Are you really willing to isolate yourself for hours on end within a VR headset?

Are you really willing to isolate yourself for hours on end within a VR headset?

Think about this for a minute, only the most advanced hikki shut-ins would truly be comfortable with this.

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haha imagine the smell :)

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Have they gotten past the motion sickness yet?

The movement is so unnatural that it makes me wanna hurl.

Think about how easy it would be to sneak up and kill somebody playing VR

VR is for incels so they propably don't care

Do you actually think I go outside? Get real

The absolute state of white """"""people""""""

Well it would already be "easy" to sneak up to me when I'm sitting on my compooter with headphones on, granted someone knows where I live, wants to kill me, and manages to pick the front door lock so I don't see your point


I had the same feeling but got over it after playing for 20 hours or so

>Using Yea Forums and not being a shut in
I want normalfags to fucking leave god fucking damn it aaaaaa

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Do Americans not have any sense of privacy?

god imagine the humiliation of the scenario
to be rendered into a laughing stock, surrounded by men shoving their ass in your face and delighting at making a joke out of you
if only they’d turn around and fuck my throat and turn me into an object for them to use

Is this what white people do when they hang out? Looks really gay.

Why do americans prank by showing their asses? Are they aware that it's gay as fuck?

You can still be a shut-in and not be willing to totally isolate yourself from your surroundings

theres nothing wrong with playing vr for 5 hours straight if you're enjoying yourself

t.fell asleep in vr

Where do you think you are?

That said, my only complaint about VR is the tunnel vision. Well, that and the fact that my toaster can't run it anyway.

No. Apparently the FPS will fuck with you once you go IRL. My friends said their eyes tried to catch up with everything that was going on. It does go back to normal, but sounds like damage in a long run.

>Where do you think you are?
Don't kid yourself, this place is full of normies. Has been for years.

advanced hikki shut-in reporting. VR sucks ass.

Let me clarify. It doesn't suck but there's nothing good there. Nothing. No one is making a goddamn thing and the few simple tech demos that exist are all stuck in Early Access™ that has all been seemingly abandoned.

That's some gay shit.

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You've never played VR, have you? It's a much better experience than playing on a computer, even as rudimentary as the technology is.

RIP sewer joker

Nothing gay about bare male ass.

If you had a job rather than doing things you enjoy all day, you wouldn't have to worry about games being short. I have plenty of things I can look forward to playing since I only get a hour or two every day for games. I feel truly bad that you can't share this same enjoyment and satisfaction in life.

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>Have they gotten past the motion sickness yet?
Yes, it's called stop being such a genetic failure.

Is that the "Smell o vision" tech i hear so much about?

>Sour grapes, the post.
I'm a married wageslave with kids and still have time to sit for hours in VR. Take your stupid assumptions and shove them up your ass, you dumb motherfucker.

>Really want to get into Elite Dangerous VR
>Even bought a controller for the first time just for it
>Everything is so daunting i can't really get started
a-at least i have gorn and robo recall

Imagine getting this defensive about VR goggles and tech demos

>o-oh yeah? Well it's your fault for not having a job! VR is supposed to suck!
This is you.

Just put a fan in front of your face pussyboi

white people always do gayshit when you asleep near dem

>he doesn't have an inner ear made of fucking titanium steel
what a loser
Yes, motion sickness prevention has come a long way

I get it from reading in the car too.

I guess it's just impossible for me to separate what my eyes see and what my body feels. I don't think genetic failure is appropriate though, motion sickness has existed since the first man got on a boat.

>Nogaems lol
>Currently 5300 games
Sure, most of them are bad, short tech demoes, but that's still far more than current gen console games combined (most whom are also bad)

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>can't consciously separate what you see and feel
it's not an inner ear problem, it's an IQ problem.
your IQ is outdoor level
at winter
in alaska

Fuck yes I would. I have to work all day. I've seen enough of the real world by the time I get home.

aw man but i was in gifted and talented all through school

dum teachers lyin 2 me

>Go on /k/ vidya thread
>Get recommended Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Handgrenades cause of the Hickok45 memes
>Haven't played any other VR Game since except I Expect You to Die and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Honestly, if they can get the H3G dev onto Boneworks it might become the only VR FPS I ever play.

>I don't think genetic failure is appropriate though, motion sickness has existed since the first man got on a boat.
I would be curious to know if there is a correlation to any traits that are genetic or things you can practice. My assumption would be no. There where studies of motion sickness in military flight simulators and you would think pilots would have all of the right qualifications to avoid motion sickness. However, there were still some that got it and could not get over it.

I'm lucky enough to feel almost no effect from it. Hopefully the ear vibrator thing that is being worked on will help you. Motion in VR feels much more satisfying than other games, so it is definitely worth it to make effort to break through if you can.

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>only the most advanced hikki shut-ins
haha, imagine being like this

I have a history of inner ear problems as a young boy, so it could be something along those lines. I don't normally have any problem with my equilibrium considering I've been surfing and skating for 18 years now, I just literally can't get over motion sickness. I haven't looked into it, I just stopped reading in the car and stopped playing VR.

I'm guessing it has to do with the "fake" graphics and low quality screens fucking with the mind.
But then again i at best feel just a tad wobly taking elevators in games and nothing else.

If we ever got to the point where VR actually looked good and immersive, most people would.
You need only look at how popular The Sims/Second Life games are.

I've always been concerned about getting kicked in the balls while wearing a headset.

Like I think it hurts even worse if you don't know what happened, you just feel your crotch suddenly grow very sore and your legs give out.

I wear glasses. Very strong ones. VR is impossible for me.

Not that I care, traditional gaming suits me just fine.

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You can buy prescription inserts and the Vive can be adjusted to give extra room. Not impossible, but potentially slightly more expensive.

Gotta toss your bros salad sometimes my man

i was just in vr for a couple of hours playing with some friends, you do have friends right user?

Not OP but i dont :(
If it was VR chat then you should kill yoourself, it's pure cancer

A majority of Americans are repressed bisexuals.

vr is dead

damn i would love to be that guy and eat all of those asses

You can play vr and still go outside, too

Facts about VR motion sickness:

1. Only a small fraction of people experience it after the introduction period of around 10~20 hours.
2. Most games offer teleport based locomotion which is okay to endure even for genetical failures that get sick easily
3. There are multiple products coming up to combat this effect including the new generation of headsets with higher resolution and better framerate which is in most cases the real reason for VR sickness

this actually looks really fun but the VR ruins it

yes, i would

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over

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>europeans all regularly get naked wigh eachother

When is it COMING OUT

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that looks fun, what is it?

Probably end of the year, I could see Valve putting the finishing touches on the Knuckles and having this game bundled with it.

Sairento. It is fun with nice weapon variety and movement mechanics. The game has a story mode and variety in the scenery, but you are essentially just moving from room to room where you proceed kill everyone in it. You can also grind for stat enhancements for your weapons if you are into that type of thing. Make sure to enable smooth movement in the options and enable the ability to do flips if you are up to it.

>I don't think genetic failure is appropriate though, motion sickness has existed since the first man got on a boat.
Motion sickness used to be a natural defense mechanism against certain poisons that fucked with your inner ear and sense of balance, but it no longer matters.
Still keeping that feature after hundreds or thousands of years without use just for it to bite you back in the ass is in a sense a genetic failure.

Why is that one on the bottom-middle completely naked?

oh look another grapes thread