Is it possible to enjoy mass effect andromeda?
Is it possible to enjoy mass effect andromeda?
Yes, people with shit taste enjoyed it
No, people with shit taste only thought they enjoyed it
Fallout 4 features more role playing mechanics than Andromeda. I'll just leave it at that.
give more details please
Rent it, Get drunk with friends and play it over a Weekend.
>Tfw No renting games anymore
im actually planning to get baked and play it right now. 5 minutes left on ps4.
It's the definition of a 6/10.
Although gameplay wise is the closest to a proper Mass Effect 2, in regards to exploring and such.
Sara's cute
Either play some co-op with buddies or plow through the main story quickly with only the squadmates people actually like (Vetra, Drack)
Combat is fine.
If you don't care about storylines that are insultingly stupid and treat you like you have the mental capacity of a 5 year old, then yes, you can enjoy it.
Yes. If you liked how Mass Effect 1 played, you will enjoy Andromeda's gameplay. Like another user said it feels like a proper sequel with the inventory, open world exploration, and crafting. The platforming with jetpacks is very neat too.
>Have all these various alien races
>Make you play as a human
But why.
No, it's terrible, it's even more bullet spongey than the previous games
Gamefly still exists
The core gameplay itself is bad. It's a cover shooter but it takes place in an open world where there's no cover, so 90% of combat you are hiding behind the Mako and peeking out to shoot at enemies. I hate the classless system because it's casualzied garbage because "punishing players for choosing a class is wrong they want to do everything and be everything!"
I actually like the crafting system for guns and armor since it's just Inquisition's crafting system, so they get points for that I guess.
The party members are fucking garbage. Black dude is bland and boring, the white chick is a "super speshul oc donut steel she so gud she got trained by asari commandos", PEEPEE POOPOO sucks, the Krogan is just Wrex, Veetra is just femGarrus, and Jaal is actually decent and kinda interesting.
The story is atrocious, it's just Mass Effect 1 but worse. Instead of going to prothean ruins you go to [whatever the ancient race is called in Andromeda because I forgot because I hate the game] ruins, and instead of Reapers you fight [whatever the bad guys are in Andromeda]. You go to each plane to find ruins and make it habitable for your people.
And then you've got the rampant bugs and glitches and general fuckery. It's a bad game user.
it's on sale right now for like 7 yuors on ps4
worth it?
though so
The worst thing is the missed opportunities. A whole galaxy full of potential for strange new aliens to meet, shoot and, this being bioware, fuck. Instead they decided they only wanted two new species and they're both fairly boring humanoids.
Just got it for about 7 bucks on ps4
>I played Engineer in 1-3
>Buddy played Soldier in 1-3
>Decide to play as a biotic in this train wreck
Any tips?
What you want to do is press the PS button then press "start" while your cursor is on Andromeda to bring up the PS Menu, then click the "uninstall application" option
I thought it has to be possible but after 3 tries I couldn't get past the tutorial level and uninstalled.
Bait of the century
The multiplayer is pretty fun even though the progressions just spam the lowest cost lootbox until you get everything.
Aside from bugs, I found it to be fine - it's closer to ME1 than ME2 and ME3 were. I liked being some sort of space pioneer tending to the outposts he founded
It has best girl in it
I played it in November after BW had finished patching it and a bunch of QOL mods installed.
I ended up enjoying it more than I though I would.
It still felt rather empty but some of the content that was there was rather enjoyable, especially the outlaw planet... which I've already forgotten what the fuck it's called.
Strange compliment perhaps, but I fucking love the menu, the music and SFX that accompany it.
A lot of the music is forgettable but it has a lot of comfy tracks.
I blame Bioware, I blame EA and I blame DICE.
Bioware should've managed it properly instead of diversity hiring and not having the balls to stand up to or compromise with EA when they were demanding features and story in game.
I blame EA for rushing it and studio meddling and forcing that piece of shit engine on them
Blame DICE for not creating proper tools to work with FB once EA decided it'd be the base for all inhouse games going forwards
You're only a human after all
god she's actually so cute, the perfect woman..
The people most vocal against it never actually played it.
It has the best gameplay of the series.
Depends on how retarded you are. Though at that point you probably would enjoy throwing a ball agains a wall for hours and it is cheaper.
For the first 2 hours maybe, the combats fun enough but eventually you realize it's just a reskinned Inquisition filled with pointless mmo quests
I bet you also think ME3 has better "gameplay" than ME1 and 2. You have no idea what gameplay actually means and I'm 100% certain you are only referring to combat which is only a part of what gameplay is in an RPG
>peebee's father is an elcor
Yes, gameplay is realy good and the exploration thing to. Your crew his cool not has epic than the normandy but the kogans and the female turians are really bro.
I've really good memories from this game, side quest, the asteroids, each planets have his hown vibes, the last mission is pretty cool and the end was hoppying for more interestring content but we never see wat happens too the Quarians arch.
i'm enjoying it so far, graphics are a little better than one but booties are good and exploration is much much better.
I actually enjoyed the game more than I expected to, but when you go in expecting to hate every single moment of it, that's not a high bar to surpass.
Most of the plot is INSULTINGLY bad, and the fact that there's such little biodiversity in the game is one of the most disappointing parts. Like someone else said, it feels like a huge missed opportunity in general.
1 > 3 > A > 2
It has the best combat in the series (that it does nothing interesting with) and it has some really pretty areas. The McGuffins ruin the story though.
>90% of combat you are hiding behind the Mako
Not if you use biotic charge. Its the only fun way to play
What did you guys think of the new aliens? Did you see the twist coming?
i meant biotics
Once you remove memes and the shit animation it becomes a solid, dull 3.5/10