What happened to arcade racers?
How come all the new racing games focus on realism instead of fun?
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What happened to arcade racers?
How come all the new racing games focus on realism instead of fun?
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portraying violent car crashes triggers SJWs
>The original creators of Burnout and Need for Speed were killed by EA.
>Blur bombed and got removed from the market after the studio closed and the licenses expired.
>Pure and Split/Second were killed by Disney Interactive Studios.
The genre has a sad history.
I just want another comfy street racing game
>new racing games focus on realism
>every game has shitty rewind buttons and reverse ghosting because arcade shitters can't actually drive
I want something new like Motorstorm Apocalypse
>no carmageddon reboot ever
the crew 2 is very arcadey
they made a need for speed title too
wreckfest was finally released last summer
they might make ridge racer 8
or not
also forza games still going
top music pick, OP was not a fag today
I miss carmageddon.
I would love there to be more games like this. For some reason the genre dried up. Must be all today's emphasis on *yawn* dialogue and *yawn* realism. Look at something like Sega Rally, even though it only had like 4 tracks and 3 cars to choose from the amount of depth in the driving / drifting / physics always felt satisfying. The skill gap was wide.
There was thing game that looked like pod racing but I can't remember its name,it's not the star wars pod racing one
I was going to try Forza 3 on PC but found out it's a 60 gb download so fuck that. Is there anything else like it but smaller?
What game?
Is wreckfest actually good?
I think you mean Redout, although personally I don't really like Wipeout or Wipeout clones.
hello niggers
Wreckfest is full of confused design.
>no nitro system so crashing into other cars or destorying environments gives you a huge disadvantage instead of a bonus
>damage system which impacts performance further disencouraging you from crashing
>fun mini games replaced with gay lawnmower races
It's basically Flatout with pretty graphics/destruction but dull gameplay and without all the mini games.
Well...yes, that game is awful. Worse than the others.
But, no, I don't like the entire series, by and large.
Ridge Racer Unbounded is more fun.
This. The only good racer I have on modern gen is the burnout paradise remaster. I'd love to see a new ridge racer (And maybe a collection would be nice too).
I tried gt3 and it was fine, but I just can't play sims for very long. I want to be barreling through corners and cars, not cutting half my speed just to turn.
It's mainly because Need for Speed was the de facto arcade racing game. Other racing games could barely compete because most people only cared about Need for Speed games. Even prestigious titles like Test Drive faded into obscurity.
there is some carmageddon from 2016 with all these trump and hillaryous mods no?
Burnout was reduced to small indie "Crash mode" games
>Burnout Paradise
Last good Burnout game was Revenge.
that game would be good if it had specific tracks instead of 'get from point A to point B no matter the route', it sounds interesting but it's too hard for newbie and too easy for person knowing the city, also no split screen and neutered content on pc
Which stinks because the crash modes were "fun" but they weren't what made burnout fun in the slightest.
That could just be me though. I was never a huge fan of the crash modes in burnout.
and need for speed committed suicide
Paradise was fun. Not as good as revenge sure, but for an open world burnout it did it's job well enough.
The soundtrack was kinda meh with only 1/3 of the songs being good (And whose idea was it to put girlfriend in there?)
well good news, with all dem shekels they aquired doing that they will now be releasing this
shame none of us including me will be playing it since ebin games paid them too much money
you wanted flatout which wreckfest isnt
instead of ramming head on you take different approach
also damage seems to work differently in single player and multiplayer which is weird
but figure 8 is much more fun when being hit is more than just minor inconvenience
>shame none of us including me will be playing it
what? if using the epic launcher is such an issue just pirate it
Why does the music sound like some Muse ripoff
All the games going to the epic store is a good reason for me to stay a console beta.
Nice simple and no gay stores
thats a weird way to spell burnout 3
because ive got better shit to do then waste my time on that shit. ill just play burnout 3 again
There is one and it's called Carmagedon: Max Damage.
>no gay stores
every different console is a store itself, you can pirate shit on pc if it's not in your favorite store
then the issue is the game not the store you faggot
>want to support devs
>devs fuck my ass with chinks
>its the games fault
the game looks ok and i would play it. but the hassle of booting up qbittorrent and finding a good copy of the game is far more work than im willing to put in for it.
i will in a years time pay them 5$ on steam tho
Revenge had the best soundtrack.
"Racing is the only genre where the less you interact with other players, the better."
I dunno. Seems like kids these days are mostly in shooters. Miss the days when trackmania had tons of active players.
All i want in life is a new midnight club but rockstar might aswell not exist at this point
That's a weird way to spell 3
honestly man dont even bother asking for it. youll get an online mmoesque piece of shit where 1 car is 25$ real dollars
I got trackmania when it was free for ps+ and I'm glad I did
The track editor is fun to mess around with
still has a ton my dude
not in turbo though
At least the Remastered version added the content.
Can you mod in songs yet with Paradise Remastered?
How is someone supposed to play a Burnout game without hearing Helicopter.
People who think 3 is better than Revenge only played the NFS Undergroud 2 demo over and over.
I havent even touched trackmania since the united one.
Puzzle mode was fun tho.
revenge is good but 3 is a far superior game for listed reasons
>better soundtrack
>no traffic checking
Wangan Midnighy Maximum Tune 6 is done and English translated already.
Sega has ATV slam coming out and they are doing a deluxe motion cab of Wahlap's Storm Racer G.
>playing arcade games at home
Big yikes!
The crew 2 is good if you want to cruise around with some pals, the racing itself is cancer
I'm not sure. I have the ps4 version so I have no idea what modding is like for the remaster
Last time I checked Stadium a year ago and there was only couple servers with people on it. Canyon is probably had even less. Really sad compared to 2008 player base in Nations Forever. Was such a fucking blast to play.
With such a name I expected a game which encourages you to crash into other cars and cause destruction, not be heavily penalized for that and basically play it like a simcade with as little car contact as possible.
The best way to win crash derbies is just wait until everyone has offed himself as opposed to full speed ramming with niro on.
It's just not very fun, I can just play Race Driver GRID instead if i wanted this kind of gameplay.
Few things
1) I don't really like the underground games that much
2) I never tried burnout until last year so if you're implying nostalgia, that's not the case
3) Burnout 3 has a demo for u2?
What happened to onrush pc port?
Spent hours playing it split screen with mates.
Now their all gone
>Ridge Racer Unbounded is more fun.
top tier choice m8
Soundtracks' subjective, I liked Revenge's more due to the addition of techno tracks. And don't see how traffic checking is a negative. Revenge's track design and polish was ages above anything 3 brought to the table, and a less linear campaign progression.
The PS2 version of U2 had a Burnout 3 demo on it. And yes, did imply that and stand corrected.
Did you all forget that horizon 3 exists and is cheap/free?
Is there a pc port or emu that works with a logitech g25-920?
is it just me or is need for speed payback's measure of speed really shit?
like im going 400 km/h in this game and it feels like when im going 300 km/h in carbon/most wanted 2005 or even lower
I'll be buying it. Looks extremely faithful to Burnout's legacy. Hope it isn't open world, but I can't complain too much.
game sold like shit on consoles like literally any fucking arcade racer in this day and age so company went belly up.
shame because its a pretty fun game (i paid 60$ on day one)
i lost faith in humanity when blur died the way it did so i pretty much knew onrush would probably die
i can see your point with soundtrack, however traffic checking casualises the experience imo
>Dirt Rally doesn't
too bad its asphalt and FF car physics are wonky
you should join the events they have every week, the knockouts are a lot of fun
also this is the server list for stadium (took the screenshot just now)
i'd say it's still pretty active
Does FAST RMX count? I put a few hundred hours into this game.
Wait no pc port? Is the ai decent at least I'll pick up a ps4 pro one day soon after Ps5 drops to play some backlogs
Dirt 2.0 physics are dogshit the rwd cars still feel like everything is on ice no hook or grip on tarmac or any other surface
sure why not. shame those styles of games are dead too
new fzero never ever :(
Also Trackmania Turbo got ported as Lagoon.
>The PS2 version of U2 had a Burnout 3 demo on it
Ah yes.
The good old days where games held demos for other games
its ok, if you want a semi active player base your best choice would be xbox as the game went to game pass
Onrush was free for ps+ only a few months after it released
Let that speak for itself
Which trades off with the infinitely more dangerous tracks- the only track in B3 that is as dangerous as anything in Revenge is the avenue with the pillars on it. Asides traffic checking allows you to keep reliably boosting in straights, which makes the pace more even through the whole race. It is way easier to get boost in Revenge, but keeping control of the car during boost is a risk on it's own that makes it harder and less casual, specially at endgame.
god Flatout 2 (non ultimate carnage) soundtrack was so good
God no xbone sucked arse I had a og one and the x is slower than my older pc from like 2013
if you are the same guy who was going to buy a ps4 pro you are literally mentally retarded because the ps4 pro is far more of a piece of shit than the one x
>burnout music
>not peak Franz Ferdinand
NFS: MW (2005)
Nfs most wanted
Or maybe both are horrible gimped oc jaguar based shit from amd? The gpus are rx470/590 tier at best
Xbone also has fuck all exclusives which is why I sold mine 4 years ago
At least Sony will have a decade long backlog and hopefully hacked as well.
ok bro. enjoy your "exclusives" LMAO
This game is fun, sadly the soundtrack is absolute ass, aside from the main menu music
I have a midrange tier 2700x gtx 1080 that shits on a xbone
Besides Ms is gonna expand play anywhere/crossplay to their entire library of xbone games
Why would I want to double up on some piss weak xbone x when I have a pc 3x as fast
>reminds me of motorstorm
>tfw will never get to play it again because my ps3 broke and it's not on anything else
this is why i hate consoles
at least port it to ps4 so i can play it
Thanks for reminding me about the original reason I started hating Disney.
I wish there was a way to play the DLC for Split/Second on pc, the game is really in need of more content.
Port blur and split second too while you're at it
Which game did you get?
The best racing games of all time are:
>1. OutRun 2
>2. Wipeout HD Fury
>3. Burnout 3
blur because split second was boring derivative trash with little replay value
split second is on pc but it's locked to 30fps
Neither but I played Blur recently and wish I bought it at launch. I remember playing both Demo's around the time of release and really liked Split/Second a lot, and I don't know why because it's kind of shit. I guess the explosions drew me in.
I only played the demo when it came out and bought it last year. It's still fun when you find an active server
Any play Nascar thunder 2003 though?
>Open game hear this
Also the rush series was the best arcade racing series.
Fair, but I try to avoid pc gaming when I can for a few reasons.
1) I'm a console fag at heart
2) My laptop can hardly run minecraft above 20
honestly i cried a little when the player base finally hit under 20 players on the 360 2 or 3 years after launch and finally drew its last online breath
i was dedicated to that game because it was fun as fuck
talking about split second
>we can't let goyim have fun
>shove some nufun shit down their throats
I love Sega arcade racers.
Daytona USA, Outrun 2, Sega Rally, Initial D, there's so much good shit.
Jesus, it seems like the game went completely under the radar if it's right on your nose yet you guys can't find it.
It's on GoG also.
Well the original "Reincarnation" version was so fucking bad and poorly optimized that they had to rebrand the reboot to Max Damage when they fixed it.
I'd be glad if I only found about it now.
bet you crashed on that damn last turn
TeknoParrot should work with it, but only WMMT5 is out.
Flatout 2 is, without a doubt, the most satisfying arcade racer ever created. Really well-optimized too.
Max Damage sold like shit
Original backer here stainless got bought out.
Same with flat out devs bugbear.
>MXvsATV Apocolypse
>literally the entire fucking stage collapses and changes every lap
>choose whatever the fuck kind of vehicle you want
>infinite boost that would blow you up if you used too much
>sick and pumped as fuck music
Good times
give me a new ridge racer or a remaster of 7
>we're finally getting a burnout successor
>epic store exclusive
Recently replayed this on PSNow, it's still just as fun
>MXvsATV Apocolypse
you mean Motorstorm?
>not asking for a 4 remaster
Yeah, they're essentially the same game
R4 has no Crinale
why do people not like burnout revenge? is it the emphasis on traffic checking?
it had less content than 3 but better crash mode stages