Play Fate/Grand Order

Play Fate/Grand Order.

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Nah, thanks. I'd rather play a video game.

Honkai Impact 3rd has better gameplay.

LMAO, fag.

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>Make 3 Billion
>No announced plans for a Non IPhone game other then the year old Musou.
>GBF is getting an action Game and a Fighting game

>3 Billion

It has two musous an arcade fighter and a vr game.

It's fate so dont expect any decent vidya genres.

Why are fatefags so obsessed with the amount of money a corporation was able to drain from gambling addicts? Do they gain a false feeling of success through simple association? Or are they truly just human cattle?

Very weird bunch desu.

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The VR game is literally nothing, The Arcade game will never leave Arcades and the Musous are fun imo but they come out at a snails pace.
But with 3 Billion you’d think they would put a little more love into the IP.

It means the game continues and we get more waifus.

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nah is shit

It's nothing but a one armed bandit.

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There fine with making board games, stage plays, anime adaptations etc but for some reason don't want to venture into videogames. I'd love a decent fate rpg.

You're shit.

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your game is shit

But I am user, though I'm mostly just doing login bonuses at the moment while I wait for a new event

They already had dungeon crawlers, but that was before FGO

tfw when no EU iOS release

Your face is shit.

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Get an Android phone and download NA through APKPure, idiot.

>buy a new phone just to play gachatrash
ultrabrainlet post

God, i want those feet to stomp on my head until i have bleeding on the brain

Play a gacha game for people with taste

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>buying an iPhone or Apple products
Maximum brainlet post.

Based whales funding my free porn.

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>wearing heels at the beach

Slits. You may as well carry a sign that says "anal mating press only"

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2 grand is from me :)

I should really avoid these threads if I want to stop masturbating

ffxiv shadowbringers is coming out this summer, it's going to be a great MMO!

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fuck off aucuck

play with my nutz n balls

>Make best girl
>Then make best girl a pure christian maiden who's full of purity

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Nero's saggy, spread out tits!

Why do you want to do that?

>take bland, religious nut job
>make her evil
>her evil version becomes best girl

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The only thing she is full of is Sieg's dragon semen.

>Take evil version of best girl
>Give her a katana because she's evil guys so evil people would have edgy weapons!
>Meanwhile, real best girl is armed only with the flag of her people

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No, now post more of this cute robot girl that I never see anyone post in these threads.

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>Give her a katana because she's evil guys so evil people would have edgy weapons!
It was because she's a chuuni and it was adorable.