>What new characters do you want?
>Will other Sonic characters going to be playable?
>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would the develop the next game at SXSW?
>>What new characters do you want?
>>Will other Sonic characters going to be playable?
Don't care
>>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
I hope
It's a Batman crossover. Sonic will meet the Joker. He'll make a little crack about his scars.
No new ones
They fucking better be
imagine actually being hyped by a new Sonic
Castlevania fag here, our franchises both have awful 3D entries consistently. I wouldn't be hyped for a new 3D vania at all, I don't see why Sonic fans keep subjecting themselves to this.
>its not going to be heroes 2
If Sonic had a crossover with Boku No Hero, how would he meet All For One?
This. Come on Sega, give the fans what they deserve.
It would need to be BotW tier to make me buy it. They need to totally revamp the physics and level design philosophy.
Heroes sucks.
heroes was worse than sonic 06 so I'm not surprised
>What new characters do you want?
>Will other Sonic characters going to be playable?
>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
as long as they remove that custom character shit then forces 2 is fine
>New characters
Hopefully someone from Sonic's past before the first game. I want an origins episode.
>Will other characters be playable?
I hope so.
>Forces 2.0?
If it is then imma spit on this board, because I know all bad vidya are a product of this board's feedback
I am so fucking done with Sonic. I just can't keep up with him anymore. The new Racing Title still looks bad and inferior to the CTR remake. Although the short was good. If the new mainline game sucks i am completely leaving Sonic alone.
Causal conversation during a side by side run on the ocean where they happened upon each other
Can't wait
Heroes has no future and no potential
>I just can't keep up with him anymore
>Panel over since 10 minutes
>People already turned it into a fucking meme
Why did they think that was worth its own announcement? We know Sega's going to keep making Sonic games
What's SXSW? Is it completely independent from whatever comprises Sonic Team? If not then no, I have no hope. Game will be garbage like everything else they've shat out in the last decade
We need more characters with boobs.
This level of autism needs to be diluted and spread across the Internet. The pressure from keeping it contained could kill us all.
no, the entire game was garbage.
One of these days, she will remove her heart-shaped chestpiece and just reveal giant fat bat tats.
open world is a meme
Christ, and I thought RTX panels were bad. How do Sonic fans live with themselves? In hiding and in shame?
Lifelong Sonic fan here.
We deserve it this time. Shame on everyone who got to ask a question at the Q&A. It was either shameless fanshit advertising or unbridled autism. We don't deserve nice things.
They're kinda injecting a bit of the Sonic Battle style here. I like it.
It's just gonna be more Lost World engine shit with a shitty script made even shittier by Pontaff localization
Do you trust the current Sonic Team to make another Sonic game?
HOLY SHIT! What's next? We find out that Nintendo has the next mainline Zelda or Mario in development?
is the mania team making it? if not then it's probably not going to be very good
It's gonna be even shittier than Forces because even a good chunk of that staff have left for other companies, someone post the developers list, it's goten smaller with each game starting with unleashed
Just let it die.
>>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
i want to believe they'll put some real effort in this game seeing how everyone shit on forces while praising mania as sonic's return to form. it probably will be forces 2.0 though.
You ever notice that rouge just wears a pair of tights pulled up to high?
That's not a bodysuit like people think, it stops at the waist.
Stream Theme
Just wondering, does anyone still have hope for adventure 3? I hope it happens, but at the same time I don't want to be disappointed.
fucking this
It's going to be another half assed game, the ambition mostly left during unleashed and generations development
I think it will happen some day to cash in on nostalgia. They'd be crazy not to.
They targeted Sonic fans... SONIC FANS!!!
>what new characters do you want
The joker
No, SA3 would be botched like KH3, or completely nonexistent like HL3
>how would sonic meet joker
I stopped having hope for Adventure 3 like 10 years ago dude
>TSR has 21 tracks split across 7 zones/themes
Granted, Ice Mountain's tracks throw a wrench in the theming with the Volcano track, but still
>Mother Wisp being canonized despite not being in the Wii game
It's Sonic Force 2 for the PSP2 with the Joker as guest character. You can screen cap this
Sonic was never good.
Said the Sonic fan. Look at a fucking mirror.
The adventure line?
The boost line?
The 2D line?
I just want a Chao Garden game.
I hope new staff comes in a makes the game.
Sonic games lately are just getting boring tier and not actually ShTH/06 tier broken/retarded, just boring and safe. They should just think of something new with Sonic, and use a gameplay style that actually works well with Sonic and isn't so casualized like with the boosting gameplay. That's why I hope for.
A 3D game that just tries something new. No more direct nostalgia grabbing, but maybe a hint or two of the stuff from SA1/2 pecked in just to make it feel familiar. I'll be waiting for Evening Star's next project. At this point, my dream that it could be hand drawn with brand new levels makes me excited. The fact Iizuka really wants to separate classic and modern really gives me hope Mania 2 will be new entirely. I just hope 3D Sonic can do something like this again soon.
Sonic himself is basically just a big meme that keeps on mutating
>mainline sonic game
Does such thing even exist? What is a non-mainline Sonic game, besides shit like spinball and such?
>what new characters do you want?
What do you mean? I guess the only characters I'd be on the edge of my seat for are Team Dark as a collective.
>will other sonic characters be playable
Probably not.
>do you expect shit?
I expect excellence. They disappoint me again and again and again but my standard for excellence will never change until they deliver, and then it will go higher. I have given up hope, but the expectation is still there.
why is sega suddenly so scared to talk about anything besides tsr now? give me more mania and 3d sonic
>Quick question, when will we see SSUUPPEER SSOONNIICC...in the comic?
Sonic, you know what you have to do
>People hate Sonic being a meme
>Proceeds to be the thing they "hate"
It's all the same people, the frachise attacted the shitposters to make things worse for everyone.
A bit of Riders there too.
Based Heroesbro
Cringe and basedpilled
Make it 2D and metroidania. There, I fixed Sonic for you, SEGA.
If it's not developed by Evening Star then I don't give a shit about it.
End the current boost gameplay (it is objectively worse than the Adventure gameplay), try a revamped version of the Adventure gameplay that doesn't suck ass, and gimmi Chao Garden as a side-dish.
give me link, where are you watching this?
It's already over, user.
Sonic Advance
Sonic Rush
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Riders
Sonic and the Secret Rings/Black Knight
Sonic Battle
Sonic Chronicles
Basically: Mainline = Multiplat Console Release, Spinoff = Handheld
Your butter shoes game is shit kid
Fuck off and die in a fire
No Sega announcements whatsoever?
Oh I'm sorry, I just didn't want to play as Sonic, Sonic with shitty stilted flight and Sonic with punches you massive faggot.
Just put Sonic back in 2D for a while, the team is obviously fumbling to do 3D Sonic since they end up not doing it entirely and slap 2D into them regardless.
All they showed was Team Sonic Racing stuff and a Mania Adventures remix. No game announcements at all. Iizuka said a new game was in production but that was fucking it. This feels worse than Forces already, at least that game got a teaser at the anniversary event.
That was honestly the most baffling and braindead question in the entire Q&A. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
So you only played Sonic 1 and CD, huh?
>What new characters do you want?
Just give me the main trio (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles), if they feel like adding the dorky characters, add in Shadow just so they have an excuse to add in Rouge. More smut of her is welcomed.
>Will other Sonic characters be playable?
Possibly, though I'd say 80% Sonic-only.
>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
Knowing SEGA, yes.
Honestly, I don't know what kind of Sonic game to expect after Forces.
Can they even get a trailer up when the Marza team is working on the movie right now? Even TSR's trailer looked barebones.
Where can I buy the album with the 130 tracks?
>Somebody bothered to screencap my post
It's so wrong in so many way, the fact that they had to ask such a thing makes me think they didn't read the comics and just didn't think SS was in because he wasn't on any covers.
massive fag
I don't even like 3 tails and I will gladly defend him over the utter trash that is heroes tails. Awful gimped flight purely used to compensate for atrocious platforming.
Heroes knuckles isn't even knuckles. He punches things, that's just about the only thing they have in common
I'll give the autist some credit: Sonic rarely went super in Archie and only did so to cap off a couple of climatic events (i.e. Worlds Collide).
When he should've asked if we would be seeing Super Sonic more often in IDW in comparison to Archie.
I don't know what I want anymore.
Inzuka was crying and it wasn't from joy. Imagine missing your birthday for this nonsense.
We already have Adventure 3, it was released in 2006
>What new characters do you want?
Chris Chan
>Will other Sonic characters going to be playable?
>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
I think he needs to step down.
He actual got pretty damn sad looking at one point ddin't he? The one point some fan said his first Sonic game was Rivals, he lit up like a lightbulb since that was the game he worked on and seemed happen someone enjoyed his game.
I think Iizuka just miss the good old days. I think seeing all that Mania content make him miss the early days of Sonic.
Can someone either
Edit the tits to be bigger +cleavage line OR add a cleavage line
It has always felt like they just need to get the right team and let them have a proper amount of creative control.
But the biggest issue with that, and why I don't think we'll ever see a truly good 3D sonic game, is the fact that Sega itself isn't capable of making a good judgement call on what a good team would be. That's how we got Sonic Boom, which was bad even before it suffered from corporate meddling.
Imagine though, open world only you can go super fast.
did it already happen or are we still waiting for SXSW?
I have both those games still with me, Silver's actions in it were something else as was that weird as fuck Eggman Nega voice, if the character ever comes back in a voiced role I hope Mike uses something else for him
We know Sega hasn't forgotten him or Marine because they appear on their site and both were used for those comics leading up to Forces. It's Gemerl who seems forgotten.
If the next Sonic game was just a GTA mod that replaced driving a car with being Sonic, it would still be an improvement.
already done
>Sonic Kart trailer
>Sonic Kart cartoon that's just DUDE BIG LMAO
>Sonic Boom is back...oh it's just compilation dvds
>a remix
>autist Q&A
It ended
He sounded dead inside anytime Mania+ discussion was happening, even when he was talking about it himself. It has to have dawned on him by now that nobody's liked a game he's worked on in years, you know things are bad when he showed the most enthusiasm when waxing nostalgic over fucking Sonic Rivals of all things.
sounds boring
it was just a prank bro
thats not quite the issue
sega and sonic team (whoever makes this retarded call), rushes everything they do. They are not okay with taking their time to make a good product, whatever it is.
It happened with the adventure games, heroes, shadow, 06, unleashed, colors, and especially boom.
Boom was butchered when they were forced to port it to wii U. They basically recreated the sonic genesis port incident, incase you dont know what I mean.
The Bingo Highway remix was pretty sweet.
I miss Big's characterization in those old comics much more now. He and Cream were adorable together
It's difficult to describe the raw and simple enjoyment of perfecting momentum based parkour and transforming a regular-ass mountain into a skatepark because you can make yourself careen off everything.
This, Sonic Utopia
But he made the Adventure games. At best he has to know people keep begging for them to make more of those games again. I really believe critics has killed any hope for this series, at least to SEGA. If fans really want to get shit fixed again, do it yourself. People need to get the critics to fuck off and prove to people with ideas and concepts that 3D Sonic can work.
Not open world, retard.
the panel went great. Funny jokes, great crowd atmosphere and reactions, great music from jun, lots of good content and TSR looks amazing. ALSO A MODERN SONIC ADVENTURES CARTOON, WHY ARE PEOPLE IGNORING THIS? Confirms classic one was a one off for mania, and people want more modern. Amazing animation and funny to boot, classicucks are trying to meme it was shit because all they got is a mug. For any non classic fan it went great- and confirmation that a new 3D sonic is in the works, yeah, fuck you classicfags. DONT LET THEN MEME IT INTO BEING BAD
sonic utopia is just a boring tech demo with few flourishes, it showcased nothing. the creator is a stuffed shirt blowhard
i don't want to see green hill, i don't want to see sonic cd, and i don't want to see empty vacuums of nothing. i want a game that plays well and offers variety
The custom character was the only GOOD thing about Sonic Forces
you're delusional, also Adventure Sonic is not modern sonic
low iq post
They should hire him as the artist for SA3. Looks far better than Unleashed.
Same. After delaying the game for half a year, and even with all the new car customization, the game still looks like a bland wet fart.
Other than Mania, I haven't bought a Sonic game since Generations.
Where was this? I missed the panel so I only know the memes that people are spouting now
Who needs basic ass characterization when you can spout Froggy memes all day and have everyone praise you for it?
>confirms classic one was a one off for mania
Same exact thing applies to the TSR one, you retard. Except there's gonna be less TSR shorts than Mania Adventures.
Rivals needed some personality, the power ups looked so generic but I guess what the wisps are for, the story was just odd, a camera that turns everything it points to into a photo and Nega wanted to that to the entire earth err Sonic's world?
Let's not forget this legendary exchange
>"I'm hiding the chao from a monster that wants to eat them."
>"What, you're crazy!"
>"I'll show you how crazy I am!"
>cue fight between Silver and Knuckles
Oh and Eggman Nega not only turned himself into a photo on accident he somehow excaped that only to be crushed under the Ifirt's dead body and left to die in it's dimension by Espio and Silver with no a single fuck or remorse between either of them and he still managed to come back from that. Nega is harder to kill than a cockroach, it's insane, Maria dies to one bullet, yet her grandpa dies to a hail of bullets and stuff that should have killed Eggman himself and Nega just fails without explanation. Even the Zeti fucking explode and it's implied Sonic killed them when they ganged up on him yet they're back and just bitching how Sonic beat them.
Team Sonic Racing Overdrive.
It's just Mania Adventures now with cheap CG and Big jokes.
I wish I could agree with you, but I don't. Literally the Tails channel crew was disappointed nothing Adventure happened, nor that nothing new happened outside of that animation, which was good.
It's not classicfags, because I'd see more Evening Star posts if that was true, but imo, if anyone really wants something new this fast, I guess they aren't real classicfags because now that Mania is denuvoless, I'll stick to Mania Plus and with better mod support to boot. And maybe get TSR.
SONIC TEAM making new SONIC game
Yikes the absolute state of this franchise
no substance havin ass nigga
Delete this
Now post that panel of Cream giving people shit for messing with Blaze's world
>The new Racing Title still looks bad and inferior to the CTR remake
Crashfag still seething. Enjoy your 30fps
I'd like to see his take on the human characters.
>>What new characters do you want?
Bringing mighty to modern would be nice, if not then that's fine too.
>>Will other Sonic characters going to be playable?
Honestly I've been ok with sonic being the only playable character. I would like to be able to switch sonic out for shadow like in forces, that was pretty neat.
>>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
I'd be ok with it if it was. Forces wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. If they worked on some stuff it could be a fun game.
This isn't classicfags controlling the narrative this is cold hard reality. At some point you just gotta admit to yourself that you have shit taste. But it's okay to have shit taste, I know I do. Revel in it, embrace it.
>but it wasn't bad either.
End this meme, it was fucking shit.
I mean, I'll get TSR because my buddies and I want a new racing game. It'll probably be 7/10 fodder but whatever, at least the music is sounding good.
All the more reason for Forces to burn. Having some fucking furry oc creator stuck to sonic like a cancerous growth will kill the series
It was as in the middle of the road as a game can get for me.
It's not colors where I by the end of it I was waiting for it to end already so that's a check in my book
Guys, it's getting hard to stick with this franchise. Every time I try to hold on tight, something always happens to make my grip weak.
>literally being so obsessed you have to spam this every thread
Wondering why the TSR short still isn't on YouTube, they said it'll be up today and every other video shown there is up already.
Why not just make your own content?
Or, move on to another series like Pokemo-
Er, I mean, something else that isn't "dying". How many games do you guys still play? I wanna know.
how and why they're dropping the ball so hard post-mania is beyond me.
Just be like me, user.
Don't constantly hold onto it in the hopes that something good will come out of it.
Just move on to some other things, and watch Sonic from the sidelines. You won't be broken-hearted when nothing happens, but you'll still get to be excited when something good actually finally does.
That happened to me too a few years back.
Just remember that most of the sonic games while bad, can still be enjoyed.
Go into a sonic game without a critical eye and only doing it for some fun like I do and you'll be able to push through a lot (even forces)
Plus it helps to find that spark. I know for me that spark was mania, and I wasn't even going to get it originally. I only got it because I had $20 I didn't know what to do with.
Its fun to go fast,would be crazy fun if the game wasnt automated like Forces, hey one day they may do it right
It's time to move on, if a new game is announced, buy it if it's good, if not, wait for the next one
There's a few things they still need to upload.
I want them to post the final egg remix that was in the customization trailer already.
This one?
>Crashfag still seething
"Oh shit, what happened to the game?"
>enjoy your 30fps
"Oh...It's just a disappointing non-problem."
And would be piss easy with a Sonic game , just put a base in a massive forest , a base in a massive lake and a city , the first two are piss easy to make as big as possible so they focus the time on a big city,also long roads that connect this , they should take 30 sec-1min to Sonic to go one area from the other at max speed and at the very least 30 minutes-1 hour by walking.
after playing one level of heroes you've basically played the entire game.
Boy I can't wait for the video game adaptation of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie!
'adventure 3' was 06. or Shadow. or Heroes. or Unleashed. depending on how you look at it.
>"Oh...It's just a disappointing non-problem."
based retard
>Sonic is in it's death throes
>Star Wars is in it's death throes
>Star Trek is in it's death throes
>Western animation is entering yet another dark age with the release of the new Johnny Test
>Nearly every new hollywood movie is either a re-hash, re-make, de-make, sequel, prequel, reboot, etc
>The internet keeps getting closer and closer to 1984
>The entire modern political landscape
We're living in kali yuga. Luckily that means it'll all be over soon.
Exactly. Imagine parkour and stunts based on skateboarding games or racing games
>ur dumb
Good one.
Yup, that's the one. Then in the reboot there's that reaction she had when Honey fucked Tails over in that match. A nice little girl who will rage like no tomorrow if you mess with her friends. I don't know why sega is trying to push her out. those chao should have just been apart of Cream's super move, if they even have those in this game. Are they that scared of lolicons and pedos?
>>Western animation is entering yet another dark age with the release of the new Johnny Test
Please be a joke. Why the hell would they bring back that *whip noise* piece of shit?
>Western animation is entering yet another dark age with the release of the new Johnny Test
>Not an american idiot theme song
Wow this really does suck already
Finally. Now i just hope its a 3D game but since they saw how fast mania sold i guess we are getting another remake.
>Are they that scared of lolicons and pedos?
They already have to deal with you autists, so of course they are killing off the rest of the other cancers. They already reduced Rouge's chest to Sonic approvable status. I wished they just did this in the first place and shit wouldn't have gotten so bat shit bad with furries.
>Good one.
Yeah, because I'm right, retard.
Oh good, another five years of whip snapping every time someone moves.
>not even a title drop
It is shit, isn't?
Okay, good for you.
It's no wonder we have nothing but manchildren adults and very stupid kids when shit like this is their after school entertainment. What happened to the Avengers EMH cartoon?
Why don't people try anymore?
Unless they purge Tails who is the posterchild for furries and pedos and their mental illness i doubt the cancer is going to go away all that much
Don't forget your helmet and pills, retard.
>That comic
It hunts my worst nightmares
Cream's entire character in the games began and ended at "girl." It's not a surprise ST is phasing her out when they can barely manage to keep the writing for the main cast consistent/interesting.
>Cream and Gemerl were on this variant despite not being in the issue
Thanks dad.
Can I just say I dig the new bingo highway remix lots
I really like TORIENA's work so this was a treat to listen to
I should've aborted you, son. You're a fucking disappointment.
Oh, here it is:
Sorry dad, I'll try to get that raise so I get 120k a year instead of 110k.
Boom Tails is fine. That's exactly how his modern self should be designed.
Cream should just be an Amy clone in attire and height.
imagine being over the age of 16 and being excited for Sonic games
why does Yea Forums eat this crap up?
>Boom was butchered when they were forced to port it to wii U
Forced to port it AND not allowed to make the technical decisions to make it feasible.
>You have to stick with this custom branch of an engine that can barely get 30 FPS at the best of times on the platform because reasons
Corporate bullshit politics at its best.
>we never got Gemerl and Omega shit talking each other
>But we did get Sonic and Knuckles on their extreme gear and Burning Blaze
>We never found out what Whisper's beef with Shadow is
I swear it feels like they have plans but Sega keeps steping on their toes. It's ridiculous that Big of all characters is being forced to appear this quickly when those 3 characters haven't even had a reference too them yet. It reminds me of when Sonic first compared Rough and Tumble to Team Hooligan at first.
Blaze might as well look for a home it seems like they won't let her go back to the Sol dimension anymore and Silver might as well share rent on Angel Island he hasn't gone back to his future at all either.
There's no G.U.N anymore so what the hell does Team Dark do when they aren't around?
Excited? Bit of a stretch there senpai.
Okay that's actually kind of cute
I like this
i just woke up. can i get a quick rundown?
Fuck creativity
Japanese man cries when he realizes the last game with his name on it someone actually likes was fucking Rivals a psp game that didn't even break 1k in sells
>Do you expect this to be Forces 2.0?
>I hope
Sonicfag having shit taste? No way
If the content we got no with Sonic, minus the movie, Sonic wouldn't be anywhere as hostilely treated as is by oldfags today. I mean that. I don't how much does kids today care about cartoons anymore, at least, compared to 90s kids, but I genuinely think with titles like Minecraft and the like working with kids, a open world Sonic game would work with them, and at best, would make them more interested in his world he saves from Eggman. The music videos and the latest cartoon with Sonic confirms this believe that Sonic really doesn't need to be 90s tier just to make do, and oldfags are making things worse than it really even is. At least Sonic team isn't making absolutely questionable content with Sonic like Shadow's gun, Sonic's swordplay and random use of kid story books with a realism theme to it, and of course, Sonic 06. Forces is actually what happens when they pander to an old and bitter fanbase. Maybe they should just stop that, and at best, just get anther Mania like team to make their dream Adventure game and make it one and done like Mania might end up being.
As long as Sonic does more new then old, and expand Sonic's gameplay options again I think I'd be willing to play newer games again. If I could have said why I played Unleashed and Colors, it's because they were still doing new things. I really don't care that much about Generations, but, the reason I play Generations more than Unleashed and Colors, is because Generations is more solid at what it's doing and has less bad gameplay like Werehog and Wisp. A combination of solid gameplay and new content is what I want, not all this nostalgia shit people keep asking for.
To be fair there's no reason for Silver to go back to the future when the piece of shit is always ending itself for some reason.
Plus we get to see him get BTFO more often this way.
All I need to know is if Kishimoto is still directing or not. If he is, then the game is doomed.
Check the Sonic YouTube channel, that's it.
If it's not Mania 2 who cares. Either make a game thats like Generations but better or just stop, no more shit gimmick games, no more weird playable characters, just Sonic and maybe a few weird side missions or mini games
Team Sonic Racing has amazing music so far but I just don't give a shit because they took out the Sega All Stars
How in the everloving fuck can you even expect anything out of this franchise after the amount of blunders they've shit out?
Blunder after blunder after blunder, and you guys keep hoping the next one will get it right.
I see silver bullying is still going strong. I guess I just miss the defined world from the reboot days. sonic had other shit to fight besides metal sonic all the time and it felt like the characters had things besides fighting Eggman as well and now it's all gone, the locations are gone too and even the humans are gone making Shadow's and Team Dark's future even stranger, even weirder when Japan has no problem with humans Rogue directly reported to her human boss in her comic back then
Dark times are coming indeed. All I hope is that I don't get caught in the crossfire.
Are you kidding me? The panel was awful regardless of where you sit in the fanbase. Told us shit we already knew, marketed their merchandise, and wrapped it up with 10 minutes of worthless questions from the audience.
Tell me she still exists
Heroes fucking sucks, it's mediocrity makes it one of the worst games in the series, it's actively my most disliked Sonic game by a country mile because it represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with the modern Sonic series of games, ask me anything, ill defend my position
>johnny test
Why would this show that was already a literal who of animated kids shows be an indicator of anything, you're an idiot
Heroes is bad but Shadow and 06 are more offensive to my eyes, At least Secret Rings had the qt Genie
They need to turn 3D sonic into a hack n' slash game. And no, not like Boom.
It would work at least for Shadow, Knuckles, and Silver.
I just don't want boost shit. It doesn't need to be like past games either, I just don't want it to be even more boost shit.
Well this more or less confirms any questions I had about my level of degeneracy.
Actually, it stops at the boobs
I have a bottle of Suntory Toki whisky in my cabinet, how many glasses will it take for me to forget about this?
all of them
We need another Sonic game exclusively with Unleashed day level style gameplay
>File: Scarhog.png (281 KB, 600x781)
Thanks doc
>Forces 2.0
>I hope
Nah fuck off
More importantly, where's the movie trailer?
>I just don't want boost shit. It doesn't need to be like past games either, I just don't want it to be even more boost shit.
Silver bullying makes it feel better when he actually gets shit done so it's alright.
>and it felt like the characters had things besides fighting Eggman as well and now it's all gone
Part of the reason for this is that there are no backups or a second series running alongside the comic anymore. As for why GUN is MIA as well as any other background element pre-Forces, you can probably chalk that up to Sega.
At least the Starline Arc is a bit more interesting than Heroes 2 was.
06 is bad but many of its issues beyond mild design flaws can be traced back to unfortunate rushed development times and other issues of that nature like split up dev teams (see why Secret Rings is also kind of jank). I won't defend 06 but i honestly can't bring myself to hate it with that context, its good for a laugh.
Shadow is bad because it runs on the Heroes engine which feels like shit with how slippery the characters are but you could argue shadow isn't mainline because its not Sonic as the MC
Heroes is bad because it represents Sonic Teams desire/need to change things up where they didn't need to be changed, the story? who cares, the SA stories were goofy fun but never meant to be taken serious, Heroes is dumb but it definitely makes Shadows death even less impactful, so thats fucking dumb
The games engine with its glossy characters doesn't look great, the simpler designs clash as well and it just has a weird look overall (see how they make sonic team look way simpler than in adventure but then shadows team looks even more complex, doesn't fucking makes sense) the music is ok but sans the Team Themes, most tracks are just ok. But thats all fluff
Where Heroes really just dies off is the gameplay, the Adventure games weren't perfect but they at least laid some ground work for ideas to be improved up and if they had worked off of how SA2 felt, Heroes could have reallly been something great but the new engine feels awful, the team switch does nothing but make each level way longer than it should (beating a level in 9 minutes shouldn't allow you to get an A Rank in ANY Sonic game ever) enemies having life bars is bad/slows any momentum, the temporary upgrade system does the same, bosses take way too long as well and have no strategy to them, beyond the first world the levels are super poorly designed, playing through the same game 4 times with almost no variation is padding and theres no reason to have ranks because theres no unlocks
Straight up rip off 3D Mario or something for once. Even if you do it poorly it can't possibly be worse than recent 3D Sonic games.
Like Sonic Odyssey or whatever. Mario Odyssey's worlds were large enough for Sonic like speed quite possibly working well enough.
Would you be opposed to a collectathon Sonic game?
All I want is a sonic game with the normal boost stages
But no 2d
If you're going to have 2d, throw classic in there. I don't mind classic reappearing 500 times if it means modern has only 3d while classic has 2d to mix it up.
The trailer will hype people up just for the game to be god awful and not even functional at worst and mediocre at best.
Paramount will release it later on in a few weeks I guess.
>what new characters do you want?
Bat tits
>will other sonic characters going to be playable?
Bat ass
>do expect this to be forces 2.0
I just want to fuck the bat
I could go on but the thing is, Heroes is like a 6.5/10 game, its not the worst sonic objectively, its just "ok" but thats why its the worst to me, you had 3D sonic building upwards for two games but instead it came crashing down due to forced gimmicks and really poor design choices
i remember getting that game in middle school and for the first time ever i was truly disappointed by a video game, its taken me years to really explain and figure out why but ive come to it after a long time
Sonic Heroes is mediocrity, and that hurts more than a funny meme filled stinker like 06
Shadow is worse because instead of 4 times it's 10. And the main Sonic Team team worked on Shadow and it is in canon, so yes it's mainline
I think for me Shadow didn't sting as much because even though you burn through all the levels over and over its always just Shadow, no team junk no nonsense, just improve as playing as him so i can kind of deal with that
and at least picking the different paths gets you a few different stages as you go through
the last good sonic game was on gamecube
i dont care anymore
they cant to it anymore
Team Dark Final Fortress is long but challenging
Shadow's Ark missions can eat shit
>Come up with a manga about a deliberately lewd middle schooler
>Studio picks it up for an anime adaptation
Japan truly does not give a fuck and I love it.
>final fortress
Its like rail canyon but worse because its longer.
I wont defend shadow either but i just really dont like Heroes
They really should go experimental. What point even is there to "play it safe" by repeating what you've already done before, if what you did before never really worked?
>Straight up rip off 3D Mario or something for once
They tried that with sonic lost world and we all know how that turned out
They should rip off Mario 64/Sunshine/Odyssey more so than Galaxy or 3D World.
>the last "play it safe" games were Colors and Generations
>the most praised games before Mania since Adventure 2
They NEED to play it safe
Sadly a lot of people on Yea Forums are. I don't think it would be a bad idea, but it needs to make sense for the sake of Sonic's gameplay. Funnily, the elements of Lost World could have worked in a level design of Oydessy, or, that LoZ Zone instead of that tube shit, but with a much, much better control and physics scheme than whatever that game was. Sonic needs a open world ish game so his environmental concept of "Eggman fucks over the planet, and I want to save it from him" needs to be enforced and you can't do that when the game dictates where you can play in a zone, and do so with a gameplay style about avoiding all of the environments.
Maybe they'll finally make a good 3D Sonic game
I want a good platforming game. Not a faux car racing game with animals instead of cars.
Honestly, way I see it is that Heroes is basically more of a character-action platformer game, compared to the rest of the series usually just being a straight up platformer. It's very distinctly different from any other game in the series, even Shadow despite that using the same core gameplay, assets and engine.
>fucking rayman unfucked itself before sonic
Is Sonic cursed?
Honestly, the big problem for why Sonic will never truly be able to recover its PR fully is due to Sega of Japan. Not only do they likely not give much of a shit anymore other than to milk it for endless $ from autists (and most of their focus is on trying to turn Miku into the new pop idol that Japs will form death cults over forever), but every time a studio or anyone not from Japan does something better than what they prefer, it takes nothing short of the act of god itself to keep SoJ's CEO and board of directors from wanting those people fired or murdered because HOW DARE FILTHY GAIHJAN WHIATU PIGGUS UPSTAGE GRORIOUS NIPPON. This shit is half the reason if not more of why SEGA died as a consolefag company and Sony took their place forever. And if you think that mentality is gone, you haven't paid attention. Especially with the eternal autism over them denying ever giving non-Asian countries PSO2 access.
Do I replay Adventure 1 or Adventure 2?
nah, sega of japan is just woefully incompetent
play a fucking driving game if you wanna go fast. All Sonic games are shit and that franchise should die. Sega is just throwing money away at Team Sonic while letting their actual great franchises die.
both, back to back
>it takes nothing short of the act of god itself to keep SoJ's CEO and board of directors from wanting those people fired or murdered because HOW DARE FILTHY GAIHJAN WHIATU PIGGUS UPSTAGE GRORIOUS NIPPON.
Is there even an iota of proof of this nonsense?
Sonic Mania was great. But the people directly in charge of the mainline games are almost nothing but newbies to the industry and a bunch of old japanese men that have no idea what they're doing or any sense of consistency besides shit writing, cube trees and wisps. Ubisoft may be scummy as a company, but goddamn if their developers don't put effort into their games nowadays with a lot of sharp talent; Sega on the other hand has the talent but can't appropriate them worth a damn or be bothered to hang onto their talent when they go to other places.
The problem is playing safe in't the problem, it's that all the boost games after Unleashed are objectively worse at the boost part. All of them, if every other boost game still had the Werehog in it, Unleashed would be the better boosting one regardless. Playing it safe should have meant Colors on PS3/Xbox instead of Pii, Generations without watered down Classic gameplay, and Forces by the same team in the place of Lost World existing at all.
>>fucking rayman unfucked itself before sonic
Last game was like 4 years ago and it was a mobile port of Legends
Kek, don't kid yourself. Rayman won't be unfucked until Rayman 4 finally happens and Rabbids get killed off for good
But in what order? Chronologically?
I guess that'd make sense.
Literally all they need to do is keep making games like generations but improve and refine level design, and add in some gimmicks once in a while (not shit like wisps that stop the momentum of the gameplay)
>Is there even an iota of proof of this nonsense?
>until Rayman 4 finally happens
None of us are gonna live that long, user.
Seriously? You can't figure out which order those games go in chronologically?
What? No I was just wondering whether or not I should replay them in order or not.
Adventure 3.
Guess not. Well, not guess, I already know there isn't. Kiss just dumb niggers actually taking dumb "troo far" memes seriously
Yeah you should, i misread sorry.
Who cares? Sonic as a franchise is a laughing stock and the game will be trash like always
I'm not that other user, but he's clearly right. You do know why the Saturn and Dreamcast, and that cancelled Sonic Xtreme ended up the way it did, right? Stop posting about shit you have no knowable about.
Cartoon/Archie characters are not coming back. Give up on it.
Yeah I know about shit that happened 20 fucking years everyone does. In case you haven't noticed though, time has moved the fuck on. It's almost 2020. Sega hasn't made a console in over 20 years. There are franchises that havent been touched in 20 years. Presidents have gone, you seem to be ignorant that most of the original sonic team is gone. Yuji Naka isnt there anymore.
Whats nezt you going to tell me tou think we're still at war with Japan. Grow up user, It's time to let your brain join us in the future. And give me some RELEVANT and CURRENT proof of the nonsense that was said in the first place. I'm still waiting.
>only 110k a year
poorfags out here being poor as usual i see. 135k a year here
The problem with this wasted post is that nothing about this changes SEGA's additude about Sonic, nor the west. Japanese have always had a hate for the west, and value everything they make for themselves over others. Look at Nintendo, they don't let anyone that isn't a Jap work for or with anything they make. So why would SEGA be different? At least what I said and that other user said happened. What you said isn't proven. So sperg off somewhere else autist.
No you don’t. There’s an extremely polished Chao fan game that can prove this to you. I think it’s called Chao Resort.
>they don't let anyone that isn't a Jap work for or with anything they make
>Mario x Rabbids
>Retro Studios
>Next Level Games
They fucking hired western guys to work on the fucking series in the first fucking place if they hated it so much they would have never fucking done it in the first fucking place aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are you so fucking retarded.
Your whole argument against them is a gigantic fucking strawman to end all strawmen. They never said they hate mania team and are mad at them for making a game and they never even so much as implied it. Literally just shit in your deranged victim fantasy.
The cartoon was good.
oh and
>Samus Returns
Fuck off Arin
Im gonna tell whos based here.
As you can see:
Those are based
In contrast:
Those are cringe
this. Fuck all these games, intently and thoroughly
>>Mario x Rabbids
That's less west than America, retard. Ubisoft has a nice relationship with SEGA, unlike SoA did in the past.
>>Retro Studios
>>Next Level Games
Being this retarded.
A: Hired an Australian, and B: after 5 years of working under SEGA's bidding and making quality work for them. Big difference. Like I said, you know fucking nothing. I bet you think NIntendo was the only reason Sony became a gaming comaniy back in the 90s, right? Wrong, Sony went to SEGA afterwards, and SoA actually wanted to team up with them, but SoJ actively shut all that shit down because "Sony wasn't even a gaming comany like glorious SEGA was, they know nothing", then guess what happened afterward? They hated SoA, and they went against Sony back then, all because my nippon pride. And you're telling me NO NIP is like this anymore. FFS, have you even seen how cancerous American's are now with race shit? Why would Japland be any better off, or to the point they are above that shit anymore?
>one day they may do it right
We've been saying this for fucking 18 years going now. These games will never go beyond mediocre, stop fucking buying these games
Sonic Forces is my favorite Sonic game.
It’s the only one I can beat. I would S rank every stage on the first try. I made Blindy The Dog as my OC. And Shadow said “Tails lost it after Sonic died”.
Every other Sonic game is too hard. I can’t see what’s going on.
Based. Heroes was the best Sonic game ever. It deserves a remastered edition AND a sequel.
This is the worse shitpost today, even after the forced meme shit by triggered autists.
Holy shit FUCK SEGA. Sonic is always going to be fucking memes isn't he. FUCK making good consistent characters who needs that RIGHT? WE GOT MEMES AAAALLL THE MEMES YOU COULD PROCESS.
I've been checked out post-Generations with the exception of Mania.
>wish i didn't see this
>hate johnny test as a character, show, and all
>this makes me realize that if he was a girl he'd be the perfect girlfriend
please tell me are memory wipes a thing yet?
I wasn't aware France, Texas, and Canada were part of Japan.
because we've had at least 3 1/2 good 3d games in the past 20 years and i don't want my childhood to die
>These are people that take Sonic seriously
Literally memefags are less cringy than this.
>Misses the point
I know this is bait but it saddens me that there are going to be people who genuinly think that it isn't.
Where the fuck are Rouge's boobs. They're scared to draw Rouge with boobs it seems. Fucking shitty ass SJW'S taking root fucking cancer
God that whole q&a gave me a headache
Will just be another shitty cashgrab game. Dont care for Sonic anymore.
I'm kinda glad most oldfags are done with Sonic. At best this just means less attention on nostalgia and more time spend making something decent again. Most games today I've notice just trigger oldfags, so stop pandering to them. They outgrow their childhood content.
>most well recieved game in ages was pandering to oldfags
It was. It's just a solid, well made game with nostalgia in it. A brand new Mania styled game would do far better just because it's new, and a solid well thought out game. It doesn't need to look like 90s era content to be good, that's not the point of Mania's success. Same can be said with Modern too, but most of the games aren't well made and thought out.
Wake me up when Evening Star is allowed to make a Sonic 2HD like game with better sprites and new levels.
I agree. They should move on from nostalgiapandering. The last main game without nostalgia pandering was in 2008.
Would you play a sonic adventure remake?
Well since I never could play it on the dreamcast, which was the best version, I'd only care if the game wasn't made worse gameplay wise. I could give less shit than I did about Forces about the story/diolog content as long as the gameplay was made better than in the original.
But mostly I just want it to happen so autists can shut up about it. It's basically Meleefag tier at this point.
Goddamn this fanbase really is cringe incarnate.
you're no sonicfag you just want this franchise to die
No. Why would I. The original versions are good enough
I'd much rather have a remastered port of the Dreamcast version with tweaked controls and bug fixes. Also including a playable Metal Sonic and Super Sonic playable in regular levels.
That map isn't representative of the final product's level design though. Lange said it himself.
because sonic had a great game in 2017 and had at least some good 3d ones. I'm sorry your franchise never got a decent 3d game though
>Talented artist use to work for Sonic comics with high quality work
>Got shafted for unknown reasons while we keep getting low end shit
>Now her soul for Sonic is dead like the rest
If Tee Lopes and Tyson wasn't still around, I'd be 100% on the belief SEGA is actually killing off Sonic. Sad to see another good fan getting mistreded by SEGA's scummy actions.
>TSR looks bad
no it doesn't it looks significantly better than what we were shown last year. The courses look much much better now and the game looks gorgeous.
Tee Lopes and Hesse are the reason Sonic is fucking dying though. I hate everything they're associated with.
>Got shafted for unknown reasons
It was because she's a lolicon.
>Does a bunch of soulless 3D models
>Wonders why she isn't brought in on projects when SEGA already has a bunch of modelers who can crank out as many shitty 3D models as her in a shorter time frame.
how are they soulless?
Yet if she was a Jap it wouldn't have matter, if this is even true
Off yourself faggot. Wasted your first post just for that, pathetic.
It's impossible user. Sonic is a meme and never ever will be taked serious again thanks for the autism and the bad decisions that Sega made with the franchise. But hey, at least we have a lot of good memes.
She was exposed on Tumblr by soccer mom-tier Sonic fans for being a lolifag and a futafag on discord.
Over 300 posts about nothing? How come you dudes dont let sonic die for good?
The same reason you bump the thread autist
did they ever end up finishing this? Mohawk sonic is my favorite one despite how bad it is
There's something sterile with all of her models that don't look well for me. Any of her CG covers look like shit. I don't know if it's the lighting, the posing, or the facial expression she gives them, or a combination of all three, but they just look bland. Her work isn't exactly extraordinary either. She's capable of mimicking studio quality work, but that's about it.
>sonic spinball 2 with this model
She's not going to do anything with Sonic anymore thanks to the drama she got from it. Sad, but true.
Here's the problem with Sonic games, if this game was just confirmed then it's probably half done now and it'll be out next week. How about give this three or four years this time Sega? Sonic games all feel like first draft copies of good games, sometimes they get it closer to their intention than others but they'd all be pretty good with more time to develop.
We're getting Sonic Heroes 2 though...
I dind't even know women could be lolicons
>"It is because I know that I could had worked on one of the new things, if it was not for a dude trying to get me out of the company."
>"if it was not for a dude trying to get me out of the company."
No one is going to take note of this?
>finished model never ever
Fuck this shit, she wanted to put it in generations too
Sonic the movie the game
Oh, loads of them are, there are just not as many as shameless like the guys.
Honestly, the music and custom character creation were the best parts of Forces.
I wouldn't mind if they brought custom characters back for a new Sonic game, but just about everything else would have to be reworked.
Sonic the movie the game the cartoon series the game
At least they brought Crush 40 back to Sonic, so they might be going on the right path again.
I think she blames Aaron Webber for it, IIRC.
New characters?
I'd really just like them to use some of their pre-existing characters. Although I grew to dislike heroes, it utilized a good bit of the cast, as did SA and SA2. Not expecting anything good as usual.
I hate that I like this.
I don't think I'll ever be free of this image now, even in death.
A little disappointing from what I was reading, didn't catch it live. Especially compared to last year (Mania Plus).
What were the Q&A questions? No one really I saw took note of them beyond two separate timelines.
Likely confirms Webber is Anti-Loli. That's why Cream is gone.
They just got someone else who can put out models really quickly and is in the US. Also she's had issues with both Archie and IDW beforehand too. I wonder if it's all on them or if some of it is on her.
Good, I like Cream but there kinda needs to be a grace period for the character. It's not a good time to utilize her.
I doubt he has any real impact on what characters are used outside of him memeing Big.
Cream is a pretty shitty character anyway.
His memeing of Big is why Sega un-retired him.
>Cream is a pretty shitty character anyway.
I liked her in Advance 2. You know, when she didn't speak. Heroes immediately ruined her for me.
My guess is now after Sonic Forces, they'll try a SA1 remake. It's going to be hard to fix the game because it has some fundamental issues that were only salvaged by how fun it was to move Sonic and some Friends around. Here is some things I'd like to see.
>Get rid of Boost pads completely and rethink how the setpieces should work via gameplay
>Expand the level design to be more open
>Scrap Amy and Big gameplay or make them optional and more fun
>Give Sonic and friends few additional levels that were only designed for them
>Fix the goddamn camera
>More physics when rolling
>Implement the human design of Sonic Unleashed for the remake
>Foreshadow the events of SA2 for a good sequel remake
>My guess is now after Sonic Forces, they'll try a SA1 remake
Why. Also with all of the changes you listed they might as well just make a new game.
Because everyone finally realizes boost is trash.
Unless they're working on a new engine, I doubt they remake SA1. Otherwise we get SA1 with the horrendous Lost World physics and controls.
Holy shit, I've seen these panels posted like 5 times and didn't get it till now. Kek, very clever Archie.
I want Mania 2 and playable Sally. Anything else will be a massive disappointment.
I think boost is good. All the good level designers are gone, though.
Fuck no, they would insert all the shit post-ironic nu-sonic humor into it, and change all the voices, like changing Sonic's voice to roger craig smith.
>I think boost is good.
Just go play Sonic dash on mobile its the same thing as boostshit with a different skin.
It is, but that doesn't mean we have to go back to the Adventure formula either. I'd rather they try something new. A gameplay formula that doesn't rely on the homing attack for basic offense or platforming chains would be nice.
No it isn't and you know that.
As long as they give us a new Chao Garden, I'm good. Don't even care if they have to build it from scratch, that's all I've ever wanted.
Lol no
Why did Sonic games stop becoming AAA games after Unleashed?
Because they realized money alone won't make your games good.
Because Sonic doesn't make as much money as he used to during the early-mid 2000s.
I haven't had any hope for a Sonic game developed by Sonic Team in at least a decade.
Their best games after the Gamecube era have been things like Sonic Generations, which is okay at best.
Let me put it this way: I find it far, far, far more likely for Game Freak to make a good game than Sonic Team, which, after gen 7 and LGPE, is saying a lot.
They gave up after the reception to unleashed and colors, same thing happened to gamefreak with and pokemon black and white 1 & 2.
It doesn't mean anything immediate, but Iizuka outright admitted a month or two ago that he wanted to remake the game.
>They gave up after the reception to unleashed and colors
>and colors
Colors was the best received mainline Sonic games in years at that point.
As was already said, it didn't sell well enough and got lambasted despite all the effort they put into it, plus the director left for squeenix.
This right here desu. It's heartbreaking but who can blame them? All the normies got pissed about BW trying to have a story, and upping the difficulty and all that - and in the end they're the ones that make up most of the sales
I can't feel as bad for ST as I do for GF though. Everyone fucking told them from the get go the werehog was a bad idea but they didn't listen.
Yeah you're right Sonic Dash takes more player input than boost my bad
>Same thing happened to game freak with BW/B2W2
I don't think so; there definitely wasn't a similar amount of a drop in quality at that point, in terms of money going into the games; if anything, shifting to full 3D in gen 6 would cost more money, and it's not exactly like they've never tried to do story again after gen 5. There's a definite decline in quality after gen 5 but it wasn't caused by Game Freak "giving up".
If you're practically guaranteed to only sell a million no matter what you put into it, then you don't need to give it much of a budget.
>but Iizuka outright admitted a month or two ago that he wanted to remake the game
>this shit again
How new are you to this franchise? Iizuka always spouts inane bullshit in interviews. Sonic 4 used Rush's engine so they could implement ceiling running, classic Sonic was going to be a one time thing for Generations, they weren't any plans for Mania dlc, etc.
Iizuka saying he'd be interested in an Adventure remake is just more empty nonsense that doesn't mean anything.
What happened to Rouge's cleavage?
And what an awful monkey's paw that turned out to be. A lot of the current problems with Sonic stem from that game.
Why do you think I prefaced that with "doesn't mean anything immediate", calm the fuck down. Iizuka is unpredictable at this rate besides his awful PR speak horseshit.
>A lot of the current problems with Sonic stem from that game.
No, a lot of current problems with Sonic stem from Kishimoto, who is always put in the director's seat for every new game for whatever reason. I'd say some of the issues with current Sonic also exist to some extent in the Storybook games, which I believe he also had a major part in designing.
>Why do you think I prefaced that with "doesn't mean anything immediate"
You shouldn't have prefaced it with anything because it's never going to happen.
You can excuse them a bit on X and Y because of the shift to 3D eating up development time, but even then the game was still pretty easy and empty. It sold tons just for being the first 3D pokemon don't @ me. Afterwards they stopped putting in features, you can really tell with the difference in effort between HG SS quality and AS OR remakes, Go released being very barebones but still was a major influence around the world, lightyears beyond BW, again.
And after that it was just GoEeveechu and the new ones which are as cookie cutter as they could be.
Got SNOY'd
Mostly in writting and too much 2D, yes.
Otherwise I have to disagree. It still had a ton of original new great levels and music that didn't rely on nostalgia.
It was the last Sonic game that actually was a "new" Sonic game. Still had other problems like blocky level the design and stuff, but I usually chalk that up to wii limitations and the wisps at that point weren't a problem yet
nigga they gave up at 06
They fucked up at 06, then they honestly tried to make an effort with Unleashed to make up for it.
The revamped artstyle, the CG shorts, the developer blog post, the impressive new gameplay.
They fucking tried man
2D and Maniafags have fully turned on Colors and anything 3D. They are scum
>How about give this three or four years this time Sega?
Fans would drop the series because it's "dead" now. SEGA should have never fell for the anniversary meme, now their fagbase is entitled to think every major event = SA3.
I'm a classicfag and I like Colors, though. It's not great or anything, but it's not some horrible atrocity like a lot of modern/adveturefags treat it as being.
3d platformers are shit, though. All of them.
Sadly they fucked up Sonic Mania, too, because modern developers can't even get classic goddamn 2d controls right.
They had 5 for Forces. They sat on their hands for 4 years wondering what they should do and then rushed it in 1 year.
At this point I wish they went back rapid firing games. This isn't Zelda where there's a guarantee the game will be, at worst, good
Wtf I like Aaron Webber now? Mememan for Yea Forums moderation when?
This is bait and you know it
>This is bait
Then why are you responding to it.
then why give him a (you)?
Is this a threat
Dunno, honestly. Guess I'm just not myself today.
They treated Mario and Sonic Olympic games better because they make more money. The best level designers work on those game.
>They treated Mario and Sonic Olympic games better because they make more money. The best level designers work on those game.
weird because they've been getting progressively worse also.
Only the first 2 actually mattered, rest is shit
Isn't that a "no shit"?
Even if a sonic title bombs they'll always try again.
What the fuck were they even thinking with Forces?
I know it's cliche to say but there wasn't a single good idea throughout that entire game.
It's not bait, it's the fucking truth. Mario 64 was shit (bad controls, shit camera), Sonic Adventure was shit (horrible controls), all others are absolute garbage because projecting a fucking 3d environment on a 2d screen and controlling it with a janky, imprecise, cheap analog stick is shit.
And if you think the controls of Mania are good, you didn't get to that fucking autoscroller boss where you might as well have randomly and blindly mashed buttons.
>No more heroes
The fact none of this is going to happen makes this sadder.
They were trying to pander to as many people as possible. Boostshit for modernfags, general tone/story/vocal tracks for adventurefags, classic Sonic/returning zones for classicfags, and OCs for autists (or just regular fags).
It's as much as accurate as it can be, though. As is it, just remove the on rails movement, and you're left with the exact same hallway level design since Unleashed.
no chao garden no buy
Eggman conquering the planet is a pretty nice idea
fuck chronicles
> who is always put in the director's seat for every new game for whatever reason.
>for whatever reason.
Because he was the director of Sonic Colors, retard.
Yeah, but Generations was received even better than Colors, so you'd think they would have stuck the director of that game on future projects instead.
>you're left with the exact same hallway level design since Adventure 2
All they had to do was ditch the werehog and sun medals, thats all they had to fucking do
Generations unironically would have been better WITHOUT Classic Sonic in it. Mania was literally the better version of that game, should have been a full 3D boost game instead.
All this hype for a new sonic game, damm forces really took its tool
>Yeah, but Generations was received even better than Colors
Incorrect. Colors was both received slightly better and actually sold more than Generations.
Nigger if you're the fucking drop dash nigger again I swear to god
I don't get it, what is the joke?
>Incorrect. Colors was both received slightly better
Weird, since I remember people thinking the boost gameplay/controls and level design was a step up from Colors'.
Probably is.
Eggman tries to shoot Sonic in the head.
At least you have full 3D movement faggot. Also Knuckles levels says hi.
Nintendo bonus
The reason they look soulless is because they aren't ever in dynamic poses or actions. They're always posed like a Dreamworks movie poster, designed to show them off from their best angle, usually with an inoffensive smile.
This. Also Wii was bloated with sold units, it was the most sold console next to the PS2.
>usually with an inoffensive smile.
More like a shit eating grin
Of course not. It was the soul that went into Unleashed that made it good.
Explain Unleashed then
This announcement was the worst at the panel. I just know it's gonna be bad.
Werehog had less soul than the game it was ripping off from.
Youre a nostalgia retard if you think heroes is good.
>No game announcements at all.
Why were you even expecting one, dumbass? The last game came out only a year ago, you were setting your self for disappointment
He's technically not wrong, didn't Naka specifically give up working on the franchise during 06? With then half the team being sent to work on Secret Rings
I know expecting a full on trailer for a new game was probably a stretch, but I sure didn't expect the entire event to be TSR shilling either.
People got baited by Iizuka mentioning Adventure something, and ran with it. Adventurefags are really the Meleefags of Sonic.
Hell, everything about the Gamecube era reeks of autism actually.
Adventure remake please
>never happening
Gimme Chao Sega and no, not a mobile app either.
Sonic won't stop being a meme until his fans have some common sense and don't ask retarded questions like "how would he meet Joker?"
oh shit I totally missed that, thanks user holy kek.
>cheap CG
Am I blind or is everyone just memeing? I didn't see any CG in that short aside from maybe the cars
>Adventurefags are really the Meleefags of Sonic.
So they enjoy the best games in the franchise and don't care about the garbage they put out afterwards? Sounds pretty based to me.
I'm not sure myself, Mania Adventures also used CG for the Eggmobile.
I think people were expecting Sega to go back to that "game every other year" release schedule they used to go on before Forces' four year gap. They used to announce a game around Februrary to May and then release it later that year. Forces released in 2017, so 2019 would have potentially had another mainline game released during the fall/winter.
I also think people were expecting Sega to have something to release alongside the movie since TSR was supposed to come out last year. I guess that won't be the case.
>Also she's had issues with both Archie and IDW beforehand too. I wonder if it's all on them or if some of it is on her.
Once you've started having issues with multiple unrelated companies, you have to start looking at the common denominator.
melee was good, adventure 1 was mostly good, adventure 2 was mostly bad but with a great minigame. if adventure 3 is similar to adventure 2 no one will like it since that game has aged so badly lol
>So they enjoy the best games in the franchise
They actively hate on 3K and Mania, which is, rating and all, superior to SA2B.
People hype up Sonic panels every time and leave disappointed majority of the time. I have no clue why they would think a game announcement would happen since up until this panel, we had no idea if a game was even in production yet.
I know, S3&K's pretty sick
I'm a classic fag and I'm excited for the new Modern Sonic cartoon because anything Tyson touches is gold. Don't be an ass.
> if adventure 3 is similar to adventure 2 no one will like it since that game has aged so badly lol
Only smart post in this thread so far.
I admit some of us are blinded by nostalgia but if the classic sonic fans can get their cake and eat it too
Then as Dr Eggman says
>They actively hate on 3K and Mania, which is, rating and all,
Imagine being this delusional. You created a boogeyman out of nothing Adventurefags love the classics aside from a few autist that enjoy shit like 06.
t.adventurefag that has been playing since the genesis days
No, they went in with the autistic memes because that's all Aaron talks about.
And that's all Aaron can talk about because the new games are shit.
Fans at least made Mania to try and fix the route of the issue.
That's bullshit dude. I'm as big of an adventurefag as anyone and I don't hate Mania or the classic Genesis games. Who hates the Genesis titles? Fucking no one.
>Fucking no one.
You haven't been here on this site very long, haven't you?
Am I the only one that's dreading the fact they announced that Sonic Team is even making a new game at all?
Falseflaggers aren't real people.
>He fell for the falseflagger/shitposter's bait
>wojak poster
Yep you are definitely retarded
Then fix the problems that both games had and Improve the parts that worked
How hard can it be?
Especially when their games afterwards focused on gimmick after gimmick to pad out the runtime. This is the exact same problem pokemon fails to get every single time. At least let's go tried to bring back features that were abandoned in the core games so it was not as stale gameplay wise as Sun and moon and X and Y.
What's with that little Sonic bitch and his phat fucking ass?
S3K, Mania, and SA2 are my favourites.
Followed by S2, CD remake, SA1 and UnleasHD. Also the handheld from Sonic Battle to Rush Adventure.
And I unironically like Shadow
Sonic Mania wasn't on the Gamecube.
>no one will like it since that game has aged so badly lol
Underage please leave
Well if sthg isn't a source, then I wish more of you faggots would speak up and make classicfags and modernfags not look like they're in some autism filled civil war for the last two years since Mania and Forces happened.
It's gonna be an Adventure style title and it'll be great.
Only game that has actually aged badly is SA1.
SA2 has audio problems and still some jank but most of the game aged like shit arguments are coming from kids parroting youtubers who talked trash about a then top 10 games of all time to get attention
the people at sthg don't play sonic games they are comic autist and shouldn't be considered human
Why bother caring?. It's not like we know what it's about. If anything it could be another derivative of forces or a remake of SA1. Just don't get your hopes up kid.
>SA2 has audio problems and still some jank but most of the game aged like shit arguments are coming from kids parroting youtubers who talked trash about a then top 10 games of all time to get attention
Based although I don't think Sa1 has aged very badly either.
/sthg/ is a lost cause. You're better off discussing Sonic here. Or Yea Forums. Do they still have Sonic comic threads? Well they used to be comfy.
>roster of 40+ characters already
God no please, everything after shadow and rouge is shit. Please no more characters.
>multiple playable characters in current year
No, I would love it, but no because too many autustic faggots complained about 06. Sonic Team isnt that smart anymore
>forces 2.0
Probably that or something far worse, and even more on rails 2D bullshit. For fucks sakes Sonic is Dead.
I still don't like Tails and Eggman to this day. Gamma was objectively better done. If you could ignore the forced somersault move Sonic/Shadow has, they are better that SA1 yeah.
Only good thing about Rouge is... well yeah, Knuckles levels are good, just with a pointless radar.
You know most well adjusted Sonic fans don't spend times on forums obsessing over the series right?
When I was a teen I had time and patience for that shit, but at this point occasional Yea Forums thread is the best I can manage.
If a game releases and it's good I'll buy it. If I'm around someone shit talking I'll call them out, but don't expect me to go on some internet brigade
Doesn't Rafaknight make porn renders of Splatoon characters?
>everything after shadow and rouge is shit.
Chip was OK. Better yet he was disposable and didn't come back for every title. New characters can be great when they don't become mainstays. Also Emerl was still after Shadow and Rouge, he was pretty cool.
The Zeti and Infinite are dumb though, I'll give you that.
Indeed as a adventure fag the sa2b was my first sonic game but I've watched a lot of YouTube videos by classic sonic tags to get the idea of what makes a good sonic game, heck sonic 3 and I is considered to be the pinnacle of sonic games and while the adventure series was fun sonic team was too focused on a younger audience that blindly accepted mediocrity.
I wish there were more fans like you. I'm like this but I honestly thought I was just getting too old because I wasn't acting out about the news on Sonic when they happen.
>Off yourself faggot. Wasted your first post just for that, pathetic.
Don't be so butthurt, Rafa
Yes. And so did for the famous Shantae model posted all the time
The human designs in unleashed are ugly. They ought to do it how it was in Nights, slightly anime.
>Based although I don't think Sa1 has aged very badly either.
Eh it's hit or miss. I still have fun with it, but there's so much stuff that's clunky I can't defend it much with a straight face to anyone
Gamma is the best shooter, no contest. Though Eggman's levels are still fun. Only Tails' levels I don't particularly like.
I'll actually be odd and say I like the broken radar because it forces you to run as fast as you can around the level to try get a better score. I've gotten frustrated at it in the past as well but at the same time SA1 Knuckles' levels just fly by so fast and easily I hardly even notice them
Sonic is a meme kid.
Definitely the lighting and/or textures. They look like plastic figures
I want a good game but i expect shit
First up the engine is shit and the ports were trash tiers only Sa2b on gamecube was good feeling the other were clunky as hell and a nightmare for keyboard and mouse
>Though Eggman's levels are still fun. Only Tails' levels I don't particularly like.
Tbh I/m the same, Eggman was genuienely better than Tails to me, but I only really liked the space level of Eggman objectively. I just spoke for what was mostly said by people.
>I'll actually be odd and say I like the broken radar because it forces you to run as fast as you can around the level to try get a better score.
I completely agree and I don't really feel the radar would actually matter because the level design doesn't really work with it, it's better to just find them for yourself as fast as you can.
>the panel went great. Funny jokes, great crowd atmosphere and reactions
The Joker wrote this
And Sa2b Multiplayer mode is hella fun.
Problem is that it is comfy on the gamecube only.
>forces 2.0
>I wish there were more fans like you.
Most people in this thread have been chill I think. It's really mostly a loud minority people hear on issues in general, not even just Sonic. And since you can't really talk to and meet everyone you just kinda need to steriotype stuff.
>I'm like this but I honestly thought I was just getting too old
I mean that's part of it for me too. I have other responsibilities to take care off and not as much time. Plus my standards for quality are higher so they really need to make something good to get me excited. Happens to everyone
and this
I don't care about her dramas, she does hot ladies. If only she finished Maria in time, but oh well.
You have autism
/sthg/ is just filled with shitposters and few delusional people who think the place isn’t a lost cause. None of their opinions are worth considering.
I had to come to this thread to set the record straight, too many autists were using /sthg/ to diss adventurefags and flex the classic sonic fans egos when /sthg/ is more the comicfags than actual sonic gamers and while I admit that I like trash sonic games (shadow the hedgehog and heroes) this created a split thanks to the development team throwing out SA3 and blue balling the Chao community.
It's the new Rocksteady game
They finally figured out how to make Sonic work in 3D
>it represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with the modern Sonic series of games
I want to argue with you because I really enjoyed it as a kid.But at the same time you're so fucking right in every way. Sonic does not work in 3D, and for all the things that DOES potentially work it just doesn't fit in the sonic games.
The chaotic puzzles were pretty much a distraction from the rest of the teams missions. Team dark and sonic were pretty identical and the fucking point was team rose sure it's easier but if you could get through team rose you could pretty much do sonic so there was no point.
plus splitting flight/strength/speed was the most useless seperation. I guess you could say seperating them forced an interesting playstyle but its clearly almost a decade later it was a pointless experiment since fucking no one has done that.
Sonic adventure series was good in 3D though to differing degrees and a return to the mobius sonic autism is not a good thing given that the boost formula was never improved except for generations.
I haven't gone to /sthg/ but from that I imagine it's like Yea Forums dragonball threads constant shit flinging.
My first game was 3&K and the Sonic Advance, but Heroes and Shadow I played a ton as a kid. I still remember playing Heroes on Christmas and having a blast. Haven't touched them much since though
bring Xtreme back from the grave please sega
SoA probably didn't want to hire an artist who does NSFW stuff occasionally
>Yet Capcom, Ubisoft and even Nintendo has no problem with this
Pathetic. Even SoJ was ok getting Raita for valkyria chronicles.
>I guess you could say seperating them forced an interesting playstyle but its clearly almost a decade later it was a pointless experiment since fucking no one has done that
That's because the development team jumped from one gimmick to another and then trash it and start all over again.
Mania was built with S3AK
Sonic force was built on lost world and became a subpar game because generations was the one game to beat.
Twilight Princess was made to superceed ocarina of time.
Sonic hasn't evolved the formula since Generations and even then it failed to capture the adventure sonic feeling adventure fag have been craving for since the cancelation of SA3.
>new main game
Nobody would guess that and how that will be Lost World engine
Tails should be gone too since he is 8.
Shota is okay to Aaron.
>Tails should be gone too since he is 8.
he's been gone for awhile
Japan doesn't give a shit
I was born in 1996, played both of them on the gamecube which I got in 2004 so I probably played them both over the next 2 years or so. I was probably at the optimal age for playing those games and I loved them at the time but looking back most of the levels are seriously boring compared to some other platforming games. idk why anyone who plays a game as a child looks back at it with rose-tinted glasses. there's a reason people say sonic got bad after he got a voice and went 3d.
i think the sonic series needs more playable characters
not necessarily new ones, just existing characters in a playable role. yknow, the chaotix and amy in mania 2, the rest of team sonic, shadow, rouge, amy, cream, blaze and silver in whatever modern game they make next
i think an advance-style platformer would be a great way to move forward with the modern series, taking what they've learned from mania and adding an extra layer to it
a 2d sonic heroes as a concept would be cool
>I was born in 1996,
Again underage please leave
controversial opinion I know but an open world 3d sonic game would be awesome. open-world like MGSV or the simpsons hit and run, not necessarily like Just Cause or GTA unless the developers can pull a miracle and make it in a way that isn't broken.
Basically every time Sonic's cast has been basically Sonic but with a different spin on it it's always the better game for it. All of the 2D games did this and it's worked since.
Heroes would have been great if the actual gameplay wasn't dogshit and you didn't have to play all 4 teams just to unlock the last level, S3K you just needed Sonic + Chaos Emeralds and that's it.
whatever, only some of the sonic and shadow levels and the mission where you have to play as all 6 were good. the rest was boring and the chao garden was grinding for the sake of grinding
No honestly.
Good thread boys.
I don't have the Knuckles gif and I don't know where Knuckles' poster went so this will have to do
i think i got an idea that works
in pic related you got 3 huge hubworlds consisting of roads with places where you could drop off into level-esque courses with collectible items, secret paths, and other junk behind obstacles that can be surmounted with the right equipment; something like more linear banjo-kazooie levels, or ratchet and clank
naturally you had a hometown where you could get the extra equipment to access all that secret junk
still, you couldn't access knuckles' areas with just sonic
even tails had his own secrets in sonic's routes
Good thread bros
This is bait.
>still, you couldn't access knuckles' areas with just sonic
>even tails had his own secrets in sonic's routes
This, which is a good thing for replayablity. Imo, Mania Plus' Encore mode + Advance 3 style tag team would basically be the perfect way to play Sonic from now on. It's the only way I play Mania now, it's perfect.
>played both of them on the gamecube which I got in 2004
>Mania Plus' Encore mode + Advance 3 style tag team
i think you mean the other way around
mania's encore tag style with advance 3's variable movesets, but still having the option for solo play, although co-op play would be real fukkin rad
with buddy being playable and having his moveset be entirely different depending on who he pairs with
haven't played this game but the first ratchet and clank is actually similar to what I had in mind. some of the areas would have to be enormous though because you travel through them very quickly with the fast characters.
my parents were too stingy to get me anything new
That's what I meant to say, yeah.
One last kino before bed
Good night, Yea Forums
should we migrate?
i mean, to another new thread or to sthg?
Spines stick out sideways too much. Would be good otherwise
She's the only character design sheet that didn't get a from behind view. You just know why
>to sthg?
Just end it for today user. It was a big day, we'll met up another time.
You have autism
that gifs real nice user