Consolefags will never play this, or CK2, or factorio, or any game that requires you to actually think

>consolefags will never play this, or CK2, or factorio, or any game that requires you to actually think

I built my first gaming PC about a year ago. Seriously, having to navigate a mouse and menu, it's a whole new world. My brain feels alive, like it's taking breaths. I'm currently playing Kenshi and am absolutely mindlocked at how many options there are. I'm currently moving my squad of 6 to the swamps to start a hash farm because I heard you can run it through the desert for good money. But for a while I played as a drifter, doing some illegal mining, stealing crops. After this I'm playing modded STALKER next. All I can say is I am blown away. And I understand why only these types of games can be made for PC. I just had no idea they were like this. And FYI I am still a big soulsfag, I liked the new boy of war, there are still good console games. But FUCK, niggas.
Is this why the stereotype of consolefags is that they are all malnourished 3rd worlders? I'll never go through a QTE sequence EVER again, done am I with scripted cinematic experiences and the same OTS camera in every "game". My only regret is going so many years without even giving PC a chance.

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here is my daily blog post and thread about this shitty game i made

i'm glad you're having fun user

It's just creating your own fun using game systems. Same with Mount & Blade, for example.

Mount and blade, another one. Why don't consoles get games like this though?? I never knew I would even like this genre that much but now that I do I see the shear dearth of it on console. It's like they purposely make it because they think console gamers are too dumb or something

Not only you see the light now, but you managed to write a decent pasta.

Because sandboxes are hard to sell seeing as people want to consume fun and not create their own with a toolset. Might as well ask why so few players are modders when they enjoy games that get modded. Creating content is not as widespread as you'd think.

>Why don't consoles get games like this though?
Two reasons:
A) console control and input scheme is clumsy and somewhat limits your options. Though it is good to say that the limitations of console control schemes have been SOMEWHAT overstated, and that game studies gradually learn to over come them. But it's a slow process due to:
B) a conventional wisdom (and a self-fulfilling prophecy) that console users are DUMB that actually dominates most of the industry. I'm not making this up. Assumption that console users are idiots have been actually always present to most mainstream studios, and obviously - treat them like they are dumb, and they will be dumb.

>puts on cuck hat
My wife made me put my PC desk in the basement with the fucking cat litter. Cant play games anymore on it because I cant stand constant cat smell. Fucking hell.
>factorio will never be on console
It hurts. My only fucking option is to run USB and hdmi cable down the wall of my house into my computer room. Then I can enjoy factorio without the cat smell.

is Mount and Blade worth sticking with? I tried it out but couldn't get into it, not sure if it was the combat or just general feel of the game, but moving on an overworld just to fight people got boring, unless there's way more to it I missed

I didn't like Endless Legend (combat sucked), Legend of Grimrock or Morrowind either, so maybe I'm just not into PC games
what little I've played of Kenshi is cool though

Probably fewer players are modders because they think it's hard or they're too lazy to learn, that doesn't mean they don't enjoy mods. Also games like Sims are some of the most normie friendly and best selling in the world. You're not wrong though they dumb them down because they are too afraid of people "not knowing what to do" I think it has a lot to do with the gamepad and ui too honestly.

Mount and Blade can be pretty fun, and there are quite a lot of things to do, but it is generally a proper sandbox, meaning that you have to set your goals for yourself. It's also unquestionably janky as hell.

tell her to fuck off, the placement of your computer matters less to her and more to you.

>but moving on an overworld just to fight people got boring, unless there's way more to it I missed

Basic loop is simple, but there's frills to it. Build up your own merry band, raid villages for shit to sell, train your men up, get noticed by someone, swear loyalty, join wars, take a shot at owning a castle, go rebel against your own faction and create your own, etc. Going by what you didn't like it might not be for you, but if perspective is an issue you might want to check out Battle Brothers. It's been called TBS Mount & Blade, but focused on a single company you lead.

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I wish I could but unfortunately for me she is a jap and I live in constant fear of her running away with my children to japan I dont want to push my luck user

Fuck you.

My new gaeman PC arrives on monday. What are some worthwhile games from the last ~5 years? Not necessarily exclusives.
The only thing I have queued is Kingdom Come, other than that I was looking at MGSV and GTA5.

Warband literally has a PS4 port.

>grind: the game
Sure thing bro

Wow you are a true cuck dude, keep living in fear of a woman. If you seriously think she would move your kids because you want to move the placement of your computer maybe you should divorce her.

Kingdom Come is good but the graphics pop in bothers me so much and my computer isn't beef enough to deal with it. As others have said in the thread, try
>mount and blade
>factorio (this one is really great imo)
>STALKER (play Anomaly mod too it's basically the game made for 2018)
>xcom EU and xcom 2 (never played the old ones sorry boomers)
>Fallout NV with mods
>el subnautico
>besiege (fun little game)
>Crusader Kings 2
>Civ 5 (6 has a stupid art style fight me)
>any sim game like euro truck 2 or car mechanic I love these
I don't play a lot of multiplayer games but squad, arma 3, tarkov, I really like these autistic milsims that PC has

Pretty funny user, I think you misspelled Victoria 2

It's only a grind if you choose to play it like that, mining copper and shit is only good if you have a few people to automate it. Early game is exploring stealing and scavenging for cash. Were you honestly just looking at the Sam's rock the whole time? That's not the games fault, probably you are just a low IQ gamer.

I'd add Dusk, Amid Evil and Serious Sam games if you want something less intellectually challenging, but just great fun.
Talos Principle is also pretty neat.

If you really want something more "clever" from a narrative standpoint, you can also look into games like Pathologic, The Void, Cryostasis.

A good and overlooked gems of RTS genre that are also worth checking out are Original War and Kohan.

Not a consolet, but this doesn't look good.

If you're actively concerned about her leaving you and taking your shit you probably need to divorce her. Living in constant fear and uncertainty over your life that of your kids is no way to live.

>I built my first gaming PC about a year ago
We can guess that, kids who just switched to PC are the vegans of gaming.

>People keep saying that Kenshi feels like Mount and Blade when in fact it is the Sims mixed with a RTS game and a dash of Fallout Tactics
Get it right, anons.

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This Kenshi shit looks bad.
I still can't get started on Stalker, the garbage general refuse to help, vanilla is just boring and every single big mods are autistically hard.
I love my PC, but it's only because I get to play superior versions of console games, and emulators.

>muh gwafix
Kenshi is literally one of the best sandbox games ever made, up there with DF. If can't appreciate it for reasons as superficial as that you're no better than the console gamers you love to shit on.

STALKER needs mods to be good but when it clicks its pretty amazing. Just try Anomaly it's a great megamod for beginners. If you can play one misery meme mod you can play them all. The story isn't important and you can play in Russian and be fine. A lot of people just can't get past the jank or they have no direction keep dying and giving. Different strokes for different folks I guess. But shit yeah nigga i completely forgot about emulators thats where its at

Absolutely this, very few games manage to make you feel like the map is really actually fuckhuge and you've travelled to a distant land. On top of that there are too many interconnected mechanics to count. Also the combination of genes, rpg, rts, citybuilder, the actually good lore, anyone who shits on this game never spent more than 2 hours with it. It totally paralyzes you with the amount of things to do

Thanks, I'll just try Anomaly then, I'm tired of trying to mod SoC so it doesn't looks too shitty, feels fine and isn't bullshit difficult.

Doesn't matter, the presentation is bad so don't be surprised if people assume the rest of the game is just as bad.
Consolets dismiss actually good games for even worse reason all the time. I trust Yea Forums's opinion so I'll definitely try it though.

i think you're a liar

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Nah SoC is rough I always only reccomend it to people to play through in English to understand the story. Anomaly, Dear Air, CoC, all the freeplay mods are where STALKER shines imo

Yup, you just sound like the typical repressed faggot. Like a virgin who fucks his first whore then gets this boost of adrenaline and goes to his virgin friends to boast about it.
I play mainly on consoles despite having a high end PC, they simply get better games (Japanese AA's) and/or get them much earlier. You're just over-compensating from cumming for the first time. Hilarious stereotypes about console games too, as if there was a shred of commonality between all games of a system - this is like making fun of you playing on PC because Facebook games a LoL exist. Not sure if your entire post is a parody or not.

That being said yeah, Kenshi's a blast.
Just try to post here once you leave your teen years, please.

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I never even saw these shills, nor have I played mount and blade. I got this game because of a YouTube video.

>I like console because it gets my chinese games early!
low time preference, low IQ typical of a console gamer, don't even come at me again with your weak assertions here, consoles are fucking gimped and you know it, you are lying to yourself. I don't hate you, I hate how weak the console space really is.

Should I play vanilla SoC with the ZRP fixes and textures to make everything look better or just start modding like crazy

You're clearly young so it's safe to assume I was playing PC games before you were born, during their golden age of the mid 90's up to early 2k. I'm sorry that PC gaming became so dead and shit, with the only redeeming games being rare and mostly having to be funded by early access or crowdfunding cancer (which I'll never ever support) as well as the myriad of middleware shit (Steam, Uplay, EpicStore, Origin, etc) you're obligated to install.
There are still advantages to PC gaming for sure, but it's been such a cesspool for 15 years with no sign of recovery.

And seeing that I don't have a weak body, the lower framerates and graphics of consoles don't hurt my retina. I'm sorry that you willingly miss out on so many gems because you're so fragile.

factorio soothes autism

Ok I watched someone play this shit for a few hours and all he did was to mine some ore, sell it to the merchants and get rekt in fights.

Change my mind on this game

Play call or pripyat first, then play soc with ZRP which has the worse overall quality of life but better map/story. Then play through at least until after agropom or as much as you want (or can) before playing the big boi mods. The end of every stalker game sucks btw. It always comes a horrible corridor shooter

welcome to the club, buddy

I just told you I played all console games and now I'm playing the classics, acknowledging they are actually better to anything that has come since. What even is your argument boomlord, you must have forgot your reading glasses
He is playing like a fag, steal enough shit to sell for 3k, get another guy and do a world trek stealing shit and killing drifters

>get a PS3 and RDR1 to play
>feels like shit to play it at 720p and with framedrops
>on top of that, some parts of the game would greatly benefit from sharper image quality - hunting small animals for challenges and being able to tell wheere's the enemy's head better near cover
>to top it off the game would vastly benefit from mouse controls, given how fast targets on horseback can go by
>was playing Psi Ops which is a PS2 game but running on PC at full HD and with anisotropic filtering on and stuff almost looks better than RDR1 given how awfully blurry the image is on it
holy fuck, I can play older games just fine but this was a horrible experience, I enjoyed the game but not everything else about the technical side of it

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*sorry for all the typos I am a stupid phoneposter. It's not the popular opinion but it's how I played them and I ended up replaying the originals later. Even stuff like OGSE and AMK are really cool worth checking out

Yeah and this guy would have you say it was actually good and you should be thankful for the experience of playing that game. Lol. But desu the ps3 release was fucked I think it worked better on the 360

Bump for kenshi

I wouldn't say that because I don't play western AAA trash. 7th gen was also the absolute worst, what a hellhole (with very few exceptions).
As for PsiOps I can't attest to it since I've never played it, but obviously playing a 2004 game in 2019 will get you a better experience, emulation is not a comparison in any way, unless it happens so close to the game's release, like BotW or most 3DS releases.
It's like saying PSO is SOOOO much better now on PC than it was on Dreamcast's release, but nothing can beat the time you'd have back then.

Like I said, PC still has its advantages on aspects that are unrelated to current releases. Like emulation, simply playing older games, and the very few and far good new PC games (like the ones you mentioned in the OP). For my tastes, Japanese AA, PC gets only half the games and the half it gets are usually delayed by months, when even a week is unbearable to me.