DoA6 Honoka Best Girl

Didn't see any DoA6 stuff up atm. How is the game treating you? How does it feel having the best version of the game yet but the shittiest launch? I am one of those that are actually happy they explored Honkers more in this one and I made sure to ...uhhh...take lots of photographic research .

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Other urls found in this thread:

the two best girls.being galpals. Chris-chan would be proud.

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>best version .
No bikinis , female cast got butchered , nico , no lobbies , no tag team. pls bitch we've been over this.

focus on the mechanics and they are the best the series has been. The rest of the stuff will be added in , hence the worst launch of the series. I swear you contrarians haven't even played the fucking game.

a lot of research has to be done on honkers

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I see you too are a man of taste.

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yea but lobbies will literally save doa and cause thousands to flock to it because that's what the majority care about :^)

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How will Nyotengu faggots ever recover?

>Can't remap L3/R3 for arcade stick

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My friend really wants to buy doa6 but says they wont unless Fiona is added as a fighter. I told them it probably wont happen but they hold out hope.

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Who the fuck actually likes any of the VV girls?

Why would I buy a game the developers told me not to?

Nigga i have the entire game with dlc's and sht , why do you think im so salty about it ? 180€ wasted this game doesnt deserve shit as it is . and piss off with your mechanics BS DoA have never been great at that ppl buy becouse they want titties + fights thats at wich they fail to deliver or didnt you notice that the models are the same ones they showed back them when they were talking about making the game more realistic and shit to appel the FGC players . and when FGC players laugh at this game they came back saying " n-no the game will have all the things DoA is know for " . BS .

I love my wife Kasumi!

Attached: Waifu.jpg (1280x720, 371K)

>why do you think im so salty about it
cause you shitpost about games you never played for a living?

kasumi is an old hat! we don't need to make her do high kicks to get a rise anymore with newer and prettier girls around

I think you are caught up in a culture war and you have no idea where is where and now you are floundering about trying to make sense of what happened. Sounds like an internal problem bro. Go get a blojob and realign those chakras.

Kasumi is the only girl that matters to me! You can enjoy the other girls but I will always be loyal.

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>another Marie clone
Fuck off

For the love of GOD, post some Nico. PLEASE.

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The game is a good foundation but needs more content. The inevitable Ultimate release should be great. If they were smart they'd prep that as a next-gen launch game and really go all-out with the graphics (while reaching 60fps) because DOA has only ever sold well as a launch/launch window game. These late-gen releases are not helping the series at all.

It is one of the things I hate about modern gaming. We are expected to invest our money not once but over a period of years with no idea if it will be worth it in the end or not.

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Kasumi in Doa6 has actually lured me in a little again which hasnt happened since Doa2 Idk what it is about 5 etc but I never got into her in those games.

RIP the red wine has run out and its 2 30 am. Nice semi thread DOA6 bros. Keep it chill.

Attached: honn.png (1920x1080, 3.37M)

it's the same damn game but now it has an "easy" button

Hopefully anons with the actual game can deliver

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your mom definitely has an easy button located somewhere near her ass.

Jesus muh, she's like 2B 2.0

How do I deal with ninjas online when their 0 disadvantage combined with the latency leaves with with no openings?

tfw don't even play the game just take screenshots in photo mode

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fanboy's being fanboy's , alright lets check those sales numbers or lets see what the ppl who bought the game think , ou is not looking too good . if you want to lick KT balls this is not the place buddy .

Yea Forums has lost its chill, but the nico posting keeps me around

Her face is largely the same but her hair and eyes are more vibrant in 6. Her eyes look really nice in her win screens IMO. She doesn't have the glassy-eye problem some of the others have.

Stun works differently, characters are (mostly) better balanced, and the so-called easy button is better implemented than 5's slow-mo charge equivalent.

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If you actually like Honoka I want you to get off my board and never come back. 4channel has always and will always be against Health At Every Size and other Fat Acceptance movements.

More Nico in leotard instead please

Block or counter? I have zero issues with them. Their strings are pretty predictable. For whatever reason the only character that regularly gives me trouble is Kokoro.

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kasumi has tons of high attacks. i just do high holds whenever i get combo'd and it never fails unless they're competent and change up attacks

Unless you're looking for ryona shots, you should just play Xtreme then. The photo mode is more polished.

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So like everyone that still plays this?

>How is the game treating you?
Well, the experience online is fucking awful. Almost every match I come across drops to a goddamn one bar and feels like SoulCalibur 4. Some of them I can't even skip for whatever reason. Like, I mash the "skip this goddamn 1 bar wifi shitfuck" button and it just counts down then sends me to the match. The fuck?

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I think they should make a new Dimensions for the Switch but get a little more experimental with it. Use it as a test for possible mechanics changes for the core games. Keep the older-style character models and maybe give it a cel-shaded look to further differentiate it from 6. It would allow them to shake-up the gameplay without pissing off the hardcore fans, and if they end up with a gameplay system the fanbase likes they can bring it to DOA7. The Switch doesn't have any other 3D fighters that I can think of and the only competition would be Smash, MK and DBFZ. Much less crowded. Obviously keep supporting 6 as normal as that'll be the main game.

The poses in this are a lot more varied which is nice, but yeah the photo mode sucks because it's so fast.

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Not gona get 6 until Ultimate or Last Round but unf Nico in that leotard is gona make the wait long

Farting cherry blossoms.

Can't you slow it down?

Remember that time KT tried to cater to people that didn't play their game and then doubled back when they realized nobody was actually going to buy it but had already abandoned their user base? I'm not buying this shit.


Why is Honoka so perfect?

I remember when their PR guy was a retard but anyone with a brain could see they were doing the same shit they did with DOA6's initial release.

last one for now sorry the photos are not the best, sat night and been out in Ikebukuro most of it. Sleep zzzz

Because she isn't and you need to go back to tumblr.

no way to filter connections on ranked > absolute dogshit
I have raged way more than I should've with this garbage, not touching it until they add it back (yeah, back, this shit was in the ps4 open beta but didnt make it to the final build for some reason)

I don't think so unless it's something I'm completely missing. You can pause but the animation is really fast so it's hard to do it at the right spot.

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forgot pic def sleep time
Yeah it is an issue they need to get sorted asap.

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Meant 5. 6's marketing was an obvious attempt at repeating the "I'm a Fighter" switcheroo but they handled it hilariously poorly this time thanks to Shimbori being a retard.

Honoka, Marie, and NiCO players need to be permanently banned. In my last 10 games I've only had 1, count it, ONE fucking game that was someone else.

I thought you could filter by bars?

you could in the beta, at least on pc theres no option to do so atm

At least they are often trash.

Well at least I don't have two dads who used a do-it-yourself kit.

The technolgy is not there yet. The ass and thighs are too jaggy and not soft enough in this game.


I almost never run into them. It's always Diego, Kasumi or Helena for me.

Does the game have outfit destruction?

I assume it isn’t as good as 5’s due to Snoy and Core Values

Goodnight based user.thanks for the pictures

It has outfit destruction but it's hilariously bad. Also 5's was only for a few DLC outfits starting with the Senran Kagura DLC.

it does but is shit , i mean is more like they try to do it and stopped midway .


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Nerf Phase-4.

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The best part is when their hair gets fucked up or Lisa's mask explodes. Most of the girls look better with their hair down IMO.

>big tit moeblob
What reality are you living in?


>as good as 5’s
5's with mods? because if you mean that shit that was on console it was fucking garbage and only happened at round end compared to modded on pc where you could have multiple states triggered by different powers of attacks

I only bought Honoka and I only play her.

All I want out of life is to bring Honaka to multiple orgasms while Marie watches and encourages us with Honakas head in her lap, until at last I release inside her and we have many adorable healthy babies. I mean is that too much to ask?

>only happened at round's end
Unless you're talking aobut Soul Calibur that's a lie, PBs, Bursts, PLs, electric fences, and bounce attacks all caused it

Is she actually good as a fighter or is she still mokujin meme tier?

Nyo is pretty solid. I haven't played much as Honoka but she seems competent enough.

HOnoka was a Necrid not a Mokujin, and she's pretty hard to use but has a lot of tools and tech to use once you get fluent with her

Honoka is fun

Attached: Watermelon Juggling.webm (1342x592, 2.08M)

>neutered sidestep attacks
>neutered sidestep
>low holds still beats high strikes in a game that now has omni holds
>crit burst as it was is gone and all of the gameplay that revolved around their existence, fatal stun isn't even close
>break blows are a far easier to hit Power blow
>no lobbies
>outfit damage is shitty and amounts to tears
>no tag
>less characters
While characters like Phase 4 have gotten significantly better, these issues I have and more on top of the lack of Gen Fu puts me in never purchase land.

Oh and
>AI sucks after LRs relatively great AI
>Survival mode is the worst in the series.
>no instant swap during knockback into walls
>shit costume part acquisition for a successful clear on ultimate
>no check marks upon completion
Which on top of the aforementioned poor AI means that you can outright spam S and the only AI character that won't die to it is nyotengu, who will sweep you because your responses are based on your inputs unlike LRs.
Best version? I think not.

Oh its the Gen Fu faggot.

those are fair point though.

What did I do something wrong?

>neutered sidestep attacks
>neutered sidestep

Literally the first game in the series where side step is actually useful. This is as far as i went in your post, it's enough to know that it's sperg shit.

Best game in the series so far, can only get better with the content they will add.

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Lobbies, tag and missing characters (even though it has as many as ant previous base DOA game) are fair points. Sidestep being balanced is an improvement as is the replacement of power blows. The AI shit is completely fucking wrong as 5 was even more blatant about its input-reading faggotry. It's obvious he never played the harder difficulties.

Nigga the ninjas are some of the most unsafe characters in the game

>Literally the first game in the series where side step is actually useful.
This is wrong and it's sidestep has less track break than 5 and 4's. I can't remember 3 or 2U as it's been to long. Sidesteps were so strong in 5 that entire tutorials had to be made with dealing with them for linear biased characters.

On top of that you objectively ALSO have less sidestep attacks. We've gone from 3+ from every character which ranked from combo starters to crit stun attacks, to literally 1 for (almost) all characters and it's a blowback.

>it's obvious he never played the harder difficulties
I hope you feel silly.
>blatant about reading
No they were blatant about adapting. Use too many mids? They'll eventually start countering mids. Used too many hides? They'd even use low holds to avoid them on top of holding them. Overuse guard breaks? Quick strikes? Mix everything up? They'll still do holds randomly but will seldom actually land. They also don't instantly grab you on block like 6 does.

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>no way to filter connections

Just don't accept them you mong

I would never let go of that tengu bitch. In fact I'd turn her around and rape her. Who's gonna stop me? She isn't human I can get away with it.

block and counter hits with a fast string of your own.

I stand corrected. You're just shitposting. 5 had Shao Kahn levels of input reading bullshit.

She was never Mokujin meme tier, are you an idiot?

i just told you i'm not reading your shit retard

>Who's gonna stop me?

she will

That's fine. I'm posting the truth for any who are actually interested in not listening to shitposters.

You're making shit up. YOU have never played on the harder difficulties. And I find it funny that I'm shitposting now when I posted proof that I'm familiar with that topic. You don't beat 100 chucklefucks if they have Shao Khan levels of input reading multiple times.

You posted proof you played 5. So you are obviously shitposting. Anyone who ever played the game can see you're bullshiting about the AI. Not sure who you're trying to convince outside of Xtreme fans who never touched the game. But carry on sperging and whining about 6 lacking your lemon party main.

That sailor costume is lit. Might start to use Kasumi more often.

>You posted proof you played 5.
No. I posted proof I played on the higher difficulties, which you accused me of not having done so.

>anyone who ever played the game
Would know I'm telling the truth because it's very easy to test. Especially in regards to how shit the AI in 6 LR is. I can make a pretty webm to prove that point if you're having problems grasping it.

>lacking your main
I was making a post about gameplay mechanics that bugged me and hoped got addressed in the future. You're pissed off because somebody talked bad about your favorite game. Grow up.

Is that digital deluxe exclusive or was that the one with the ninja mask?

How do we unlock more music?

Level up the character with the music you want. A bunch of themes are also unlocked at a high enough player level.

>with the music you want.

Idk not him but I've been hearing a lot of S players who consider doa6 much better than doa5.

Kasumi is much better and more fun in this game than she was in 5.

Attached: over here.webm (900x506, 2.93M)

Character themes, such as Eternity for Kasumi

It is much better, not just at the high levels too, it's much better at the low levels as well. That retard is full of shit.

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Character themes and the like. Want Hayabusa's theme. Level up Hayabusa, so on and so forth. For example. I played around a bunch of times with Eliot so I have Successor as well as 3 songs I unlocked from a high enough player level

That's neat and all but I've heard the same on the contrary. Anyhow, my personal opinion is that it's a fine and serviceable game and depending on who you play it's incredible. There are some things that are significantly better. The ninjas are all more fun to control, a lot of characters gained a lot of neat tools, and forced restands and resets aren't nearly as oppressive as they used to be. Sidesteps being nerfed, while annoying, is also probably a good thing as linear striking characters don't have so much of a hard time. So that's terrific.

>That retard is full of shit.
Pull your head out of your ass.

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Razor's Edge was such a massive improvement yet still terrible.

That is what they all say

What did they mean by this? I don't want to spend money on DLC just for it to be free later.

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You're mother is terrible

no shit you retard, but the game spamming you with shitty 1 bars for 10 minutes straight doesnt help

It plays better. I don't think it's better overall though. Once we get the missing modes and characters back 6 will be the best.

they're talking about the core fighters rotation. Nyotengu will eventually pop up for a week and such.

They're going to rotate which characters are free. So Nyo might be free for a few weeks or something then become locked again.

Core Fighters will rotate the available roster.

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>have an awesome fight
>mash through the ending and skip saving the replay

Well terrible may have been a bit strong but I don't consider it good. I appreciate being able to play as the girls though.

It means DOA6 will have promotional rotations like DOA5 where there will be events that let core players use some of the other characters for the duration of said event, so you can try them out and stuff. They will never make her permanently free

Honaka fucks dogs and horses. Look it up.

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that is statistically impossible so you're making a big deal of something that's not, also the bars often times lie.

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Does Honoka still have her cow outfit?

>same wrong " , " usage
Is this entire thread samefaggotry or what?

You're mother doesn't consider you good

sweaty honkers

I have said webms saved but I'm not posting them because I don't want to get perma banned lol

Honker a bimbo.

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quit pulling my leg user

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Sorry user but the game was weak. Even Sigma 2 was better.

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Its doa5 mechanics. Unlimited refloating after launch and sidestep garbage. They just kinda forced an occassional doa4 situation by use of fatal hold baiting, but its still a far cry from being as mechanically interesting as DOA4.
The game even still has most of the worst doa5 stages like Sweat.

Really hard to trust shit like "its the best gameplay in the series" when that was being said about DOA5 up til 1 month ago, and DOA5 fuckin sucked balls.
You sure you're not just shilling?

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You're mother was weak

I'm not interested in what you have to say about Ninja Gaiden, so can we just stop? Thanks

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4 is the worst game in the series. Fuck off Xbot. At least shill for 2U or 3 since those were actually good.

Why is she fighting in a wedding dress?

Nah fuck off waifufag.

I can't believe the DOA4 sperg still insists on coming to these threads.

I have never seen Marie once. Steam? Cause no one uses Marie on PS4, some use NiCO or Honkers.

Replay should have a speed option. Pretty sure it does when I used it

>trying to look smart

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DoA6 is pretty fun, never played too much of 5 or 4 so it's been awhile since I've played however. Getting good at this game sounds like it'd be fucking annoying though, memorizing string after string to be able to actually use hold.

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Well Nico is a much better Marie, but there's still plenty of them.

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4 was an evolution of 2U, and 3 was a glitchy retarded infinite combo mess of a piece of shit game.
Mechanically, 3 was the worst the series had ever been before 5 was made, and half the reason 5 sucked so much was cause they regressed to DOA3 mechanics while disregarding doa4, while the other shittu half was because of artificially injecting unbalanced Virtua Fighter mechanics that the game and all prior DOA's had not been designed to accomodate.

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Based boomer

Is the game worth it on the Pro? Should I check out Core and wait for Final Round or whatever they call the special version?

Buy DoA5 Last Round

Post them you ultra nigger

yeap. as it is right now is not worth the 70€

i've seen a lot of Marie players on PS4 more than Honks or Nico

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Why are you waiting for something that's literally made up instead of literally downloading and playing the game right now? Yes it's worth it, looks beautiful, is great to play an makes the pee pee the big pee pee.

Go play it, it's the best DOA game yet and a great fighting game.

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Not that user, but because the second release will be a better deal. Unless you really want to grind out the ranked seriously it's hard to justify full price for the initial version of a fighting game with the current feature set that most fighters have.

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The only good one is Misaki. She's actually really fucking cute.

Try Core Fighters. Hell try CF for both 5 and 6 and see which you like more.

Literally just look up Honaka bestiality you heathen, even I found it

DOA6 is very unlikely to get an updated game. Even Ultimate & LR didn't include all the DLC previously released either.

I love this fucking leotard.

The graphics are pretty bad. High poly stuff covered in extremely low res and huge dust particle sprites and a bizarre poorly implemented lighting engine where things seem more shiny than they ought to.

more honoka

i started playing core fighters a couple of days ago and i'm having a blast, even if the only character of the 4 you get for free that i've been enjoying is Hitomi and it's not like i'd play the two guy characters anyway, what am i, a fag?

i'm getting my shit slapped online but i did practice in survival and arcade mode long enough to unlock a few costumes for Hitomi, since there's that costume ticket boost going on right now; figured it might be worth it to practice and get some new looks

6 bombing makes a rerelease even more likely. They're going to try and salvage the game with a "fixed" version.

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really wish we can have a venus vacation thread
so we can talk about gameplay and events

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Did Honoka save DoA the same way waifu pandering saved Fire Emblem?

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Sales for 5 weren't bad but Marie and Honoka helped freshen things up a little.

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>talking about gameplay
No one does that because all anyone gives a shit about is their waifus and what costumes they can dress her up in. DOA is a fucking joke and the fact that you fucks still buy the games with how scummy their business practices are is ridiculous.

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i want a venus vacation thread so i can get more pictures of best girl Luna

There is no second release, you're betting of something that might not happen when you could be playing the game now for free or 4 bucks

>The graphics are pretty bad

Yeah, ok, totally, i mean it's not like it's the best looking fighting game or anything, Fuck off back to SC6 then.

Best playing 3D fighter outside of the game VF series.

well , and whats the alternative ? SC ? nah i dont think so

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dude cutscenes lmao

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Hitomi is a very good fighter for beginners because she is the all rounder of the cast. She can fight at any range, do pressure or keep out, is not too unsafe, etc. Plus she is pretty fun to play too.

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Wow, how much can you skip matches to get to S rank
Same shit that changes every two weeks

VV is garbage, if X3 was released on PC then I would never go back to VV. They could release a 1000 dollars worth of dlc and that would still be better than trying to grind hearts for an incredibly low chance at a swimsuit.

This, how are people this crazy to think that they aren't going to release a new version in 14 months is beyond me.Even SFV which wasn't going to do that shit, ended up doing that shit cause it initially bombed.

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God it's amazing how single outfit can completely change the perception of a character.

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Why does she stare at girl's butts so much?

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yeap 1000$ doesnt sound too bad if u compare to the insane grind .

>go to Gamefaqs to see if anyone there is doing some combo lists
>every thread is just complaining about Honkers and Marie

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marie spam becouse loli bait and honoka becouse her kit is just insane.

Marie is hella annoying for a noob like me, her strikes are pgood and she can mash hard. Haven't fought Honkers yet.

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>nobody posted THAT webm yet

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They're not talking about their movesets. But I agree marie gets a lot of mileage just hitting ppkpkpkppppkkkkpk


Yeah I tried Marie myself, refought a dude who beat me before and I dumped on his ass with marie literally just mashing. She's the god of low rank.

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-01-06 03-13-32.jpg (3840x2160, 600K)

Its not. DOA5 looked better lmfao, and that game looked worse than DOA4.
Its nice to have high polygonal detail and shiny surfaces but thats about the end of it in DOA6. The amount of shine is too much and seemingly inconsiderate of lightsource location, and the shading on the characters seems too weak and also inconsiderate of the surrounding ambient light. Its like an early 2000's kind of shine.

and really, those super low res huge particles during fights are... literally feels like n64 textures... it just looks super bad and out of place.

What is the rarest character to run into? I think it's Helena.

Attached: Helena.jpg (557x1280, 87K)

any male that isnt hayate/ryu/drunk guy/bruce lee? lol

just downloaded core fighters, is Nyotengu not in the game yet or is she just not in core fighters?

I've only see one Jann Lee in 350 matches.

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Kokoro .


>Its not. DOA5 looked better lmfao, and that game looked worse than DOA4.

Get fucked sperg

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>censored for SJWs
>shrunken tits
>no swimsuits
>no tag
Pass on this trash game

you gotta buy that one or wait for her weekly rotation .

but she's not even available to buy

>nyo is my waifu
>hard to play
>slow af
>more of a throwing character
>same with tina
Damn really sucks when the character who appeals to your penis doesn't appeal to you gameplay wise.

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no, i see "plenty" of those even a couple of Eliots

Hell no, i'd even say she is almost common

you need glasses or a new brain .

Attached: nyo.jpg (637x229, 46K)

Something with dogs I'd imagine.

Reaction to no Honoka wedding costume.

Attached: D1suHF7UYAAbA7S.jpg (661x800, 62K)

yeah but she orgasms when you use her special moves

she is though, the only one that isnt available is phase 4

>downloaded game the instant it went f2p

>keep jerking it to mmds and hentai instead of playing

oh well

If I only want Nico, Hitomi, Honoka, and Tina, how much would it be if I stuck to "core fighters" version?

Yes she is

whats your rank ? kokoro is underperforming thanks to all this hold spam , in fact shes getting new moves and sht so shes very rare once you get to B+ ish

is there a way to try a character before paying for them

I was literally looking on PSN last night and she was nowhere in the list


Which is cool and all but I can't deal with that movement speed or that gameplan right now. Maybe when I get a lot better but it just isn't my usual style. Even Helena is some big brain stance dancing bullshit. Mostly just sticking to Ryu right now, he seems easy to play.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180911_030958.jpg (3840x2160, 1.06M)

get the cracked game or wait for the rotation .

I can relate byt Nyo is not that hard to play, i woudn't call her a grappler character either, no more than Kasumi or Hitomi, she has air and ground grabs and good ones but getting those is the easy part.

Tina has to be played as a grappler but if that's what you want she's not hard at all, also she's very good at it and looks amazing

Attached: 1552640412031.jpg (1920x1080, 462K)

4 looked like ass even at launch.

Rachel When?

B-, i don't play her but i think she looks pretty good in this game, especially with her new moves which are fast as shit

I hard you can do it in the character specific tutorial and DOA Quest, someone please confirm.

The only throw I use is where she grabs them out of the air and swings them around by their leg. Her flying charge has a few attacks that lead into it, so use that plus her whirling thing and her fluttering combos.

Hell, even DOA3 looked better than DOA5.

Attached: 2019-03-16 13.30.50.jpg (824x937, 606K)

yes, you can press Y/Triangle during the tutorial to go to char specific and try them out, same with doa quest

Helena has always been that and Ryu is literally a Stance/Grappler character.

That was the weekend stress test demo, not Core Fighters

There you go, thanks for clarifying user.

Attached: fg65y75.jpg (1280x720, 360K)

Season pass1 is meant to last until June, I dout she'd be in until November at the earliest, and possibly not until the end of the year.

I agree, she's slow, and you will want to make use of her stance but she's not that much of a grappler

DoA quest wasnt even in the stress test, please stfu

You're a huge faggot. You don't appreciate Kasumi in her entirety. You only think her purpose is to be your waifublob, which severely depreciates her character. Go hang yourself you disgusting degenerate, and shove your figures which dont even look like her, right up your sphincter.

Attached: 1543617063651.png (446x435, 79K)

This is the best looking 3D fighting game period

DOA threads on Yea Forums are so bad.

all threads on Yea Forums are bad

whats the name of that stage ? i dont remember that on DoA5

Eventually hopefully

Have faith brother!

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I usually like playing faster characters and characters with strong neutral tools. Like Cammy, Ken, Sol, Lili, chun-li.

Maybe I only think she's a grappler cause that's how low rank people play her then?

Really? That's funny I haven't even found his stances in like 50 matches haha. Probably too big brain for my dumb ass then, No idea who to play in this game. No one has resonated with me yet.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190103_182344.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

Everything is bad here. Besides one thread in a blue moon

Azuchi, scrub

play nico
9f jab 11f mid jab 12f high kick 13f mid kick

plus tons of delayable shit to bait holds and a decent command throw

It was only added for LR, may be why you don't remember it.

I think she has some good throws, but with her move set she's most like a zoner I'd say with tools to keep people away.

>shills still shilling this bad game

Throws are a big part of DOA, you should be throwing and punishing with throws regardless of what character you play. Nyo has a launcher throw and reset throw, both very useful tools so she has extra incentive to do it but that doesn't mean she's designed to be a grappler. If you are playing Hitomi, her reset throw should be one of your main tools.

Ryu only has one stance, he has moves that transition to it automatically so i don't see how you could have missed it. Don't get discouraged user lol it's just a stance, it won't bite, if you are enjoying Ryu then stick with him, he's fun.

Attached: 1552358451557.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

Why is Honoka the only one who gets webms posted? Do the other girls not jiggle in 6 or something?

>everyone is a shill and nobody actually likes anything

because shes a fat slutty cow and deserves no respect whatsoever

Are you blind? 99% of Yea Forums never made a webm

She's a slut.

I thought about adding "except that one for Tina", guess I should have.

I just want Flow back.

and as you can clearly see by the moon runes i didn't even make that from my own footage. If i could i would be making them all day. Also they just got some more intro and outro poses in the latest patch so before the jiggle webm material was limited in a way.

She's the only one who kept her DOA caliber tits.

I don’t mean to bring up off-topic shit but does the Gen Fu fag not realise that Gen Fu isn’t around anymore because he’s now succeeded by Eliot? I thought this was pretty obvious from the fact they have the same fucking moves

they have killed millions .

He'll be back eventually. If they added Ein to 5 I'm sure they'll add gramps to 6.

Should I get this game?

Download the f2p version and see if you like it.

its free you brainlet


Attached: Bless whomever took this screenshot.jpg (3840x2160, 1.23M)

Do YouTubers believe that awkwardly stumbling around the topic of sex appeal is anything but more embarrassing for them? These people are adults reviewing video games, they shouldn't be so afraid of saying one has tits.

>Season pass1 is meant to last until June
Are you serious? A $100 season pass that lasts three months. After which they expect you to buy another. This game is an even bigger joke than I thought.

Why none of you mentioned you cant rebind keys on keyboard? Is there a single poster here who actually plays this game?

Attached: fat VS flat.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

I don't know what you are referring to but watching that faggot Maximilian play DOA and pretend to be awkward every time Marie or a sexy outfit was on screen made me want to blow my fucking head off.

Attached: Shut the fuck up.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

No, I actually really do love her character. She is strong and determined despite what she had to go through. And they do look like her, not that many that match her look after 5 but here is one that matches her current look.

Attached: hIE1409288299.jpg (600x400, 38K)


So do PCfags just do this on purpose to be annoying?

Most use controller.

Don't reply to shitposters user.

Attached: 5678787.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

why are you watching maximilian

Attached: 1552403130456.jpg (1920x1080, 333K)

Honest to God it's not something i do, i think i was just looking up DOA streams out of curiosity and ended up there. It's not something I'll be repeating, i can tell you that much.

Downloaded it yesterday due to F2P and the game is cool. First DoA game i play other than rendering porn of´em in SFM.
Also i love Kokoro´s autism and her:
>Behold...*autistic breath* Ba Ji dance
Tina main btw

I LOVE just how much fishnet stockings there is in this game.

>Turtleneck sweater and a cute dress over it
>Oh this must be the wholesome costume
>Knee high black leather boots and thigh high fishnet stockings

Attached: lawd.jpg (377x345, 20K)

Its okay, i will return back to SF or tekken and wait for them to fix this or for the game to die, whichever comes first.

>They will never make her permanently free
Partially wrong. Mila was free for limited time in DOA5 Core Fighters and if you got her, she was forever yours.


Attached: Dab.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

i know this thread only cares about boobs and lewd shots, but, when was the last DOA game that is actually enjoyable(not necessarily GOOD) as a fighting game, beyond the visuals and boobs?

nico needs more costumes

There s a trainer on pc, basically cheats

Every single one of them minus 4

If they are as lewd as that one, definitely, because right now it improves the character by 200%

Whats ACTUALLY different with Phase 4
Aside from less multihits

I'd say honker got bigger. Tina and her idle animation is cool too.

>tfw no Phase 4 gf

dunno lads
the fact that Rachel isn't in it makes me mad

Attached: dead_or_alive___rachel_in_sexy_lingerie_by_sabishikukage_dd1rnrn.jpg (2000x4000, 1.91M)


I'm literally on keyboard. I had to struggle my way through the menu using M and L as forward and back but after I made it to the controls screen I could rebind. Only works in battles though so menu is still m/l

You mean from Kasumi?


I don't understand this lesson, I'm supposed to strike when opponent cuts a chain? Right?
Because the AI never does that during that lesson or have I misunderstood this shit?

Attached: Mission 18-1 Cutting a Chain.jpg (2560x1440, 545K)

I'm sad how there are only two girls barefoot in this game

Attached: 1547133711883.gif (404x347, 1.4M)

Read the whole thing

>those tree trunks

I hope you arent trolling but what that is saying is
>when the opponent cuts his chain and does another move, hold it
you're not supposed to be the one striking here genius

If it's supposed to mean me cutting a chain, then that lesson was literally before that already and even then the lesson didn't register me cutting combos and delaying and doing something else.
Also on the description it says 'me' the player to cut a chain, but the thing on below says ''HOLD 3 FOLLOW-UP STRIKES AFTER YOUR OPPONENT CUTS A MOVE CHAIN!'' meaning AI has to do shit.
It's weird.

How are there still no mods for this game?

is the AI idle? if so then its bugged

>just got memed by a nyo with no skill other than spamming that meme tornado which covers the entire arena

how the fuck do you even deal with that shit. I couldn't even bang out a teleport/leap with Ryu in time to close the distance with the input delay. For whatever reason the jumping throw had like one invulnerable frame that managed to avoid it 10% of the time

Attached: 1550413146565.webm (852x480, 230K)

I slogged to controlls menu. How do you bind punch to key 8 on numblock? All i saw was how to bind controller buttons.

Pls help.

She looks like Kasumi and has some moves in common but her execution is pretty different user, she is all about just frames, chaining teleports together with them, she has a just frame air grab, etc. Every teleport you see her do is a just frame. She is fairly different from Kasumi despite sharing some moves. Admittedly i don't really play her so i can't go into too much detail. She is more straight forward than Kasumi but with higher execution.

does that make her the hardest char in the game then?

Attached: nico.jpg (3840x2160, 505K)

I want to make Finnish babies with her holy SHIT LADS

6. They're all good.

For online play, probably.

Nigga the better question is how the fuck do you even get hit by it. Literally just block, that's it. You can also mid punch hold it and you will dodge it with a sidestep automatically, if you are close enough you can also just run up to her and blow her up, or run up to her and mid punch hold her in melee range and you will actually counter her with a regular melee mid punch. You can do all of this on reaction since it's so slow. But seriously, just block.

Attached: Shrug 2.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

Anything with just frames is advanced but i'd say a shenanigans Brad is harder.

But they won't be finnish if you aren't finnish.
Sucks to be you, however I will show you how it's done.

Attached: NiCo - yamaishi18.jpg (707x1000, 438K)

Reminder that NiCO has a really hard molestation and groping fetish.

thx user

made it to C and somehow haven't seen any of the handful of nyos I've encountered use it (and if they did I easily countered it cos shutter ranks). This guy, as shit as he was at general stuff, basically just threw me to the other side of the arena and spammed me to death. Didn't even think of just doing a basic block.

Attached: 1550932215344.jpg (665x574, 39K)

Also if you are talking about Ryu's teleport guillotine throw that is an offensive hold not a throw, which means it actually beats strikes unless they go upwards and hit him out of it. It can be crouched and liable to be crouch thrown while you are recovering from it.

Does anyone have the kasumi discord?


I was talking about the 3T where you front flip forward


>no art of nico using her hand sign to spread open her pussy

>tfw you bought the full game a week ago and have only been playing as one character

Attached: 1552524503813.jpg (487x582, 61K)

Oh, that's a regular throw

i like the way you think user

Because she fucks dogs and that's hot

Honestly weird no artist has done that yet. One hand spreading her vulva over the leotard in the Fleming pose and the other hand doing the same pose in the air all the while she's having a smug but slightly discomforted expression written on her face about it.
Guess one should ask in one of the Yea Forums drawthreads a friend to do it.

Attached: NiCo pointing.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

I like how NiCO acts all smug and business but gets her ass kicked by nearly every character in the main story.

I hate how much those webms have gotten me into that kink. Honestly fucking hate it.

I came

never buy games on release, not only because of content, because of the bugs and the price drops, games devaluate extremely quickly

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Can someone explain in brief why Kasumi was put on the hitlist after she ran away from the ninja village? Seems odd that her own ninja family would go out of their way to murder her after she left the village to avenge her brother.

How do you change the underwear colors?

God she's thicc

The difference is Nyo is paid DLC even in the retail game.

>Honkers will never shit on your chest

Attached: 1552722765539.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Is core fighters worth getting if I'm not at all interested in the shitty story and only have a few characters I want to play as?
Is there any other modes/outfits/bonuses I would miss out on?
I'm a Mila main but I might try out Nico and dick around with Nyo again

Attached: 1437630106287.jpg (640x360, 30K)

It was against the laws set by the Mugen Tenshin, runaways could give away important secrets and could therefore endanger the village

Snitches get stitches. Desertion is a crime just like the military.

>NiCO will never sit on your face while Honoka sits on your dick and Marie Rose sits on your chest
why live

Ninja code bullshit to keep their secrets and not have rogue operatives and stuff, she also took the clan's secret technique and Shrouded Moon though it was hers anyway. Basically no one but Ayane actually enforced the manhunt though and Ayane was being misled by her sect master, which she killed and took his place. They know she is taking refuge with the Hayabusa clan and don't do anything about it.

Basically Mugen Tenshin are bunch of bitch ass ninjas, she's better off with the Hayabusa but obviously she's still loyal to her clan even after being disowned.

Attached: Kasumi.jpg (1920x1080, 859K)

does she? thats funny af

From the top of my head: Christie, Helena and Ayane all kick her ass.

Absolutely, of course it is. You get everything but the story, which is actually surprising in my opinion.

I heard they might be adding more to the story but i could be wrong.

When lobbies finally come out I want to host Honker Rock Paper Scissors tournies.

Core fighters pretty much gives you all the SP modes other than the story, and I think you can still trial characters in training so you've got nothing to lose.

how are people taking these screenshots? is there a photo mode? i cant find it

Embrace it senpai, it's the patrician kink

You have to go 'spectator' fight and the photo mode is available then when you're watching 2 cpu's fight each other.

isn't it also available when spectating saved replays?

Honkers has some criminally underrated thick thighs

Why is Nyo delegated to DLC again while marie and Honoka get to be regulars?


Get it F2P + 4 euros per Mila. Game is solid for some hours imo

Urge to honk rising

Attached: i have a mighty need.gif (500x330, 473K)

because they are a lot more popular?

For me
its Honkers

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190316_154627.jpg (3840x2160, 1.39M)

>all these people who weren't going to buy the game spending $4+ on characters
I guess that's exactly what they wanted. Kind of scary how well the "f2p" model works.

I'm not so sure about that.
But I'll regretfully fap to it near nightly.

Attached: Capture.jpg (349x327, 13K)

Nyotengu has no story relevance and exists just because
Honoka and Marie were incorporated into the story.
Why is that?
Fuck if I know.
I feel like Nyo is one of those things that would make Ryu or Hayate go into Ninja Gaiden mode because they think she's a fiend, probably the reason they left it out

I mean if you only want to play one or two, paying 8 dollars vs 60 seems alright.

>buy $60 to play a handful of characters


>get F2P version and only pay for the handful of characters you ever wanted to play


if you just play a few characters, it is more lucrative to spend a few dollars on them and basically the full game than spend $60 total.
DOA makes most of its money off the DLC outfits though, just wait

Do they let you import DLC outfits you purchased for DOA5 or not?
Would kinda suck if the tie-in outfits like the Senran Kagura ones got stuck in the previous title

>Playing on Keyboard.

What's scary about being able to play a game for close to nothing? This is a really good model for the consumer, hope it's good for TN as well.

What games have ever used DLC from old games?

The DLC is just unlock tokens for the stuff in the game. You don't actually download it. The game already has the files because you need them for when other people use them.

So no, DOA5 stuff stays in DOA5; unless modders can figure out how to convert those to the new engine.

Tales of Xillia 2 used DLC outfits from 1 if you owned them

Nyo IS in the story, she literally interacts with Ryu and he gets her panties wet. She's not a fiend, she's a Tengu and jokes aside as long as Tengus don't fuck with the human world the Ninjas don't have a problem with them. Also Rachel is a fiend and Ryu thinks of her as a friend and ally because she is.

Attached: See a bird....jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

I didn't actually know that
then I dunno why Nyo is DLC. She was popular enough to get in DOAX3

>not enjoying watching honoka throat a thick doggie dick while she gets knotted and filled with canine cum

I don't care for DoA except for Marie and Nyotengu

Attached: 1523114114649.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Oh I enjoy it. I just hate that I do.

For them monies son

Rachel is half-fiend.

Attached: 1532040872762.png (720x1280, 964K)

Whitest post I've read all day

if that was the case, they'd make Honkers and Marie DLC as well

for the user earlier wondering why he couldn't find Nyotengu for core fighters on PSN, she's under DOA6, not core fighters, because she's already a DLC character. However she unlocks for both if you buy her

No they really dont.
Samefag trying to make himself feel better.

You're a joke. Strength and determination? What is she, a puddle to you? Might as well be a Naruto character with that kind of depth.

That's basically a fiend for all intents and purposes minus the looks. So instead of full blown demon she gets to be a semen demon. She has fiend powers like her strength and all it takes is some corruption for her to not only turn into a full fledged fiend but a greater fiend like her sister.

Attached: Just fuck my shit up.jpg (600x338, 51K)

please do not cal my wife a semen demon


>le ebin troll XD

Jesus, what an attention whore

That phrase gets thrown around a lot but she literally is one user.

Attached: 567877.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

does anyone have a honoka x3 and venus vacation folder?

The fuck does that even mean?

no she's not
she might be a little sultry and very good looking but that is that

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Attached: nico2.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

She could crush a boulder with her heels yet she chooses to gently massage crotches with her feet. Why is that user?

Attached: 67675478768.jpg (670x1192, 81K)

How do I get good as Phase 4?

Nyo's entire story is going around fucking with people and I love it.

>just wanted to do science and resurrect cyborg rapists
>everyone bullies her


I like to fantasize that every time NiCO loses in that arena with all the dudes around, they gang up on her and grope and molest her.

>and very good looking

Attached: 265454083.jpg (400x300, 76K)

She does not do it gently and it's one of her attacks. There's nothing sexual about it.

Attached: rachperfection.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Assuming that he is using a good keyboard, there is no problem in that.

how the fuck do you properly get glitched into a lobby
I keep getting stuck in eternal loading gay baby jail

Nico... Nico has a hard life.

Attached: bullied nico.jpg (2560x1440, 318K)

I want to get attacked by Rachel

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Attached: 1552726828082.jpg (586x810, 336K)

>Hitomi is stuck wearing a hijab on top of being slow
replace kasumi


I wouldn't recommend it user, people that do tend to get hurt.

Attached: 1453937662018.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Lobbies should have been there from day. People wanna play with friends also, not randoms who 90% of time has shit internet

That's my dad.

are all of you fucking retarded? hes saying that by doing that they basically got money from people that werent going to spend a dollar on it at all. The scary thing is how f2p attracts people that werent willing to spend money but ended up spending it anyway, so its win-win for KT

>Hitomi's Karate outfit doesn't doesn't break when she gets Break Blow'd
It would have been so easy. Belt is gone so the shirt it loose.

Downloading the Core Fighters as we speak, is there an option to just try all the unlocked fighters in a training room or something? So I get to see which ones to actually purchase, otherwise I'll just have to go with my dick.
Also, is Nyotengu still the slowest thing and Honoka the most difficult?

I'm hurting now goddamn it!

Attached: 67878.jpg (1920x1080, 630K)

So how many of you are now playing after the core fighters release? You guys enjoying it?
We need lobbies already.

Attached: dress-intro.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

nigga, get a thesaurus

Go to the tutorial or DOA Quest, look at the annotations in the bottom of the screen.

So you'd think that having Rachel grinding her foot on your crotch with a disdainful, disgusted expression on her face while you're completely unable to move would make you feel any better?
You're wrong user

Attached: 1453943266480.jpg (720x1268, 313K)

How do you do Jann Lee's close hit?
Or any attacks that have that bent arrow direction prompt
I've practiced it time and time again and I cannot figure it out

Feel free to call me a casul I'm just trying to get costumes

I'm not a footfag but i really appreciate sexy footwear.

Goddammit fuck this thread is turning me into a Rachel fag. I thought I would be good with just Core but this is making me want to buy her.

Attached: 1541515859135.gif (885x948, 274K)

I have a theory and i am willing to put it to the test

Attached: Rachel Sandiego.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Do you appreciate sexy music?

Attached: dress-victory.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

oh user do i have some bad news for you

Attached: Fuck....jpg (720x1280, 128K)

Never mind I figured it out

Is there some good news first?

She's not in 6 user.

Well I do wish you good luck and godspeed user.

Attached: 1453061332742.jpg (1024x1820, 172K)

I do but that happens to be one of my least favorite themes in the game. Also doesn't that stage have an upper floor? Why can't you start there some times?

core fighters is kinda boring

On one hand, I'm glad I get to save money.
On the other hand, the fuck?

Well just in case you did it on accident. Close Hit is just getting really close and the "bent arrow" is a quarter circle ie "fireball" motion.

In stage select, you can press left or right to pick different floors or areas. It's random for ranked.
What's your favorite?

I'm playing it mostly because Hitomi was a free character.
I only want her, Honoka, and Tina anyway. Maybe Nico so yeah I've been playing the past few hours.

Thanks mate

Such is the price we pay for not having nuked the nips more.

Attached: rach15.png (1080x1920, 1.21M)

They needed to make room for other, better girls.

Buff the shitty 2D fabric of her outfit.

Rub a dub dub

Thinking about downloading core fighters and buying Honoka and Nyotengu, but then I realized if I want lewd costumes I have to cough up like $20 for a single outfit for the two. Guess I'll just stick to Honey Select.

NiCo adjusting her glasses mid kick combo is god's gift to the universe.

I have literally never been put in that floor, ever.

I actually like most of the OST, i like the emphasis on guitars and drums this time around.

I know that's just dumping the majority of the OST but those are my favorite tracks. My favorite ones are the "pre order theme", the training theme and the Chinese festival one. As for stages my favorite might be the Chinese festival for that DOA2 throwback. I hope they add some more stages from previous games, like the beach has to make it in.

Attached: Please.jpg (1024x579, 44K)

That outfit is just hideous, there's no saving it. I can't believe they actually made it her default, when she's the DLC character even. Like who is gonna look at that and want to buy it when they know nothing about her?

Attached: Phase 4.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

her walk animation is 10/10

what are these outfits from?
Looks like an MMO.

Nico pretty much went for the 2b appeal with that leotard. 99% of fan art involves her with that outfit.

Attached: 73647712_p0.jpg (1001x709, 253K)

>ywn mating press nico
kill me now lads

and to be fair her overall body type is pretty nice

As a massive fan of 2B, it did somewhat work on me.
I hate that tie, but I love that leotard. A fetish I never knew I had.
Overall there are other characters I prefer over Nico though.

Honoka and Marie are a cancer

It's a cross over from something, i don't know what but i always lover her in that outfit.

Don't be mean to Honkers.

It definitely worked for me.

let it go already ts been like 7 years

Crossover game from KTs other game, Nights of Azure

that's the same outfit. She transforms into the semen demon when you taunt or do her super.

made for breeding

Attached: 73629381_p0.jpg (1100x738, 396K)

Based and redpilled

there's barely any of her

A literal cocksleeve.

Fuck you, I'm on a nofap here.

I like the game but online is fucking trash, can't punish shit because your inputs get delayed to hell

No it isn't

Yeah it is

No, it's literally fine. You think everyone wouldn't be talking about it? if that was the case? There's just frames in the game, fuck even escaping chain grabs is practically a just frame.

made for doings on her against her will

Attached: 0981309180931.png (1080x1300, 2M)

>block launcher that's clearly -10f or over
>throw punish doesn't connect

yeah that's a just frame alright, and plenty of posts in this thread have complained about the shit connection

Post more Nico.

It was already proven to be a hit with MR's leotard. Lolileotard is a license to print money

and i bet you made all of them

Yes, you totally can't do the most basic shit in this game online, everyone is just taking part in one big ruse.

Attached: fuck science.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

>muh samefag

I won't deny that people may have better connections but in my experience it's been dogshit and has been preventing me from enjoying the game as I would offline

It's been fine for me, as long as I'm sticking to 4+ bars. I can't even trust 5 wi-fi though. Usually the match slows to a crawl. I assume it's laptop players who can't actually run the game well.

I've only accepted 5 bar wired but it's really a gamble if it feels good or not, I don't trust that the bars are even remotely accurate at all

Thanks. Makes a bit of sense why, but given it was Kasumi, seems dumb that they'd think she'd give away ancient ninja secrets for a lark. I guess Ayane used it as a pretense to hunt down her half-sister.

Those thighs could crush a man

Honoka and Marie are shitty moe otaku pleb bait characters, but Honoka especially. Honoka is the most powerful and has the biggest boobs because she's Shimbori's waifu and Shimbori is a tasteless faggot who's destroying DoA.

Nyo should be stronger and have bigger boobs. Bankotsubo was a fucking massive absolute unit so why the hell is Nyo not the thickest and bustiest girl in the game? She has the domineering personality to back up being so stacked. Instead some high school airhead gets that along with better powers than her sister who's been the series since the first game.

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Yeah she had a beef and used it as an excuse to pursue it. Good thing she's a jobber just like the entirety of her clan without Kasumi.

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>domineering personality

There's your reason. That shit don't sell gangbusters.

Nyo will get stacked when Team Ninja finally transfer her as a bossfight in Nioh 2 instead.

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what if i want to fuck all of them.

Yes. Obviously. Sadly the world is filled with people with shit taste so things will never be as they should be.


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I want Honoka's brapper in my face right now!


pssst ur a faggit

Attached: Keep it secret.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

In a case like DOA, I'm glad things are that way.
If it automatically catered to people who said shit like that, the entire game would be about nothing but Momiji and Christie, and all of three people worldwide would buy it.

>domineering personality
>being this much of a sissy beta cuck

>Honoka not wearing clothes that either have cleavage or have a cow on them

But why?

She does have the cow costume in 6.

Yeah, by putting forth a more attractive prospect that they WOULD spend money on. It's not a hard concept to understand.

>implying I don't self-insert as her

She has it, yes. The question is why is she not wearing it?

she actually seems to have a personality here, unlike in 6 where she's just a mentally retarded child

how do I git gud with Nyo?

>she actually seems to have a personality here

It's the exact same character. Ditzy thicc girl with retard strength is her character

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in 6 she's not ditzy, she's straight up braindead
at least there she's capable of stuff like acting coy

Im going to marry Leifang!

Just wait for 6 to add back the winposes from 5, because otherwise she's still the same character.

My hotwife Marie killed gorillions.

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anyone got a list of the variant underwear and the correct inputs to select them?

She's just too pretty

>Kasumi will never ride you cowgirl while she looks at you with cold, disgusted eyes

Any lei fang mains here? Been learning combos with her, can't wait to try them online

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God, I wish that was me.

gayme looks like shit and the nu-bodies are too much, i just went back to hetero vacation, rip doa i guess

She isn't really trying to kill her anymore, that ended with the finale of 4. But Kasumi still isn't allowed back so yeah.

you'd have to be my wife

uncensored one please
i wish that too for you user.

How do I Honoka online? Everything seems to outspend me and most of her options are really slow or predictable.

nice, thank you