What's your favourite Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit meme? I personally think the Pokemon Sword and Shield memes are epic

What's your favourite Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit meme? I personally think the Pokemon Sword and Shield memes are epic.

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the absolute state of Yea Forums

It's banter lad

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its funny how she talks like funny scottish and swears a lot

This shit meme is on par with “what if Mario got high from eating mushrooms xD”

Seething bongs xD

if she is from England why isn't she black with a burka?

post your favorite facebook meme

I like Grinman

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Powerful Shaggy


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You mean reddit

This thread makes me want to die

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I'm a big fan of the "wojak" meme myself

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I like the pennywise meme the best.

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It seems it's about time to kill myself.

japs have the best memes

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here ya go

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im reminded of the flashes with this

As a non native english speaker this doesn't make any sense to me.

El ayuwoki is better.

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It's the way people in Scotland talk, there is nothing to make sense of.

Seethe harder. I will keep posting them to annoy you.

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I'm not seething, I love them