116 days until E3
116 days until E3
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You mean 87
who is this hottie?
she looks like the announcer girl from pubg invitational a few years back
same girl but older?
>tfw the PC Gamer show ends up being the best press conference again
She's in the PC Gaming show at E3
Can't wait to see all those glorious Epic store exclusives during the PC Gaming show
Post the webm where he is so far away and turning his head to the camera
post yfw you realize she's wearing a miniskirt
PC Gaming Show =/= E3
why does this frizzy haired roastie do all the esports events?
she was an announcer at the CSGO major a couple weeks ago too
You cannot escape
Day9 is the only reason that conference isn't a complete shitshow. Have any good games ever been announced at it? Their pièce de résistance last year was a fucking Age of Empires II rerelease.
Is it going to be a shit show like last year?
she sits on producer's faces
Thank ya
E3 incels better get the fucc bacc from her. She's mine.
Satisfactory, Sable, Ooblets and Maneater all seemed pretty neat
If only we could still check digits
can't wait for epic to shit it up
>Epic already gave out moneyhats for Satisfactory and Maneater
This sucks