What, if any, barriers prevent you from enjoying videogames in general?

What, if any, barriers prevent you from enjoying videogames in general?

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Not enough money

It depends. Any of those could be barriers given the right circumstances. "Nobody to play with" isn't a good excuse not to play Final Fantasy X, but it's a good excuse not to play Final Fantasy XI. "Difficulty" is a good excuse not to play Battletoads, but it's not a good excuse not to play Dynasty Warriors. "Toxic community" is a good excuse not to play Left 4 Dead, but it's not a good excuse not to play Dark Souls.

Price and questionable business practices.

Unfriendly community.
Nobody to play with.
Don't give a shit about the story the game is centered around.
Game series is very long with a connected story and i feel intimidated having to start from the first game on to the next to fully appreciate all the lore.

>among total players
>13% of total players think game controllers are too complicated
What are those players playing with then, their dicks?

>trannies,women, niggers
>Smash babies
>trannies, women
>trannies, women
>Yea Forums
When will you start playing a fighting game, since they will forever keep 99% of the people in this chart out. They cant handle the banter or the difficulty.

>not relate to story or plot
I have never understood this. Are there really people who just stop watching/reading/playing something if the pov character doesn't serve as a self insert?

>When you don't finish the game because you kinda agree with the villain


Price, platform or not being fucking fun at all.

One of the bigger Street Fighter and Killer Instinct pros are trannies.

Yes, women. Seriously, though, I could see dropping a game if the story or characters are offensively stupid. It's why I never got into DMC.

I hate video games

i just see them as a waste of time nowadays. I found a better game which is creating my own game actually, much more fun than any other vidya.

Unfriendly communities make me play more

Yeah, see anytime you are forced to play as non-white, non-male, or non-human people tend to lose interest or find it dumb.

smash babies are only in smash.
zoomers are only in fortnite and smash.
trannies mostly hang out in MMOs, particularly those anime looking ones.
chads hang out in call of duty and other hot FPS games
Yea Forums goes where there's edge and fanservice.
Women dont play video games outside their phones.

Fuck you left 4 dead is great and dark souls can eat shit.

Shitty game mechanics and concepts that became commonplace because of the one game doing it well

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Because the FGC is a braindead hypebeast circlejerk.
2000s era fighting game scene was peak gaming culture

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I actually find "toxic" communities more comfortable. I remember years ago when MvM came out in TF2 my friend invited me to play with his new group of friends who I'd never met, and it was such an awkward experience. He asked me why I didn't like them, but I couldn't describe it. They just had such a ball-less sterile feel to them, it creeped me out. He thought I was joking, but I really didn't like it. I was in a Linkshell in FFXI once, too, where my friend quoted Clerks 2 and everyone stopped what they were doing to scold him for his offensive language. It was so bizarre. I kinda' saved the situation by casually mentioning it was a movie quote and the atmosphere settled down, but I knew we had to leave after that.

no one to play with, i am nice and slowly starting to make friends

Gaming without banter is the worst multiplayer experience.

I'm not. Video games are not real life. Shit talking is fun. Griefing is fun. Playing the game is fun. It's about entertainment value, and the human social experience in all of its forms with that consequence free context makes it even more fun.

I love Left 4 Dead (I even used to watch people play it competitively, kissme casting purple and hib and players like that), but it's really difficult to play the game casually online because people will kick you for just about anything, and in a team of four randoms, every mistake is easily narrowed down to one person's fault, unlike a game like TF2 where it's like 16 on 16 and fucking nobody knows or cares what's going on. Shit, one time I got kicked after successfully incapping three players, but they voted too soon and couldn't take it back.

Meth abuse.

My dopamine functionality is damaged.

>millenials not able to handle the bantz

What else is new?

what the fuck? those are all dumb and casual as shit reasons

Lack of waifus.
I'm serious.

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unfriendly player community =/= online "banter". You can count Rust as an example where people camp naked spawns.

my answer isn't listed. I know deep down they are a waste of time and that thought is always in the back of my mind. that voice doesn't exist when you're a kid.

gllty is fucking garbage

I don't play dota because the people who play it are subhuman. Who would want to play video games with 9 monkeys?

What is that fucking normie shit?
What shit reasons

Well, I don't want to ruin the fun of other people. My first experience with TF2 was really bad. People yelled at me for every little thing and I really felt like quitting, but I muscled through it and actually became friends with those very same people.

Griefing is hard to quantify. When people are aimbotting, no one can really play, so it's just a huge waste of time for everyone. But Valve has spent the last few years removing all my favorite "griefing" strategies, like causing people to sporadically slow down by shooting them from across the map with the Natascha or fixing the bug that let you build a Sentry in the rafters at last on Well. That stuff wasn't strong, it was just dumb and kinda' funny, but Valve suddenly went on a mission to eradicate shit like that awhile ago.

You're confusing "toxic" communities with banter-y friendly communities.
Modern toxic communities are made up of people who intentionally lose the game for your team because you made a joke, or spergs that start screaming "nigger" at the top of their lungs until you apologize for taking their character/item/skill.

I honestly pity zoomers because they've had to grow up playing with legitimate toxic communities because no one their age can handle not getting everything they want.


I don't have time for all this shit.

everything listed there looks like it was said by someone who never played a videogame

>nobody to play with
biggest thing for me. i wanted to get into smash ultimate but can't really find people to play with. hacked switch so i cant even use their shitty online

tried ffxiv but nobody to play with


That poll seems to be assuming that all games are multiplayer games.


Is that a poll for multiplayer games?

Why doesn't it mention it?

Where is this shit form?

Why are answers are so cancerous?

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>all these answers are just other ways of saying you're shit at the game

For me it's gotta be
>My friends don't play this game
If it's an online game

The whole survey is pants on head retarded with a predetermined outcome in mind.

Everyone having a head start, like in MMOs. There's been so much shit and so many changes between patches and expansion I just feel out of touch with the community.

>hearing Alabama nigger as you critical gib for a domination and the other guy starts raging out over allspeak
Peak tf2 was peak gaming and Yea Forums.

>head start #2
jesus fucking christ. what kind of drone do you have to be to actually think that?

As much as I like fighting games I get pretty nervous about playing online for the first time. So I guess confidence?

It only really applies to MMOs when you're friends with a bunch of junkies that marathon so you can't keep playing with them if you just play leisurely.

depends on the game
for MMOs, the community is 9/10 times braindead and whines about stupid shit

The game is popular.