Are you ready for Sekiro, Yea Forums?
Are you ready for Sekiro, Yea Forums?
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bumping own shitty thread
Tried Japanese whiskey once. Was wierd. Didnt care for it much conoared to American whiskeys. What is that?
> Tried Japanese whiskey once. Was wierd.
Was it weak compared to irish or bourbon?
> no lovecraftian tier shit since it's Sengoku era
I still want to believe From will deliver some brutal mythic shit. Maybe that huge ape was feeding on fallen soldiers corpses and became yokai who knows
For Honor is looking amazing with every patch
>ozeki honjozo
Lmao trash tier sake you fucking pleb. What are you, korean?
> sake enthusiasts on Yea Forums
yeah sure, pinoy shithead
gonna main kensei until the game releases
>That icon size
Same strength, just wierd. Hard to explain. Where as american whiskey you get that nice "warm burning" feeling in your gut when you take a shot/sip, the japanese whiskey burned your mouth/throat instead. It was pic related. Didnt mix as nice either if your into that. Granted it was the cheaper of the bunch that was in the store, but still around 35 usa bucks if i remember right.
Gonna be a gud Thursday and weekend
ImFUCKINGplying saki isn't disgusting wine for heathens
gonna pirate it first since my expectations are low
I suck at souls games but they look so cool.
>Hard to explain. Where as american whiskey you get that nice "warm burning" feeling in your gut when you take a shot/sip, the japanese whiskey burned your mouth/throat instead.
pretty good explanation, man. Gotta try this shit when I go on vacation in Tokyo. Gotta say cold whiskey sucks as much as mixed with some shit like cola. What do you think about Jagermeister?
tfw my computer probably too shit for it
That's why you get it for ps4
Hopefully we get a fun switcheroo where we are a eastern warrior fighting a western warrior like what happens in most souls games.
>playing on a computer desktop
why you do this?
nah, they are for children
Japanese myths are so fucking bizarre he doesn't need Lovecraft to portray some really scary shit.
I remember playing in Muramasa which was a colourful japanese fantasy game and Kisuke's final boss that turned into a wall of infinite teeth and jumped around the screen with bizarre movements was legitimately terrifying.
> all From soft games collectors sucks ass
fucking hate that shit
>game based on reaction time
get it on the ps4 or xbone then
Why is this game being hyped?
Looks like a generic 3rd person action game without anything new or interesting.
> Japanese myths are so fucking bizarre he doesn't need Lovecraft to portray some really scary shit.
True. If you read old school Gegege no Kitaro manga you'll be surprised how that 70s "kids manga" shit is brutal and creepy
there was a white yeti/ape thing in the trailer
If I can run ds3 at >60fps on my rig (overclocked 970), sekiro should run just fine right? The alternative is that I buy it for ps4 pro, but I don't think it will get consistent 60fps if it's like ds3
Jager and redbull was fun from highschool into my early 20s. Wouldn't buy that shit now. Not even with your money. I miss Sparks. And it will NEVER come back. Damn shame.
Why is that mexican holding a sword?
Does it have a cute japanese girl to romance like in Nioh? That determines if I buy it or not.
i'm not into kids toys
True, but sake is weak af. This one is 15% (whiskey is 35-40%)
Consoles are perfect for action games. Pretty much ocs are only good for shooters, MMOs and rts.
fuck off boomer
You don't "romance" this thot in Nioh, she fucks off and William stays with his true waifu.
Is Sekiro multiplayer or fine to pirate?
it would be cool if he incorporated some of junji itos work into sekiro
>If I can run ds3 at >60fps on my rig (overclocked 970), sekiro should run just fine right?
No multiplayer, piratefag.
No they are not and also >30 fps inb4 >it adds to the difficulty!
sake is pretty much the worst tasting alcohol there is
you can really feel the rice in it it's trash
He already had some of it in bloodborne with snail girls.
Bro I love Bloodborne and Lovecraft as much as the average Soulzer but for the love of God ''muh Lovecraft'' is not the be all end all mythos. Japanese mythology combined with FromSoft's dark fantasy take on things can be equally impactful and interesting. But of course people are already expecting a twist so whatever they come up with won't compare to Bloodborne since people are too prepared for it. I don't need Sekiro to be better than Bloodborne, I'm cool as long as it's entertaining and has replay value.
yall think I can run it with this?
Damn not touching either of these shit games then.
I'm not interested in sekiro in the slightest.
> 1080p
> this system
stable 60 guaranteed
wait I thought it came out on thursday also, but I just checked and it says the 22nd now on Steam.
I've heard the system requirements for the game are lower than DS3 so either FromSoft's code monkeys got aid from Activition or there are some funky downgrades going on.
It's been March 22nd since E3.
sure and in sekiro we'll get spiral girls
Sparks was too good for this world
pretty much, but it's perfect for immersion in this case
>Wouldn't buy that shit now.
;_; but why? I love that herb feel Jager gives you, besides shit's good for stomach. Sucks it takes half the bottle to get really drunk and it's not cheap.
Because it's Fromsoft I guess.
yeah, theit last work DS3 dlc Ringed City was released 28 march, 2017. And since everyone was hyped about their next work for 2 years now it makes sense.
besides can you really name any other dev who makes high quality games like these today?
I'm happy we have little customization.You want a souls-like game set in japan with alot of costumization?Go for Nioh.You want a souls like game with good plot and bosses?go for Sekiro
>;_; but why?
>Sucks it takes half the bottle to get really drunk and it's not cheap.
You answered your own question. I just stick to my cheap american beer and Turkey 101 now.
That's sort of stupid way of thinking desu. Having a good plot or good gameplay doesn't hinge on not having customization. Lack of customization doesn't necessarily ruin Sekiro but to claim it's a GOOD thing is just genuinely baffling.
Over-costumization ruins immersion and Sekiro is a character driven game,where you play as an actual character,not a self-insert
Nioh was a breath of a fresh air in 2017. Goood shit, but nowhere near as good as from games. Still I'm happy Team Ninja suceed with sales and making sequel now. It's like a good warming up before From soft headline release
desu customization is mostly useless and makes games bloated
RDR2 suffered from this hard
>Over-customization ruins immersion
How? Why is having CHOICE a bad thing? You'd still be free to use default Sekiroguy look if you really liked it that much.
>character driven game where you play as an actual character
How does this disallow different costumes or visual changes / uogrades for Sekiroman? You're literally not making any sense.
Worst post of the year desu. RDR2's major strong point was building immersion and the player's intimate relationship with Arthur and their horses through customization.
Nah it detracted from the gameplay. Half the game felt like a fucking chore.
Almost puked when I got back into Bloodborne after playing DS 3 on PC at 60 frames, I'm not even memeing that shit is sickening.
>How? Why is having CHOICE a bad thing?
I'm pretty sure From made all enemies doable without skill investment, but then what was the point of adding those? Making your life easier? You know what I mean? Shit smells suspicious
Imagine they give you a geisha costume.Would you feel good seeing sekiro walk around like that in cutscenes?
that's some ps4 tier rig
what the fuck are you talking about
but it is less demanding than DaS 3
tfw my computer died during metro and now im waiting on them to fix it
It's still much better than a ps4 though.
I meant more in terms of visual customization, alternate outfits etc. And we already know Sekiro will have things like Skill Trees and things you can unlock so what's the issue?
Yeah because that's totally what I meant you dumb fag.
Shit. Hope your PC going to be fixed real soon, man
then why is my performance worse
Not really I'll get it when it's on sale. I've been waiting longer for DMCV and that's what I'm still playing.
DDR4 ram and SSDs just dropped in price and it's predicted to keep going down
ryzen cpus are cheap and good
a good mid-high tier gpu cost the same as a console
save up nigga we're entering a new age of cheap pc gaming
>save up nigga we're entering a new age of cheap pc gaming
GPU and CPU prices are higher than ever and CPUs will only increase in price
Maybe don't play at 4k with everything maxed out.
I'm ready to wait another year or more for it to be on sale with all DLC.
Like every game, as everyone should.
Bro, it's time to buy some TV and i7,16gb,1080GTX PC and enjoy them games in high quality. Ain't that expensive if you live even in Russia
I play every game with 30FPS cap and lowest possible settings.
teach me how to pirate, assuming it isnt safe to use shit like piratebay anymore?
Shut up weeb, but yes I am looking forward to it on pc.
>want to watch latest gameplay vids
>don't want to be spoiled
Fuck this wait sucks. Sekiro is without doubt my number one game of 2019. In the mean time I have been watching my beloved Zatoichi.
Your rig has the aids
Fucking government. If I want to blow my heart up with original 4lokos and Sparks that's my right!
For relaxing times... make it Suntory.
this pic makes me feel like a boomer
I hope boxxy is alive and doing well
Cute feet
Enough with that Anglo queer. Japan has its own infinitely awesome folk culture.
>lemme just grab my phone and take a snap of how friggin COMFY my setup is right now
>sekiro wallpaper to make this vaguely vidya related... check
>just gotta grab my favorite brewski.. check
>cross my legs and put my feet into an unnatural position to get my body in the frame... and cheeeeeeeck
>now let me just snap this pic real quick only take a couple of seconds heh
>SWEET... can't wait to upload this bad boy to my favorite image board.. the boys are gonna be stoked with this one
It's almost brand new.
a few years ago she was on some social media but nobody gave a shit
she had gained weight
>count your blessings
Good taste.
I never buy games on release due to being a cheapboy. But this one time i’m doing it
man, I loved sparks until it started fucking up my stomach. I think they put coal tar in there or something.
Absolutely. I just so happen to have the week after it launches off. It's going to get insanely comfy.
Man if dollyroos really are hard to come by just wait for a sale because this game isn't worth $60
post them specs
Fucking woman, man. I bet she's had been divorced few times now while I'm still a wizard
can't wait to fight the same mobs we had since demon souls
what gives you that impression?
how do i find some weed?
try this one, it's even better The Black Dahlia going to their gig in april
The Parry sign is such a fucking buzz kill for me. Hope you can turn it off
>shitty metalcore
>good taste
the red sign means you cant parry it
attacks you can parry dont have any warnings
The problem with Bloodborne wasn't 30fps, it was the frametiming. 30fps can look "fine", but when it's 30fps + shit frametiming (which causes that weird almost stopmotion jitter effect) it looks fucking horrible.
> DS3 wolf legion boss in Sekiro
What in the actual fuck?
Yikes! Casual garbage much?
No one spoonfeed this literal underage baby. Jesus christ
> glorious american mdm with unique scream/growl
get yo shit straight, pleb
Didn't that game flop?
I want to die. When they invited souls youtubers to play Sekiro and upload 20 minutes of gameplay I started to have that strange feeling that I don't want to play anything other than that. And I have no fun playing other games. I need that and it's 6 days more. I feel like I will be freed from prison in that time.
It only appears for unblockable/unparryable attacks to adjust the player to evading or jumping depending whether it's a sweep or grab attack.
It's still alive and gets updates regularly.
Seek help or kill yourself, you mentally ill freak
Am I the only one who feels like they fucked up by putting the game in a historical setting rather than a setting inspired by japanese aesthetics?
melodeath existed long before your trendy scene girl metalcore
Too be fair. That aspect of parrying was always hit or miss
Confession time : I pretty much only play vidya in anticipation for the next "Souls" game, and have done so since DeS, in the last decade every other game I've beaten has merely been to kill time until the next FROM Souls type game.
I don't know what the fuck has happend to me.
its combat was awful, did they rework it at all?
>historical setting
>he doesn't know
Yeah I'm not digging it, let me find out on my own through an enemies movements. Now you don't have to study them nearly as much.
It's a tasty apertif and goes great with cola.
> he doesn't know about american mdm school
that's basically how melodic metalcore like Darkest Hour or Unearth born back in late90s- early 2000s
Don't know what?It's set in northern japan
Is that a fucking abyss watcher?
Nope. They're basically replacing old, slow characters with new ones who have access to 50 different mechanics. When you have new characters pitted against other new characters it's not that bad. When an old character fights a new character, though...Power creep is real.
Damn, I didn't realize Japan had giant fucking snakes, headless ghost warriors, and fish the size of vans.
I'm ready. Normally I immerse myself in spoilers for upcoming games that I'm looking forward to, but this time I've actually avoided a lot. I took a little peek at the trophies leak, but managed to stop myself.
So excited.
>vertical slams and horizontal sweeps
Every. Fucking. Game.
Yeah, just pre-ordered yesterday.
you definitely don't suck, it just hasn't *clicked* for you yet. The game are easy and simplistic as shit. Literally 2 button games. They just play in a very unique manner that you gotta get used to
>It can't be an historical setting if it has supernatural elements
I guess metal gear solid was not set in on planet earth
That fucking hear sticking out is disgusting. Get a trim you fucking hobo
Are you saying metalcore is a shit genre? Can't agree with that. 80% of the scene is, but other 20% like early Parkway Drive, August Burns Red, Darkest Hour, Unearth, All that Remains, I Killed the Prom Queen, Counterparts etc are really good it's just your taste being closeminded shit
suntory is fucking gay
Homosexuals like you are disgusting
> alchohol 51.4%
> great
well no shit
user please. There is no way to """study""" wether an attack cant be parried other than by being hit by it. Without that symbol you would literally have to facetank every single new enemy to find out what can and cant be parried.
I liked a good majority of those bands during my cringey formative years as well. You can like them for nostalgia, but to put any of them on a pedestal is laughable.
Look at the required specs. Much less than DaS 3. Which is no wonder - it also looks worse.
Fuck off Felix and stop creating amok shooters for subs.
I've never thought much of Toki. It's sort of unpleasant in the same way you describe. Hikari is quite nice though, and if you like American bourbon you might like Nikka Coffey Grain, which can often be gotten in the $30s. Suntory's basic "kakubin" is also really good for what it costs in Japan (less than $20 IIRC) but it's outrageously expensive if you can even find it in the US.
Sake isn't even wine. It's technically a form of beer, but it drinks more like a liquor.
I was drinking stronger stuff at 18 down here in the south.
>Look at the required specs. Much less than DaS 3. Which is no wonder - it also looks worse.
but they're more demanding
there should be an area with one of those giant tinnitus rape skeletons roaming around, that would be cool.
>but to put any of them on a pedestal is laughable.
Well I'm not american and I don't recognise their edgy lyrics. But the music is really good. Then again I love technical guitar shit with brutal vocal, soo..
Should I buy Sekiro or DMC. I hated all souls games except Bloodborne and Nioh.
buy Sekiro, pirate DMC like me
pirate both
>Japanese myths are so fucking bizarre
Oh please. It's always some bullshit variation of "x person/thing was treated like shit and forgotten and its anger made it become a retarded Oni so now it wants revenge!" or sperging about MUH HONOR THIS MUH HONOR THAT.
This setting and everything that comes with it is the most fucking cliche trash there is.
dmc if you want a short action game with no challenge and a lot of cutscenes
sekiro if you want challenging combat and a lot of exploration with minimal story
Why are you wearing jeans at home?
get comfy with some sweatpants, user
vodka? Or pure alchohol?
sweatpants are trash
get some pajama pants my dude
well crafted bait
I like both
Mostly pure shit, brother would make it himself.
soju is much better than sake
its kinda scary the difference
Game is gonna feel lacking because it's reused souls shit at its core but lacks a metric fuckton of features. People are gonna call it shit and the fanboys are gonna strawman them to death. Then mathewmathosis or some other youtuber is gonna release a video calling it shit saying the exact same thing that people here have been pointing out since day one and the fanboys will then start saying that people insisting on said points are just "parroting the youtuber".
It's just gonna be dark souls 2 all over again. I'm calling it.
drinking a beverage that slower your reaction and your reflex in a souls game. yeah good luck with that
Moonshiner detected
>lacks a metric fuckton of features
like what
Mainly customization, building paths and multiplayer of any kind. This is probably gonna kill the replayability of the game hard, which has been crucial for from games since demon's and naturally it's expected by their fans nowadays.
They're totally different kinds of booze, though. Japan has shochu, which is essentially the same thing as soju, and it coexists side by side with sake. If you're comparing cheap stuff, though, soju definitely tends to be better.
it has skill trees
barely anyone plays the souls games for pvp
people replay them for challenge runs
multiplayer, stats, leveling, armor, weapons, builds, replayability, bosses, creating a character
all removed features.
Nearest town was about 38miles away, it was that or you drank gas station beer.
i dont really care
>buidling paths
you have 3 different trees tho
ruined every single souls game
Who gives a shit what fanboys think? They're all stupid. The developers are doing something different with this game, and any features that are "expected" by fans of other games are irrelevant.
so now they even removed bosses
>barely anyone plays the souls games for pvp
You're delusional. And souls multiplayer isn't just about PvP, it's also about coop, which the vast majority of people certainly enjoy.
It's gonna feel better than Dark souls 2 and 3 who are just rehashed DS1
so you're mad because you cant summon help
the souls coop has always been trash because the games are designed for single player
coop just removes any challenge the games have
>The developers are doing something different with this game
>looks just like the same old souls shit since forever and they are still reusing all of its assets and engine
Yeah, sure. This guy here in for example feels really refreshing, doesn't it?
I just wish it had at least 2 player co op. started co oping souls games with my little brother when it came out, shame we cant play through this together
PVP is for literal retards who can't handle fighting games though.
That guy is just a nod at Demon/Dark souls and also fits historically into the game.
No, the games have always been designed for seamless multiplayer integration. Just because you got mad everytime an invader destroyed your ass doesn't mean you get to change how the game was designed and make up bullshit about them or what people enjoyed about them.
you must be incredibly bad at the games if you havent noticed that the enemies and bosses are designed for single player
you're literally just crying because you cant have your insta win summons anymore and have to actually fight the bosses yourself
Those come from famine afflicted areas; could be cool
>le big man swings his slow telegraphed attacks so the player can roll into an opening and deal some damage
this is exactly why I dont really care about this game anymore.
This is supposed to be a game about ninjas, it should be fast paced and flashy, not fucking slow and boring.
IT's a reskin from Soulsgame.
A hack n slash would be better.
>enemy from the first 2 hours of the game is easy
oh no
must be casual trash
Hell yeah my Nikka
>implying it isn't
yikes, souls is mainstream you retard
I just wonder how long this game is.
It looks fun as hell.
also being jobless so I really can't make Impulse Purchases
I had hot saki once on a tinder date and shot it instead of sipping because I'm uncultured and it was rough. Was like drinking hot rubbing alcohol.
>Flaunting your ignorance
get a job, you bum
Rolls have no i-frames in sekiro, you can't "roll into attacks", you need to parry.
i wonder if that one autist thief user has robbed the walmart warehouse yet
wtf this game will have zombies?
Oh yea, saw that thread. I hope he succeeds, what a brave user.