What is the dumbest video game accessory you were meme'd into buying?
What is the dumbest video game accessory you were meme'd into buying?
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I don't buy anything that costs more than $50 without first putting in extensive research into the product. Especially for any form of technology. This usually weeds out any purchases that I'll later regret.
One of those shitty mobile VR headsets you slide your phone into.
Usual gaming keyboard/mouse. Quite happy with my non-gaming mechanically keyboard though.
DAC and amp for a 600 ohm headset.
Best part of the entire thing is that I have big ears and the felt ear cuffs are mad comfortable for long periods of time.
Otherwise its all overpriced for the quality.
i bought a black slave
decent buy desu
Messiah darklite led bar for ps3. Was like 40 bucks. Dont ask me why.
Did you film him fucking your woman?
my "cool uncle" had one of these and a short TV console close to the ground
it was great
those kontrol freek controller accessories. They were stupid as fuck
*not exactly that gaymer model but some generic one
Did he sit on it while you sucked his cock
I bought a console once.
hm what is the gaming benefit of these interesting devices?
what cans?
dt 880 pro 600 ohm
Imagine steering a car with a really tiny wheel. Now imagine how much more control you get if it's a bigger wheel. Same idea here.
Did you actually buy a gaming chair, holy fuck you're a retard.
Let me guess, you were born after 1998? Fucking zoomers I swear
How né is anexos autist by being smart?
the 30 euro koss portapros are really comfortable too also for my wallet
My Track IR 5 use in Arma and flight games.
Unironically the best PC accessory I have bought. Up
suppose to make you aim better and control the joystick better
That's lamey at worst, possibly even "so dumb it's kinda neat"
nah, I got him situated under a toilet lid setup so whenever I need to shit I can just shit right into his mouth. sometimes the color of my shit matches his skin; it's hilarous
You insert them in your anus for bonus gamer points after taking a sip of your gamer fuel
I'll suck your dick for $49.99
I recently bought an HD PVR (one of those hauppauge things every gaming youtuber used circa 2010) at a thrift store for $5, I'm never going to get any serious use out of it and only bought it due to meme recognition, so the answer would have to be that
Gaming headphones by my guild.
Wait, scratch that. The ABSOLUTE worst gaming accessory that I was memed into buying was a wireless mouse.
When batteries are low, you don't see spurts of dead activity, you just see very low performance. So when you use a powerful laser mouse, with normal batteries, you see a mouse that barely wants to respond properly.
I bought a headset for voice chat, even though I rarely if ever use voice chat. Not because I'm one of those crybabies that go on and on about tfw no friends and social anxiety, but because I listen to a lot of audiobooks and doing both simultaneously is pretty much impossible.
I have a few
>expensive Intel Optane SSD that was marketed with a Star Citizen ship code, bought it just because I wanted the fastest SSD available on the market but the difference isn't even noticeable
>Steam controller, bought it because I wanted to try it out but the build quality is garbage and the trackpad is inferior to an analog stick
>VR headset, fully memed into buying it months ago but it has nogames and i never use it for anything besides porn
Skyward Sword
Not even a contest.
>drink notification system
AMP is nice for analog volume control but a DAC is almost never necessary in 2019. Everything has a sufficient one now.
basically same amount of stick movement is spread over a bigger area, giving you more control
Just looked it up. Good god you dumb bastard
I refuse to believe that this is real...
Noooo bad goy, bad goy!
Those gaming keypad setups just buy a real keyboard.
Because I have no one to talk to
>mfw it actually exists
I've been using the convex rubber domes on my xbox controller for years because they feel loads better and stop me from wearing down all the plastic with my thumbs.
I have a curved monitor, it's supposed to be better for FPS games which I play a lot but honestly I'm not sure if I could really notice the difference without it. My Headphones with 7.1 surround on the other hand are fucking great for FPS games.
You could've just posted >Razer Synapse
How do those things work? Do they really just go on the floor, or are you meant to put it on top of your couch?
That’s actually brilliant, shame it fucks up ergonomics so badly.
>can be set up to start flashing to remind you when to take a drink
This is some Wall-E shit
>optional offline mode
>for a fucking mug
who even buys this shit?
I had one like 10 years ago. They are actually really good, if overpriced. It sits on the floor like in the pic or you can buy a pedestal for it. The speakers on the back and the bass vibrator in the seat itself gives a very immersive surround sound effect. Though nowadays I would just buy a ButtKicker for my desk chair.
According to my friends, family and co-workers, buying a 1500 dollar set of headphones + a 500 dollar DAC/AMP is a dumb purchase
NEVER reveal to normies how much you spend on expensive hobbies. NEVER
A Zboard
You sure you didn't write an extra 0 by mistake?
A gamer needs his gamer fuel bro
Gotta get a gamer snack helmet for gamers
I tell them I don't smoke, have tattoos, go to bars or concerts. They still don't understand it but when I tell them how much money I have they stop arguing
And here I was thinking spending 50 euro on a headset was a waste.
Thats definitely too much for headphones.
What's the advantage of $1500 headphones though? My 5.1 Custom One Pro headphones I got for (I think) $150 like 3 years ago have pretty good audio quality.
Added to wishlist
you're still retarded
basically zero difference. audiophiles are fucking retarded.
I mean it's relatively low as far as high end consumer products go. What else do you spent 1500 dollars on that you use every single day and fully appreciate? Maybe a car but certainly not most technology
You get to listen to audio the way it was meant to be listened to. It's hard to explain but for example, it can turn a heavy metal song into a song that sounds like a train speeding past you mere inches away. It just feels so much better.
t. audiolet
This is pretty much what I came to mention, I bought this thing years ago and I'm still not sure why I thought it was a good idea.
Did you use the ship code? If you're not interested in SC it's worth selling the code, people pay pretty good money for those Sabre Ravens, not least because they come with a pair of really good guns that you can't get any other way.
>Did you use the ship code?
I did claim it, but I'm not interested in downloading or otherwise checking out the game until it's >finished
if it takes another 5 years or 10 years it doesn't matter to me because I didn't specifically buy into it anyway
I've never owned one of those chairs but I've had friends who owned them. I like those chairs a lot. One of them had speakers and you could run game audio through it which was a pretty cool feature.
I saw the beginning of a really bad movie that was all about gamers and there was a gamer school or some shit every person had their own keyboard thing I think at one point a character was carrying around theirs it was ridiculous
Its hardly strictly video game related but i bought USB charged batteries for a wireless mouse i used to use and they held a charge for maybe 20 minutes and took 8 hours to charge. Not sure how good that technology is these days but USB batteries are a fucking meme.
I can't tell if this is a dildo or a fleshlight
>buying rechargeable batteries that aren't Eneloops
why tho
Nintendo Switch.
Not even kidding.
I have a sound blaster g5 amp/dac and it is 100x better than my onboard audio.
Using it with sennheiser 579s, would highly recommend to anyone.
any actual benefit over these?
>eneloop is better than eneloop pro
I dont really have a worst
the best was a kinect for the bone
They're actually worse.
Higher capacity but shorter lifespan, fewer recharge cycles, and they discharge when not in use anyway.
>drink notification system
>optional offline mode
>someone presented this at a boardmeeting
>it was talked over and agreed that it was indeed a good idea and should be put into production
I want to meet that salesman who pitched the idea and got it greenlighted
the pros have higher capacity, but less durability
which makes kinda sense I guess
A console.
>haha look at this video of this Francis fellow drinking mountain dew that was uploaded 5 or 6 years ago, what if we make a product that this totally real person would buy
the pitch probably concluded with "also, remember that gamers are dumb assholes and will buy anything with a usb chargeport and some led shit on it, we even fucking sold them off the shelf snacks as gamer fuel and they fell for it"
>how much money I have they stop arguing
it better be a lot, 1500 dollars seems downright silly for headphones.
It was a promotional item sent out to youtube "influencers" for April Fools that only became available to the public after popular demand
did you get any audiophile rocks tweaks to put on your amp?
>good audio quality
>only became available to the public after popular demand
fuckin' called it
My headphones I bought for £20 are great and last ages. Cannot see how a $1500 set could be any better
fighting stick
>headphones with two speakers, one for each ear
Why is this a thing?
Being an informed buyer is not autistic dumbass
I had an expensive 7.1 gaymer headset and it sounded like shit. Tinny and echoey. 5.1 sounds a lot better.
I bought those because the rubber on my ds4 teared.
Better than absolute ubearable dogshit doesn't mean good.
You're still paying extra for placebo when you could just buy good headphones. I guarantee you a $30 set of Koss Portapros sounds better than your memecans.
Nope sorry, only 1000 dollar audioquest HDMI cables and Serpentine Juice™ from verified dealers
Have you ever tried a different set of headphones in your life? I doubt it
Anyone who bought this, or anything resembling it and its price tag should be euthanized.
they look like utter dogshit ricer tier bs, but they are extremely confortable and mine has lasted long enough to justify the investment
These. I can think of maybe 3 PS games that had a use for these
I got memed into paying $350 for a mediocre office chair. What's the best chair to improve your posture with? I'd prefer one that can recline nicely but still keep my back straight. If you say the Ikea Markus I'm going to kill you.
Nothing, because I'm not an idiot who doesn't research things before buying them.
And there was like a dozen different ones
That at least looks enough like a real gun that you could cut the cable off and commit suicide by cop with it.
You're a REAL gamer AND a patriot, aren't you? So why haven't you bought this yet?
Mountain dew
>Implying you'd even need to cut the cables for that
You could be swinging it by the end of the cable like some kinda morningstar and it'll still work
>coded, designed, tested and invented in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
>oh, and made in china, just in case you were wondering
imagine a streamer getting swatted while using one of those
I owned this exact chair.
It fucking sucked. the arm rests were uncomfortable as all hell
>The Avenger Reflex modded controller for Playstation 4 makes your game play faster, stronger and smarter. The Avenger’s custom fit configuration turns your Playstation controller into an extension of your own hands and fingers, delivering a faster, more precise gaming experience
I still have no idea what the fuck this shit is supposed to do or work
This makes less sense since the buttons are digital, not analog.
Have you ever rolled backwards on it?
Would always catch my heels on these pieces of shit and it'd hurt like a bitch
>Making you look like...
>A total bad ass!
Yeah, that's the excuse the swat team will say too
Basically you would never take your thumbs off the sticks.
All the face buttons are activated by your pointing fingers by pushing/pulling the little plastic knobs you slap on the controller, plus X by squeezing the handle, it looks like.
It looks like it's so you don't have to take your thumb off the right stick
lol i thought it said
>refrigeration system (requiring a valid e-mail)
>I still have no idea what the fuck this shit is supposed to do
It puts levers on the controller so you can keep your thumb on the stick and use your other fingers to press the face buttons.
See also: Scuf controllers.
oh look an american sucking the consumerism cock
The GunCon was good
The rest are trash
>you don't need to take your fingers out of the sticks, just completely rewire your brain against the tried and true traditional control scheme
I first thought it was one of those adapters for one handed players or some shit
a shittier version of that
more acceptable when I'm in middle school gaming on my N64 though
They actually worked though. It was a pretty noticeable improvement on high sensitivity.
Here's your DIY challenge for the weekend, Yea Forums: make your own gaymer rumble chair by cutting the cone off of an old speaker and bolting it to your seat!
I got recommended a wireless Turtle Beach Gaming headset by a friend, not only was it extremely uncomfortable it was made of some cheap ass material and broke in less than a month. Thankfully I got my money back but I'm not going anywhere near their shit.
Gaymer mouse, having additional buttons is cool and shit but "premium" mouses are overpriced.
>zSilver exclusive
Holy shit. They force you to mine their shitcoin to get a fucking lightup cup holder.
all I wanted to do was play timecrisis mang
>grenade goes off
>ass vibrates
Just get a bad dragon if you want anal stimulation
I'd love to own one of these things for flight sims in VR, an extra "stick" nubbin and what is essentially an aircarft scratchpad that's free from my keyboard binds would be really useful
I remember wanting one of those. I suppose I dodged a bullet
I had this chair. My brother tripped over the fucking cord and I ended up having to learn how to solder to even get it powered. Good while it lasted though, and I had it during the MW2 golden age.
Like, a $300 model or one of the ubiquitous $100< models? Because I can't imagine any desk chair that is better than just shit to not be worth at least $100.
Steam link.
Other than that, I've wanted to actually try this but I've heard nothing about it.
is it worth it?
I had a chair like this, but it also sat off the ground slightly as there was a base to elevate it slightly.
Dumb as it might seem today, they were pretty ideal chairs 10-15+ years ago if you were playing on a CRT TV that sat on furniture that was also low to the ground.
It was
The tried and true traditional control scheme is suboptimal and not perfect.
>extra tight for a more realistic sensation
Certainly not with american women.
>market research determined it only needs to be able to stroke 4 inches
The HTC Vive
Similar shit screwed my PS3 USB port.
It would work fine with PSP stick though...
Philips hue for gaming, spent about 500 dollars on all lights
so long ago
Audiophiles are some of the most retarded people in existence.
What headphones?
Don't tell me, it's Video Game High School/VGHS wasn't it?
ones with 7 speakers and a subwoofer inside them
Anyone who rags on audiophile shit without legitimate reason is a sub-70 IQ underage faggot who is just mad that they got suckered into buying a glow in the dark nigger gaming headphone
Thanks for clarifying. I meant the make/model
But you can hear the difference user, I swear!
If pic related wasn't a flimsy piece of barely working plastic crap but actually a well made housing it would have been good.
The Wii
Fuckin noice
t. consumerist
yeah that was it I think it was fucking terrible
The slave is a woman. Best buy of my life.
arcade sticks only have 4 or 8 way direction so it is not like it matters so much
why would you keep them in the chair when you need to plug it into the console?
Uh huh.
What the fucking shit is wrong with you? That's a force-feedback steering wheel that people in 2011 would've paid you hundreds for.
Microsoft made a newer, wireless revision that sucked dick because you can't have a baseline for steering with a wheel that isn't connected to anything. For every 360 driving game, THIS PICTURED WHEEL was your best bet.
Fuck you for thinking it's stupid
please don't show this to the zoomers, I dont want to get bullied by them
I have tinnitus okay!
VR helmet from the 90s.
No, it didn't work.
There was a single tiny screen inside the headset about 1 inch square with magnifiers on the goggles.
Weighed about 5 pounds, hurt to wear.
Cost about as much as a console at the time.
Weren't these made for cripples with less fingers than normal?
1) That thing is wireless you dip
2) The motion sensing double dildo is in no way a revision
3) By 2011 Fanatec was making 360 wheels and paying hundreds for that shitty 2001 standard wheel would be unspeakably retarded.
>And it's MASSIVE! It's HUGE!
Who wrote this ad copy, Trump?
Feels good to have an audiophool dad, I can talk about my expensive headphones with someone. Mom doesn't get it though.
To rid good goys of their hard earned shekels.
Surround headsets is a placebo scam.
At first I thought these were dragon dildos
The fucking plastic vice that attached the wheel to a table never held properly when playing. It slid just enough to fuck up a race and would constantly need to be tightened. It ended up ruining my table. I used minimal strength to turn the wheel because I was always worried about breaking the fucking thing. It felt so flimsy. Using it on my lap was uncomfortable as well. I got a replacement from Best Buy, but it was just as shitty as the first one. I sold the replacement to a friend that used it maybe twice even though I told him what a pile of shit it was before he offered to buy it.
Cry more, faggot. Microsoft made a terrible product, and it was a waste of time and money.
probably great for giving blowjobs tho
Rumble Pak I guess.
>having an intense gaming session
>feeling thirsty
>look over to my Razer™ Gaming™ mug
>Says now is not the time for optimal hydration
>go back to gaming
>getting thirstier
>still not time to drink, my trusty Razer™ mug says as much
>keep gaming
>so thirsty now my mouth feels like the fucking Sahara
>Still no notification to drink from my Razer™ mug
>pass out
I like how fucking Yea Forums is a better place to discuss audio than /g/'s audio generals lol. I think some audio genes got passed down to me from my mom's side, her family tree had plenty of audiophiles
>he doesn't own a deep fried dragon dildo mouse & keyboard combo
I have one of these. its alright for playing elite in VR since you cant see the keyboard but other than that i hardly use it
All general threads turn into nothing but shitposting given enough time.
This actually looks like something useful, especially for driving games.
Why are they stupid? Don't they work as expected?
it did nothing but block the screen
>please drink verification cup
Yea Forums I could understand but why did old school runescape general and headphone general get infected with discord trannies on welfare & anti-depressants
those things would fuck up any floor i put it on
I'm from a family of musicians. They've got no tolerance for typical audiophile bullshit like $1000 cables or $3000 turntables, but instead they obsess over music production meme shit like guitar pedals and preamps that nobody except a musician listening to two options side by side can tell the difference between.
$1000 cables are dumb but what's wrong with $3000 turntables?
tell me more about how your $10k cables thicker than most industrial purpose sensor cables make the audio sound so much better
No way nerd, that shit worked great.
Made road trips 100% more tolerable.
THIS motherfucker, on the other hand...
superior accessory coming through
I like how you're pinning snake oil cables on audiophiles even though they're the last people on earth who would buy that shit. Like a how it's always faggot streamers who buy expensive blue yeti mics without knowing how to even point it in the right direction and the guy who knows what he's doing buys something way cheaper
a light audible chuckle, thank you user
maybe if you're an actual brainlet
Had both of these. Light one was top tier, fuck the chunky megatron tier addon.
Probably a scuf controller. Shit start wearing down on me fast even with careful use.
Extreme diminishing returns or just plain placebo bullshit, especially if you're using them to play anything other than brand new audiophile grade meme records.
>Blue Yeti
What the fuck are you talking about? That shit is like $110, it's one of the cheapest half decent mics out there.
>That shit is like $110, it's one of the cheapest half decent mics out there.
A BM800 is $12
RGB lighting for keyboard, mouse and motherboard
It was worth it though because now I can do this
>after popular demand
someone nuke this planet already
A mechanical keyboard, I hate this piece of shit so much.
Let me guess
ITT: actually good products worth their pricetag
umm, user...
They work great it's just that one example that makes them look dumb as fuck
based and poverty-pilled
Plus an audio interface with phantom power and a decent XLR cable, and I highly doubt a $12 chinkshit mic and cheapo interface will sound even as good as the mediocre Yeti, not to mention I wouldn't trust either part to last for very long. I know a lot of pro audio people and I've never seen them use or recommend any cheapo shit like that.
I want it for /m/ fantasies
I also found these things useless, but that's probably because my GBC/GBA screen was scratched to shit and all the light did was highlight the scratches.
>Nintendo Switch
I nearly bought a secretlab chair back in like October. But, decided against it because it's never a great idea to buy chairs without sitting in them first and their return policy would have put me out like 60 bucks.
other than that, maybe a razer mouse back in the early 00's? Fucking hated that mouse.
>Plus an audio interface with phantom power
Also $12, although the go-to unit has a bunch of fakes without phantom power now
>I know a lot of pro audio people and I've never seen them use or recommend any cheapo shit like that.
Of course they wouldn't, they've drank so much koolaide that anything less than a $12'000 Neumann is trash garbage too embarrassing to be in the same room with.
You don't get more control from a bigger wheel dumbass. Do you think a bus has better road feel in the wheel than a sports car?
steam controller
wtf do you think "autoblow" means?
Better than your car
A ps4
I was gifted one of those
it was actually kind of neat. For about 30 minutes. Would've lasted an hour if the controller that came with it worked
Its great for vr porn videos
Honestly probably my gameboy printer
It was just so dumb. That said, I wish I could find it, but I think its lost to time. Also I loved the camera for all the minigames, at least I still have that.
>Road feel
No one said anything about road feel, the reason fast cars/race cars have small wheels is it's faster, you wouldn't be able to corner in a touring car if you needed two full wheel rotations
Larger wheels allow more precise movements more easily
I bought one of these shitty chairs. I thought the vibration was linked to whenever the controller would vibrate, but it was just to sound. I remember playing Dragon Age: Origins and my ass would vibrate whenever I had a conversation with anyone.
You do get more control over steering angle with a bigger wheel as it's easier to make small and precise adjustments with a bigger wheel.
bought a hotas and realised its worse than a controller for the games I actually wanted it for
fucking madman
more like sickly turds
YoU dO gEt MoRe ConTrOl !
This is an example of a good sla- I mean consumer. Take note goys
I had that giant magnifying glass with a light inside. It was annoying and clunky, but my 8 year old friends thought it looked sick and spaceage as fuck and they didn't have one, so I was forced to use it and be smug about it. It was worth it, to be honest
Open mic + memechanical keyboard should be punished with public lashings.
>drink notification system
>optional offline mode
I have so many questions.
>brother in law as a mechanical keyboard for gaming and also uses it for work when he's in the house
>go visit my sister for my compensatory days vacation
>brother in law comes back from work and starts playing late at night
>he wakes the whole house up
>mfw my bedroom is right next to his pc room
I swear he does it on purpose
I still prefer a $50 stick, but it's all very nice
Retards will buy literally anything if it's pitched to them correctly.
The Warthog is kind of outrageously dated at this point, it's absurd that it comes with a plastic ball pivot for what it costs. Those new pedals are actually built like a real sim peripheral though, hopefully they're a sign that Thrustmaster might make a competitive stick soon, I'm not holding my breath about whether it'll be competitively priced though. (What I'd love to see is Thrustmaster using their economy of scale to make something that's similar to VKB/Virpil but for ~$200 instead of $350, but I'm afraid they'll release some $500 bullshit instead.)
Its a toss up between the following:
>N64 rumble pack
>GBA E-reader
>game boy player
There was a time when controllers were intentionally designed like that, believe it or not.
>$150+ dollarydoos
i was interested but not that interested
>$150 to turn your PS4 controller into an XB1 controller
lol. At least the analog sticks look like they're made out of better quality material than the actually PS4 controllers.
>he thinks gameboy player is a meme
And my gf doesn't understand why I bought athm50s, baka. I bet those sound awesome.
Where do you think xbox got the idea from
this, has any console ever besides maybe the og 360/ps3 needed similar shit to this?
OG PS3 didn't needed this
does it not overheat? or the fat ps3 go broke for another reason ala original xbox clock capacitor?
A game boy worm light. I wanted a light for my gb. My mom saw one at the store when I bought Oracle of Ages. But the worm light was total shit. As soon as I bought it I realized my mistake.
It overheats.
My PS3 disk reader fried when it overheated one summer.
this and any laptop cooling pad, just don't use them in bed or put something inbetween
mine only died last year after more than 10 years of use, always left it turned upside and never used anything like that. some units indeed died of overheating problems, but it was because the PSU was placed just above the motherboard and it fucked up its CPU. using shit like that wouldn't have helped anyone. the slim model I think don't have any critical problems since the PSU is positioned at the back part of the console.
This dumb thing and a cheap mechanical keyboard that was loud as fuck, had that problem where certain combinations of buttons couldn't be pressed at the same time, had a backspace button the size of a normal key, didn't seem to have any upside compared to a $10 membrane keyboard, and still cost significantly more than that.
It just has terrible airflow and easily get clogged with dust. If yours isn't dead yet and you've got some time, crack it open and clean it out. It'll probably last another decade.
thanks now i feel even more dumb
Don't diss the Track Ir man
I've been using the same set for like 5 years now and holy fuck has it been worth it.
worked for me
used to hide under the covers and keep playing
try to tell me for what game is this for
What dac amp?
Oh God, I cant fucking unsee it now!
that's an image I already had made.. agreed on all counts TIR is probably the best thing I've ever bought
if you're into piston plens this thing's amazing as well (when you fix it's shitty build quality)
Mmmm I'm not that into flightsimming and shit yet so I've just been running my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro about as long as I've been using the Trackir
It's beautiful until it starts getting tilting in a direction when not in use. Also really need one that's left handed.
warioware shove it up yo own ass game
> t. Someone who never tried an external DAC.
Even a 30$ DAC is better than any inboard
I have shorter, concave grips on my joycons. It's so simple but it makes the joycons feel so much better
It was a meme t b h
That's too much on snapheisers, a real pair of ear speakers on the other hand...
gamecube one was a definite improvement if only due to link capabilities
if they all had a speed up option like Pokemon Stadium's it'd be worth a lot more
>want to use my ps4 controller as a game pad wirelessly
>buy a £40 USB ps4 adapter
>it breaks
>buy another
>it also breaks
>buy a third
>£120 spent because I didn't realise I could just use fucking Bluetooth to connect it
based simulationposter
They're crap, don't know why I listened to my friend who recommended them, he likes the live action Resident Evil movies and Anime
Shit was sooooo wackk. Did not give me the good vibe fuzzies like the og TC. And those sensor pads? Fucking chewy lame.
sega 32x. i almost ruined my cdx and it had nogaems
This fucking thing have my dick rugburn even with lube. Came in it quite a few times before I trashed it tho.
This fucking stupid $150 controller.
I really thought Vive Trackers ($100 alone) would come to be must-have accessories as waist+feet tracking become more well supported in games (it never has, the entire Tracker concept seems to be abandoned), and the gun itself was straight-up false advertised at the time as having special force feedback (it just has a simple rumble, so less than the normal wands) and "full" wand controllers (IT DOESN'T HAVE A WORKING ANALOG INPUT!). It's also a horribly uncomfortable brick of a controller, genuinely painful to use for extended periods, and with no strap.
VR ain't a meme but this piece of shit sure was.
What does the game/voice switch do?
Nothing. I bought the massage cushion in pic related and it made my vidya time extra comfy.
They're not stupid and work pretty well for stuff like FPS games etc.
It's just that they are a lot less comfortable than not having them, since your thumb(s) are higher. They also tend to leave marks on your original stick where they attach.
>Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
it's a good stick, but I fucking hate the way the rudder control is implemented within the stick itself
>roll slightly to the right
>the rotation ALWAYS registers the movement and you yaw as well even if you don't want to
best part is that it's so cheap you just buy a new one when it starts going bad every few years.. it's really the patrician choice
Did it work?
I had one of these but it was worthless
it drained so much battery i would only get about 10 minuets before the gb died
>tfw my $180 ATs and E10k are good enough for my ears because I ran ordnance
Haha! Audiofools BTFO! ;-;
Fuck yeah. Best 40 bucks I've every spent.
It gets into the muscles really well and it heats up for extra comfy.
I use it in my shoulders, back, neck, legs and even on my glutes.
"Gaming" router...$300 bucks for the same performance as the free shit my isp gave me
any of you gear queers happen to know where to find a PC headset that looks like a aviation headset that I can waste money on?
the key feature is the metallic microphone frame things
I had that shit as a kid
windows 98 playing shitty games with it
kill yourself
not that user but i'm glad mine is closer to low volume tv static than what others have said their experience is like
wouldn't mind at all if the ear wasn't mostly deaf along with it.
Razer BlackShark but they were discontinued since they were actually decent for the price
the only ones you'll find are 2 or 3 times the original price
well, I can tune off myself from it most of the time but whenever I stress my ears a bit (going to a concert/club, going to the range) it flares up for a couple of days and drives me up the walls
Why? They're not very comfortable or good I use those exact ones at work
because my existence is a cruel and unusual hell and I crave tactile escapism
regular gamer gear with RGB lights all over it doesn't do it for me
Im seriously considering blowing 400$ on a real one and using a adaptor
>What is the dumbest video game accessory you were meme'd into buying?
My dentist had one of these. Blew my mind when I was 8 years old
Astro a50 headphones. absolute garbage.
try to get a pilot to fuck one up, like the cord, then patch it to take home
>bought a gaymen chair from office max
>felt comfy enough in the store
>after a few hours of use i notice that it annoyingly slopes forward and i slowly slide off unless im sitting straight up
>start reading the manual
>its fucking supposed to be this way for BLOODFLOW
So annoying. I'm gonna figure out a way to mod it so I sit flat. I'd rather be slightly leaned back then this shit
tfw your controller have tits
Anyone remember the Ouya? Yeah...
Go tape some audio enhancer crystals on your headphones, fruitcake.
I got a couple pair free when I bought a PS3 (I think) controller online. Use them on my original PS4 controller because the tops of the sticks had worn off. They are the normal height ones on the left and they do the trick.
Hope you're doing okay, Kris. It's pointless trying to make it on YouTube nowadays, it's all marketing and demographics now.
these things are based
i recommend them to anyone
i have em on my ps4, xbone and switch
those cylinders are ugly tho, you can find much sleeker kinds
That's not me, I just remember his video coming out right around the same time and laughing at it.
I bought aluminum alloy thumbsticks for my DS4 and don't regret the purchase, except for the calluses formed on my thumbs.
That seems like a pretty good reason to regret it though
It's a good thing your mom only charges $45
hmmm I wonder how hard it would be to take the guts out of my logitech beater and put them inside a broken one from ebay?
So what are the best headsets for gaming? Price and quality?
Ive used Bose extensively for over a decade, I know its a bit overpriced but I had a local store with lifetime warranty so id legit only need to buy a new headset like 3 times over 15 years. Now I dont live near one and mines fallen apart. Quality is great but the lining and shit is all empty.
>i slowly slide off unless im sitting straight up
you sound like a fatass.
I had the same issue with a chair I had. Solution: getting a new chair, more suitable for big butts like mine
Already have calluses on my left hand from playing stringed instruments, so its fine.
I don't see the connection but okay. Its just a shitty design imo, something that engineers come up with on paper that doesn't work out in real life
>the human ear can't hear 320kbps
Mega based
classic snes nes and genesis games are shitty?
this statement hinges on what you mean by audiophile. $1000+ hdmi/sata/power/speaker cables or just liking good sound with balanced response and exceptional clarity?
where is an xlr audio interface for 12 dollars?
my computer was too trash to emulate anything back then
it was like shovelware shit only
Are racing chairs really not that good? I got one for Christmas and it seems nice.
ahh. i remember doing it on a p1 233mhz but also got a virus from some bogus romsites that ruined the BIOS chip, my uncle had to fix it for us cuz i was (or am?) too brainlet
i have that chair. it's actually nice if you disconnect the small boxes at the top and only leave the bass box, then use it with headphones,
Really nice to have good sound with bass in your back