Just had another heart attack while gaming bros

just had another heart attack while gaming bros

doctor says i cant play anything stressful anymore or i'll literally die

can you recommend me some peaceful multiplayer games

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Splatoon 2

Explain OP. I'm interested. Did you get spooked or get too riled up from an FPS?


>recommend me some peaceful multiplayer games
>peaceful multiplayer games
>peaceful multiplayer
How is that suppose to work these age and days?

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user how old are you and what's your weight?

Dark Souls 3


>Heart attack while gaming...
Euh, if sitting still on a chair pushing buttons is the thing that can cause too much stress already, I don't think switching genres is the anwer.

Dota 2


i remember the gm of the Yea Forums tera guild had a heart attack because he got ganked and now he's also gay

Lmao bait post
Maybe try Minecraft? I can’t think of any peaceful multiplayer games off the top of my head because people are not peaceful.

Did the heart attack turn him gay?

alien isolation bro, you play as a grill taking a relaxing space holiday

Unless you have a heart condition and or extremely fat there is no excuse especially if your obease

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meinkraft with friends
terraria with friends
any of the jackbox party gayms or other such shit

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i hope you die soon you frog posting nigger

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You'll want the ones with no fun allowed, where naughty words and being too competitive or aggressive is banned. Other than that, I suggest single-player Nintendo games.

Lose some fucking weight fatass.


Thank me later

Play league of legends and commit suicide

Best post

no he was a hardcore christian but had an online e-gf who he knew was a man and would erp with all the time and talk to on voice chat

How old and how fat are you?