V in Vergil but as it stands the character is just worse off(presumably).

>Nothing about that scene was cringe
Hahaha I can tell you love DmC.

>No, they weren't,
Yes there were. I'm not talking about Vergil by the way which is what you're apparently getting at. There was never a need to look into Vergil's character in 3.

>Come on now, I didn't even play the game and I know that is bullshit. And characters cussing and acting immature is some of the "humor" both games share.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly.

Honestly I liked DmC, it wasn't even comparable to DMC 3 or 5 but it was still an enojoyable experience.

You're not Barry. You're really more of a Doug Harris.

fuck off tameem

I hope he gets to make DD2 with no distractions, I want to see his full vision for dragons dogma and I'd be okay if it was his last game

>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he has a logical opinion
Make an argument, you faggot. I know you can't because I'm right.

Let's go into detail shall we? A hallway is not design, it's just a cop out. It's lazy. 99% of DMC5 is a hallway. Here's DMC4's level design.
>make a shit ton of rooms
>all of them look different
>all of them have names
>enemies are built specifically for the rooms they're in
>some rooms have unique items or challenges that help you reach new rooms
This is level design up to a high standard, sure it might get annoying or you might not like it but it's well designed none the less. DMC5 didn't even try to design its levels. They're just boring hallways often with long stretches of nothing.

Bosses? DMC5 bosses often literally run away from you instead of fighting, that's shit boss design, they run instead of put up a challenge.

Enemies? They're simply more aggressive with various counter-attack strategies.

Yes I do.

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Be glad because the moment he stopped touching Dead Rising it went to shit.

I thought Dead Rising 3 was fun, more-so than 1 and 2.

Is dmcv successful?

No sales figures so it probably didn't do that good.

t. Leaf


no dumbass, stop falling for damage controlling shills here.

Then can you tell me what the sales numbers are?

Is he doing so much damage that its outpacing his dt bars drain?


DmC is a good game, but only in a vacuum

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Again, who?

>Yes I do

Sorry, Yea Forums won't ever admit to anything positive about that game

It's a decent game, it's just not a good DMC game. If it was called something else and divorced from the DMC franchise it wouldn't have been as reviled as it was for doing what is effectively character assassination

"It's a decent game, just not a good (x) game" will always be a retarded defense.

I think it was ok but calling it good is a bit much. Maybe the DE was, never played it but heard they improved quite a bit.

when your arguments are so good the shills just leave

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>Make an argument, you faggot. I know you can't because I'm right.
What kind of rebuttal should be offered to someone making claims with no evidence whatsoever?

That bait gets a big yoof from me, chief.

>I will pay you 60000 red orbs to fuck off

I demand someone make this image with Dante with the red hat on

But there is evidence I just listed it lol.

That isn't evidence, its assertions.
Evidence would you be pointing to specific rooms and moments as examples of said assertions, but you didn't do that because DMC4's level design is trash.

to get the secret ending, I need to kill more than Vergil, but is there anything I need do to as Nero? Do I need to kill all the enemies or do I need to not get hit?

It's their way of saying "I like it, but don't want the fanboys killing me"

lol sad

Thanks for proving me right.

Anything I say you'll just brush off in favor of your hallways. Make an argument, you can't.

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What did the famous nigger think about the game?

>they run instead of put up a challenge.
Like Berial and Bael jumping away from you, or Echidna flying/floating away, or Credo and Sanctus teleporting away? Bosses in 5 don't do it any more than bosses in 4.

he hasnt even opened it yet

No you retard, because those bosses would jump away to do a huge attack. DMC5 bosses run just to be faggots, the fights are garbage.

>thinks me too has gone too far and is poisoning the well
>hates twitter censorship
>is open with info about games and what goes on
>goes onto /x/ tier thinking about aliens
>has a lady GF
is Reuben /ourguy/

Because what you're saying is blatantly untrue. Most combat areas in DMC4 have a lot in common with DMC5's hallways and arenas. Seeing a couple of enemies in a non-standard room doesn't suddenly mean that the game is a triumph of level design.
This becomes especially noticeable when you run through the game backwards.

has anyone beaten HoH yet?
how difficult is it?

I honestly don't think I've had no-hit killed one boss

How does Overtop gear work? all I seem to be doing is the Combo A

Artemis is literally the only boss that hangs back a lot and she still has an entire fucking mechanic dedicated to closing the distance with snatch.
You're just retarded.

None if this is untrue, they're facts.

I'm not saying it's a triumph, I'm saying it was better. Yes it had non-standard rooms, yes they were all names, yes they had unique puzzles, and yes they looked better. It has better level design.

You're literally just shitposting to defend the game, it's time to grow up and be objective in your discussions.

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That's wrong though. The big knights run, Urizen runs, Vergil runs, probably some others I've forgotten since they were all forgettable.

Dante's face model is Adam Cowie and Vergil's face model is Maxim Nazarov. Same model my ass.

>The big knights run, Urizen runs, Vergil runs
all do attacks 90% of the time when jumping away.

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Let's put aside your number is bullshit, the fact is they run just to be faggots especially Urizon and Vergil. It's just bad design.

Based Prosopagnosia-fag.

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>Yes it had non-standard rooms
If they're so memorable name one room where the room heavily affected the feeling of combat inside of it
>Yes they were all names
Why is this important?
>yes they had unique puzzles
The dice game was repeated 3 times and the rest of the "puzzles" boiled down to "get a thing and put it in another thing to open a door". Unless you're also counting that awful shit with the spinning blade statue things too.
>You're literally just shitposting to defend the game, it's time to grow up and be objective in your discussions.
The irony is palpable.
And they all do "big attacks" when they do that you mong

>The DMC5 bosses just run away, they don't even do big attacks like the DMC4 bosses
>they do actually
>no u
Top-tier fucking debate skills. Sorry that DMC4 has practically been invalidated by 5 you faggot.

>the fact is they run just to be faggots especially Urizon and Vergil
are you saying vergil doesn't teleport away from you when you fight him in 3? it's already been pointed out that many bosses in 4 had a disengage move. 3 had them too. jester, geryon, lady, nevon, doppleganger, leviathan just goes straight invincible.
it's a pretty common design mechanic in the series.

Kamiya made one game. A fantastic game but Itsuno IS the series. He is the godfather whether you like it or not.

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I don't know why anyone is even bother replying to him at this point, his brain seems to be liquid.

>DmC was so fucked that it managed to stall two franchises for the better part of a decade
It's almost beautiful in the same way a volcanic eruption or forest fire is.

>You're literally just shitposting to defend the game, it's time to grow up and be objective in your discussions.
I like how you're just doubling down on the shitposting, well done! 0c have been added to your account. I already told you that anything I say you'll just brush off in favor of your hallways.

Make an argument, you can't. You're just asking my why level design is important to level design at this point, acting like you're a fucking retard. Or wait, maybe you are just a retard.

>And they all do "big attacks" when they do that you mong
No they don't. Play the game you moron. Urizen will teleport just ti start doing what he does in point blank range. Vergil does it too.

I'm not talking about 3 and 4 bosses disengaged strictly for large attacks. 5's do it just because they're getting styled on too hard and don't have any point blank attacks to deal with it. The horse V fights is a good example of that, that boss was shit tier.

>The horse V fights is a good example of that, that boss was shit tier
did you not play 3?

He doesn’t just get to decline. He’s an employee and Mr. Reliable for Capcom. At this point he could probably do a lot of things creatively in the company and get away with it, but it’s taken him a very long time to reach this status.

I already said I'm not talking about 3.

that's exactly what I got from this. shills keep coming in saying itsuno was tsundere for dmc, but when you play V it's quite clear that it's the opposite of a love letter to DmC.

Capcom probably was holding by the balls through Dragon's Dogma.

>thinks this is any different from the shakespear scene with dante in 4
you're retarded

>It's literally the same face model.
It's LITERALLY not even close.

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You could blame it on DmC but considering DD came out at the same time and we know like 60% of that game got cut, and we know like 50% of DMC4 got cut, he was probably sick of Capcom being jews to him. That's why Capcom made DMC5 super high budget and why he's hinted that for his next game (DD2) he'll have a huge budget. DMC wasn't his franchise to begin with so I doubt Capcom handing it off to some baka gaijin would make him leave.

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This defense is garbage. All the mechanics it steals from DMC salvage it and make it passable. It would be a retarded clone like Icons is to Smash.

We AL wanted to resign from life in general after DmC

no damage vergil runs on dmd
try it shits fun

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>DMC5 super high budget
Are you retarded

>I already told you that anything I say you'll just brush off in favor of your hallways
You haven't given a single shred of evidence for anything. You just keep going on about how its fucking amazing that each room has a name in DMC4 as if that is actually important to the design of that game.
>5's do it just because they're getting styled on too hard and don't have any point blank attacks to deal with it
Every single boss in DMC has a disengage move once you start juggling them.

I really wish they'd release the full versions of the remix tracks from the history of DMC, kind of thought they'd be the versions you'd hear for the DLC music honestly.

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Dude, the credits prove they're not the same model. It's some Russian model named Maxim.

>You haven't given a single shred of evidence for anything. You just keep going on about how its fucking amazing
You literally cannot even read lol.

Name one room

that's not what I asked the horse fight is literally a redesigned 3 fight, except it actually has some redeeming qualities. either way, you're completely ignoring that aside from voltanic knight/geryon (who does have large attacks he will use after teleporting) the teleport for them is also a part of their design to keep you on your toes since they will also teleport towards you.
urizen always does a move after teleporting away, and vergil has pretty much the same behavior

Getting really fucking pissed off at mission 10
>Trying to do it without getting hit because that's apparently the only way you can S-rank this shitty mission
>Have to go through 3 (THREE) loading screens every time I retry
>Attacks hit me even when I see them coming and jump out of the way because they reach 20 feet in the air

crazy theory i think they ruin your score on purpose cuz its the first mission with Dante and they are trying to hammer the idea of how inferior he is to Urizen, cuz i swear i could fight the same enemeies any other mission and still get more

Yea Forums hates DmC (understandably) but Tameem and co also made Enslaved which I thought Yea Forums liked?

just don't get hit bro

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how did i just do that

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It really does take too long to get back to the action after a death or retry.

Not them, but I can confirm that DmC is shit, and that your opinions are pretty shit considering they completely butchered the animations for Vergil with the DmC DLC. Also the music in DmC is really fucking bad. You listen to this, and you have to ask "how could NT fuck up this hard, and claim to be the punk scene, and everything which revolves around it", and the answer simply is they're corporate, and no nothing. DMC3 did it right, and it wasn't even trying to be that;it just is.

Do any game journos acknowledge the fact that they had a hand in DmC's failure?

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They're still trying to defend it.

Name one room

>urizen always does a move after teleporting away, and vergil has pretty much the same behavior
The same moves, it's different from 4 which is what we're talking about.
4's bosses > 5's.

Yea Forums never really talked about that game, most people didn't play it but those who did said it was alright. Yea Forums didn't much like Heavenly Sword though, and Tameem in general is a meme just for his obsession with cinematic crap.

They still pretend that it was truly great.

>One of the best looking games this gen
>Full campaign like 3
>$8k on Dante's jacket
What about it isn't high budget you retard?

>this thread
so that's what a coping DmCfag looks like after getting BTFO by the fucking man himself

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I cant believe youre actually whining about the music in DmC while posting anime club cringelord autist shit like the time has come

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This is what your shitposting has come to.

>shill trying to discredit based Reuben exposing chem trails and government aliens
Back to the oven with you, jew.

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Still haven't named a single room from DMC4 thats better than 5

>Western-style social commentary

>10 hours long
>story poorly written
>gameplay rehashed from past games
>implying selling an overpriced jacket means anything



DMC is never long, they had the same writer as in 3, you're a fucking idiot if you think the gameplay is rehashed. Reuben says in the interview that Capcom game Itsuno everything he wanted for 5.

Grid 2 sold a car with the game

I'm 29 and I played the games all around the times they launched. The Faust hat scene was no worse than the guitar scene when you killed Nevan or the Shakespeare scene in 4. It was just some dumb fun which you've seem to forgotten how to enjoy.

>coping with winning
Feels good man.

>r-r-r-r-reuben says....
>b-b-b-b-b-but dmc3...

absolute state of autistic DMC5 defenders.

Read my post again. Look deep into what I'm saying, specifically. Take not to the distinction I'm making.

It's never AAA either. the writer apparently went full retard, and the combat is totally rehashed.

Itsuno is a shitty director then.

>Still can't name one measly room
Must be nice having an IQ lower than your chromosome count

>The Faust hat scene was no worse than the guitar scene when you killed Nevan or the Shakespeare scene in 4.
Yes it was, it was literally homoerotic.

>while posting anime club cringelord autist shit like the time has come
you know it's typical of people with autism to use word salad to describe things they simply cannot describe. keep using buzzwords like that without applicable context, and people just might assume.
>actively defending an action game with no lock on
>defending a mechanic that is so lazy that it limits combos, and is a common mechanic used with movie tie in games
keep playing trash trashlord.

Sounds like you are coping.

Why would I play along with your damage control? Any room I name you'll just shitpost about lol. It's more entertaining seeing you squirm.

Do you not know who Michael Jackson is?

>and the combat is totally rehashed
Yeah because really changing up the style worked for DmC right?

Is that Gerard Way on the right?

kill them all nero

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What the hell happened to Yea Forums? When did you guys start defending DmC? I've been gone for five years and this is what happens?

DMC5 is SSStylishly great, by the way. They perfected the gameplay in almost every way.

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>Any room I name you'll just shitpost about lol. It's more entertaining seeing you squirm.
Try me, name one

>because those bosses would jump away to do a huge attack.
No, not always. Bael and Echidna would jump/float away a whole bunch without doing big attacks. So would Credo, sometimes he'd just flap his wing and walk towards him.

Nobody is defending it actually. People have been posting the opposite. The only good thing about DmC was El Donte. This is an undisputed fact

>When did you guys start defending DmC?
you mean the kh3/ffxv autist who relentlessly spams the threads with the same talking points?

ok contrarian

A faggot who touched little boys. And Dante's version of his dance was as gay as you can possible get, he was wearing a scarf and a cowboy hat.

Sound like you're projecting, son. Is there something you want to share with us?

>defending queers

Thanks for proving that you are in fact actually autistic since your fish sized brains automatically went grug at the mere sight of someone making fun of you making fun of DmCs music and instantly started whining as if I defended any aspect of the game at all including the music

You have no idea what I think about the game, the only thing you know is that everyone knows that youre a fucking retarded cringelord who unironically listens to the time has....chhome...and so....have......I.......(whispered vocals)

go fucking actually kill yourself neckbeard

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post yfw you are not a DmC cuck

Don't you have games to be making for Microsoft and phonecalls from squirrels to be answering at your office?

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Ah, so it's just a bunch of kids being punks. Never change Yea Forums.


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Hello queer.

>acts like this when he gets proven wrong

You're braindead if you can't tell there is more than 1 person defending it itt


Actually, I'm pretty sure it was a reference to Michael Jackson, it was just a fun little cutscene to keep Dante's flavor of being cuhrayzee.

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Mission 10 is fucked. Fucked. How many style points do you need to S rank it on SoS?

Why is there no option to simply restart a mission when you've just finished?

>It relies on garbage rather than stuff that made the old games great to sell millions,
A list of both would be nice.
Not even saying youre wrong, but those lines are word salads sinse they cant even the concrete example you gave as a base,

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He was too good for this world

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this doesnt have anything to do with budget... at all. stop fucking posting child

>Doing dumbshit ironically= being a douche

>A faggot who touched little boys
t. sony ceo who stole his music rights post mortem.

>Yea Forums tolerating a namefag
This place is beyond saving

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Namefags and tripfags are more tolerable than Yea Forumsirgins desu senpai

this isn’t the DMC thread. Go here bro

>literally defending a gay pedophile

>trusting the media and a Harvey (((Weinstein))) documentary which was motivated to do "w-h-hatabout"
keep seething moron

Both of them are pedophiles you fucking retard.

>4 bosses better than 5's
LOL buddy, no. I've played DMC4 for 11 fucking years and only Echidna, Agnus 2, Credo and Berial are worth a damn.

5 has Vergil, Cavaliere, Urizen 4, Artemis DMD, Malphas and King Cerberus.

IIRC 5500
Assuming that you get the 1.2x no continue bonus you need to get ~4600 style points
If you nail the 2.0x no damage bonus you can cut that down to 2600 points

>so salty a legit sperg out happened
oh my god let me lick those tears

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MJ was never proven in court you faggot
all of the accusations is from people who wanted money
stop projecting your daddy issues on some pop star

quick rundown?

Same reason why you need to go through four loading screens to return to the main menu and pick a new mission, then start it.

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>5 has shit bosses

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vergil doesn't always do the same moves when teleporting away.
>it's different from 4 which is what we're talking about.
when echidna flies away she does the same move over and over, berial only has one big move to pull off. you've got blinders on.

Reuben said that after the whole DmC thing Itsuno was actually pissed at Capcom and handed in his resignation, at which point the CEO was shitting bricks at the thought of losing him, and offered to let him do whatever he wanted with complete creative control, which resulted in DMC5.

I like how DMC5 took a bit of inspiration of DmC and improved on that.

MJ had full on FBI investigations going on, and nothing was found keep seething you projecting faggot


5's bosses are better than 4 and arguably better than most of 3's.

low effort, low testosterone

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>h-haha (actually crying behind the screen) f-fucking spergout heres my reddit gif

its almost like some mouthbreathing kid got blown the fuck out so badly that they literally cant reply with anything but the equivalent of a facebook meme image

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Itsuno hated DmC and wanted to quit Capcom. His ultimatum presented to the company was that he'd have his way with DMCV if they wanted him to stay.
Pretty childish if you ask me.

>he's gay, and he likes DmC
checks out

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>Pretty childish if you ask me.
How so?
I think it's pretty cool being able to do whatever you want and standing up for it.

dude, stop giving the trannyposter attention. it feeds off of it.

Yeah, because that worked out for John Romero's Daikatana.

>work for company for over 10 years
>expected to say nothing, and work on whatever is put in front of you
thanks for confirming you're a spineless faggot

>he's never stood up to his boss and demanded a payrise
fucking cuck lmao

to be fair most of his career since DMC 2 has been him being screwed over when it comes to budget and shit only being given enough money for 3 before 5

>showing your shitty youtube icon in bottom left
Have a proper version

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>dude stop btfo of the discord tranny
mmmmm no

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The man was working on his dream game and they took him off of it and pushed it out half finished so he could fix the bullshit that NT fucked up on. If I was him I would have asked for double my salary on top of that if they wanted to keep me.

I dont know if its more pathetic or sad that youre actually so retarded that you think I said I "like DmC" anywhere but I guess youll need some epic narrative to spin to be able to escape the retard wrangler your own retardation nooses you in

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Well it certainly worked out here, didn't it?