is 2019 this decade's 2008 for videogames?
RE2, DMC5, Metro Exodus, the upcoming Sekiro, this is already shaping up to be a pretty good year for videogames.
is 2019 this decade's 2008 for videogames?
RE2, DMC5, Metro Exodus, the upcoming Sekiro, this is already shaping up to be a pretty good year for videogames.
Metro Exodus wasn't that good.
A lot of people considered 2016 a bad year for videogames but IMO it was one of the strongest years for shooters we've had in a LONG time with Doom 2016, Titanfall 2, and Overwatch which was genuinely a great time until the meta solidified and it became a MOBA
i honestly thought dmc 5 was poorly designed, their linear levels and few enemies make it a really boring experience, the first difficulties are easy and i don't really have the will to do it all over again, Dante has the best gameplay and theres not enough, V is a really watered down gameplay experience for the lazy.
Same with RE2, it becomes such a linear and boring game after you finish it, it feels like these products lacked time in development.
>Same with RE2, it becomes such a linear and boring game after you finish it
So... just like every other RE?
2008 was a pretty boring year honestly. Better than the dumpster fire that was 07 but still not notably good.
Every year this decade has been better, even 2014.
>dumpster fired
god i hate Yea Forums contrarians
Doubt it, 2017 is still the best year of the decade
I'm having a hard time believing 2008 is the best year of the naughts, too
Didn't 2004 have more big releases?
Probably made a mistaked and typed 2008 instead of 1998
>2017 the best year of the decade
what even came out?
Granted, I'm a shooter dude and 2017-2018 were both awful and depressing years for shooters with literally nothing coming out, but what?
what the hell are you talking about. 2008 had L4D, MGS4, DMC4, SSMB:B, Dead Space, Valkyria Chronicles etc.
>Halo 3
>Mass Effect
>Mario Galaxy
>AssCreed 1
>dumpster fire
fuck off
This is correct except Metal Gear Solid is a dark stain on humanity. The fact that Thief was released the same year but the tactical espionage anime pac-man with boss fights somehow became synonymous with stealth is just the biggest shame.
-Nier Automata
-Mario Odyssey
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Splatoon 2
-Metroid Samus Returns
-Hollow Knight
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Im sure theres more
Okay, I'm a zoomer, 2008 was primetime childhood for me, let me be real:
Is a really solid and unique multiplayer experience. It's just worse than the Orange Box, but how could they possibly follow up on that?
is the worst game in the franchise
Is mechanically excellent, but a little rushed with playing-through-the-game-again-but-Dante losing a lot of people at the story's halfway point
Subspace is great, but it's easily the worst Smash mechanically, no competition.
>Dead Space
Is pretty neat, but it gets a little repetitive midway through once you've figured out how to deal with Necros.
Is fine.
This dude's list is more like it except Asscreed 1, which is awful and practically the progenitor for ubisoft's generic open world formula
07 was shit at the time and is still shit now, early 7th gen was poor in general outside handhelds.
DOOM Eternal looks like it's gonna be bretty gud and that's probably this year as well.
dude just stop
PCfags eternally BTFO
most of those are good but none of them were really a slam dunk "wow, this is incredible, goty every year" for me, I guess. There are a few I didn't play though
No, it's this decade's next 2017. What a fucking wonderful year that was
>Halo 3
Halo is and always has been trash
Okay game.
>Mass Effect
Okay game.
Good game that goes to shit in the third act
>Mario Galaxy
One of the few very good games that year.
>AssCreed 1
Shit game
>dumpster fire
Yes, because there were only a handful of games better than 6.5/10. Most of the year was a desert for quality releases and in hindsight it kicked off a bunch of bad series and trends.
>All the games I was looking forward to received low ratings from critics and users
>Still cost $49.99-$59.99
The only game I'm playing is the waiting (for bargain bin sales) game
>Halo is and always has been trash
Proof of concept that packed content.
Bad game
Good but incomplete
>Dead Space
>Valkyria Chronicles
Horribly balanced and poorly written SRPGs are a plus to you? May I recommend modern fire emblem games then?
2017 was the 2008 of this decade.
There's no fucking way you're not baiting. All your points are 100% the opposite of reality
What games were you looking forward to? Sounds like you just have awful taste
>worst in the franchise
But V is the worst by far
I don't think Halo will ever outrun the stigma of being the casual dudebro game of the times. It's genuinely really good, and closer to an arena shooter than almost every shooter that's become popular since. For fuck's sake it has item pickups and power weapons. when was the last time you saw those in anything?
Personally? I cannot stand the movement for starters. It's way too floaty and slow, it's just never felt good to play. Beyond that 1+2 had bad campaigns, 3 had balance issues with the multiplayer, and the series as a whole just never had fun gunplay.
I liked the multiplayer map design a lot in 3 though so I've always been kind of sad that the mechanics just don't do it for me.
Persona 5 and Gravity Rush 2. 2017 was fantastic for idorts.
Both of you are wrong, Portable Ops is wprse than both.
4 beats out 5 for having decent level design and bossfights though. Better mechanics and controls can't save 5 from the trash bosses or the excessive padding like the research grind and bland openworld (which also ruined the level design)
>Ace Combat 7
>REmake 2
>Metro Exodus
>Baba is You
>Phoenix Point
>Hylics 2
>Psychonauts 2
>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
>Sunless Skies
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Disco Elysium
>Shovel Knight: King of Cards
>Dying Light 2
>Tons of games that don't yet have release dates and may release this year
God what a fantastic looking year
I thought about including GR2 on the list, but it would have the lowest critical reception of anything else there
It's a damn shame the gameplay had to be so lame, because the music and setting are one of a kind.
>L4D absolutely is not as good as the orange box
>MGS4 is a poorly-performing, weirdly-paced game that regularly interrupts some pretty damn good stealth gameplay with gimmicky sections that aren't as fun or long spiels of badly-written plot thrown together by kojima so he could be finally freed from the series, to no avail
>DMC4 is good but unfinished, I don't think this is a controversial opinion
>my life literally centered around Brawl for like the year before and months after it came out as a kid, last time I went back to it I couldn't handle how floaty and bad it felt
>Dead Space just lasts a little too long for the pacing, walking through a rusty steamy hallway only for a big spooky guy to jump out of the vents and you shoot a leg and an arm off only remains exciting and scary for so long
I don't really have any significant opinions on Valkyria, it's a fine game.
>1+2 had bad campaigns
>Balance issues in 3
GR2 was one of my top five of 2017, so i'll always put it on the list of good shit that year.
5 is awful as a metal gear game, but I still enjoyed experimenting with the sandbox stealth it offered. MGS4 just feels miserable man, I dunno. The whole time I just got the feeling that Kojima was being forced to make it.
The past 4 years have been fucking amazing for games.
I'm glad we've had the past few years to make the kids realize what good vidya years are supposed to look like. The seventh gen was a goddamn travesty
Metro is more forgettable shootan
Here's what changed:
Jap studios stopped releasing shitty games
The third person cover shooter/generic military shooter trend finally came to an end
Indies finally got good
Nearly every level in 1 is 50% longer than it has any right to be and reuses shit too much to hoot. Fighting your way up to the docked Covenant ship and then entering guns blazing to cut through the hangar is cool as fuck but then the next half of it is boring as shit repetitive corridoors and rooms. The entire game is padded to hell and it has some absolute fucking trash like The Library too, which invalidates amy good stuff like Silent Cartographer.
2 has the issue to a lesser extent but then has the problem of feeling literally unfinished, like the third act of the story is just not there. On top of that I found it much slower to start too.
My issue with the balance in 3 is mostly that dual wielding ruined a ton of guns, but I also wasn't a fan of equipment or how much harder your team is punished if you fail to lock down valuable weapon spawns because of the much wider gap between them and the rest.
Weeaboo games, so you are correct.