can someone tell me how to eternally punish this guy for slaughtering my slurrypede
Can someone tell me how to eternally punish this guy for slaughtering my slurrypede
Harvest his limbs without anhestetic.
Then let him rot outside.
cut his legs off and don't feed him
Prison cell with exhaust from your AC directed to it. Keep him in 50 Celsius for a while.
Live medical training doll, amputate and reattach peg legs and hook hands, harvest non-essential organs, and once you're done having fun with him send him out naked against a raid to go get kidnapped and never be seen again
i currently have him in one of my corpse decay rooms, hes missing an arm and his genitals (courtesy of me). we are feeding him food that causes insanity so he always has an extreme break risk. he always gets a catatonic breakdown that lasts for 5 days every week.
any other things that can help me amplify his mental decay?
How is this game not banned yet?
what mods?
idk lol
uhmm, a lot of them. if its anywhere in the top 20 pages in the workshop i probably have them
Try and get advanced mods like extra surgery and rimjobworld. That way, you can both nugget them and put them to be raped by every single animal and person in your colony.
Good enough?
he looks like a good melee training dummy
I like to alternate bringing them 1 inch from death from hyperthermia and then hypothermia
>he lets the corpses rot instead of freezing them for his animals to eat
Send him on an expidition to the south pole with no food or clothes
What game is this?
darude sandstorm
play an actual videogame
recommend me an actual game user
super mario brothers 2 ayyyyy
I think it's Rimworld.
Remove limbs and give your animals permission to mount him
Dwarf fortress 2
Microsoft Excel
League of legends
remove his limbs
put him on a shitty wooden bed in a shitty 6x6 room
crank the heat to "uncomfortable"
force feed him stuff
transplant his useless organs to people who can use them
give him peg arms at best
test out drugs on him once every like month
limit his food to nutrient paste every other day
have someone go in and punch him every now and then
yeah its not hard to torture people in this game
holy shit user
Ive noticed burns get infected quite easily too. Is gross, but he killed your uhh slurrypede. A cherished pet i imagine. Its a better fate than Whisky deserves right?
you wouldn't be surprised at all but getting punched in the face every other day is really fucking annoying to these rims. They hate it. Seriously just go in and punch them.
Also if you guys have RJW (you really shou.d it just adds so much depth to it) then leave a dog in there too and mark them for animal rape and let them get raped by a dog every whenever the dog feels like it. Give the dog a cyber dragon penis or something and he'll go crazy raping them nonstop basically. Or set them to be raped AND as a whore so randos will come and rape them nonstop too. It gets really mental is the issue so whatever works works I guess but if you have them starving and getting punched all the time and the temp just too high so they sweat all the time its really the best torture. Another good one is to leave them in light water too so they are stuck in the water in the same circumstances. Don't set them to good meds either, have grass or herbal meds at best for them they don't deserve better.
the mod that enables sexual interactions is already cutting out features for potential legal reasons
are there mods that turn Rimworld medieval, or more like an RPG?
any mods that allow me to go Dwarfmode and actually build underground/in caves without bugs falling from the ceiling?
no because technology is the entire point in this game so no matter where you start you will always end up working towards building a space ship
Give him luciferum as well, make him go into withdrawal inbetween doses, but not far enough that he dies.
Can't order people to rape non-prisoners anymore I think, there's restrictions
plus age of consent shit which is literally just a restricition in how low you can turn the number which is fine and understandable, though still pretty funny how its literally actually just a number in this case and the mod creator still has to cover his ass
Yes on medieval, no on RPG, yes on Dwarfmode, but you'll still be stuck in 2D, and you can disable infestations.
No don't give him fucking luciferum, that will cause him addiction which is exactly what we don't want. We want him to go nuts and be fucked up, not addicted and die. He has to live out his days suffering, remembering what he did and why he is there
Just don't let him die then, lol. What's so hard about that?
Just deprave him of luciferum for 9 days into his withdrawal. At 10, he actually dies.
you have to have a supply of it which I don't usually ever have since I hate dealing with it
op here, i had something come up so i had to brb for a while, sorry.
already have both and he is already marked for everything
yeah, was thinking about removing more limbs
that slurrypede held up like 75% of my food sources whilst being a beloved colony pet. whisky deserves far worse than death.
luciferium is kind of expensive, and my colony isnt what it used to be.
kill yourself lmao
I swear the only reason I play Rimworld is because Dward Fortress simply refuses to implement mouse support.
This game has such depth to it, i love it
That's changing soon.
Thats Dwarf Fortress?
shot him in the leg with my charge lance
but why?
why not?
>tight anus
do something about it user
>anus - tight anus
But for how long?
Are these restrictions hard coded or can you just open a script and change values?
>tight anus
dubs decide what i do with it
>dubs on Yea Forums
dude cmon
Post colonies.
How about this, any digits and you destroy the anus, dubs and you destroy the anus and then implant a new one to destroy it again.
sorry bro, im just that much of a rebel
>sleeping in a bug cave
>incapable of caring
As far as I know the vanilla game doesn't let you set the age lower than 17 anyway. And I don't think you could ever order people to rape somebody - you could allow or disallow them to be raped.
Surprisingly enough this thread is still alive.
There's a lot less shitposting in RimWorld threads right now than Dwarf Fortress threads.
while whisky's life is being wasted away in the corpse room with half of his limbs, the rest of the colony is having a marriage in the hospital
>remove organs and limbs
>replace with mechanoid limbs, bionic organs
>send to far side of planet
>force him to be shot at
>force him to kill
>if he comes back, kill him
was trying to do this as well. with medieval times and rimworld: medieval edition. Pretty sure the latter doesnt work though since im still getting people falling from the sky and ship bits.
Can still tech up to the space stuff. And the Combat Extended patch for it still has its own non vaniller turrets available for research.
Probably better off just customizing a scenario for tribals. Though i dont think that fixes the research. And people can still show up with advanced weaponry and energy shields instead of just bows and swords. But thats what medieval edition was supposed to prevent.
I thought i remember it working well back in alpha17 or 18.. even had the eldritch nightmares mod to fight demons and shit. with Argonians. Was fun.
having him ever see the sunlight again is a bit too much
>have someone go in and punch him every now and then
i don't know why this made me lose it
>no facial stuff
i got my best available puncher to punch him, just for you user.
idk that mod makes the faces too uncanny for me
there he goes again
I think you can only strip "consent requirement" from prisoners now while you used to be able to do that for anyone
From what they say in the thread you can just open the code
Where do you learn this game? I feel constantly lost, i manage only like 3 things all day
start a colony, watch it crash and burn, realize why, fix that problem in the next colonies, rinse and repeat. learning is true trial and error.
also guys what do you think of these things that randy gave me. i think that whisky would enjoy them
Classic Whiskey.
The tutorial mode is decent at teaching the basics.
The learning helper can give you pointers on things.
And then you've got the wiki and just plain old trial and error. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Make him into a trap. Make his area uncleanable. Use a chastidy belt. Watch as the rotting corpses around him mix with the animal juices of everyone else and his blood.
sounds like a plan. however guys.... we got a big problem. before we can increase our fucking with whisky.. i got a big problem
help anons
why is kaleun such an edgelord
idk why. but whatever she can pick whatever clothes she wants because she makes like 90% of them.
so is rjw updated yet
Wow, yeah, that would be unacceptable. Brb, reading through the changelog to confirm.
Get him addicted to Luciferium and release him into the wilderness.
i want him to survive until his lifespan to make sure he suffers the most
>mountain base
Found your problem.
Get an expanded prosthetics mod
Cut his arms off and replace them with scyther blades.
Remove most of his bodily organs and replace them with synthetic counterparts for that matter.
Build a cryptosleep casket, stash him inside of it so he doesn't go insane from the pain of his prosthetics.
Next raider wave, open the casket and force feed him Luciferium, both as a combat drug and as a way to let him function through his constant pain.
Throw him at the enemies, let him murder them all with the blades that have replaced his arms.
When he's finished, throw him back into the cryptocasket again.
Keep him alive for decades, centuries, his entire life an unending sequence of pain and death as he's forced to forever defend the colony that has enslaved him.
>idk that mod makes the faces too uncanny for me
It doesn't have to. I use Facial Stuff and just turn off most of the options, so I get a mostly vanilla look but with a few more options. Like beards.
So what are some of Yea Forums's recommended mods?
Besides RJW, of course.
when im making a megabase, i like to colorcode my rooms with dub's paint shop
all of my flat breats rotted away in storage :(
so for you i took one of my prisoner's breasts so i could put it on him
Call of Cthulu. Everything is great. The Cults are really fun.
Rimsenal: Everything. Lots of content and added challenge.
Vegetable Garden without resource plants
My Little Planet for fast load times and general improved performance on small worlds
RimFridge, for efficent cold storage
Real Ruins, which incorporates actual player's dead bases into the world
Rimcolle and Definitely More Cannons for sexy cannon sound effects and big damage for a heavy price. You can build pic related.
Polarisbloc mechenemy, for variety in mechanoids and added challenge
ResearchTree for handling large modded research menus
Bubbles, which displays colonist thoughts and convos
MoreMonsterGirls Enhanced. The B19 version still works. Cowgirls are kind of overpowered though
FluffyBreakdowns, which turns random breakdowns into maintenance requirements
DeathRattle, so things don't instantly die
Crash Landing for a dramatic start. It disables Prepare Carefully, but try it for the novelty
Genetic Rim to make genetic chimeras out of everything. Thrumbochickens. Exploding muffalos.
Various QoL: More Floors. Skilled Stonecutting. Simple Sidearms. Spotted. Locks. Fishing Industry. Colony Manager. Various Space Ship Chunks.
>raid barely dealt with
>two minutes later like 7 manhunting rapist cobras
thanks randy
>Letting your animals get a taste for human blood
I just went through the changelog, and I didn't see any changes to that mechanic from the last time I played. Can anyone confirm?
Replace all those purple walls with stone doors, so your colonists don't risk triggering traps
Nigger how often do your colonists injure themselves on their own traps?
Use more doors for fuck's sake. Here's an example, expand as necessary.
yeah i was about to do that later on, but then i got sidetracked
Nevermind, I'm fucking blind.
God fucking bless user, but I think he might need a benis to become a trap. Castrate one of your dogs or a visitor, so that he can trully become a trap and get fucked in the ass.
uninstall the game, that'll show him
:) just for you user
>Be Pacha
>is a sexually frustrated loser
>tries to rape Leslie
>she turns around and shoots him point blank in the head
>he survives
>she carries him to the infirmary
>she's the colony doctor
>cuts his dick off
>gets in bed next to him to be tended by one of the interns
Reminder to not sexually assault heavily armed female doctors.
these events both happened in the same second, thanks randy
Chop off his dick and stick a vagina on there, then use him to breed new animals.
You are using RJW, right?
plans are already set, we are making him into a full blown trap and breeding him.
and of course im using rjw
>Wasting perfectly good flesh
You are a fucking legend user. Godspeed, post him getting assfucked.
Hey, it's your colony. I just prefer to avoid the risk of being overrun with muffalos that crave human flesh.
he is now watching the prisoner who got her tits harvested and forcefully implanted into him decay in front of his eyes
Those that survive the onslaught would simply be the ones worthy of continued life
uh my friend keeps asking if I cant make sex slaves both girl and girl(boy)
This thread has more psychopaths than the famous 8ch/pol New Zealand muslim killer thread
I like it
glad to hear you enjoy my thread, boss
bogdanoff cat
thanks, ice
fuck you anons, I almost choked on my food
thanks for the toppest of keks
any new ideas to torture Whisky, OP?
Install Rimjobworld and make him into your anal and oral onahole.
Just finished a world, all 28 colonists ended up surviving.
What mode/difficulty do I play though again on?
thats your guyses job, im just waiting to deliver to you fine anons.
play on 2nd hardest difficulty, and do a full rimatomic playthrough. get nukes and drive the locals to extinction.
sounds like a plan
This will forever be known as the tight anus thread.
whisky went catatonic again, dont feel like posting a snip of it because of how often it happens.
it wouldnt be like this without you anons
>this entire thread
please calm down anons
i would consider it but no. he killed my slurrypede. theres no going back after that
send someone to smack him in his bitch face, maybe break his jaw or something, but nothing lethal
>not using whites only mod
baka desu senpai
sent my level 13 brawler girl after him, for you
maybe next time ill do a minority purging rimworld save with you guys
Send in an elephant to rape him.
Or a dog or wart or whatever you got.
Can you post Whisky's stats?
Who was he, before he become a human torture toy?
all i got is chickens for now. once i find a big burly animal ill start breeding
whiskey was my primary janitor, whilist being a secondary planter and warden. he was basically that one janitor that flirted with all of the females, which happened frequently because my colony is like 90% female. he asked out 3 chicks in half an hour.
am I the only one who instantly thought of a mod that lets you attach human penis to a chicken
cursed and yet legendary thread
the sky is the limit user,
you've seen that one picture of the cleaning bot with the penis and tits?
haven't seen it, but now I'm curious
I'm slowly getting bored with my vanilla colony. Just counting tme to build a spaceship, and proceed to more complex playthrough
nice gyno fag
vanilla playthroughs do get pretty boring quick when you get used to the game imo
feed his friends to him ontop of this
his only friend is my best tailor/craftman who is also one of the founding members
What is a slurrypede ans why would killing one warrant this unit 731 style punishment
he shits out nutrient paste and everyone loved him for that