There are fucking retards here who play this in 2019 without installing mod texture packs and a proper ENB...

>there are fucking retards here who play this in 2019 without installing mod texture packs and a proper ENB, thus completely overhaling the graphics to a modern level

kill yourselves fucking retards

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Wish the game had better LOD

>there are fucking retards here who play this in 2019

NV is going to look dated no matter how many meme mods you install. The geometry complexity and polygon count is just that bad. Literally like sprinkles on a turd.

>to a modern level

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If you are playing this in 2019 you are ,in fact, a retard.

>there are fucking retards here who play this

What an abortion of a fucking engine. I run this game at 40fps on a modern PC, with graphic mods I would play at 20.

>deliberately playing games SOULLESS

>there are fucking retards

stop being poor and get a better pc fucking retards

There, the r/PCMR sperging out again and insulting everyone to justify being superior for building a PC only recently and playing a game even a 2013 PC would play with mods just fine as well. Doesn't even try to hide his reddit spacing either.

not him, but go kill yourself you poor faggot

Whatever helps you sleep at night, OP.

fallout was never good. any of them. ever

get off my thread bitch



Modding Bethesda games is such a pain in the ass.
Every single faggot who wrote a line of code wants to be credited and makes you download his file seperatly instead of bundling stuff together.
>this mod requires "list of 20 other mods which each allso have dependencies"

After going through this a couple of times I just can't be arsed anymore, too tiresome.

I'm playing with textures and ENB, first playthrough in years.
The interiors get dark and it's spooky.
Had to get a flashlight mod.
Gonna do this with Fallout 3 next. I want the vaults spooky level to be immense.
All in all I would say this is (as it stands now) the peak Fallout experience. Hopefully when ES6 (aka ESO 2) flops we will see the franchise sold to a more forward thinking and less technically incompetent company than bethesturd.

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sorry user, I like the way the game looks and I don't like looking at an oversaturated hell

No. You are a retard if you still play 76. NV is one of the better titles. Stop looking at graphics. Thats retarded. If there's no content its not worth playing. Thus NV is still better than the current version. I actually miss mine.

>Install 4K textures on low poly models

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imagine being unable to find enjoyment from a game unless you mod it to a near unrecognizable state.

I never install graphics mods on New Vegas. It will look like ass no matter what and it only gets more unstable the more shit you add.

post couriers

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Can i also fix the gunplay?
Yeah, exactly what i was thinking.
Fuck off, Obsidrone.

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