March 19th

March 19th
Save the date, that's when Nintendo dies

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>only mentioning Nintendo
>implying Google won't decimate Sony and Microsoft too

Why shitendo specifically

I hope Jewgle sinks a lot of money into this project.

I'll still be here when it's literally nothing, and I'll be laughing.

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>having an opinion

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Googlefags are fucking pathetic, Enjoy that 4th place though

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>the one least likely to be impacted will be the one to die
What did the Google subhuman mean by this?


If anything, Nintendo will probably be the only one not affected by this whole Google thing.

Implying Nintendo would be the one to die from this. They've always done their own thing separate from the rest. If Google makes a traditional console I don't think it'll eat much into Nintendo's bottom line.

you can just tell that it's a snoy nigger making these threads

Nintendo probably has the least to worry about since their survival is based on their IPs and not third party revenue like Sony and Microsoft

So what will they reveal?
The OUYA, but now with streaming?

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>he spends his day cheering for his chosen multinational 100-billion dollar company to have higher sales rates than the other massive corporations on an uighur salamander training board

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Google is connected to pedogate

Google hosts child porn

Pure nude hism is the code word

PN =

Prepubescent nude

>another fucking wojak
>premade beanie jpeg
>not even bothering to rotate it to fit the angle of the head
fucking hell at least whoever drew actually took 10 seconds to draw a visor, but then again it's not much better since it fucks with pixel sizes

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Console war wojak are acceptable a new consle Is make

What are the chances that Google won't fucking abandon this a year later?

it's a streaming console which means you can play PC quality games on the GO
switch is dead

Fuck off electionigger conspiraspic

Nintendo is dead since 94.

hard pass

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search for pure nu-dism, googlel shill

They aren’t making a portable console

>4th place
More like dead last, behind even the Soulja Boy consoles.

Nintendo is literally the most safe of the three.
They have their own market, Nintendo player buy Nintendo console for the Nintendo game first.

>Xbox Scarlett
>Nintendo Switch 2
>Atari box
>Google console
next gen's looking pretty packed up

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>implying Google won't decimate Sony and Microsoft too
The original definition of "decimate" is to reduce by one tenth, so that's probably accurate. Google taking 10% of the consolefag market with their first console would be a success, honestly, considering most consolefags are brand loyalists.

that when everyone dies.

Good luck, you'll need it!

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Snoyggers probably think about Nintendo more than actual Nintendo fans by now

It's reduce TO one tenth idiot. Meaning they take 90%

Good luck, you're going to need it!

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Based and googlepilled

...Why is it wearing a propeller beanie? Isn't it implying that your upcoming console is immature and childish?

That makes sense with the deci part

Nintendo have the poorest online service and worst server infrastructure. If anything they will be affected the MOST.

No, he’s right. It comes from a punitive measure Roman commanders took against rebellious or mutinous armies. Lots were given to all the troops in groups of ten, if you drew the short stick you were put to death. So one in ten were killed.

Honestly they're probably just gonna compete against microsoft and sony, since nintendo has kind of historically been part of its own separate plane of reality, and all google really needs to be a good competitor is

a) good enough hardware to compete with ps5 and Xbox 2
b) have some quality exclusives under their belt
c) good marketing (which, unless they're retarded, is almost a guarantee because they're fucking Google)

I can see this at least making an impact of some kind, even if it doesnt overturn the industry

Guys... what if sony, microsoft, and nintendo and collaborated and made the ultimate gaming system. Holy shit

march 19 was last year

Ah fuck my bad. Cool shit.