No women
>no women
>no people of color
>le awesome tractor and airstrikes and helicoptuuuur
>Battle Royale
>classic Battlefield music at the end
they're hemorraging and desperate for their consumerbase back
will you be returning to BV, Yea Forums? or let EA and Vice burn?

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There's a woman in the very screenshot you posted, /pol/ retard.

Looks fun, but I'm not buying it for $20

FUCK women and FUCK minorities

God I can't wait until white people are extinct

easy to lose trust, tough to win it back.

but as far as the casual marketplace goes, the sudden arrival of Apex did not make delaying this mode the smart call. DICE fucked up hard with this.

Eh, some other over entitled group will just take their place and everyone else will bitch about them. Nothing new under the sun and all that shit.

watch the trailer
it's a guy with a samurai bon

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just move to the 3rd world user. live it today :)

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fuck off shill
I hope EA crashes and burns.

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That's a woman.

You white supremacist control that too that's why its poor in the first place. Also there are nowhere on earth to go where you white supremacist aren't and aren't controlling.

Well, I haven't touched battlefield since they forced origin so I don't care

Just move to the States or any other brown 3rd world shithole then.

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It's a woman with warpaint

yeah whatever
actual closer to 6% because the crime is mostly men

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or ur mums butt ayyy

Ever wonder why we're so good at holding control over the entire world?

Honestly looks boring, there's not much in there to make you want to play it over all the other BR in the market


nice falseflag shlomo

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Cause you are weak and need a system of white supremacy to even compete in this world. You are bunch of weak people who got on code against the world non evil people.

i dont give a shit about any of that im not buying this because battle royale is lame

I gotta admit OP you're right, the contrast from their SJW feminist pre-launch trailers and this one is pretty good

In fact there wasn't a single woman or big lipped nigger in that entire trailer lmao

With the success and nice touches of Apex, It's genuinely surprising that EA is keeping this promise. It'll be dead on arrival or split their own fucking playerbase AGAIN.

When will they learn?

you can go to south africa and kill white farm owners if you'd like, hear it's hell over there for them

Well, you people literally haven't invented anything besides grass huts. White supremacy isn't making people shit in streets and not dispose of garbage properly. You just want someone to blame.

>You're too good at winning

you can experience this future right now, go live in africa or south america and experience the utopia that is no white people ;)

theyre doing this to prove a point to investors

it will flop and they can show that they "dindu nofing rong"

>Non evil people
Not a thing. Corruption is everywhere and extreme in places of poverty completely separate from whites. Evil is a made up concept as are morals. We're animals dumbass.


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Bioware's downfall is way more self-inflicted though. You can't compare it to Maxis or Westwood or Bullfrog.

After apex legends dropped I didn't play battlefield the entire time until just this week. Played for five minutes and uninstalled, no intentions of reinstalling this piece of shit. Apex movement and gunplay makes battlefield feel like a fucking joke. Also Fuck dice for pushing out this piece of shit game when it's clear it needed another fucking year of development. Where's the fucking content? All the guns they are adding are just guns from bf1. New maps only work on specific game modes and the game is still missing piles of features fucking months later.
Fuck dice. I'm not buying another game from them after this bullshit. I don't even care about the darkies and feminism bullshit but rushing out clearly unfinished products constantly getting fucking old.

have sex incel

Fuck off

>tfw literally the only guy on Yea Forums who likes BFV

>youre weak
>but you also control the world with an iron fist
well which is it?

>Bioware's downfall is way more self-inflicted
They fucked up because they're under EA's direction. Every EA studio has to conform to gender quota's, SJWs and "inclusive" games at the cost of actually being able to make a good game.
In the end it's political and corporate cancer that absolutely rapes things. They're most concerned with wasting money on their public image and marketing rather than game development.
Also this shit isn't just exclusive to vidya entertainment mind you.

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This just proves that cops are racist and only arresting poc

>I am looking forward to another dark age which humanity will never be able escape from ever again

Didn't they say they'd make bad company 3 it V failed