Are these THE Combine? The ruling master race of the whole Empire or what?
Are these THE Combine? The ruling master race of the whole Empire or what?
they're the advisors
for the scope of such enterprise as Combine, those would be middle managers / field officers, at best
The world may never know.
We just don't know, but chances are they are just supervisors in a greater, greater scheme. At least if you take Epistle 3 as a hint of how powerful the Combine are.
The true Combine was Gordan Freemen all along.
this is probably it
The Combine died thousands of years ago. The Combine Empire is nothing more than a bunch of programmed slaves just carrying on because they are automatons.
The Episode 3 plot 'Leak' confirmed how existentially large the Combine is. With that in mind, no. They were probably middlemen.
actual retard detected
the combine are an organization, not a species. they're literally called "the combine" because they combine a bunch of enslaved/allied species under one umbrella. this particular species are just the guys behind the combine's earth invasion.
it's never specified if they're the master race or not, just that they're behind earth's occupation.
What's his fucking problem/endgame?
Semantics. If humanity spent millions of years colonizing the stars, it wouldn't matter to anyone that they're no longer the same homo sapiens that started the journey.
>The Combine Empire is nothing more than a bunch of programmed slaves just carrying on because they are automatons
so, like humanity, only more obedient in their following of the word of their creator.
"Advisor" sounds like a middle management sort of title.
It's a metaphor for white people. Fat, bloated and exploitative.
this - we'd be nothing more but a footnote in a history class database
The combine might not even be a "people"thay are transhuman after all, so who's to say "The Combine" isnt actually the name of the hivemind.
>enslave a hundred species
>built an interdimensional empire
>it's never specified if they're the master race or not
When I hear the word advisor I think of an advisor to a king, as in the combine advisors are the second highest tier.
The G-Man is some kind of interdimensional entity. His plans center around specific people being at a specific place to create a chain reaction to destroy the combine or something.
based retard
i'm talking about the advisors in particular. there's no canon information on whether or not they're the combine's master race, just that they lead the invasion on earth. everything else is speculation.
>literally called advisors
>are they in charge????
You're stupid
>they're literally called "the combine" because they combine a bunch of enslaved/allied species under one umbrella.
It's pronounced com-bine, not cumbine, meaning it's "combine" as in the harvesting tool
Blow up the Aurora cause it might threaten his boss someday
it's a play on words but okay
Those have the exact same origin. The latter is just the noun version which happens to have become mostly associated with a piece of farm equipment.
yeah but like what? he already deus ex twice
the aurora was already trashed
(Breen is talking to advisor)
Dr. Breen-It is me you should be concerned about, I can still deliver earth
but not without your help.
Alyx-That is him!
Dr. Breen-The portal destination is untenable surely you can set the relay
destination elsewhere. There is no way I can survive in that environment.
A host body? You must be joking, there is no way I can possibly..
Alyx-There he is!
Dr. Breen-Oh alright dammit if that is what it takes. Just hurry! He is right
behind me!
Was breen going to become an advisor, or s different body?
im leaning towards the latter, since it would be dumb to give a pawn like him that much power
>A host body
Sounds like they already covered the possibility of the voice actor dying.
he was gonna take alyx