Genuinely curious. Why do you play DOTA2 over League?
Genuinely curious. Why do you play DOTA2 over League?
Because League sucks
Don't need to grind to unlock characters.
because im good, im used to it, i like it better, etc.
infinetly deeper mechanics and better balance
League is trash
>better balance
Mars, Viper, CK
They're the same game after 7.00, so I don't play either.
MOBAs are not fun
The endless suffering of losing MMR is fun though
No women and trannies
1) no anime artstyle
2) characters all have tons of personality with great bants
3) way more gameplay and mechanical depth
4) more creative heroes
5) all heroes are free
6) looks better
7) valve doesn't ban people for not playing the meta
that's all I can think of for now.
nitpicking does no good
>not even the highest bracket of MMR
literally who cares?
Quitting DotA2 was the best decision i ever made; time for singleplayer games, fotm, and a dedicated competitive fighting game.
the 2 highest MMR groups get grouped together for statistical purposes due to low sample size at highest MMR. do you even play this game
most people are 2K, 4K has the most balance of player skill, also it doesn't change much
>the 2 highest MMR groups get grouped
lol no they fucking dont, and valve/icefrog doesnt balance based around the shit-tier 4k players.
I dont, i play Heroes of Newerth
viper is literally a one trick pony that move in and out of meta all the time
seventh post best post
I don't like the set meta of league, I think it hurts innovation and by extension the gameplay. One factor of a team's strength is removed, which is attempting unorthodox strategies to counter popular setups. Instead, players are forced towards playing a specific way, and the entire focus is on who can execute that style of gameplay better than others rather than out thinking your opponent.
Furthermore, the developers of league actually -enforce- the set meta on the game by building everything around it and issuing warning to those who don't follow it. Even doing something like playing 2/1/2 with a premade will still lead to a warning as the other team can report you for unsportsmanlike conduct (IE, shitting up the guy who runs the solo lane top because his jungler doesn't understand to come out to help him). In DotA, there's much, much more flexibility over how you handle each match, even if there are still a few strats frowned upon.
>lol no they fucking dont
league is fucking boring and dota is the better game
but all mobas are shit
I stopped playing this game because it went to shit after 2015. Still superior to LoL in every single way. Honestly cant understand why would anyone play that ugly simplified copy of Dota. But you do you.
I liked league when it was in beta or early season 1, back when the game was pretty raw. Lot of stuff that wouldn't fly anymore was in, and the future was still bright for what would come.
I stopped playing when they removed revive
I used to have something like a 65% win rate with TF running revive/smite and going mid when.
Never understood why pros went for flash over revive, when revive was clearly far more powerful, especially combo'd with teleport.
why hasn't LoL ripped him off yet
He requires more than 4 buttons and 3 neurons
Old League really was something special. It's a shame so much of it has been removed or fucked with to the point of being unrecognizable.
This is the only valid response.
Got bored of league, got a dota beta invite and never looked back
>beta & season 1 LoL
>closed beta Dota 2
Out of the top 10 you have posted 8 of them require some form of skill in either their mechanics, positioning, or awareness on how to capitalize on their strengths.
Alchemist for example is not the hardest hero in the game, however if you cannot capitalize on securing runes or hitting good item timings through efficient farming you will get easily assblasted by the enemy. His abilities can also serve more purposes than just throwing his bomb or getting crazy regen and better BAT with his ult.
Viper requires absolutely no thinking however, just throw your AOE on the wave and run to jungle and throw your AOE there too. I would argue that Ursa is also somewhat brainless, but still bad positioning can fuck you even with your ult.
I switched to League around about TI7. The meta around that time was getting really stale and it was the same necro/invo/viper shit every game. I think Dota is the better game, just haven't had time to take it up again.
Actual freedom in team comp, lane layout, and win strategy
Don't have to grind or pay to access characters
i hope you realize how much of a retarded dumb cunt you look like when you talk shit without knowing, stupid nigger
Better game, better studio, more fun to watch.
Any dotafags here with a Switch tried Arena of Valor? I know it's ported mobileshit but it's really been my guilty pleasure and much needed break from dota.
>No forced meta
>All characters are free
>Itemization is more utility focused and freeform
>Heroes are allowed to be unique and powerful because no "wahh antifun" design
>More depth, mechanical skill, and strategical skill all across the board
>Way less sterile and has far more crazy interactions and combo potential
It's pretty cut and dry
I don't understand how LoL got so big, other than being streamlined and easy for normies to pick up