Why do whites suck at fighting games?

It's literally only spics, blacks and Asians dominating this genre every time. Is it fear of seeing your opponent face to face?
Also why do they favour team games?
Is it because they can blame someone in those.

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Because you’re a faggot, OP

Because whites realize you can't make a living off of games unless you're behind the scenes.


Because whites tend to have jobs and choose not to commit to FGs

too high IQ to mash buttons like gorillas (niggers) in an epic highly autistic 1 v 1 duel

Whites only play smash

White people play Smash. I would guess if you can figure out the difference between Smash and other fighting games, you'll find your answer. I used to think it was because white people have fewer fast-twitch muscles, but I don't actually know that fighting games rely on fast-twitch muscles more than other games.

Whites have fewer siblings to play with all the time.

>White people play Smash. I would guess if you can figure out the difference between Smash and other fighting games
Yeah. Smash isn't a fighting game.

Whites are too busy running all the events and making things happen.

>Whites play smash

but the top smash players are all spics, nigs, one jap, and mixed, crackas just like to believe they are good at it.

Whites are a mongrel race of interbred europeans, who can't have proper fights without chimping out like hooligans. Blacks live off the streets where they have to kill each other efficiently in order to survive. Not to mention anime blacks study the blade much like asians, who excel at the mystic fighting arts.

whites just can't compete with baki and his father essentially.

I can shit on you in Street fighter 2 anytime you want nigger

Whites are born middle class and never have to worry about working for anything in their lives, so what makes you think that they would work at vidya?

I appreciate the Baki reference, nice touch.

>It's literally only spics, blacks and Asians dominating this genre every time.
Imagine the smell.

Based and Ogrepilled

cause they're unironically best at shooter games.

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Whites are pussies. Notice wvites do school shootings while black chads will literally go toe to toe in gun fights with police?

>Mash buttons
>Calling anyone low IQ
You can't win like that casual.
Even semi component players can BTFO if try it.

White people work and contribute to society.

Cause they are not retards that buy sf2 clones for the rest of their lives

It's kinda baffling that these mass shooters are still so cucked by authority. 9/10 the kill themselves or surrender. You'd think a shootout with the cops would be the perfect climax.

Lmao at the white fragility in this thread

School shooters are pussies. They mass kill the unarmed and fold like bitches when a real threat comes

Trump is right. Arm teachers and watch these faggots get shut down hard

Basically this

Have to agree. If more people exercised their own right to have a gun these mass shooters would get blasted and eventually stop trying. But then again livestreaming kill rampages on facebook is kinda based.

Armada & Mew2king are white as bread bro

More like white people work behind the scenes & run the events
that's where the real money is

But middle class have to work for a living too. The only thing that really excludes you from work is being born rich.

This is golden. Have some /v.

>while black chads will literally go toe to toe in gun fights with police?

then stupid black folk like michael brown get iced & the whole town riots

It's not part of our pop gaming culture.

The more interesting thing is why do Whites dominate is BR games & Counter Strike, but Koreans dominate at Overwatch?

For fighting games, it's always been more of a black/hispanic thing in America, white kids only liked to play Smash & it shows

White people play other games competitively, so these arguments hold zero weight.

Four of the top ten biggest earners from Melee are undeniably white. One's a hapa. Two are Hispanic but pretty white for Hispanics, one you would just call white if you didn't know his name. One's Jewish.

>Jews are not white

the media told me harvey weinstein was a white man, so they are now

Unironic answer, you get way better at fighting the games the less you think.

asians compensate this fact with superior reflexes and better ability to memorise.

What games? The only genre wh*tes do well at is FPS. Asians dominate strategy games, puzzle games, rhythm games and would dominate fighters if it wasn't for the odd black and spic.

Smash isn't a fighting game.

Chinks aren't humans though
prove me wrong


Whites at game tournaments are comedy.

Don't white people dominate at mobas and FPS?

Imagine thinking being human is a good thing.

>whites only good when you can fire into a crowd

It's because you're confusing intelligence with muscle memory and skill retard

MOBAs is dominated by Asians.

Prove yourself right science says they are regardless of Yea Forums memes but im sure your response will just be a racial slur or le tiamon square shit

We're too busy working actual jobs.

Whites had a father to take them to the park, not a single mom on welfare who uses a console as a babysitter

>superior reflexes

counter strike says hi
mass shootings irl too

>Two are Hispanic but pretty white for Hispanics, one you would just call white if you didn't know his name. One's Jewish.
Fucking Amerimutts

not really, whties & asians both do pretty good

They can but who would want to play with a bunch of niggers and asians that get manipulated by them?
Like boating and camping, it's to leave the low IQ idiocy behind. You're just not enjoyable company OP and starting this thread is one reason why.

Seething and projecting from whitetoads who are shit at vidya

Between the two most difficult 1v1 games ever made one was dominated by whites and Russians and the other was dominated entirely by Koreans.

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>he's gonna end up an internet meme if he's not careful

>guy shits on other races
>asians get insulted
pathetic yellow man!

Could you please cool it with the racism? My kids and grandchildren browse this site.

Russians aren't human

Because Fighting games are retarded

Zoomers weren't even alive when this man was dominating a game more challenging than they have ever played.

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based seething incel

What does that have to do with my post?

Dota 2's Top 10 Biggest Earners
>Non-European Caucasian
CSGO's Top 10 Biggest Earners
>75% East Asian, 25% White
>sounds pretty white, I'm not looking at each one's face, though
>mix of Caucasians and Asians
Rocket League
>white people for days, and some token Latinos
Should I keep going?

Lots of Japanese players have white skin dumbass.

>Less likely to have siblings
>Less likely to be into shonen past their early teens
>More likely have a PC or an allowance to get multiple video games a year

>Race is skin color
American education.

>what is SoulCalibur
White kids live in suburbs and stayed at home playing console and PC games while all the poorfag immigrant families live in the hood and have the choice of dunking on 5 year olds at Ultra King of Street Fighter 2.1 Turbo Bootleg Edition to get a night's worth of video games on one quarter or playing with a ball in a cup.

That's why you have a spectrum of blackitude at Evo from darker than the blackest night black for MAHVEL to mixed black/asian for Street Fighter to rather mixed for mainstream anime, to whites, asians, and obligatory black weebs for turbo nerd anime games played on laptops, to maximum white autism for Smash

>why do whites suck at video games
>colour white

Clearly meant race when OP mentions spics, blacks, and asians dumbass

We are talking about fighting games and you bring up Smash. What do you think my reply has to do with your post?

>Rocket League
None of these are fighters or even good games.

No black kids got a gamecube growing up, because it was considered "gay" & it kinda shows with the smash community, seems to be whites & light skin spics mainly

someone should study this

It's because they were too poor to play any other game growing up.
Whites never get specialised enough because they can enjoy other genres.
Minorities literally have one game and it's a fighting game.

50% of new American doctors are white, excluding Jews. Meanwhile, 37% of British doctors, new and old, are white, including Jews. I don't want to hear shit from a European who lets Muslims rape their women and children and throw anyone who spreads the news in prison.

Except it's Eurotrash who say Mediterraneans aren't white and Indians are black or Asian.

OP is most like a nigger weeb
Nobody says spics then blacks/asians
Hell even spics never says spics
Only nigger weebs do, whites would have said niggers over blacks.

>forgetting one of the top 5 players to ever play
>forgetting m2k

Black guy who had a GC as a kid here. That's bullshit because a lot of us were on Melee. I also still have my copy of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

I just don't think white people love fighting games the way the lesser races do. Black people fucking love fighting games for some reason.

But look at other "pro gaming" (lol) and you'll see it's mostly whites competing from western countries and some asians. Basically no blacks at all and very few spics.

Indians are blacker than Drake. How are they not sand niggers?

White people dominate FPS games so it doesn't really matter

Everyone knows Fighting games are the lowest of the low in terms of skill and tactics, theres like 5 buttons in most of the time you have to remember some frame data for, then just spam like 1.5k hours into the game on one character autistically spamming attacks and blocks

multiplayer competitive team games take more raw mechanical skill and higher IQ's

Now who dominates sports.....

That's right.

I don't know why but a lot of white people I know seem more interested in other games. On another note what game is this? I like the art style.

Probably the same reason RTS are dominated by whites and gooks.

>None of these are fighters
So what? Fighting games are fucking boring leave that shit for the minorities.

most of the US olympic medal winners are white
strongmen competitions are all white guys

>Except it's Eurotrash who say Mediterraneans aren't white
Europeans in general don't think they're same.
The concept of being "white" is American.
They use nationality more often than not.

Also not a race.
Also not a race.
So, Indians?

>Now who dominates sports.....
It's still white people.

>nigger doesnt realize that no one cares about his linear as fuck boring fighting games
its like playing pong in 2019 and being like "HEY INSERT ____ ISNT GOOD AT PONG LOL"
everyone moved on, fighting games are old and busted.

>he unironically thinks chinks are human
Only asians with souls are nips user

NBA is a containment sport

Why are blacks so weak? What is it about white people that makes them so strong?

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>black not a race
It's very well known that when someone says black you're referring to negros you mongoloid. But sensitive people have decided it's not okay to say negro so you say black instead.

Unless it's a tag game. That requires alot of attention to know when to block from both sides if the partner character has an opportunity to get behind you.

The Arnold Classic took place earlier this month. Can you imagine such a thing without white culture?

White people are always looking for any way they can compensate for their tiny penises. It tears them apart inside when massively endowed minorities with 14" cocks beat them at video games and the result will be more mosque shootings.

I said to the OP, and I repeat, "I would guess if you can figure out the difference between Smash and other fighting games, you'll find your answer." Someone then responded to me saying white people don't dominate Smash, so I responded with the ethnicities of the Top 10 Smash players. And then you said Smash isn't a fighting game. That's nice, but that's not a valid response to the ethnicities of the Top 10 Smash players. Are you retarded?

>None of these are fighters
How could I list fighting games? The post I responded to asked me to specifically list games that are not fighting games. No shit they're not fighting games!
>or even good games.
That's subjective and doesn't matter to the discussion. They make more money than any fighting game does.

Holy shit, are you the dumbest fucking people on the Internet?

Black is a colour.


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Prominent locations of actual arcades in the 90's/early 2000's.

Whites were playing their console fighters pretending they were good as they memed their friends. Low-income kids were trying to make their quarter go as far as possible.

but then an assfaggots game is basically that but 24/7 and with 10 players in the game not 4

fighting games are basically playing a 2d game in a 3d world, like playin tic tac toe while everyone else is playing chess, basically only tekken even attempts to bridge into 3D space

>It's literally only spics, blacks and Asians dominating this genre every time. Is it fear of seeing your opponent face to face?
It's because white people have a higher IQ on average than minorities.

Outside of fighting games, I can't think of a single genre of games where you can win simply by mashing a bunch of buttons and inadvertently executing a bunch of awesome combos.

Moreover, fighting games are fundamentally different from other competitive games in one important way. In other competitive games like arena FPS and RTS, level design plays a huge part and mastery over the environment is typically the key to success. Fighting games however take place on a flat 2D plane (even when they use 3D graphics), so the environment is a non-factor. This lack of environmental interactivity makes fighting games relatively static and means the skill ceiling is inherently limited.

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This, I think it's a matter of most white kids being better off financially and having more options for a wider experience of games.
I joined a random tribe on Atlas and it happened to be an extended family of white dudes and annoying kids, but they were related and the richest one worked at Shell as some coordinator between factories and the kids (15?) were still at the parents but also were well off.
We mass produced ships together and sailed with larger companies to fight chinese, the raids were insane.

Maybe fighting games are just the lowest, cheapest available entertainment and if you can't afford a new game every week then you just get stuck with what you get.
After all niggers tell each other "why you acting white?" when ever they try to get ahead in life. The nigger weeaboo is a weird one.

In the late 90s it was because the only way minorities could play the game was at some arcade competitively while white kids usually had console versions.
aw fuck you beat me to it

Mestizos and Castizos.
Clearly referring to American negroes.
This term is used for light skinned
>Outside of fighting games, I can't think of a single genre of games where you can win simply by mashing a bunch of buttons and inadvertently executing a bunch of awesome combos.
Action games like DMC
>Muh IQ
Asians have higher IQs on average

Shouldn't one make the distinction though of 1v1 vs 5v5 being different scenarios?

I think the reason why alot of people don't play 1v1 is because they're afraid of getting called out for their bad skills whereas in a team sport it's easy to put blame to your teammates for your mistakes instead of learning from it.

Then again, we're talking about top level play so I'd hope that team blaming stuff would get thrown to the curb.

However on a casual scale, I can see why fighting genre is unpopular (because 1v1 exposes alot of people as bad players and they're unwilling to learn from the mistakes).

Same reason niggers are good at them: because it takes very little actual brain power and mostly runs on your own singular base instincts.

In most competitive games, you have a lot to keep track of. Let's take a team-based FPS, for example. There's map awareness, team composition, coordination with teammates, predicting the actions of other players who you can't even see, etc. You can use your environment to your advantage and such to strategize. Logic, planning, and agreeableness are rewarded.

Move on to fighters, and all that goes out the window. You don't have anyone but your opponent to pay attention to. You memorize a few moves and combos, then wait to deploy them before your opponent can. It's almost entirely reactive, and the little planning you have to do is only literally milliseconds into the future. It's basically pure animal instinct, and niggers are well tapped into that side of themselves. Add to that a community that relishes that kind of thing and glorifies being basically the King Nigger, and it just simply isn't the place for the calmer, more cohesion-minded whites.

Why are people downplaying fighting games when it comes to skill ITT?
They're literally one of the anti casual games out there.

>Indians are blacker than Drake.
"White" and "black" are terms created through the observation of differences in skin color, but they don't refer to skin color, they refer to race. I can't believe I have to explain this.
>How are they not sand niggers?
Well, they pretty much are, but now you're conflating two different groups of people based on similar racial slurs used to describe them. Did you think that because people call Arabs "sand niggers" that meant they're related to sub-Saharan Africans? Fucking what?

East Asians have a higher IQ and they love fighting games, too.

It's about the difference between slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. White people are basically nonexistent in competitions that measure fast-twitch muscle fibers.

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*Light skinned mongoloids

No shit dummy and so is white. It's just a simple way that we use to identify the race of a person. I could say someone is caucasian but when I say a person is white everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about so there's no need to be specific. If I say a black person everyone knows I'm talking about a negro.

Pic related to illustrate a point. Her skin is much darker than most black people's skin but you wouldn't call her black unless you're retarded.

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whites are good at smash

Because they're shit at them. Meta reason: It's a /pol/ bait thread.

That's a swift generalization of all fighting games.

You're forgetting mechanics specific to each game, the mind games you can play with your characters against the other dude's characters, the match-up experiences with your character vs another dude's character, stage significance on certain games, etc.

>environment is a non factor
tekken, also hugging walls/peeking out for a surprise kill isn’t depth fpstard

This entire thread is about fighting games. Your opinion on the genre is not relevant. You obtuse nincompoop.

>feeble white minds can only handle playing games that revolve around them shooting people
Really makes me think

Imagine being retarded enough to believe nationality is a race.
Maybe but any fighting game is still better than the games he listed. Also I'm not a nigger. If I was I'd be fucking a white woman. Spring Break user.

>This entire thread is about fighting games.
Wrong you crusty lipped baboon, this is a bait thread for white people and brown people to throw shade at each other.

Guy mentions fighting games you bring up a non fighter. How the fuck is that not valid.

Kill niggers

>That's subjective and doesn't matter to the discussion. They make more money than any fighting game does.
They aren't fighting games. And popularity means jack shit in terms of quality. You listed Dota ffs and carball. How autistic are you?

Indians live in Asia, making them Asians.


>he thinks souls exist

Imagine playing the same game 12 hours a day for years on end just to lose every tourny you play in. I dont care what your race is, next time your feeling down just remember that your not a fighting game autist, and also not anthony burtch

White boys seething

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So Mexicans and Canadians are American too?

Why are you so mad over something you had zero choice of being nigger/cracker/chink?
If you moved from Jersey to China you'd still be a guido.

Hey bro your supposed to wipe your ass with toilet paper, not your arm

>mestizos and castizos
Not races.
>american negroes
Still not a race.
>lightskin mongoloids
So if a Japanese gets a tan he's a different race, okay genius.

Yes. Canadians are in North America and Mexicans live in the American continent. But don't ever tell them that. They will just reeeeee and spam trump/frog images.

Technically there are only 3 races
Prove me wrong Yea Forums

The OP was obviously baiting with his "fear" and "blame" remarks, but I'm genuinely interested in the topic. It's difficult to discuss, though, because people are so uneducated on the subject or they're too thin-skinned to take it seriously. I think some people also intentionally sabotage it, maybe because they think they're doing some justice to society by keeping an aspect of reality taboo, or maybe they're just afraid.

>Maybe but any fighting game is still better than the games he listed.
That's your opinion and also not relevant. I was asked to list games white people are good at, so I picked off from the list of games with the biggest prize pools. I wasn't asked to list good games just so you could say
>Heh. But only fighting games are good games. I win!
No one cares what you think. This is why brown people need to leave. They can't understand simple statistics yet they're allowed to vote on how to run our country? They can't even run their own.

Mexico is North America geographylet

>2/5 of the posts 'black people bad'
>2/5 of the posts 'white people bad'
Fuck you cunts, I hope this board gets glassed. The real reason is that fighting game cultures don't really develop without arcades, which is why white Americans who live mostly in suburbs never got so into them as Americans of other races who grew up in urban environments where often your only access to games was at the local arcade. Those arcades are gone now of course but it raised an entire generation of fighting game fans, which is why they're still so big today.

Asians have higher IQs but are bad at critical thinking. The lower the apm requirement of the game the worse Asians do vs Europeans, the higher the apm the better they do.

White people just play less fighting games.

I'm white though. But
>hey can't understand simple statistics yet they're allowed to vote on how to run our country? They can't even run their own.
Go back to your containment board

white boys prefer shooting games where the enemy can't fight back

>Mexico is North America

whites were too busy playing soiboy single player/team player games


>Why do whites suck at fighting games?
Cause they playing 1st person shooters

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>Fighting game

Attached: el stupido.jpg (638x337, 22K)

The reason why people get casual filtered by fighting games so hard is because they actually do come in with mindsets like , and this is because it's much harder to understand how to even approach the abstract tactical depth of a 1v1 game compared to a team game where you get constant feedback from the other players supporting you. It's the same thing with RTSes or even 1v1 traditional games like Chess, online monsters who're too antisocial to go to physical events and too undisciplined to sit down and study will get frustrated and quit. Like it or not, most people who play DotA or CS learn by grinding ranked forever, which you just can't do with fighting games.

You didn't respond to my "compare Smash to them" post, you responded to my post listing Melee's Top 10. If you responded to my post where I brought up Smash, I would've just ignored you. Instead I'm paying attention to you: telling you you're responding to the wrong post. I said I bet you'll figure it out if you find out what makes Smash different, someone said white people aren't good at Smash, so I proved him wrong. You're welcome to go back to the beginning of the conversation.

>They aren't fighting games.
We were literally talking about every video game genre that is NOT fighting games. A bunch of people said white people don't play games competitively; I said they do, just not fighting games; someone then asked me to list which genres they play; I did. How could I list a fighting game in a list of games which are specifically not allowed to be fighting games? Why am I rereading the thread for you?
>And popularity means jack shit in terms of quality.
Quality means jackshit to the discussion.
>You listed Dota ffs and carball. How autistic are you?

>White people are basically nonexistent in competitions that measure fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Why do people still act like it's the 80's? Whites do really well in fighting these days, MMA & Boxing, Klitschko was unstoppable until he hit 40

>would dominate fighters if it wasn't for the odd black and spic
what did he mean by this?

If that were true, then the new generation of fighting game players wouldn't lean one way or the other, but it does.

Don't respond to me if all you're going to do is cry.

So, StarCraft, WarCraft and chess are dominated by brown people and white people suck at them?

they play games where you can actually win significant amounts of money

tekken 7 had a $7,000 grand prize for the WORLD TOUR.

meanwhile fat whitey mr. wizard is shilling out evo every year and making the real dosh

>nig nog nigging out as hard as possible
>thinks he's badass and not a fucking retard

Except whites no life braindead shit like JRPGs and MMOs.

Tom Brady?

Learning fighting games as a complete beginner is fucking hard honestly. Not only do you have to lab out combos and difficult inputs until they become muscle memory and you can do them on cue, but you also need to learn blocking, reacting to throws/aerials, the gaps in your/your enemy's blockstring, and how to react when they start to understand your habits and vice versa. If you've never done it before, it's like getting kicked in the face. All the people saying it's easy have genuinely never tried it.

every worthless person from all races does this if they have the ability to

t. worthless mythic wow raider for several years. there's an endless variety of weirdos with literally no life.

>Why am I rereading the thread for you?
Because it is Saturday and we got nothing else to do but pick fights like retards obvs.

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Cool virtue signalling thread

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user everybody that has posted on Yea Forums is worthless
Your point?

I think mixed martial artists and boxers would disagree that their sports measure fast-twitch muscle fibers as opposed to a dozen other variables; variables which are non-existent in video games.

Except all I need to do is post tons of game tournaments with white people in them. Or how about I look at the bottom of esportearning's list of games.
>Project M
Full of white people.
>FIFA 08
Mixed bag.
>Pokemon VGC
Mixed bag.
>Killer Instinct (2013)
Lot of white people for a fighting game.
>Forza Motorsport 2
I think we're done here.

>Why do whites suck at fighting games?

Uhh never heard of this guy before?
DSPgaming is a former pro fighting game player, and even placed 4th for Super Street Fighter II Turbo in the 2005 EVO tournament, becoming the highest ranked American player for that game

Attached: DarkSydePhil-youtube-photo.jpg (800x400, 21K)

I'm going to give the most logical answer I can think of.

On average (meaning, not everyone, there's plenty of exceptions), lots of black and hispanic families are low income in America. They probably live in tougher neighborhoods and since there's low income, probably play sports and get into fights at school, most of the time the games they get are sports and fighting games, thus they spend more time on these games. They're not gonna pick up some JRPG or some single player action game because most of the time, while they might have an interest in the game, they're more fearful of their friends thinking they're "gay" for playing them.

White kids on the other hand, generally higher income families and don't live in very rough neighborhoods, develop an interest in multiple genres, probably don't play a lot of sports or get into fights in school, so they don't like sports or fighting games.

As for asians, I don't fuckin know. They're good at everything.