How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
>zoomers are killing their parents over this
Disappointing that the momo thing was fake
momo isnt horror, it's pure cringe
For starters, don't make a monster that gives me a raging boner.
>tfw the artist of Bird Mother destroyed his own sculpture because he was tired of the Momo shit
el ayuwoki....y exlcaima hee hee
>talking to coworker
>she mentions momo
>scares the everliving shit out of her kids with stories about it because of all those warnings around
>turns up a few days later that it was fake
>mention it in casual conversation
I don't know how much of a dumb cunt you have to be to wish it was real just so you wouldn't be wrong
Unnerving instead of jump scares
Momo is cute! Cute!
The dumbest thing about it is that the image itself has existed for a bazillion years already
Can someone explain “momo” to me?
I haven’t heard of this because people I know aren’t very retarded.
Respond to this post with an "eoo" to protect yourself!
How do you know it's retarded if you've never heard of it?
A jump scare catches you once for a few seconds to a minute. But disturbing you lasts hours, can even be permanent like with old Horror movies like Final Destination and the original IT.
oh... it's this thread again
Cute girls.
>actually telling your kids about it
Just tell them you cant go on youtube for a few days why the fuck would you explain the momo shit to them.
It's a self defeating genre. The more popular it gets, the less effective it becomes due to exposure.
Based on context of thread. I hadn’t heard of it outside of the comments in this thread.
I love momo!
Pure cute, you mean
Damn mexican memes
Was it? I could've believed it, sounds just like the blue whale game where similar shit happened and they caught the guy behind it.
>be 3 year old kid
>watch peppa pig or other garbage on the tablet because fuck parenting
>suddenly momo pops up and tells you to kill yourself and shows you gore
if it's not horror then I don't know what is
I keep seeing that pic posted here... what movie is it from?
More games like Darkwood. Amazing setting, simple and combat that is satisfying but still tense, disgusting imagery, a mystery to solve, unique mechanics, no scripted jumpscares and no fake jumpscares. If it's loud it will probably try to chew your face off.
Damn darkwood is a good game that I need to revisit. Never got past the second area
The Cabin in the Woods
It's just a mask that supposedly spooks children in youtube videos into killing themselves, but it was all a hoax
It's some sculpture someone made for an art project.
Silent woods? Man your missing out, surviving in old woods is really tense.
Incredibles 2
That's like saying slenderman is fake, it doesn't matter who created it and for what reason.
/x/tards will believe anything.
>the statue has been destroyed
The point is that it's part of the zeitgeist, it's just another meme floating around now. Same as the yeti or w/e, the idea itself will just keep on spreading.
what even was this? someone uploaded pictures of that face with "LUL IT WOULD BE HELLA EPIC TO KYS YOURSELF FOR BIG INTERNET UPVOTES" and kids actually did it? I dont understand. Every article I read just says it "somehow" managed to convince kids to kill themselves
Go the opposite route. Make it a game about ghosts being chased by people wanting to fuck them.
Live action Boku no Hero Academia
What the fuck is this Momo thing? There were videos for children and someone edited her in and said creepy things to kid or what?
+ Don't rely to jump scares like an autistic sperg all the time
+ Use the environment to create the creepy atmosphere
+ Make the game's character have a sense of purpose without being executed in a cheesy way
It was just a statue someone made.
Just another zoomer variant of slenderman
>the statue has been destroyed
scariest moment of my gaming life was accidentally walking into the wilderness with my cash stack and hearing the ice barrage sound. horror games need an element of risk and loss to make them actually scary. if i die in a horror game i dont really care because i can reload at a checkpoint and avoid whatever killed me
Make a game where you play as someone with schizophrenia or something.
I want to fuck this Pink haired slut
I'd add
+ give value to the player's stock or run within that save as to create tension.
(If you can save scum all day, the tension kind of dies)
+ focus on enemy patterns and figuring out the "trick" to avoiding or fooling enemies.
Slenderman basically.
Get in line faggot.
>For starters, don't make a monster that gives me a raging boner.
The one doesn't necessarily exclude the other
doesn't hellblade do that to an (apparently) great extent?
Is there more?
I'm sorry, what? Did I miss something?
Look up "Momo challenge".
My wife!
>M-m-muh jumpscares
>They just startle me! That's not real fear!
1. Explain why a jumpscare isn't scary. If you use words like "startled" or "shock", describe those words without using or relating to human state of fear.
2. All seriousness aside, you need Jumpscares in games as a threat to make the other parts of the game more scary. I'm legitimately more afraid of the moments leading UP to a jumpscare. I haven't even flinched at a jumpscare in the last 5 years. And there have been some ones that I even admit were really well done.
Does anyone have the jewtube links to Momo randomly popping in kid's stuff?
1. Because they're not actually frightening, it's literally just surprising stimuli. It's like saying your door bell ringing as you're concentrating on something is good horror content because it made you flinch.
2. If you know a jumpscare is coming then it doesn't even surprise you so you don't even get that novelty factor, which is most of the time since they are usually telegraphed to fuck and back by hack game designers.
Was there new porn of momo after it got revived or no?
The latest incarnation of chain mail, this time with added chance for kids to kill themselves in order to “save their parents”.
Based anons
Some statue someone made for a project that first got popular because of a phone number that if you added it would threaten you in Spanish and send you gore, it got popular recently but this time apparently some kids videos had been edited with momo appearing and telling the kids to do shit like killing themselves or their parents
I mean there was literally never a single example uncovered of a kid's video actually containing anything related to the big panic
1. Surprising stimuli is waking up to a blowjob, or getting a surprise birthday party. You're just trying to redefine actual fear and being scared into something else for convenience factor.
2. That's IF you know the jumpscare is coming, of which the same could be said of any scare. Once you know the fear, you acclimate to it, which is one of the benefits of horror stories. If you try to make the argument that "some people are still scared by muh deep horror", then we can simply point out there are people who are scared by jumpscares EVERY single time even if they know it's coming. Also, it being telegraphed is part of what builds up the fear. You KNOW it's coming, it's just a matter of when. That doesn't diminish the threat, but rather gives weight to it.
ugly people sure are scary.
Make a game about my ex wife
>tfw people constantly say you startle them
it's not my fault I look like a troll skin wrapped around a human frame
That image above has been recently used by somebody where if you contact them, they will give you a creepy request to do something retarded or else
Retarded kids are being retarded and parents are just now realizing how bad leaving their kid on the computer 24/7 is
fags are scary
Did this comic get good again after that awful brony shit? I never bothered to keep reading
This! So much this!
>youtubers cashing in on the meme to get kid views
Can we just abandon YouTube for something else aready
At this point it's impossible
where else am I going to get my "gymnastics" and "pool challenge" fix?
>the Sun
I feel lobotomised just reading that shit
should be scarier
Youtube is owned by fuckin Google, it's not going to be going anywhere.
As long as they don't use Hollywood's way
Beach body ready
Momo was a Greek myth about a female baby eater, so it was probably made up by Ancient Greek little boy fuckers to get kids to turn to the gay by making them afraid of women. It was also probably made to scare the girls in lesbos from doing lesbian sex with all the women there, so the men can marry them as virgins after all the gay sex they had and would have afterwards. 100% true.
It was an actual Greek myth though:
This is like a virus that has grown new defense mechanisms and resistances every time I see it again
I want to fuck Momo
Well according to wikipedia the artist had to discard the sculpture because the materials used to make it started to rot away. Kept one of the eyes though.
Cute and funnypilled.
Here is another interpretation of her
I can disregard pretty much everything about this but pretending the Alien franchise was ever meant to be horror is absurd.
It had to be disposed of because the rubber was decaying or something.
Thats pretty hot
it was thrown away before the momo thing happened
Would you let her eat you?
Alien should have went the full H.R Giger route instead of Aliens
>let your stupid kids be babysat by the internet
>be surprised when they do stupid shit
Only bad thing about this situation is a cool artist got his name dragged through the mud for no reason
apparently it was made out of organic materials and had already begun to decay. No way to preserve or restore it, so might as well toss it out anyway at that point.
At least in 3 and Covenant we got some beautiful hybrid works.
I don't know why people keep pretending this image is in any way creepy when it's so blatantly unconvincing. Spamming it does it far less favors since it only benefits from the rarity of it's appearances-meaning seeing it one time in passing haunts the person more than repeated exposures.
there's a creepier webm version of this video floating around.
Black and white expressionistic horror game when?
Don't know about that user, but I'm very much okay with being eaten if that's the way I'm to go out.
More classic Gothic horror games, Castlevania is a good start now make it scary.
/poltards/ go home
She looks like the frog girl from My Hero Academia
The fuck
>How do we fix the horror genre?
You can start by never asking any gaming community ever. These are some of the worst ideas I've ever read.
See my point?
you keep it up and you'll single-handedly turn the rest of this topic into an android 21 thread.
>pretending jump scares are good
You are part of the problem
What the fuck is this image trying to imply
What horrors do you like faggot if you have all of them there
This is obviously a bait image.
>bad end shows a picture of ghost girl happily married with kids
Yeah wouldn't that be spooky? haha.
Loli moth gives me an incredible hard on that dude must be a faggot
All supernatural shit is fake faggot.
It wasn't supernatural, the claim was that people were editing her into kids' youtube videos and directing them to light their houses on fire and shit
Blue whale was fake also senpai. There's zero proof that an incident happened before the creepypasta was posted just like Momo bullshit
there is and its lewd
there is nothing to be fix
this place is full of edgelords
pls add InnKeepers
that shit is literal soi horror
I've seen this doujin
Sauce me.
Why does Yea Forums have the worst taste in fucking everything?
Imagine what a decaying Momo would have looked like.
>not horror
What? The goddamn thing was designed by H.R. Giger and had the tagline "In Space No-one Can Hear you Scream"
If you're talking about "Aliens" then you'd have a point, but the first movie is clearly a horror movie user
"Horror" just relies mostly on jump scares and chasing, but this isn't scary rather it's more thrilling. It's meant to make your adrenaline run.
Games should be turning more to the surreal, confusing, and uncomfortable. Horror that makes you think, that stays bothering you, give and take away kind of stuff. Think Google Dream, it's meant to be an advancement in tech but in practice it's something from H.P. Lovecraft that the brain can't process well. You want to stay in that uncanny valley. The mechanics should also compliment facing these phobias, like in the Fatal Frame series.
Then why are the aliens so fucking hot?
what the fuck are you talking about
They've literally talked about how they wanted to make a movie that would make male viewers as uncomfortable as possible, hence the forced male impregnation, oral rape, phallus as a weapon/mouth, etc