Dota is fu

>Dota is fu

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Dang you got blown the heck out

Dota is only fun when you're winning or fucking about with friends. And, most of the time, you're doing neither of those.

Stopped being fun when it became harder to solo win and requires more from you to solo win.
The game is so figured out, the patches support even more teamplay than before etc. It became casual equal rights shit game.


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>the game requires more teamwork
>its also more casual


> no peruvians
the pic isn't complete

>playing solo
well no fucking shit it's not fun

You ever thought that maybe dota just isn't for you?

>it became harder to solo win
youre just shit at the game
>casual equal rights shit game
what the fuck does this even mean
i got to immortal within a week of the new season from divine iv, if anything its easier to win/climb in solos than before

Was he just feeding or legit shit at the game?

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It's an European server

Damn, he must be the biggest shitter in the world

even when you are winning its a giga fuckin boring time waster

I am decent in lol (got plat 5) so I think I can be good at dota too if I put some effort in it. But I am thinking of uninstalling it since losing like that is sad and frustrating. And moba is addictive cancer anyway

Don't you have a containment board?

Also the time requires to find a game triggers me

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Luna's butt

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still got more wins than OP did, lol

I quit long time ago. Just watched CLQ the other day and he said that its harder to solo climb above like 5k and the game required you to play MID to snowball and win alone.

What the fuck was batritter dieing to?


>I am decent in lol
>plat 5
anyway, being good in lol brings nothing special to dota. The parts about putting effort and addictive cancer are true though.

>being good in lol brings nothing special to dota
it does, it's still moba just complex one

>all those russian names
there's your porblem

another game... another stomp...

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Being japanese and liking mobas must be suffering

>a team full of carries vs a team full of carries + lion
Reminds me why I quit Dota like 2 years ago
Who knew that video games can actually be fun

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from what I can tell from your team comps and your posts, you're brand/fairly new to dota and you're being placed in potato tier. do you have any friends who play dota who could help you out?

nigga it's all Russians

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i play single draft where you pick from 3 random heroes so a lot of new players get champs they don't know how to play

Bat's a one-trick pony, if you miss the lasso you're as good as dead. And unless you practiced for at least a little bit, you'll miss it every single time.

I once laned vs a techies and sven duo.
The techies would jump in with blast off, sven would stun and techies would place a proximity mine during this process.
Nothing I could do during the laning phase.
I uninstalled dota 2 immediately after that match.

Soft region lock on league of legends was one of the main reasons I switched. League of Legends is admittedly mechanically simpler but I don't mind much. I checked out Dota2 again but I had no idea what was going on. Too much had changed. I stopped playing pre-7.00.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Pick Omni next time, become the captain of the S.S. Dumbfuck and keep your team alive.

>I quit long time ago.
then why the fuck are you giving your opinion, go fuck yourself

leave the thread, go back to fornite or whatever.

He was most certainly intentially feeding.
Probably had mid stolen from him or something.

I never see ruskies on US East. It's all spics.

Everyone i know who plays this garbage only plays it because of sunken-cost.
I only play auto chess at most since it's actually fun once or twice a day, but WC3 customs are still better.

A russian saved our asses once. It was supposed to be impossible - he's just one CK versus, what, AM, BS, PA, and Sven. I was a newfag and picked the guy I thought looked the coolest. I didn't know what support meant, and looking back, neither did the enemy team.

I'm glad that I jumped ship last year because this game just doesn't do it for me after 5 years. Reddit and China can have this shitfest they created

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wish i could watch the replay but i already removed dota 2

>i play single draft
Ok but why?

>losing to 2k mmr

because limited heroes was removed

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>It was supposed to be impossible - he's just one CK versus, what, AM, BS, PA, and Sven.
>playing CK
>impossible to win
CK is unstoppable, you would have to suck so hard to lose with that Hero

Do they force new players to play single draft now?

I was new and very impressionable. I became even more impressionable when after that match I saw a red little troll start whacking 3 heroes and carry on to smash two more towers afterwards.
Are they ever gonna add new lines to old heroes, I wonder. It seems like Valve only ever updates Dota nowadays.

They reworked him recently and he’s kinda Not Good now

>I was new and very impressionable.
Come to think of it, I still am. Last I played was 3 years ago, and I only went back to play a few hours ago because of some /pol/ thread user mentioning some new hero. I really like him, that shield passive is pretty cool.

That Lion is almost certainly mid, no supporting here boss.

problem with dota is that new players are fucking pussies. always bitching about the "new player experience" when everyone who started playing dota at some point in the past 15 years learned the game by reading player made guides, watching other people and figuring out shit for themselves. people can't be bothered to look up shit on google or youtube anymore, and if they can't do that i doubt an ingame tutorial section would make much difference.

>They reworked him recently and he’s kinda Not Good now
hes played as a 3 and is one of the better offlane picks
>CK is unstoppable, you would have to suck so hard to lose with that Hero
even at his strongest he wasnt a viable pick outside of being drafted with a wisp because he was slow to farm and incredibly weak until 2-3 big items in, and even then you still have to play around item power spike timings

>all carries
the writing was on the wall.

i hate how IO was the coolest, most fun hero to play before 7.00, but now the blue ball is just another bland hero.
fuck this game, and its appeal to casual garbage.