Post the most handsome male characters in vidya
Post the most handsome male characters in vidya
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Man you DMCFags are getting gayer by the day.
true, is that a bad thing though?
Well, your flamboyant fanboyism will put people off playing the game. Thank god there are filters.
I liked Marcus in-game, but I can't find any picture online where I find him very attractive. Maybe it was his voice that I liked
oh fuck off, there are threads about cute girls literally every single day here
It's fucking insane how good Nero looks
One of the few games my gf wants to watch me play just because she finds Nero and V hot
have you seen the actor yet?
>oh fuck off, there are threads about cute girls literally every single day here
Nice justification. Better not post in the other 15 DMC threads, need a completely new one to show people how much I love demon cock.
everyone above me is a homosexual cocksmuggler
Resi 4 Leon literally most flamboyant gay version of him ever
Nowhere near as hot as in game. Too gaunt and Depp-ish for me, in-game he's got this nice sturdy-yet-boyish look to him
I actually like him in-game better too, user
The only thing stopping massive amounts of Dante and Vergil shipping is their sibling status.
do you really believe this will stop anyone?
That look of mild concern and bewilderment he gets when he sees a new enemy is so cute
metrosexual is not gay
You first
Only hot when you imagine breaking his stupid poet act and making him whimper
I find his facial expressions in this cutscene very attractive for some reason
Torture and hang all fags.
>all these uggos
lol handsomest guy coming through, literally a handsomer and more powerful version of Vergil coming through.
My picks:
>BotW Link
>Nick (L4D2)
>Kyle Hyde
which one, user?
51:44, it should have a time code
>>Kyle Hyde
based gay user
you're supposed to post pics user
>tfw no cute waifish bro to drape over your shoulders and make your wood rise
This place is full of faggots than don't put images
what a fucking hunk
>feminized link
Get out!!
His voice carries him hard though
rec more games with hotties
He hot guy
All terrible
No girl is legit attracted to these. Only gay dudes pretending to know what girls like.
Girls love these men.
Nothing for love for /myblindguy/
Sorry but my girlfriend definitely finds Nero hot, it's the only reason she watches me play
>girls finding men hot
Yikes, you really have no idea what females like.
eldritch-tier niche taste my dude
however, allow me to post the better boi
But Ace is an asshole and his facial hair sucks
This is the fan favourite character of a terrible show made by a woman, for women.
Explain your rationalization in co-relation to this very basic, randomly selected bit of trivia.
Both of these chads are handsome as fuck
>The only thing stopping massive amounts of Dante and Vergil shipping is their sibling status.
What rock have you been living under?
Dante/Vergil is popular as fuck with artists & writers. Hell, most of the DMC porn on Pixiv is of that pairing.
You seem to have mistaken girls for trannies.
I personally know a whale who's into V.
Anyone who finds Timothee Chalamet attractive and went through at least one emo phase will find V hot
well SORRY for pretending to know what girls like
we here aren't trying to guess how we're supposed to look to make girls find us attractive user, don't be ridiculous
Well if you insist... be rough with me, daddy
would you?
Why do all faggots want to fuck their dads? You guys are sick.
You guys can do better.
>watching sister play through this game
>mom comes in and starts gushing over Marcus and sits down to watch
>dad comes in and starts gushing over Marcus
>they're literally talking about him even when the narrative switches to other characters
>sister just sits there impartial like a robot playing without commenting the entire time
What is wrong with these people?
Who knows? Hot, though. I legit prefer watching another dude get it on with someone from his family though.
Yeah you faggots really are mentally ill and should kill yourselves asap. You disgust me. All of you.
His prologue where he gets out of the android graveyard is pure sympathetic kino and the marching was a pure power trip.
Well the feeling is mutual, but I would totally be up for some rough hate-fucking any day, user. Let me know, you need to get those balls spent.
Heres a better pic
There are unironically too many to list.
Old Dante is still husbando, and Nero never gets more fuckable than DMC4 Dante. Deal with it, fag.
He's basically the giga-chad of the videogame world
Post more waifish lanklets like Lothric and Snake
>here are unironically too many to list.
> doesn't post a single one
The only reason I managed to get through that borefest AC3 was.
Idk what kind of kissless virgin you are, but I only got into Resident Evil because of RE5/RE6 Chris
Can't believe I forgot about 2B, of course he's in
Shit taste. Connor is best boy
9S, you mean?
I have no real issue with fags, but you need to fuck off somewhere else. No one wants to see this disgusting shit.
Oh yeah
Man my memory is shit
If you dont want to see it why didnt you just hide the thread
Because he's in denial.
Hands down. I'm straight, but Adam could rearrange my religion whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
what a strange drawing
all I can think about looking at it is how much that place stinks
> I have no issue with fags, but I don't want to see them
how does this make any sense user?
It's his fat ass, dummy.
This thread should be /cm/ instead
Because fags make me sick
HTGAWM is a good show though
then you have issues with fags
Most of posters are probably straight girls. Do you hate them too?
DMC 5 Nero is ugly as fuck though. Jesus you homosexuals have shit taste.
No I don't, as long as they keep it private elsewhere
>I don't want to see this
>that's why I came to this thread
I'm willing to bet there are no girls at all in this thread.
I have no real issue with straights, but you need to fuck off somewhere else. No one wants to see your disgusting waifu shit.
I want you straights to keep it private elsewhere too, but I see you guys kiss each other on the streets all the time, I don't come to them and say they're disgusting like you do though
This is for u user
I can't believe someone posted Markus before Connor, wtf.
That’s fine cause Lady is best girl
Nico is allowed in this thread too
These two lads here
Fooled you that's a guy!!! Hahahahaha oh man I got you good
Gettin that Ladydick.
Oy vey
It was alright. Good for a quicky
god nero is so fucking hot, the most attractive vidya boy in a long time
She is so much hotter white. Lose the tattoos and the smoking habit and you got a fucking cum slut begging for cock
This guy
>chris redfield
>me2 shepard, because me3 was ass
>Alexios from assassins creed odyssey
>Adam Jensen
>Jason Brody Far Cry 3
>Male Hawke, DA2, shit game hot protag
Nero's face is a direct copy of his face though. You only think they look different because he has facial hair, without he's a perfect copy.
maybe, but I wouldn't be able to tell they are the same person to be honest
On the contrary, this makes me wanna play the game.
That's also the one strange image that looks entirely different from in-game Nero and all the rest of his pics though. That specific CG render of him looks strange. Dunno whether it was early concept or what, but it looks drastically diff from in-game nero.
>you were never blessed with Kiryu vocal cords
nuro is fuckin ugly, looks like sleep deprived ninja
don't user...
I forgot how cute he was
>no dante
wtf he has the best looking model
The guys dante and nero are based on are hot af
the actor that plays him is... well you can see the gif above for yourself, I don't like his hair in-game though. I mean, I don't find it attractive, that's all.
Excuse me bitch?
I dont know man. I would take 4!Nero over 5!Nero everyday, but there are admitted some scene where 5!Nero is an absolute hottie. Like when he is smiling for instance
I like Nero in-game more than Dante, but irl Dante's actor is more attractive imho
I mean, just look at him.
would marry
Dante's model has the rugged, seen some shit, look, like actual Dante. Nero's model is hot and chad, but also cute and pure, just like Nero.
Anything past season 1 was shit.
Nobody cares
>that more attractive than this
this too
S2 was fine, but I really don’t care about the whole Wes storyline/muh baby afterwards
I need to follow him on insta
He looks similar to Vergil's model I guess that why they went for him instead of cowie.
It depends what you're into, personally i've been over the dark handsome type for a while now, he looks like every other guy around here in NY, prefer the waspy look currently.
I want hyrule warrior Ganon to hoist me up and place me on his shoulder so I can stroke his red hair and kiss his forehead!
>spotty beard
come back in 20 years when you don't look like a tryhard teen
Death to white people
Holy hell, his hands are fuckin huge
>female thread gets deleted
>gay shit gets to stay up
once again we see how shit the mods are.
For wranglin' deviants
Ill always wonder what those ziplocs next to the TV are for.
I love the Norn boys.
WHERE ARE THE NERO GIFS ffs. Still waiting on somebody to clip the "you see something you like", scene.
His spotty beard it cute, full bush is ugly
I wish Connor would wrangle me
Male Ryder was pretty hot, too bad Bioware made a shit game though.
You know the real great thing about Nero? with his help we will finally cleanse the devil may cry rule34 of Donte pollution. We don't deserve Nero, what a hero. Downside is, prepare yourself for Vergil/Nero porn, ugh sick fucks.
Holy shit, surprised it took the board so long to mention Gladio, even I forgot about him, shit.
i thought this thread would only be slightly gay before opening it but this is advanced faggotry
>didn’t think a thread about handsome men would be gay
This is some advanced stupidity
wait this isnt the dmc thread...
my hunter
Just went on the DMC rule34, first image is Nero and Dante fucking begins.
it's usually a bit more subtle.
I've literally never met anyone who liked Markus as a character. He's super bland and has almost no personality after the scrapyard and finding Jericho is the worst chapter in the game.
If you don't take your ass......
I smashed Andrew in The Technomancer, he was hot in a dorky kinda way.
>posting an re character in most handsome male characters
>not posting chris
I love making male pawns in DD. I just can't get enough of that shit.
As do I user, I am personally a big fan of the pawn I created to go through the remaster
Nero is definitely the hottest vidya dude in years, hands down!
i want to suck and ride his dick so bad
I want to be him just to ride fat hunk dick
Kys, mentally ill freak.
Yall gay af, and I say that as a gay. Also did they change Nero/Dante eye color. I swear they were blue in DMC4, in DMC5 they look green. Not complaining though.
He's both cute and HOT
>zipper abs
>happy trail
COPE, Nero is EXACTLY the type of dudes girls are into. Guys like him pick up women with ease. Now Donte? THAT'S the type of dude mostly gays are into. There's a reason DMC donte is only still kept relevant by the gay community and their constant gay art of him. Nobody even knows or talks about the dude from detroit male or female so kek
>implying there isn't a bunch of fujos among the DMC fans
Just fags user.
t. gay man
God I can’t wait for the Dante mods, old Dante is the hottest he’s ever looked. If they don’t give him body hair I’m gonna be mad
Where is this from user
Please tell me there’s a mode already
>happy trail
so Nero doesn't shave? I'm sure it's not Dante level wild but that's hot!
Chris Redfield and Nero would definately be chad and tanner on the highschool football team bullying the rest of the vidya game characters.
Mo0nxart on twitter
Yep, the only reason I managed to finish the game desu
In absolutely ready
It’s the best kind of a DMC thread
>old Dante is the hottest he’s ever looked
the good mods for the DMC boys have been painfully slow but it's just a matter of time
How dare you not share the content here user
His voice though...
Don’t generalize user, we all have different tastes
I want a different haircut though.
I know it’s not canon but who cares
Fucking based user
Thank you
>people talking about wanting to suck and fuck Nero
i don't know, looks like a typical DMC thread to me
How would you know, then?
No girls here. :3
O-of course not...
What are zipper abs?
>he's tall
Fucking end my life already
I much prefer dantes pre-btfo by urizen haircut, it’s so fluffy and droopy I just wanna run my fingers through it and smell it, wish Dante had a costume swap for pre/post urizen
iirc he's like 6'2" or some shit like that
If it makes you feel any better I wouldn't care as long as you are taller than I am.
Manlets btfo hahaha we're never gonna make it
>girls arent attracted to V or Nero
On what planet are living? Are you high? Do you only communicate with men since your birth?
>girls are into nero
Guess you haven't seen the girl streamers reactions to him. They want the D. Bitch literally fanning herself over his hunkness.
V was made for girls
Dante was made to appeal to the gays
Nero/Vergil were made to appeal to anyone and everyone
Oh my. Did you read that comic too?
Notice how his abs are kind of misaligned and don’t line up perfectly, just like the teeth if a zipper?
It’s a genetic based thing like whether or not you get the V in your hips at low body fat. It’s not a bad thing really but it is slightly less attractive than properly aligned abs.
Dante was always popular with the female fans though, a bunch of fellow fujo friends I know irl got into DMC because he's popular with the girls. Dont even get mz started on the angsty doujins and fics with him and Vergil.
Where is this from? he really has a white happy trail? HOT
Can we already get a young Arthur Morgan DLC R* ?
Where you do you people usually hang out? I don't see these threads too often.
how does it feel getting cucked by a video game character?
I still can't get over how cute Nero is, it's unreal desu
It's just the effect of Nero, he just too hot, it's absolutely ridiculous.
>sister just sits there impartial like a robot playing without commenting the entire time
Why would she? She's not doing a fucking let's play, she's playing the game.
Vergil have grown on me, hard. He's face model is also hot as fuck, too bad Dan's chadest of chads jaw fucks up his face in motion.
How would Kyrie react to Nero getting fucked in the ass by another man?
No one can compete with male hunters from Monhun.
>only gay dudes pretending to know what girls like
they arent pretending these men are what girls like you absolute vehement fucking retard. they are factually attracted to those men themselves. Where the fuck did the thread say "male characters made to pander to women"? Autist breeders at it again!
I remember hating on Nero's new face since i've already used to his bishonen look in 4. Also thought he looked square like a fucking Minecraft on pic related.
How wrong i was god damn it.
fucking me
who cares about that bitch, Nero is ours now
Yeah, why would gay dudes even care about what girls like?
>Nero is ours now
fuck Kyrie
I'm gay and Nero is hands down the sexiest game character I've ever seen and one of the cutest guys ever period.
david beckham
>most handsome
>Dad shags your G/F
Vergil wouldn't even touch a woman with so little POWER.
Best man coming through.
Husbando of the year all years
how would sex with a goo guy even work?
he doesn't have ass?
really well, I bet
Nero has a nice ass too, you can clearly see his booty outline in his DT
he looks so handsome at times, jesus christ
Yes, but talk about asses
Are sorey and mikleo hot? They definitely make me feel hot
I think it was a good decision, Nero's playstyle fills the role of the "brawler" type character, his whole sthick is grappling and performing wrestling moves. They made his look fit his playstyle.
Someone else put it nicely Nero is Chris Redfield to Dante's Leon.
fuck what kyrie thinks, Nero's ass was made to be fucked
>those pouty dick sucking lips
>those cute pecs and cute nips
>that cute white happy trail
>that nice ass
jesus christ nero is seriously fucking perfect
>most of the replies itt are made by faggots, it's not girls being cute
>straighties thinking they have any right to post in our threads
>video game discussion
>not the gayest shit ever
I don't know why you are so surprised
You have like a million other threads with cute anime girls. Go to those.
But waht about him?
he's cute
I still think about him to this day.
I want him to call me a fag while he slaps my face with his cock
>implying it isn't full of fujos rping as gays
Great ass
Give me the goods, homo Yea Forumsros. Recommend me some lewd male audio files
he looks like a homophobic piece of shit though
Forgot about ellis, he was the official l4d bae though.
Just because someone is southern doesn't mean they're racist or a homophobe don't stereotype people. Personally i've met tons more rude people in the inner city than in the country
he's definitely the type of southern boy that wouldn't mind doing gay shit with a bro, maybe more
you're right user, sorry
Not bad because I wanna fuck him too
I thought Marcus was gay, because of his voice, couldn't take him seriously. Connor seems to be way more popular than him too.
Great taste here
I’m personally a bigger fan of Nick, he’s got that sleaze bag air to him which I’m totally into. Ellis is super cute too though
>the only good male video game character figure is $900
just kill me now
>1:3 scale
good lord, that's what 2 feet?
Ryu has such nice armpits, infact all SF guys do
It's huge, I love it so much, it's perfect
too bad they're smooth, but I agree
Nice feet
>talk of the only cutie that matters (Nero) stops
>people start posting complete roasties like kratos and the l4d uglies
yeah i'm out
So post hot Nero shots, dummy
I thought this was one of the usual old threads to talk about vidya men, not chad posting shit.
right? so glad they went with the SFV proportions
weathered manginas
Is this shopped? Looks like shit compared I regular Nero
If Cage weren't fucking a coward he would've let Simon be a romance option for Markus as an alternative for North. It's not like gender matters for androids at all. And the romance with North is super out of place if you go for the peaceful route.
Does he have pectus excavatum or is it just the angle?
Twitter probably. Nearly all of the little communities I kept tabs on migrated to Twitter or a Discord after the NSFW ban on Tumblr. Sometimes /y/ talks about the manart meta and where to find people.
I want to die in his tits.
have some actual ingame bulge
nice body ruined by flat boring anime face, gross
how do MOBAs have such great men?
Nero became bae from the moment Vergil stabbed him and he said "Oh hell nah".
I wish Pollux was more popular.
grill here
I'm more into 2D women, but tbqh Nero's pretty hot
Donte, BOTW Link and Marcus are pretty shit tier though
i'm not really a footfag but i want those thicc toes in my mouth
Who cuts his hair anyway? It actually looks fresh.
Vergil is .... cute!
tfw ryu will never hold you in his strong arms
I want to cuddle with nero!
I’m getting MK11 just to eyefuck Kano, he is fucking TASTY
He's also a completely vapid retard.
>pulled on his rateup
>got arthur
I want to feed Dante pizza with pineapple!
vergil definitely likes it up the ass, that face says it all
The Golden Beast not having been posted yet is pure folly.
Absolutely based
I want to succ on his popsicle
Surprised no one mentioned the prettiest of them all
My nigga
he just looks like sodapoppin
Is it just me, or has there been a serious drop in the number of bishonens this decade compared to last decade?
For good reason
I definitely think more male characters are now attractive without actually meeting (the somewhat loose) definition of "bishonen." Ultimately I think this is a good thing, given that "bishies" usually draw the wrong crowd (and I'm not even talking about fujos).
>RE2 Leon
Capcom has been knocking it out of the park lately, and I'm not just talking about the gameplay
>yfw dragon dogma 2's character creator lets you make OCs at that level
please capcom
Too bad the actor who plays him is a liberal retard in real life.
>have played through that game three times
>always tell myself I'm going to romance Bull this time
>end up romancing Dorian every time
There's something about him that's very alluring even though I'd never find a guy like him attractive in real life.
I wish there was a way to mod out that numale sjw haircut. He's hot other than that.
I like how he is even so in motion. I like the expressions. He is handsome.
Who is this? I've never played any Nier.
For me, its Helbindi
I don't even want to play TLoU2 much now that we know you don't get to play as him.
Get out of here Nero, you're not even the best-looking in your own game.
You really don't know much about gays then because I'm a faggot and I find Nero cute but I wouldn't touch Donte with a ten foot pole.
Good thing it's V and not Vergil then.
You user
>shirtless hairy chested beared wearing harness looking shit
Yeah, I'm 100% convinced a gay dude who likes bears designed him.
He is, but it looks like he's got sort of a small face on huge skull in some certain angles and lighting.
Why do Yea Forumsirgins always think they know anything about women?
mah nigga
There is this scene that has become a meme, but I don't have a pic for it where the lighting is weird. That's the only seen where he is not looking like himself, almost like he is not the same character ahah. But fortunately it's only one scene god bless. Really satisfied with him. It's a 10/10 for me.
this is too good to be true tier, but god do i pray for this to happen
imagine the mods
It's amazing how sexy the main male trio of the DMC series is.
bruh they made nero cute in this
What wrong crowd do bishies draw, other than fujos?
he's made to take dick
What is it with gay art and making man nipples look suckable?
>implying male nipples aren't suckable already
>this entire thread
>no rae art
newfags all of you
Most fujos chill out when they get older (25+), but bishies draw the kind of fangirl who never truly seem to age out what I would call the general insufferability of a fan.
i thought this was /v not, /fit
Best Mass Effect hunk
I want Alexios to ravage my bicurious boi hole
There's plenty of fit men in video games.
I can see that somewhat. My my experience, bishies in teen-focused series tend to attract an above-average number of those types while still retaining a hardcore base of “mature” fujos, whereas bishies in all other series tend to attract just the latter types. I would not mind an increase in those “womanchild” fujos if there were more bishies across the board
This artist is a gay man though, they draw like super gay EO and GS art
He could've been so much better.
The beard makes Sepiroth look too old
>he's made to take dick
you bet his ass was made for cock
The beard makes Sepiroth look too old and too much like a 1930s supervillian
They've got nothing on us Metal Gear fags.
OK, here's my 100% female (female) choice.
Has the MGS fandom passed its day of gayness?
There's something very sexy to me about an otherwise fit man with a flat (not flabby) ass.
when you make the main character of the series so damn fuckable what do you expect? people seeing Nero and NOT wanting to stick their dick in him?
Imagine touching his abs with your dick.
I found the only girl in this entire thread.
I'm not sure if I should blow my load inside his ass, his tummy or on his face.
fuck off faggot
imagine rubbing your dick against his, then finishing off on his pecs while he licks your dick clean
bump ;)
fellow man of culture. theres dozens of us
wish i had a better pic but he has no art
My only complaint is he doesn't seem to have much in the way of pecs.
I want to lick Soren pecs.
ike is the cutest and most popular guy in FE yet there is ZERO merch for him, meanwhile Marth (while cute but not BARA and cute) has Nedoroids and shit up the ass
Speaking of FE, Raphael is my new husband.
good god 3H has got to have the ugliest art direction in the series
say what you want about awakening and fates but atleast making the characters fuckable was always a top priority
imagine the smell
>tfw no turian bf
i think i would like him a lot more if he were drawn by someone else
that tight shirt is good stuff though
Nah m8 we fags are just stuck in the hell of having to play a chick to romance him
the fuck bro
It's amazing that gays have no shame about their compunctions. If I was gay I'd be forcing myself to only fap to girls. Then I'd occasionally fap to straight porn where I only look at the guy before blowing a load to gay porn and feeling really guilty afterwards.
this is how people become serial killers
So fucking cute
That's terrible.
>Tight shirt that's ready to burst
>Ugly art
My gay dick is half Chub
The mods crack down on these kinds of threads only if they're about women. I fucking hate faggots. Gays deserve the gas.
As a woman, Nero looks like he has gayface and is the type of man that would either be gay or gay men would like.
He's cute, but total gaybait.
Like it or not, V is the guy I see most girls creaming themselves over which is funny since some people on here keep calling him an "emo faggot" or something.
Just another reminder to never trust Yea Forums when it comes to women or what they like.
I'm a Faggot
I hate my own kid sometimes
I fucking despise Trans also
How is he ugly? He actually looks like a man instead of a female (male).
you're delusional. mods delete these threads all the fucking time. usually because people start posting actual porn or furry shit.
This, masked wrestlers are the best.
Reminder the tall Snack that is Gladio is the only saving grace for FF15
I hate you too, pal.
They crack down on straight threads just befuckingcause. I was in the thing when it got deleted. One of those cunts gets triggered by anime titties.
I miss him bros...
I just don't like the new art direction there Taken. Give him a beard and I will cream
All four of the boys are wonderful for different reasons.
>nipple stud
Oh shit, never noticed that, fucking nice.
>you will never lose a fight against a built martial artist and be forced to be their foot slave
We aren't pals, bud.
Vergil is legit the most handsome video game character I've ever seen.
We aren't buds, friend.
RD Ike has been my most wanted Figma for about a decade.
Looks like you're still feeling the shame if you had to delete that confession.
He attracts the same crowd of girls who goes gaga over Kylo Ren.
The director said the designs in DMC4 were made to appeal to a females
I would not be suprised if Nero was specifically made and designed to appeal to gays, the actual huge ingame bulge they gave him doesnt help disprove this.
Is he cute?
We aren't friends, bro.
Ramza is cute boy
We aren't bros, chum.
When i first saw his leaked screenshot i thought he looked like ass but he's grown on me. Would definitely smash him in a taco bell parking lot.
>tfw he offered to adopt you and be your literal daddy
Based fan service
We aren't chums, mate.
Cor shit all over him in terms of rugged handsomeness. Gladio's face is too 'pretty'.
Soul Calibur series is full of sexy men.
>hear frustrated grunts coming from long abandoned temple ruins
>walk in
>see this
what do?
>Gladio's face is too 'pretty'
Guys with great bodies and pretty but manly faces are the best though
i see where ivy got her rack
I would unironically fuck groose. I want to see Zelda fuck him first though.
I really wanted groose in Hyrule warriors
And people say men can't have impressive tits.
So THIS is why all the girls looked ugly as fuck. Fucking hell.
I would kill to see Groose in a game again.
I grew up with 3 sisters and I can tell you right now non-feminist girls fucking love playing as sexy/cute bitches.
Holy shit, you're right
I have it to the exact same degree that he does, it's uncanny
God dam it you're right
End game Cor tho
Whew Boi
It's Cid from Brave Exvius
Is Blizzard /our guys/ when it comes to buff men?
This. Fuck this brazilian fucker with his 140p quality streams.
Still, it amazes me how quickly i went from "oh god he bought" to "i'd bang his ass till i got a stroke".
Thanks user
I wish his ingame model looked more like his artwork. His body is way too squished looking in game.
>Kylo Ren is popular with women
>V is popular with women
What's your point?
I know Matt Walker supposedly said that V was popular with the ladies. Even they are aware so it's definitely a thing.
Just admit you don't know shit about what women want or like, it's embarrassing to see you pretend you do.
What's with Akihiko Yoshida's designs and constant emphasis on butts?
looks like some 70 year old grandpa off his meds ready for some touchy touch. ew
I'm just stating an observation. Chill out.
God i wish that was me being touchy touched
He's a man who knows what he wants.
But he has no muscles.
>(in reference to vergil) i'd bang his ass till i got a stroke
fucking mood
Yes, and? You have a lot to learn if you haven't realized that pretty boys are catnip to women. Why do you think guys like leonardo di caprio was so popular? He was never a buff Chad.
Imagine thinking women (or anyone) wouldn't want to fuck this.
geralt will always be #1
I hope you realize I was joking.
As was I. Just wanted to post that picture. I was thinking about posting a cockatoo screaming.
At least he don't discriminate, both genders are fine
Jet Stream Sam Hyde.
T. Incel.
I'm a woman, but go off actual incel.
Dummy thicc
I don't care about girls and their shit taste
Those Scars
Maybe i finally play the Witcher games
>there are threads about cute girls literally every single day here
But in real life and actual games it's only women who get pandered to.
Good taste
Where'd you get that picture of me?
For me, it's Damon Gant. Especially when he has his psycho killer face on
Homosexuality and it's consequences have been a blessing for the human race
You are a delusional retard. Kill yourself dumbass
Cloud is bae
What do you guys think about MK11 men?
We all know Cloud is a Twink that takes cock
blessed thread
is that fucking comic sans, nigger?
Rank them
I rank them exactly the way you listed them.
>not being an absolute top and fucking them all
into the trash it goes
He's cute, he looks vunerable and frail,I want to hug him.
Pecs = Butt > Thighs = Abs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Feet
Feet is something I'm only into sporadically. Otherwise I don't care