what's your favorite "alright" game?
a game that wasn't neither amazing or godawful, just a decent experience you enjoyed from start to finish
What's your favorite "alright" game?
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Sonic Mania. That said I liked it way more than all other 2d sonics
Wolfenstein TNO
Duke Nukem Forever
Dead Space 2 and 3. They're good popcorn entertainment.
Tomodachi Life. It's a fun distraction with a neat OST,
im gonna say it
half life 2
Killzone 3
lost planet 2
lotr war in the north
i enjoyed fallout 4 basebuilding tbqh
the Lego Star Wars games
lostplanet 2. Some fun coop and cool customization options for your appearance but the level design was just ..alright.
Competitively it was disappointment especially compared to the first game but for coop yeah its pretty decent.
PC port is garbage 11 years later still
Legend of Kay
A solid 7/10 if I ever saw one
>play LP2 co-op
>asymmetric cutscenes and missions
>meet up with partner after they drop down and beat the Akrid
>"get ready for a nice change of weather, boys"
That game had a fantastic opening
Evolve had of lot of details and banter between the characters and i loved everysingle one of them
shame the game was nothing memorable or good
Sonic & The Black Knight
Megaman 7
Kirby Squeak Squad
I enjoyed Dragon Age 2. It deserved to be better
Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the Void and the Nova Mission packs.
Co-op might aswell be added there.
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.
Also a double-shame, because 95% of the game's actual story was hidden behind said discussions pre-game.
They also had more that elaborated more on the story with each DLC character. There was actually some interesting writing in there from what I heard, enough to make people question if there were plans to make more games in the universe or expand on it in some other way.
W40K: Space Marine, really enjoyed it but it wasn't mindblowing. Would have loved to see some sequels.
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, jonesin for some 2v2 right now
I dropped the AC series after black flag
The games arent anything special, but the multiplayer was really fun
Liberation Maiden 3ds
Quest 64. Its bland in every way but I still find it comfy. Something about the colors and art direction make it feel like moving a piece through a diorama.
Bindding of isaac, any version, its the kind of game i pick up for a quick run, drop it for a few days and come back fresh some other day without the feeling bored orthe feeling that i should play it more often
Transformers War for and Fall of Cybertron.
fucking this. might as well add in D3 too. Those two games pale in comparison to their predecessors. D2 and Brood War was amazing.
dark souls
>Kala was supposed to become the next queen of the monsters
>We were supposed to have some levels inside the big ship fighting Mind controled colonists
>We were supposed to see one big fight with objective:Survive
>We never got to see the world wither and die in phase 2-3
>We never say the Punished Jackal, half robot and ready to avenge the only girl who agreed to date/kiss him
Why must god hurt me this way?
Probably Sonic Adventure 2, after replaying SA1 and 2 I realize a lot of what I loved about them was nostalgia, but I feel like they still hold up as "alright" experiences.
I really REALLY liked Rage. I guess that's a game considered alright or bad by most people, but I absolutely loved it.
When I was in college, my roommate was nuts for this game and claimed he was in the top 100's for the leaderboard which I don't doubt because he showed that he was in the top 200's for Titanfall's multiplayer.
>go to fucking gamestop
>see this game for that was pretty much free
>buy it for laughs
>end with a really decent action game
I have been considering picking it up, despite its negative reputation. What do you think makes rage worth it?
Mafia 2 and Kane and Lynch 2 probably
Both heavily flawed, but they have other aspects that sorta make up for it.
That's really the consensus on Yea Forums the few times I've seen it brought up.
Tales of Zesteria
I'm sad that more over the top superhero games haven't come out since then
Don't you lump 2 in with the trash fire that was 3
Alpha Protocol
Yes, about 90% of the skills and weapons are either useless or a nightmare to control, but as long as you stick to a pure Stealth/Pistol build you're in for a hell of a ride with fun characters and a god tier dialogue system.
I'd argue they pass into good rather than alright but i also haven't played them in a long time.
The technology that powered it although flawed, made the game have very interesting and cool world, with great atmosphere and art, also colorful. The shooting mechanics were very well made, I liked the weapons, the enemies have great animations. The driving was fun as I enjoyed the car combat genre before it died. I just found it a very solid experience throughout. I even bought the DLC. If you do play it, play at the highest possible difficulty. It's more fun that way.
Literally every Kirby game
Skyrim. It's the mac and cheese pizza of video games.
The Urbz on the DS.
I have tried to get into it, but so far I haven't been able to finish any of the bethesda games powered by that horrible game engine. They just feel so awkward. It's hard to explain.
line rider was a pretty fun game
the dark souls series
Resident Evil series
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Prototype 1 and 2. Just jumpin and glidin. Jumpin and glidin
Got this game for 5 bucks and enjoyed the hell out of it. Slick visuals once the bloom is reduced, and the story is great.
Alpha Protocol
Gameplay was kinda sloppy but man was it fun just being a fucking asshole to everyone
the first RAGE,i was more surprised how fast it ended
Killer is dead
Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning
Cosy, empty MMO vibes, easy braindead combat and quests
Thought the DLC's were genuinely quite good
You guys are alright
That is so fucking wrong.
This with Singularity, Spec Ops The Line, etc, are the kind of game I like. You expect to play a shitty game but you enjoy it and want more.
Enter The Gungeon
Crypt of the Necrodancer
I never played Singularity but I just might check it out based on this post, considering I had a similar experience with Spec Ops.
Bulletstorm, also if a parody is better then the actual Simpsons maybe it's time to end the show
Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars
singularity is definitely a lot better than spec ops
WET. Blew all their money on Eliza Dushku and Malcolm McDowell. Still an okay game.
Literally every Assassin‘s Creed
They're both dumb action games and a stepdown from 1.
I'd fist her mars.
I'm going to be so upset if she doesn't win the nariyuki bowl
This, and also everything else by post-NMH1 Grasshopper. The only exception for me is TSA, which I really liked.
Every borderlands game. Just mute the dialogue and it turns into a half decent fps loot fest.
If I enjoyed it from start to finish it's better than "alright"
Paper Mario Sticker Star. Game gets a lot of hate for not being TTYD 2, but for a novel platformer/turn based combat hybrid it was pretty enjoyable. Plus that soundtrack was dope.
only if you enjoy looter games. just because the act of killing enemies goes from autistically clicking in one place to autistically aiming where the opponent is doesnt make it any more fun
The God Eater series. I still don't know why I went for 100%-ing the first game, and I could only go so far in the 2nd game before getting bored as shit because they lock being able to craft weapons and armor behind a bunch of missions you have to do. I can only recall five or so missions where I actually felt threatened; the rest of the game was easy mode all the way through. It's like Monster Hunter with four players, except the monsters hit much less harder, the players are AI and have no hangups on drowning you with healing items (I seriously never had to once use an item outside of the previously mentioned five missions), and you can often kill the monster in under two to three minutes.
>inb4 you could've gone solo
It's just an alright Monster Hunter clone. The only upside to it is that it has a semblance of an endgame that MHW doesn't have, except it's going to get one real soon with the ice world expansion. Only thing I'd say is fucking god awful are half of the female voice actors, specifically the kinda ones that screech when doing their voices.
The world was pretty empty and the customization wasn't as deep as I would've liked, but the car combat was fun and really satisfying, and the melee combat wasn't too bad either. The game looked really good too.
Anime will boost her to victory
DOOM and Alan Wake.
i agree with this guy
Batman Arkham Knight
Cod 4 through Black Ops 2
Heroes of the Storm
The variety in what the legendary gear does and each classes action skill at least keeps it fresh enough to do a playthrough every so often. And it follows the topic of the OP. They are just alright games, not great, not terrible.
>just alright
It could have been so much more.
Horizon Zero Dawn, one of those games I played once, said 'wow that sure was a video game' and immediately forgot everything about it
>tfw no big tiddy Glitch gf
Want to try out Frackin Universe mod because I heard it's great but damn is it sorta dense and intimidating to start.
Spider-Man 2018. It was basically Batman Arkham with a Spider-Man stick slapped on it, but that was why i liked it to begin with
Borderlands 1 is a solid 7/10 but I fucking love it and I'll never forgive Randy Pitchford, Anthony Burch, and Gearbox for what they did to it.
Dead Space 2 is a complete upgrade over 1 in every way. Better setting, better story, better horror, better action. The only thing I could see someone complaining about is the lack of backtracking, but in the original game when you revisited areas you were forced to go through them in such a linear way that having a choice of where to go was almost pointless.
D44M is just an alright game. The "doors lock, monsters jump out" formula gets old pretty quick.
Smash Bros Ultimate. I want to like the game more than I do, but the online community kills it a lot of the time for me. I know it's hard to balance 72 characters, and that there will always be a small pool of characters that are more popular and/or viable than others, but I mean come on, theres 72 characters, and most matches are against the same 5 or so characters. Tell me to get good all you want, most of the time they're just not fun to play against.
I think 2 is fun, but the certainly ruined the vibe and aesthetic of Borderlands.
The characters seem like they are trying a bit too much to be whacky and silly. Before they didn't really notice when they were most of the time, they were either just stupid or crazy.
>anime adaptation
I'm glad that the makers are going to get more recognition, but boy howdy am I not looking forward to the anime only group and inevitable "controversy" with Kirisu getting in constant lewd situations.
Nope, DS1 is superior in setting and horror. The engineer motif was better too.
DS2 might be more fun to play but DS1 is still the most unique game out of the trilogy and the one I'd save if someone threatened to erase them from reality.
Recently, this. I loved the story since it gets a lot right about Spider-Man, but the gameplay is just alright.
Red Faction Guerilla.
Was alright.
>ACB + ACR multiplayer
god that shit was awesome. Wish it would have been more popular
Anarchy Reigns
There were a lot of PS2 games I rented that were that. Solid weekend adventures with no real replayability but still fun. Psi-ops and another psychic one (I think it had kid-psychics in a Russian facility, you started the game and then went back in time and returned to the start of the game at the end).
That's a good choice
Good choice. Probably one of the best open world superhero type game of that 2008-2012 period (Prototype was 2009 I think?)
frost punk
cultist simulator
War is better than alright, it's legit great.
Borderlands 1 did its dark humor way better. In 2 characters are literally screaming jokes at you every five seconds. Used to just be this shitty prison planet where all the convicts escaped and ruined everything, but it had treasure galore which made it highly valuable and you were just one of four schmucks out looking for the mysterious Vault. The story was extremely subtle and not in your face and I loved that aspect about it, but then they get a literal cuckold to write the second game and just completely ruin it. You're barely even hunting for the Vault in 2 as opposed to just stopping Jack, and in PS it's even more fucking stupid to be called a Vault Hunter. It's like they're trying to treat the title like being a Jedi.
I played a pseudo-pacifist run—where you essentially refuse to kill anybody unless they, like, really deserve it or there's no good way to melee them or you're bored—and it was a pretty fun challenge. Better combat than GTA5.
Agreed. I only finished it once but I start new files just to destroy buildings and whack EDF soldiers with the hammer.
Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight
I can't tell if that's a women anymore?
It's a tranny
it's sarina valentina newfriend
Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2
every call of duty campaing is like watching an afternoon B action movie, it's entertaining for a few hours
Sleeping Dogs
Sonic and the Secret Rings for Wii. I enjoyed that piece of shit. I should go back to it. Anyone have a good Wii torrent dump?
a lot of sonic games are alright
you can find pretty much any rom on Vimm’s Lair
fun to break and speedrun
da heeeeeeouss
Drakensang: The Dark Eye
The River of Time was a huge improvement though.
Binary Domain.
It's nothing amazing but man, I still had a blast playing it. Shooting off a robots metal plating to get to the weaker skeleton was really satisfying.
The Surge
>just "alright"
Diablo 3 RoS
got this at gamestop for less than a dollar. basically a chinese max paine from the guy who inspired max paine.
Forza horizon 4.
I just open the game now and then and shit on kids in ranked races while passive aggressively spamming "Nice driving" in the chat.