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I want Nina Struthers to disembowel me on stage

shes a dyke btw

This is the only thing I'm looking forward to this E3.

I hope she announces Electro Triple Tiger III this year.

Who else is hype for Metal Wolf Chaos XD? Somehow I've never played a mech game before on my life and I plan to make this my first

considering practically everyone else is canceling their conferences, I'm in the same boat
I usually make it a point to watch as many of the conferences as I can but, while Microsoft is probably going to have a lot of new hardware judging by the rumor mill, no Snoy and no EA is going to leave a pretty big whole that I really doubt the likes of Square and Nintendo can fill with hard hitting announcements

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What are you expecting them to announce? Xbone SAD is pretty much a given at this point but what other hardware are you talking about? You think there's a chance of them announcing next gen? I hope they do so Sony gets off there asses and announces PS5

Can't wait for them to announce their Epic exclusive games and take jabs at the "toxic" gamers

Nothing wrong with any of that, incel.

have sex


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clamp your gob you fucking moron

Learn English.

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a woman with good taste then

>”Roll the garbage!”
Honestly the only reason to watch the Revolver shows. She’s funny and looks great in formalwear, and I’m just happy she found love.

Just here waiting for /ourgirl/ Mecha Nina to nuke E3

shit now I will never fuck her

she could stomp on my balls and i'd probably still reach nirvana.

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I can relate to her interests.


dayum i'd bust on that belly fo sho.

>You'll never have a CEO that's willing to listen to old perverts and trolls

>zero hips
miss me with that gay shit


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Well that just means she likes what i like!

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this x100

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