Hello, welcome to the FGC

Hello, welcome to the FGC
I will be your opponent today.

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gross feet

As all men tend to have.

God I love calves

Her feet looks like low effort deviantart feet.

that's a tranny

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>mouthbreather face
no thanks

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Why are so little real women in the FGC? and why is almost everyone ugly as hell? Tekken seems to have the most normal looking people and anime the worse in general

because real women simply don't get and like the autismfest that are fighting games

Yes, that much is evident, but why?

this is your mind on anime

I have a theory but it's probably weird, but wtf. I think it's because real women tend to be competitive in the "being" aspects (ie: physical beauty) while men tend to be competitive in the "do" aspects (ie: skill, as in FGs). I don't know how to explain it better sorry.

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Nothing but

Imagine the smell

yeah the FGC is full of traps

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Women are interested in people, men are interested in things. Men are more competitive, women are more agreeable.

Is it weird that I want to bend Gllty over and pound him til he calls me daddy

Chocoblanka is a real girl.


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People who are super autistic about games are already a very small minority of the overall hardcore gaming audience. Maybe a fraction of a percent. And only a fraction of that fraction will be good enough to compete on a professional level.

At the same time, women are a small percentage of the hardcore gaming audience. So now you take a fraction of a percent of that already minority percentage, and then a fraction of that fraction, and the number of women who are skilled enough to compete professionally is incredibly, incredibly small. Like maybe a couple hundred, nationally in all of the US, if not even less. The chances of someone from that ridiculously tiny pool making it into a major, national tourney and gaining notoriety is absolutely impossibly small.

Which is why a lot of the time women who DO gain any level of notoriety usually use their looks to basically "cheat" their way into that position.

Yeah he is the smuggest

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>that dbfz dude

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I wish there was a girl who could beat me at my game genre. It's probably literally impossible. I am among the best men and there is likely not one girl on the planet who's better than me.

I just want to marry someone who I can do LAN duels with.

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Gllty is the only one who passes.

what do you play?

are you fucking blind?

No, I have 20/20 vision. That's why I can easily see that the other ones are all dudes.

*beats his wife*
hello fellow FGC members what's going on in this thread?

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Women avoid open conflict. Openly aggressive, 'bitchy' women are unattractive to men and women alike. Ideally, women want to appear as caring, supportive and kind. This of course means that they cannot be in open conflict with each other and have to rely on subterfuge. Their modes of aggression are passive and mainly rely on social sabotage.

Men, on the other hand, need to be seen challenging and dominating their opponents (or at least give the impression that they won't roll over without a fight), this will gain them the respect of their peers and also make them attractive to women.

Now obviously some women are interested and want to play video games competitively, but it has to be expected that they are turned off by the kind of open hostility that men usually enjoy. You know, just try to see it from the other end: what if there was some kind of female dominated game, where you'd have to endure a lot of women who constantly talk shit and spread rumors behind your back?

God that face scares me, but yeah she's real.

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As is Gllty

Sometimes a woman needs a good slap.
What's he up to now anyways?

I play FPS, maybe the second or third least appealing genre to women after strategy and grand strategy.

In over 15 years of play I've only encountered one girl who was even close to my level and she wasn't very close.

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Wow what a piece of shit, baldy was being polite and showing sporting spirit. And why do all trannies do the sweater over hands thing?

maybe do other activities, play other games? what is there even to learn in FPS after a short while, isn't it mostly reflexes and map knowledge?

Also women don't generally see the kind of effort you have to put into a competitive game as worth.

So why won? They both look like they lost lol.

Makes your hands look smaller. Also just kinda feels "safe" some how. When you're trans you love hoodies for some reason.

I've also played other genres at a high level briefly, mainly RTS and MOBA, and it's the same shit. It's all just different forms of memorization. Aim is really memorization ("I've made this shot before"), strategy is really memorization ("I've seen this situation before"), etc.

to cover the cuts in their arms

he is being banned from the competitive scene and his sponsors have dropped him.

Such is the power of whamen.

wtf is wrong with her right feet

time to accept that you are gay, Woolie

gllty is a germophobe on top of being a freak and wanting to look female

>All these girls are traps
I look way to much like leftie.. ;-;

palatecels are uggo af


try fighting games, they are hard as fuck and you never stop learning, imo they are a million times harder at least than Arena FPS which are the only ones i learned, and plus you can meet people at locals, since fighting games are so precise people need to play them offline to really get the most out of them

It seems like a dead and dying genre, especially with VR coming. FPS and strategy will definitely translate to VR, 2D fighting games won't.

do you even DP

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Because hormone imbalance and possibly a shitty diet are terrible for mental health.

Precisely, there is nothing to gain. Competence and the drive to achieve something generally makes men more attractive. (Although, I guess in the case of vidya it's an evolutionary dead end) The same is not true for women unless it is somehow related to grace or beauty.

I never watch anime and her feet clearly look abnormal. Way too chunky and weird

you mean like top model?

it isn't worth it really.

>feels "safe"
How? I think only this particular group do. I have hand warmers but only wear them when it is cold and they were a special gift to me from when I visited another country.

t. tranny

Only some pass but Gllty is not one of them

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they are niche, not dead or dying, the reason they are niche is in fact because of how hard they are, any FPS can be picked and enjoyed instantly, not fightan, thus why communities are small and close, but if you want to excuse yourself because of VR meme and ignorance no problem

Come on, this is a tv-show, it's a game changer if people will be watching - women get into streams too, the main thing is to showcase themselves, not win the thing, unless winning equals more opportunity to showcase themselves.

It's worthy if you think it is. The same goes for every effort-based activity (sports, etc)

Only Kayo does.

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I need some eye candy after the shitshow that was the Sonic SXSW 2019 panel

>those pictures for home decor

Because women don't play videogames


i only play melty blood

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>tfw Nakkiel is not even trans but he is the one that passes the most

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Phantom Miria

they're all traps, bro.

What do you main?

Genuinely want to see all the FGC traps together in one pic, for unity. It will never happen though.

I know what you are saying, just providing the example (men will do the same on TV too). You are right that men need to show dominance publicly.

I mean in a sense of worth to others within the public, social climate; someone will be as skilled a designer as you are a skilled gamer and their worth will be more than yours.

crescent arc

dead series


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Who won? Why do both look depressed as fuck?

Gllty won.

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Maybe stop calling them "her" and you'll understand why.

Kayo is sexy

>women are more agreeable.

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Sad that the sexyest woman in the picture is actually a man huh

I wonder who's the main character in this series.
Just kidding, we all know it's the one in the middle, just before she takes off the glasses and undoes her hair.

Maybe Arc is his waifu.