Why can’t nintendo make good hardware...

Why can’t nintendo make good hardware? I spent 300 dollars on this underpowered tablet and the graphics are really bad. I wouldn’t mind it being a port machine if the games looks and ran well but the hardware is too weak and impotent and all the first party games are kiddie shit I feel like I’m watching teletubbies when I play the typical first party Nintendo games. Should I give up on Nintendo and get a real console or pc? Or do you think Nintendo will eventually release a better hardware that can compete with Sony and Microsoft?

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Sony wins again :)

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Why would they? You among 35M other people or so already bought it.

Because Nintendo insists on not losing money on their hardware

You spent $1000 in a shitty fruity phone that performs worse than a $300 chinkphone and you're complaining about a $300 toy?

>buying a Nintendo console for third parties
>Don't want to play Nintendo games
>Making the Switch your main console
>Not already owning another console
Not like any of that matters since you're entire post is made up to start a console war thread. Still got me to reply though. Also for anyone who doesn't know Nintendo's consoles are always sold at a profit because they deliberately use withered technology instead of expensive top of the line components like their competitors. That's why even though it was a total failure the WiiU was still profitable

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>tfw you bought a shitch

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>I feel like I’m watching teletubbies when I play the typical first party Nintendo games. Should I give up on Nintendo and get a real console or pc?


Nintendo's R&D and logistics chain is unique. See Nintendo, unlike every other manufacturer, produces a unit they can sell at a profit from the start, and slowly improve this profit down the road. Sony and Xbox are sold at lost initially, and this is slowly improved to break even or profit down the road as logistics chain improves. Meanwhile, Sony/Xbox make their money from licencing dev kits or selling subs to services and other such promotions.

Essentially, Nintendo is keeping it lean

Op here, I don’t care about console wars I care that I SPENT MY MONEY ON THIS CHEAP TABLET AND IT HAS BAD GRAPHICS!

caveat emptor. you could've looked up what it looks like any time

>Why can’t nintendo make good hardware? I spent 300 dollars on this underpowered tablet and the graphics are really bad.
Yeah the most advanced and most powerful dedicated gaming handheld device to ever hit the market, is a weak piece of shit. Better stick to my Game Gear. That's true power.

you have no one to blame but yourself for not doing the research needed before dropping the money. Now tell the thread what compelled you to buy a Nintendo system if you don't like Nintendo games so we can laugh at you

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Why aren't you complaining about buying a shitty and overpriced phone then?

I like that Nintendo does weird dumb shit, because it provides an alternative to the two other console shit boxes that are essentially identical while being largely inferior to a PC

With Nintendo, even if it's just a few games, they occasionally make use of their hardware to do cool shit that justifies its existence and makes it have some kind of utility that you can't get elsewhere.

Also visuals haven't mattered since 7th gen. Everything has more than enough horsepower to make really cool looking games these days. Fuck, im till impressed by Mario Kart 8 and that's basically a gen 7 level game. And its gorgeous

problem is it's not really a handheld, it's a halfsy trying to compete in both markets. Also it's mobile controls are ass

I don't own a nintendo but I more or less agree. I'm glad Nintendo is there being weird.

Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch

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It looked good on the commercials? Why is false advertising ok for you?! Probably because you didn’t buy one so fuck off.

>cheap tablet has bad hardware
No shit, what did you expect for 300 dollars?

Imagine paying $1000 for this.

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Name 5 switch games that were downgraded from the trailers.

>or do you think Nintendo will eventually release a better hardware that can compete with Sony
oh look, another tranny Snöyfag complaining about a console that she(he) has never owned. seriously fuck off and go back to enjoying your movies and Netflix machine, moron.

Imagine being over the age of ten and makeing console war posts.
Imagine being so poor you can't afford all the consoles and a decent PC.



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>Why can’t nintendo make good hardware?
hey gaylord i don't know if you've been paying attention but nintendo from the very beginning picks shelf components and makes software to run on it. that's it

they are not interested in meeting your arbitrary standards of how it should look in comparison to the competition. they don't care what impression it will have on sony fans or microsoft fans or nintendo fans who desperately want the approval of other fans. there, done, end of discussions. it's a business

you mean ports?
switch has NO GAEMS

I do all that because I prefer handhelds to full consoles, and I'm a giant weeb when it comes to games so the switch right now is fine with 3rd parties.

Although I do own a PS4 and a decently powerful laptop.

Ports from a home console to a handheld provide the added unique benefit of being on a handheld. Who the fuck cares if the games are ports, as long as they're not PS Vita ports.

Are you the real Ruggerall? Not seen you in years.

Is Ys Origin any good? Found a physical copy for PS4 dirt cheap new and fancy playing it.

>playing gaems in public
have you tried getting a girlfriend yet, virgin?