Defend this, Yea Forums.
Defend this, Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>runs off alone
>sets one guy on fire, far away from the point
You're like a car crash in slo-AHHHHHHH
*yell Medic despite being full health*
All righty then
Heck no.
(Voice) Anonymous: No
>that one single engineer building & moving shit to the point
>nobody covers him or has his back
(Voice) Anonymous: MEDIC!
(Voice) Anonymous: MEDIC!
(Voice) Anonymous: MEDIC!
(Voice) Anonymous: MEDIC!
>just this morning I said I haven't seen any hackers or bots in a while
>first match I jump into this happens
rage quit, come on make us both happy.
>someone mentions a hacker is on a team
>hacker immediately uses all 10 of his binds that make ti so nobody can see chat
I once joined a server where a.hacker literally locked both teams inside their spawn and wouldnt let anyone out.
He typed in a similiar cringey manner as well.
make me faggot, now if you'll excuse me im going to REEEEEEE in the chat when someone tries to play the game and get them vote kicked
I got it covered, mate.
tf2 sucks
Griefing = hacking? There was a few ways to block the spawn doors one that i know of was the main 2fort spawn 2 heavy's crouch on the door handles was fun to abuse.
but Yea Forums is a blu board
make sure to get at least one sign of your waifu, Yea Forums
use the power of love to it's fullest
>"Nerf Sniper by making quickscopes only do 110 damage"
>open console
>scroll up so you can see the name
>ctrl v kick [cheater's name] its him
works like a charm
Valve would never nerf their favorite class like that.
Have you tried not being bad?
I got a pretty good objector with her, but I need a new spray and I don't want to use the same pic as the objector
I just stated a fact, defensive sniper main.
And i'm stating the fact that you're bad at videogames, defensive retard. There is literally no reason for you to think sniper needs to nerfed unless you're terrible.
Why are you being so defensive?
I never said sniper needed to be nerfed.
better idea
>nerf sniper by removing him from the game
>That fov
please leave
Reminder that there are people that fundamentally misunderstand weapon bans in comp but think they know the real reason why
What config is that? It looks even lower graphic than mastercomfig
Friendly reminder only 20 people play competitive anymore so nobody cares.
Danke herr doktor!
Ok, mate.
I'm the biggest tryhard you'll ever see, and I hate the idea of banning weapons. Don't want to see a heavy show up at mid? Bring a sniper to mid. I'd actually watch competitive if every mid there was a chance of a team running a surprise loadout or class selection.
no one cares about a faked gaymplay recording you made, stop reposting this every goddamn day
He wasnt crouching at the spawn doors to keep them open.
He made some cryptic autistic comments in the chat, and once the count down finished the doors refused to open for either blue and red team.
Then he left.
thanks, doc.
transparent samefagging
the absolute hallmark of a nigger
Lets focus on getting heavy to mid too quick with the disciplinary action. if heavy gets to mid the same time medic does then it forces another team to run the exact same setup as the heavy being there during the initial rollout completely prevents all aggressive early action from demos, scouts or soldiers, your idea of bringing a sniper is defeated by defensive play which slows down an already slow meta and doesn't even work unless you hard scope and open yourself up to a soldier bombing you out
the irony in heavy getting to mid faster is that it only makes a match slower since there is literally no downside
>the hacker changed his name to match someone else on the team, you've been bamboozled
>just after ruining someone's day, he leaves
t. has happened to me more than once, don't be a retard
I will stand directly in the center of if while trying desperately shoot in the the general direction an enemy is coming and get killed because I am terrible at aiming.
What map?
And user meant how you can keep the door closed, like you can place enemy and a friendly on top of first red spawn in dustbowl to seal them in forever.
Never happened to me, probably because i'm not a retard.
Am I the only one who feels like they should remaster this game?
Hopefully you are, you dumb fucking nigger.
You don't have to be, even if the cheater is blatantly stealing your name like xXxAn0nxXx(1) retards on both teams will likely kick you instead.
Not him and happened to me as well.
probably, yeah
what the fuck needs remastered?
This game runs on code created by cracked out interns and an old guard who no longer understand how Source 1 works and you want them to somehow consolidate all that into a remaster? Not to mention the whole economy that Valve makes bank on. There are dreams like getting Ridley and K. Rool into smash then there is shit like what you are asking.
He was trapped in spawn with us, so no he wasny doing that either.
He probably used some kind of script or line of code to fuck with doors.
It was the Egyptian CP map. Not sure why that matters
If the remaster removes the hat autism and isn't f2p I'd check it out
>if heavy gets to mid the same time medic does then it forces another team to run the exact same setup
No it doesn't, not necessarily. This is the beauty of not banning certain loadouts. Also, just because one team has a heavy at mid doesn't mean they're automatically going to win that mid. Each class and loadout has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the fun of watching a TF2 match, to me, is seeing how teams react in the moment to these different scenarios that play out. A team that brings a heavy to mid might have one less scout, which means the other's team's demo will have a better chance of dishing out more damage. This is because TF2 is very balanced around all the classes. I'm sorry, but watching the same 2 scouts/2 soldiers/1 demo/1 medic meta every round takes away the fun of TF2 for me. A really good team will be able to win no matter what the other team brings to mid.
>frienly: "don't kill me I'm friendly"
>someone starts votekick against him
>friendly has left the server
Every time
That's why if you see anyone steal your name, instantly call a kick. And if you see someone else's name stolen, use the avatar to detect who it actually is.
>remove random crits from casual
>it's okay to have an opinion
>if you disagree you're a contrarian
>all of these stated within a few seconds
what a bitch
Egypt has unique doors, maybe they really are prone to client commands in some way, I don't know much about that. Could be a bug existing only there.
the team with a heavy in mid would shit on them team with a standard comp due to completely and utterly preventing a push but also being completely unable to push
comp is not a standard match, a heavy can murder a jumping soldier 99% of the time meaning the roamer can't do much and the pocket literally has to wait for uber to do anything. countering this with a sniper only has a CHANCE of doing the reverse, making pushing extremely hard both for you and the enemy
also the GRU isn't banned even though it does almost the exact same thing stated, because of the hp drain the heavy either needs to get to mid slower to regain health and forfeit the advantage of having a heavy there right as the medic is there or having a heavy able to be bombed out before it can set up
people don't avoid picks because of banned weapons they avoid picks because its inoptimal due to to circumstances and as it turns out SPEED is extremely vital as defending a position is easier than pushing in to one. weapons are banned for 2 reasons, either they have a glitch associated with them or horrifically slow down the game like previously stated with the disciplinary action
>remove random crits from ranged weapons
>keep random crits on melee weapons
that is all valve needs to do but they wont
>heavy can murder a jumping soldier 99% of the time
Right, but doesn't demo soft-counter heavy in the way that Soldier can't? Why not run two demos to mid if you know for sure they're running a heavy? Even if you're caught off guard by the presence of a heavy at mid while your team has a standard composition, there's still strategies you should be able to figure out on the fly when it comes to beating them? I've seen plenty of scenarios where they run a heavy defending the last point (the heavy's strength too), and they still lose because the other team got picks.
>"suddenly there's crit defenders, wtf with that?"
>faggot assumes that if someone ever complained about some crit death he's a diehard crit-hater
>"yeah crits are fun but they're not if im not the one getting kills with them"
>"sniper op"
Watching the video made me mad.
Valve is propably going to keep listening to braindead parrots like him and dane due to being ""community ambassadors"".
Too bad they won't ask us through some in-game system what changes would players actually want to see. Maybe, I don't know, some sort of public beta tests for some weapons and ideas or something. HUH VALVE? LIKE SOME PUBLIC BETA
>robot noises intensify
because 2 demos is banned because it makes it impossible for literally any class to push in a reasonable matter and demo doesn't even counter heavy
post them
You can't run two demos because you could sticky trap both sides of the map then
your idea of 6v6 without weapon bans would literally be 2 vaccinator medics pocketing machina snipers for 45 minutes. your understanding of comp tf2 is rather limited if you can't see the problems presented by horribly imbalanced weaponry
>that one guy dies to afterburn
pyro takes skill btw
>and ubers his DDS wearing Sniper from his friendslist
>because 2 demos is banned because it makes it impossible for literally any class to push in a reasonable matter
That's the thing, then. Why ban 2 demos? Why is 2 demos not allowed, but 1 demo and 1 engi on last allowed? Engi is a strong defensive class, maybe even more so than Demo, and having both on the last point makes the game incredibly slow, too, if what you're saying is true. What I would argue is that Engi has weaknesses, and having an engi instead of another soldier, demo, or scout makes your team weaker in other areas, like pushing. I'm just trying to understand why there's a need to ban weapons and class combinations that would "slow the game down", yet even in an extreme example like having a heavy on last doesn't automatically equate to a hold, because the team has to sacrifice in other areas.
>buff quickscoping from 50 to 110
sure why not
Then have your demo run a quickie bomb launcher. Maybe have a pyro airblast them away. Maybe have a pyro with a scorch shot to destroy them. Build up an ubercharge and push with scouts. There's things that can be done, right?
Welcome to Yea Forums. I see this is your first time. You should lurk for at least a year before posting.
you are fucking retarded, demo can murder pyro and the quickiebomb launcher isn't even banned its just a fucking awful weapon
2 demo is an objective advantage over literally any combination because of how he works
Just finished the hat objectives in PNATI2 and they suck shit wtf
>the only actual e-celeb who virtue signaled like sketchek said
>oh surprise, he makes an ARG after sketchek made one
>knows his fanbase is braindead so he has to annnounce the ARG, and makes it easy as fuck, broken and incomplete
>Has the safest opinions ever that at least 30% of the community agrees with
>Le wacky 2fort videos, dont you like my wacky friends screaming into the mic?
God, Soundsmith is the epitome of Reddit
*clicks on ur body*
Personal insults is the mark of having no argument. Good luck getting more people into competitive tf2 with that elitism.
the only thing i got is you on my filter list
I like his stereotypes videos though.
you were never invested in comp in the first place, you wanted a pub with a 12 person cap
I don't want to beat people with my waifu. She is my motivator, not a tool to destroy my enemies with.
Your description is pretty cute though.
>the quickiebomb launcher isn't even banned
I never said it was. Why so mad?
Quickiebomb and Pyro are both garbage and you would be putting yourself at a massive disadvantage. Using your ubercharge would be throwing, you will just get rolled by their own uber.
>you wanted a pub with a 12 person cap
A 12-person game where both teams try their best to win with no limits in weapons or classes sounds pretty fucking fun to me, don't know why you're trying to denigrate it by calling it a pub. More elitism, no surprise though.
because trying your best to win looks a whole fucking lot like hardcore class stacking
>where both teams try their best to win with no limits in weapons or classes sounds pretty fucking fun to me
You say that until teams break out the vaccinator pocketed heavies
i feel it, i've been wanting a new spray as well. good luck with your search!
a good plan, if that makes you happy. that's fair. maybe just get a color photobadge or flair, then?
and thank you! they're based around her poems, for the most part. the hat's name and description are original.
>Mentally ill
>Pyro main
like stated before, your understanding of comp is immensely flawed and your belief that without any bans there would be more variety, when in actuality giving people access to broken combinations forces people in a very specific niche
I wish they didn't nerf the Dragon's Fury, that weapon actually had promise to make pyro viable in a 6 vs 6 format.
Maybe in pubs where there's no coordination, but against an equally coordinated team, even running 5 heavies and 1 medic is a stupid strategy. They'd have no soldiers to bomb the opposing med, no scouts to do cleanup. no demos for medium range burst damage.
I dont blame you, but they are the equivalent of trash TV. If you dont want to think or only want a laugh, you can watch one of his stereotypes vids, but even those got stale mid-weapons and misc stereotypes vids overall were a mistake.
>that weapon actually had promise to make pyro viable in a 6 vs 6 format.
Even unnerfed Pyro still had shit mobility and the airblast penalty makes it very difficult to defend yourself. Old degreaser and axtinguisher was better and even then nobody ever used Pyro.
I do think the vaccinator needs nerfed, but the vaccinator does suck at overhealing. Buffing your teammates is very important is a 6 vs 6 setting, and the vaccinator sucks at that.
75% damage and crit resistance is infinitely better than an overheal.
>I pocket one single person
stop playing medic and kill yourself
I think Pyro could work well as a pocket alternative if it gets tested enough. A really good Pyro could take roamer bombs out of the equation.
you're supposed to move with the team, not the other way around.
That's true. I've always thought the vaccinator should get rid of the crit resistances, which would open up an obvious Kritzkrieg counter to the Vacc.
the vaccinator can counter-uber, can uber and still capture a point, removes uber tracking entirely and can force fights you have no business taking
>a #removeRandomcrits and a #KeepRandomCrits player are on two different teams
>the chat is filled with those two arguing over random crits during the whole match
>he can't multi task
lol the vacc was already meant to be a counter to the kritz unless you enjoy being raped apart by pyros and demos, what the fuck do you need the kritz countering vacc for when it already builds faster and lasts longer
does anyone even run surf Utopia anymore?
Yeah, at least on this third world country.
Does anybody have a link to the vid?
Lmao fuck off dude, you got social anxiety? Afraid to DISCUSS on a DISCUSSION FORUM? Lmao BAKA
Anyway, I don't even have a problem with competitive TF2, I just wish Valve would fix the official comp mode. I'm not talking about adding weapon bans or class limits, because again, I'm personally against those. I know the real reason why competitive mode in TF2 is dead. That retarded DirectX 9.0 limit is why. If only ONE person in the 12 people that are queueing up for a match has DirectX 8, the match will never begin. Why? Because the person with Direct X 8.0 will be allowed to try and join, only to get frozen at the loading screen because TF2 will force his settings to go to Direct X 9.0. This, in turn, will cause him to hl2.exe crash, or at the very least, be timed out. This, in turn, will mean that the match never even begins for the other 11 people. It's so unbelievably stupid that this is still a rule, and until it's removed, Competitive Mode has no chance of getting off the ground.
Everytime you queue up for a Comp match that never starts because "A player has failed to join" or whatever, it's because of that DirectX 9.0 limit.
2 demos is not allowed because it allows chokepoints to be clogged to the brim and the only solution is to pop uber. So every game would be just 2 teams building uber as fast as possible or baiting the other team to push with their uber for every single point, and last point is hard af to capture so it would be aids
give spy a jetpack, a shield so he can't be back stabbed, and a sniper rifle, also give him 300 hp
It's already like this on last so what the fuck even is your point?
or just revert the amby
uncle dane is a nigger and I dont even play spy that much
Why is 1 demo even allowed then? Why not have 3 soldiers, 2 scouts?
do you want every point to be a last point situation?
because demo has more burst damage than the soldier and can kill a whole combo with a right click trap. soldier cannot do that. but he is more versatile
>it's a "enginiggers force a two hour long stalemate on powerhouse" episode
Seething Scout or Pyro main detected
Being better at denying bombs isn't worth all the tradeoffs. Pocket soldier has way more responsibilities than just protecting the medic. On mids pockets are usually aggressive and trying to put out damage with one of the scouts sticking to the medic instead. Pocket peeks dangerous corners and sightlines for his team and spams out chokes. Pockets take ubers in trades. Pockets can rolllout quickly if they die. Pyro can't do these things. Hell heavy is probably a better choice if protecting the medic is all you care about.
I want 5CP to not be a thing.
do you have a better suggestion?
koth is pretty good though and the only problem with koth is making a good map because of sniper
>it's a "compfags make up their own meta and then get angry when some classes don't fit into it"
I'm in the newbie division for the No Restrictions 6v6 tournament going on. Played a match last week and it was really fun. Never did any part of the match feel like a slog or boring. Granted we only played first to three wins on Gullywash but next week we're fixed to play on Upward so I'm wondering how payload will play out. RGL released a few stats on their first week games that showed the No Restrictions 6v6 games were usually faster than traditional the 6v6 format. Whethere or not that's good or bad, I don't know. It does show that matches might be more fun to play and watch with restrictions removed.
Also anyone have some ideas for team compositions we should try?
That and
>Can't turn off viewmodels
>Can't turn off ragdolls
>Can't turn off gibs
>Can't turn off tracers
>Can't change scope sens
>Teammate push is enabled
>Spawns don't work properly
>Can't jump outside the span pregame
>C O M P E T I T I V E
>T U R B I N E
Matchmaking is a fucking shitshow and it's a shame because it's fun when I actually do get put into a match on a good map. If only that didn't take 4 hours of queuing and people constantly leaving.
Games will be fast when a meta hasn't been established yet. I expect finals with froyo to be a massive turtlefest. Also take sigafoo's "results" with a grain of salt because it's a tiny sample size on one map and he's using ugc 6s as a comparison which is a joke compared to esea.
All it takes is one person with a brain to fix Competitive. It's such a shame, because a tryhard 6 vs. 6 alternative to Casual would be god-tier.
I thought about it for a while and here's my thoughts on team comp. This is what you should run.
>3 scouts
>1 vacc medic
>1 kritz medic
>1 pyro
Why the pyro? He accomplishes two things.
>Kritz pyro can beat vaccinator and detonator/scorch afterburn cripples healing of all mediguns
>Can serve as a bodyguard for the more vulnerable kritz medic
Scouts are the best DM class so the more you have the better.
if ur playing 5cp then:
2 demo
1 medic
3 scouts
scout is the best class in the game but needs damage on the enemy to do their job more efficiently so thats why 2 demos is good.
3 roamer soldiers
1 med
1 scout
1 flex role (switch up whenever needed)
2 engineers
2 medics
2 scouts
I should probably look into those...
Thank you! Keep on loving, waifufriend!
how will you push chokes with stickies?
if ur pyro airblasts it he gets shredded by scouts because theyre the best in the game. and even then if your scouts defend against their scouts the demo's burst damage and range is a problem too. if you switched kritz with uber I think this would be alright. because vacc can be overwhelmed by two classes at the same time but generally its good
buff the smg
Vacc with bullet and explosive at the same time
doesn't it only block one kind of damage at a time?
I was also wanting to try on 5cp for fun 3 soldier 3 heavy. Soldiers would have conch + whip and heavies would have tommy + lunchbox. Whip the heavies to mid then just mow down the enemy team.
No you can stack them.
>No medics
One kritz demo poops on your team
stop playing in his league
thats pretty gay
I thought that was the 05 Battlefront II mine for a sec
Who wrote this drivel?
sigafoo and his legion of engineer minions
almost forgot
Go scouts and run through them with Bonk. Easy.
Bonk is banned
If there are no restrictions then it's not.
Then obviously you could.
>That time the ubered combo standing on the point didn't see me sneak cap and they lost mid uber.
>he thinks hitscan takes skill
The ransom demand is ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
>Hacker uses name changing
>Tfw youre not a basic bitch and just track down his steamid
Would receive heals from.
Replace "Ep 3" with "Heavy update"
Not the Cleaner's Carbine? The SMG is a peashooter but the alternative is a joke save for niche, very risky combos like the Bushwacka.
Nerf Sniper by forcing every Sniper to play a Spy and perform the same role except with actual skill involved.
"I don't want to die after missing a garden on a competent sniper"
>tfw you back capped and won the round
they can't ignore us forever
>tfw the medic pocketing you has some gay name, cropped furry porn pfp, pink dyes and flirty weapon tags
>they're also really good and you two are topping scoreboards
>get sent a friend request afterwards
should i erp it bros?
No. Block that fucker.
>manage to get a Schadenfreude as the opposing team races to get you
Officially the best skin in TF2.
>start solo capping the point
>nobody ever comes
>Play 5 gorge
>a spy who sounds like patrick warburten takes down their engies
>I put up a sneaky teleporter and cap mid myself
>both teams no where in sight
I feel like people turn off their hud sometimes
>enemy team is so oblivious you regularly chainstab 3-4 of them with Big Earner
I didn't even feel anything.
the fuck is this animation