How fucking insensitive. Don’t Japs know that they’re supporting an actual pedophile and child abuser?
DM5: Finding Neverland
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The first (and second) time Michael got outed as a pedophile, we, as a society, decided his music was just too good to initiate a boycott. Why would that change the third time?
Michael Jackson did nothing wrong, in fact, he was too pure for this world. Fucking tranny
jew me sue me
kick me kike me
I agree. To expand on the subject:
>Dante's theme was sung by a pedophile
>One of scenes references Michael Jackson
>Dante ghosts Patty as soon as she turns 18 (MJ did a similiar thing to all the young boys he molested)
>Dante hangs out with guys much younger than him
>Dante acts like a child all the time (something something Michael Jackson :wink:)
>Dante both verbally and physically abused Nero multiple times through the series
>A supportive character Nico (a mom) helps Nero (a young boy) and saves him multiple times, but she adores Dante (MJ) so she gives him the hat (a future without any worries)
>the hat itself is a metaphor, Dante Jackson loses some orbs (money by paying off parents of abused children) to gain more in the end (career)
>Dante and Vergil are two sides of one coin - in the ending they both go to Hell (which would be a fitting end for MJ) which presents us two equally horrific visions - in one Dante, a flawless character loved by everyone goes to Hell without anyone realizing what kind of monster he was, the other is probably even worse - Vergil, a monster who killed millions is absolved of all his sins
>Vergil fans say "it didn't matter if he was evil or not, because he was motivated and had POWER(power=money IRL)" just like how Michael fans say "it doesn't matter if he abused countless children, because he made some cool pop tracks"
>the scene where Nero stops Dante and Vergil is a metaphore for abused boys finally telling the world how it really was
Now search for the lyrics on Google.
Then, listen to the official upload of the song on YouTube.
Can you guess which word got replaced?
We can start with the fact Michael Jackson was one of the first notable figures to call the media out for what it was. Sure, others may have said "The media lies" but few with such influence said it so vehemently. Just look at the lyrics on Tabloid Junkie:
He literally calls the media writers "parasites." The above song came out after Michael Jackson left Sony and started MJJ Productions (his own independent label). His break with Sony was not just over creative disagreements:
I recommend you watch the whole thing but if you start at 6:15 and watch to the end you'll see him expose Tommy Mottola (former CEO of Sony) as an awful man who abused Mariah Carey. He was bringing out the dirt of the music industry execs.
Not only was Michael going independent, but he was also saying lots of things he wasn't supposed to. You can see La Toya Jackson talking about how "They" murdered Michael Jackson and how Jackson knew his life would soon be over:
So, Michael was free from Sony so what was he writing about? Besides all the anti-media songs he came out with They Don't Really Care About us. The song was about Michael being abused by the media and music industry AND about how humanity as a whole is owned by people who don't care about us. So why would Michael mention Jews? Perhaps this video will shed some light:
And Bobby Fisher (one of the smartest men to ever live) on Michael's death:
God what a fuckin great track, it's really a shame he's a fucking weirdo, only lived to 50, and most likely a kid fiddler. Can you just get away with anything if you have enough money?
Times were different, were in the era of Woke Social Media Mob Mentality, people still like MJ sure, but im seeing a huge decline in his popularity now. Because if you aren't "Woke," and expressing you mob mentality hate, then the kobs sights get set on you as well, so people just fall in line. Its been getting absurdly worse this past decade or more.
But what about his pedophilia?! Wasn't he a degenerate? Nope. Michael was abused as a child in show business and it was this abuse that actually inspired him to save other child stars. Let's first look at his most infamous friendship with a child - Macaulay Culkin.
Culkin, who spent the most time with Michael of any child star, states that all the allegations are false. Also, Culkin received a phonecall from Michael inviting him over before the two had ever met. Why? Because Michael understood the abuse Culkin was going through. Culkin still, to this day, holds Michael in high esteem and maintains that he never touched him inappropriately.
And what about the other notable child star - Corey Feldman. He's been in the news recently due to the Weinstein and Spacey stuff because he's saying there's major pedophilia and sexual abuse in Hollywood. What does he have to say:
If you don't want to watch those videos here's a nice summary:
1) Feldman says Michael never did anything sexual, never even cursed in front of kids
2) Feldman says Michael and him bonded over the fact that they were both abused as child stars and Michael gave him advice on how to cope
3) Feldman says he knows of Hollywood Pedophiles and that Michael is not one of them
Anyway, the more you look into it, the more apparent it becomes that Michael's Neverland ranch was actually a place of refuge for child stars. There's a reason he invited child stars. If he was a pedo he would have invited less notable children that wouldn't stir suspicion. He was creating a place where he could keep kids who were the same boat he was in when he was a child star safe.
He's not alive for them to get sued for defamation.
Alright faggots. Let's settle this.
Smooth Criminal > Billie Jean > Human Nature > Man In The Mirror > Earth Song > They Don't Care About Us > The Way You Make Feel > All I Do Is Think Of You > Beat It >>>>>> Bad
The only thing I ever saw Jackson guilty of was just being perceived as a pedo. I think he wasn't, and all he wanted to do was make sure kids had a better childhood than he did.
This bit was so cringey, serously why the hell was that in the game
I still love Thriller because I'm a horror nut.
>Because if you aren't "Woke,"
He was "woke" tho
But you're right, nobody cares about the guilty act itself
The only thing that matters, is the way the mob can use it to assassinate your public persona
>Scream not even on the list
You are trash and your opinion is trash
This is just Japan's way of saying FUCK YOU to the west desu.
today I will remind them
>implying japs care
>Dante hangs out with guys much younger than him
What the hell are you on about? Morrizon is his only friend and he's a cigar smoking 56 y/o black guy
but he didnt get away with anything
he wasnt a kid fiddler and the jews killed him
the real kid fiddlers in hollywood are making all the big superhero movies and fucking kids while everyone cheers
> outed as a pedophile
guy was investigated by the FBI and found nothing, he also was cleared by several judges.
Now James Gunn on the other hand had to delete over 10,000 tweets
People still care, but most just don't publicly say they like the artist in question. People still bump r Kelly
Fucking Dan Schneider is less of a pedo than this guy, holy shit
What are the odds that MJ actually managed to fake his death and get away somehow?
In most circumstances of course that sounds retarded but Jackson is one of the only people I could see getting away with it
that is some cope, you know this genuinly cringy
V and Nero. Morrison is a reference to pre-bleach MJ.
>james gunn pedo
he tweeted a conspicuous amount of times about fucking little boys
I like to pretend he's chilling out in Hyperborea with Elvis.
do you live under a rock?
He was unironically one of the best musicians in history. He earned these children and you know it.
>pop trash
>muh nig-hop
>the sheer anger in his voice after 'kike me'
All I wanna is say is that (((they))) don't really care about us.
>tfw still believing is bullshit accusations people admitted being faked
Go back to resetera you fucking faggot, atleast there you'll fit with the rest of em.
>close friend with convicted pedos
>makes hunderds of pedo related jokes
>"That movies was so manly I wanted to fuck a kid!"
>unironically hangs out with self admitted NAMBLA members, posts about it
>goes to pedo-themed costume parties
>deletes 10.000 tweets after people start pointing out he makes more pedo related tweets in a year than a normal guy does in a lifetime
>Hated the media
>Hated the jews
Was he /ourguy/?
and he still gets re-hired by Disney while the MCUdrones clap about it.
Japan loves him you fucking imbecile
pretty much.
Friendly reminder that all the rereleases of this album, aside from the original release, has this censored. They won in the end.
>They won in the end
The game is still on
Rock With You is still one of my favorites of all time
Not yet.
> doesn't even have the line
lmao fuck off jews
wanna be starting something > smooth criminal
Up until I heard this, I didn't understand why he bleached himself. But after I feel it was less because he was tired of being white and just wanted to be someone who transcended such petty things.
>not a single bad song
>why he bleached himself
user, it doesn't matter how rich you are
If you're black, there's still no way to get white
He was sick and it got so bad he couldn't hide it anymore
I always thought the reaction to thois was interesting, jews hate it because they think it's antisemitic, and /pol/ loves it for the same reason, but if you actually listen to the song, the idea that MJ is "Naming the jew" makes no sense, since immediately after that he says "don't you black or white me", are the blacks and whites out to get him too? or does everyone just have the song wrong
This absolutely. All of his songs are amazing and quincy jones mastering is out of this world.
Yeah even that extra echo effect to make it more powerful. Just a nice middle finger.
Reminds me when he was on brazil.
Look at those movements on 1:06
'black and white me' most likely meant not to morally demonize him as a child rapist and other rumors Jackson considered abhorrent
The only thing he did wrong was playing Rafiki at the window, the rest is based on lies to make a profit on his status. Yes, he was clearly special in the head, but he was too candid / naive , not a monster like that fritzl guy.
There's nothing wrong with fucking furry girls
The song was made years before he got first (wrongly) accused
you'd have to be pretty dimwitted to think disney doesn't have execs that aren't fucking children
he was first accused in 1993, the song is from 1995 or so
>it's ok to be a disgusting piece of shit if you make half decent music
What the fuck is wrong with America?
The song was recorded in 1990 m8
Stop talking none sense user, a japanese pedophile? Who ever heard of that?
I hated this shit, it's the most embarrassed I've been playing DMC.
Imagine their reaction
>Yeah he fucked up and the web busted him
>We'll lose some money, but we have to sacrifice him to the crowd
>What, they're angry now?
>They... they want us to hire him back?
>it's okay to be the target of jew lies and slander for any reason
What the fuck is wrong with kike-lovers?
>why he used make-up
Because it was fucking horrifying
Thriller is one of the greatest albums of all time
There is something wrong, they're not real
Trolling used to be an art
>Dante playing the guitar in DMC3
>"Is SANITY, the price to pay.... FOR POWAH?!!"
I got used to this kind of shit by now. desu one of the reasons why I love Dante by this point.
Yiff in hell.
The japs are based. Michael Jackson is based.
Go fuck yourself western-cuck.
Why this shit is so good ?
The shitty thing is that I actually had a bitter taste in my mouth despite having a good laugh at that scene. I wish MJ weren't such a monster, because it makes my tum-tum rumble when I enjoy stuff he influenced.
Is this the painfully obvious off topic bait thread all the autistic faggots moved to when the japan immigration shit got 404'd?
>No Off the Wall
>Not a single track from Off the Wall
Space Channel 5 threads are stealth Michael threads
Every time some extortionist came around and accused him of being a pedophile, he was proven without a doubt in court to be innocent.
This is not some OJ Simpson shit where he just got away with it via bullshit, his accusers were crushed in court every single time.
But keep eating up this bullshit "MJ was a pedo" narrative that the media keeps feeding you, you braindead NPCs
Why do I have to give a shit about someone's personal life when I just want to listen to some music?
You better be joking dead weight
rest of the world dont care about that Raping Neverland
people just now catching on he used to call jews out repeatedly till they put him down
Nero is Dante's nephew and V (literally Vergil) came to Dante for a job. You didn't even play the game.
fffffuccccccccccckkkkk capcom please
Fucking hell, I thought the jews were nothing but a meme.
There's a reason no one listens to Lostprophets anymore user.
The narrative people are trying to push now is if you listen to his music, you're a bad music.
So you bet your ass I put on Spotify so that they're tracking me playing MJ songs, and I roll the windows down and have the stereo up.
Wait did he really only ever invite child stars? I thought he just opened the ranch and any kid was welcomed?
you do realise they are as synonymous as Murica and burgers, right?
>posts a cubic shitload of raunchy child rape tweets during his career
>even looks like a registered sex offender
>Marvels*ys flock to defend him because he directed some of the highest-grossing superhero movies (read as: propaganda) of all time
Gotta love it.
Couldn't his estate sue?
They found a picture of Jackson buying ring for Safefuck lately. He wasn't lying it seems.
Being pedophile is one thing but actually fucking (which is even more than molesting) 7yr old boys is one the most fucked up thing you can do. I love Smooth Criminal but he should go to jail and being raped by horde of niggers.
Yeah, because you can't prove something that only two people were there for and that leaves no physical evidence. It's not like he came in their mouths and then they ran out of the room without spitting, motherfucker.
OJ Simpson had two dead bodies, trails of blood, hair samples, gloves, that shit was everywhere. That's what happens when you murder someone. That shit isn't the same with rape unless you're violent and leave bruises, dumbass.
That shit is what happens when you wait years to report something out of shame and mental conditioning, because you're fucking seven and your hero just said that if you tell anyone that you'll both go to jail forever and probably die.
holy fuck lmao
I can't believe that even kuck Tim Pool is happy that Gunn is back directing his favorite capeshit movies.
The answer to this is always the same.
They know, they just don't give a fuck.
Where would MJ align politically if he were alive today?
But user, Japan is the pedophile.
I wonder if he would support Trump
based Japan.
Jap doesn't let sandniggers in.
No, he had muh multicultural non-border message for media.
>Evan Chandler was drugged by his father and step father when he was made to accuse Michael in 1993
>they lose that case no contest
>father kills himself later
>Evan writes an open letter about how the accusation was bullshit and they just wanted money out of Michael
>Extortionists bring forth 5 more kids saying that Michael abused them
>in court 3 of the kids start out by saying that Michael never touched them
>one of them never even shows up
>last one is proven without a doubt to be lying
Or their society encourages keeping quiet and moving on like nothing happened because you don't want to rock the boat.
And tupac
You're right they should be open about it like the mudslimes
Japan has an outrageous amount of unreported sexual assault. You could probably grab 4 girls on a crowded train and get away with it completely
>3 of the kids start out by saying that Michael never touched them
Because their hero told them to say no, and they don't want anyone to think they were 'dirty' or 'ruined' by being molested, even their parents.
Should they have won in court? Probably not because there's no hard evidence. Did some of them get molested? Far as I can tell, without a doubt.
>Far as I can tell, without a doubt
You have zero evidence of this and have been force fed bullshit
Fuck I want to move to Japan. In West even complementing girl is brutal rape according to metoo.
there tears are all the evidence you need
is that so
I wasn't saying this was a good thing you fucking rapist
I don't care, it is a good thing unless you are gay, you gay.
creepy incel
Money > all
My parents didn't report me getting sexually abused and I'm American. It's totally reasonable to increase the rates but its literally insane to pretend that only Japan does that.
japan doesn't give a shit about what you say tranny
Everytime, the UK bitches about shit but then does it way worse than the country it is accusing
You're literally repeating what I just said.
In what fucking world WOULD there be hard evidence? Do you seriously expect a seven year old to hold onto one of fucking MJs pubes for forensics?
I can't tell if you're being willfully ignorant or just not reading what I'm saying.
There is literally no evidence that James Gunn is a pedo while there's hundreds of evidence Michael Jackson is.
Present them
There are OTHER ways to collect evidence in this sort of case.
he was a symbol of pop culture, faggot
gay lol
Fox news said so
Go ahead, I'd love to hear them. I'd love to hear how you'd collect physical evidence of a crime with no physical leftovers.
Gunn's public statements on children are overtly sexual in nature, whereas Jackson never made any such remarks publicly.
>semen, pubes, tearing in the anus, bruises, cp at his house
they didnt find a single piece of evidence
The only people who ever accused Michael were people looking to get money out of him. No one accused him until they found themselves pissed off at him for some other reason or until they found themselves in a financial situation
If you look into this more than not at all, this is extremely clear
Fight me.
Purple rain and... uh.
>Slept with CHILDREN
>had security all over his house that sounded if people were in the hallway
>taught kids to quickly dress themselves if they heard any alarms
>had child porn on his computer
>had child porn books in his library
>had testimonials from kids he slept with that he touched them
>had a secret hidden room that contained dodgy art and books of children
and more
He's definitely a pedo. Isnt it interesting you see braindead NPCs defend MJ despite being dead? He's a disgusting monster.
I'd rather not hit mentally handicapped people
lol calm down Dan.
nah hes alright but not a fair comparison
You 2 vs me in a game of basketball.
>>had child porn on his computer
>>had child porn books in his library
Not saying that he's not guilty but they never found anything like this. He would go to jail just for it.
Son of a bitch he did it again!
NPCs are the ones who believe jackson was a pedo because they immediately went from loving him to hating at the drop of a hat. very npc bahavior
>>had child porn on his computer
>>had child porn books in his library
Japan loves loli
I can name like 2 Prince songs I like while MJ has too many fucking songs spanning several decades.
>had security all over his house that sounded if people were in the hallway
He was paranoid as fuck because literally everyone was trying to get him. It was to the point where he was actually scared that Sony was going to try and have him assassinated
>taught kids to quickly dress themselves if they heard any alarms
see above
>had child porn on his computer
no he didn't, this is fabricated. No official reports on the investigations had anything like this in them
>had child porn books in his library
no he didn't
>had testimonials from kids
Yes, when adults made them do it to try and get money out of him you fucking retard. These were all proven bullshit
The only actual porn that was found in his home were generic girly mags like Playboy and Penthouse
Nice post my fellow NPC. Did you watch the HBO special too? Shit was EPIC
If he had child porn, he would go to jail for possession. He didn't now, did he?
didn't journalist in europe already teared up the documentary apart so bad they had to cut like half an hour of anecdotal evidence that was verified to be false?
Only if you make us pancakes afterwards
lmao no he wouldn't, he's rich, they do shit like that all the time-- just look at that guy from The Who. he got caught downloading cp and just paid them off with money and the excuse of "uh I was downloading it to see how easy it was so I could help the police later".
You won't hear anyone talk about that fact.
yeah he paid them off after he died
Only millennial wanting to feel special say this. They never actually mean it.
the two dudes in the documentary only came out very recently saying they were abused and it was after they found themselves in financial trouble. One of them didn't get hired for to do choreography or some shit and suddenly "remembered" that he had been abused
They tried taking it to court several different times but it was laughable each time because of how inconsistent and constantly changing his stories were, and he got laughed out of court each time. He got caught lying under oath basically each time he was in a courtroom
and then he shows up in this "documentary"
Pete Townshend isn't dead, dumbfuck.
Why the fuck would a man who could have his pick of basically any child at the drop of a hat keep photos around?
>semen, pubes
Why would a child keep any of that? They didn't get banged in an alley and thrown away, idiot. They stayed at his house and showered and slept with him and shit. Even if Michael were dumb enough to let them walk out with a pube on their shirt or whatever, these kids didn't fucking sprint to a rape center. It takes a long fucking time to come to grips with that kind of experience, and to be okay with telling others about it. You're expecting the impossible from a child to immediately have the right judgment on something they don't understand in less time than it takes to have a bath.
>tearing in the anus, bruises
He didn't do any ass-raping, the most he inserted was a finger. The rest was all blowjobs and handjobs and body stuff. He was smart enough not to do stuff that hurt, because severe pain is something that kids would tell someone about, that they know shouldn't be happening to them.
Bad bait.
> Calling out the people that legalized child porn by calling it loli.
He meant that as in "Don't you bring race into this". So he's actually speaking for both jews and black people. But no one cares about that. They're just mad he said jew and kike.
One of the guys in Leaving Neverland Documentary claims that Michael would hold mock weddings with the children, even showing off a ring that he says was from said wedding, he goes on to claim that Michael kept the vows, and yet, they never found these "vows" now Michael's ring
If you were Michael Jackson, are you seriously suggesting you wouldn't get rid of any damning material once there are charges of possible molestation being put against you? Or hand them to someone you trust to hold onto for a bit? Or stash them in a bush on your 4.5 miles of open land, or on top of your ferris wheel or some shit? Or, I don't know, maybe just keep them in one of your many other residences?