What went do right?

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>What went do right?

Not your OP that's for sure.

Make sure you do your fashion report user!

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inb4 watermarks start appearing on these because someone got triggered.

trying 2 hard

You know, XIV sure has a low amount of proper nouns and fantasy lingo for an MMO. Most things are called exactly what they are and pretty much everything that's not common parlance or a place/race/person/region name is either AETHERxxx or some kinda rock.

It looks too clean with the background fixed, I wouldn’t doubt the owner turning off layers and posting on Yea Forums

>imagine having a cute lalafell lass bouncing up and down on your "lever"

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so is this guy gay?

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Kys pedo, the only thing I want on my “lever” is a cat slut

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A cat is fine too

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Shut up

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he's a man who enjoys his job

>Tataru ambushes you to take your measurements
>You can talk to one of the ladies who ambushed you with her and she mentions that some measurements were bigger than she thought
haha she saw your dong

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He just uses weird, archaic common nouns, not a battalion worth of proper nouns.


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I’ve been out of the loop. Is the next race and jobs confirmed yet?

I want to hang out with Tataru Taru at McDonald's

Imagine Blessfag's faces when they realize they'll never get their lion waifus for the second time.

there was no loop to be out of
nothing is confirmed besides gunblaker and viera

no booli

come back in 6 days

Male bara cats call Hrothgar (some ppl actually think there will be female versions of hrothgar)
Dancer as the next job. (assumed healer)

Imagine being this delusional faggot. Your tears are gonna be delicious when they announce male only hrothgar.

throw wide the gates, user

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slut's name?

You and the Incineroar faggot are so horribly obnoxious

Have people accepted that there will be no bunny boys yet?

Was this posted by mr happy or reddit
I noticed its been slammed often lately

Why this game is so fun and interesting compared to gw2 and teso?

looks like they have au ra scales though


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>being this much of an asshurt tranny

it increased significantly when they revealed G'raha merchandise

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What's with people constantly suggesting it's an Au Ra when there's NO FUCKING HORNS and it doesn't look like an Au Ra at all? There can't be this many retards.

The only person who is a tranny is the tranny cat plastered on all of these user

I'm never going out of my way to raise anyone in Eureka again.

What are your favorite dungeons? Personally I think Neverreap is top comfy especially during the day

>Fantasia into manly and cool Au'Ra dude thinking the whole tranny thing is a meme
>doing roulettes with a friend
>one of the first healers I get is an Au'Ra WHM male in fucking what appears to look like women's clothing glam
>mfw it wasn't a meme after all

I hate this game sometimes

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Sohr Khai never gets old.

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>you're obnoxious for being right
How's the spectrum treating you?

>like women's clothing glam
so the whm af?

Lost City of Amdapor, both versions.
Syrcus Tower was super comfy back in ARR. Now it's not.

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I can't wait until you get blown the fuck out on fanfest

Tam Tara Deepcroft (hard). Heavensward, The Vault. Stormblood, probably Ala Mhigo

>la Hrothgar
Too bad it'll be you getting "blown out" user.

So i'm doing the books for Animus weapon. How many books do I need to do and is the proces the same for all of them (kill x and wait for y fate to pop)?

that and "-lm" suffixes to imperial measurements

you know that clothing set people spam in these threads sometimes of a male hyur character with a baby face with long hair wearing some pink skimpy clothing? it was that set or partly that set I think

>haven't seen the Void Ark raids in roulette in actual months

Labyrinth is so fucking abhorrent

Hrothgar will be a genderless race despite looking male.

Nine books and yes

>Tam Tara Deepcroft (hard)
More actually spooky dungeons when?

just force people to be able to queue into raids by level and not ilvl


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Yeah. It's just weird seeing how other games flood you with pretentious vague names while this bloated MMO doesn't.

What do you think about NZ shitposting kebab remover? I for one support Brenton, may all muslims die by the hands of christians. Holy War now

There's no fucking ears on the hood either you double digit IQ tranny

>Ads never lie

Ears can be more easily hidden in a hood than horns you stupid fucking retard, not everyone who disagrees with you a tranny

WoW self destructed and SE capitalized with the Twitch Prime promo. Game is as active as I ever remember it being and this few months before the expansion launch is supposed to be a dead period. Shadownigger launch is going to be absolutely packed and I doubt the data center splits are going to help very much at all with the constant disconnects and errors that will be happening.

>and I doubt the data center splits are going to help very much at all with the constant disconnects and errors that will be happening
Chaos DC disagrees ;)

GW2 lacks progression. Or it did when I played back on release
>Unlock all abilities in the first few levels
>Rest of the game is minor gear upgrades

TESO feels bland because of how level scaling works. It trivializes the feeling of fighting opponents that are supposed to be strong.

Based and Redpilled. Fuck Muslims and Kikes.

>What went right with FFXIV
How about hilarious tweet wars between the two? There should be more like that.

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TESO has abysmal combat

>People still think level scaling is a good thing
What the fuck were they thinking? Way to make each level up or piece of gear feel useless, you never get to feel more powerful. It's the worst mistake you can do in a fucking MMORPG

>Game is as active as I ever remember it being
You're fucking kidding, right? The game's never been more dead thanks to Eureka sucking the lives of all remaining players.

It would just end up with SE bullying Blizzard in their current state, there wouldn't be any real bants.

Are the 60-70 Monk quests any better than the 30-50-60 quests?

The hubs are absolutely littered witb sprouts running around. I tried to join Novice Network the other day just to see what the sprouts had to say and I couldn't because it was fucking full and that has never happened to me before.

yeah, it might be unique to that character. even y'shtola didn't show ears when she wore that hood. also, ear sheaths look terrible.

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>upgrade old 380 blm gear to 390/400
>lost so much sps blm literally becomes unplayable
>get so butthurt i start collecting every single gear piece that has sps, even if it's slightly lower itemlvl
>2009 sps and having a blast now
I'd argue you'd want sps first and foremost, then followed by crit.

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Exactly. Its now just babies first themepark MMO with some TES slapped on it.

hamon holyfist comes back

nobody seems to be talking about ESO's expansion despite it being released the same month as Shadowbringer. its all WoW vs FFXIV.

This is what I do. Maxing crit instead of sps is now BiS because of how foul works but I don't give a fuck, I don't raid as BLM anyway I just wanna have fun

SpS is actually a crutch stat for BLM.

I love level scalling in xiv though
Really helps to make old dungeons little less terrible

Remember to give your retainer plenty of headpats every time you call upon them!

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>a crutch stat
A what?

Only because Yea Forums is weeb shithole, generally people more hyped about new teso expack than about both classic and shadowniggers

The ilvl sync for old dungeons is just high enough to make you feel stronger compared to minimum ilvl but still low enough to not completely steamroll the entire dungeon.

Ah yes, I sure love not being able to use 4/5 of my abilities

You got it right, i find that 1850ish sps is perfect for me

The difference in potential dps between max sps and max crit is very low, like 1%

Just get a sps that feels good for you

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>I want all my skills in satasha
Good thing Yoshi will never listen retards like you

The difference is that the scaling in FFXIV actually works. It brings your character to the level of the content and adjusts skills accordingly. In TESO the numbers simply change according to your level.

Haven't played since the game came out and was still shit, do I need to buy all the xpacs to play the new one when it comes out or can I just get Shadowbringers and it includes everything else?

When you buy shadowbringers it comes with all the other xpacs. Only when it comes out though, so if you want to do it that way you'll have to wait until shadowbringers comes out.

Whats to be hype about?
>New mount for preorder
>New level 1 zone
>A new raid and a couple of dungeons
The way they dole out content in piecemeal microtransaction style is gross. Unless you want to pay monthly, the game is expensive as fuck to purchase outright.

>I want all my skills in satasha
Yes, that's why I spent time unlocking them and upgrading my equipment
If they are that concerned about balancing they should upscale the dungeon instead of limiting my tools and rendering most of my progress obsolete and worthless

Shit, so I need to buy the current xpac and then Shadowbringers as well?
That's fucked

>They should scale dungeon that has 15 lvl dps without any skills to the 70lvl, because healer is maxed out
Yeah, good idea, enjoy your 2 hours runs
As I said, good thing Yoshi will never listen retards like you

You can just wait until Shadowbringers comes out so you can buy it when it comes out. That way you can get all expacs while just making one purchase.

It is fucked.
>Get in on the prime thing
>Having a blast
>Reach 50
What a fucking bait and switch

It basically comes down to whether you want to do the expansion content before June 28 or not.

There's a LOT of quests to even get to Heavensward, the first expansion, but you'll be bound to the level 50 cap without the expansion, too (you can be many levels past 50 by the time you actually reach HW proper with the MSQ experience).

Yeah, but then I can't play the xpac until weeks or even months later when I played through all the other content and it's not really fresh anymore...

When is the next big patch?

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end of the month

I think by the start of april? Last one before expansion I assume

>big patch?
28 june
Story patch should be in 3 day, because they need to finish msq before full trailer

When you stop asking to be spoonfed and google it retard


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me on the right

Daily reminder futa loving faggots are worst then actual faggots and both straight and gay people hate you with a burning passion.

This, currently 52 and still have 24 quests to go before HW. I get to sit in queue for hard primals today, too bad I didn't die in my sleep.

>yfw Yugiri wants to scissor with MY fem midlander
all you dumb fags on suicide watch. this is canon. she wants MY WoL and no one elses

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Oh fuck off cat boy.

you could probably get stormblood for cheap somewhere

Name 3 things wrong with futa.

She'll get gassed to death anyways.

Success breeds jealousy. People crave what they can't have

>generally people more hyped about new teso expack than about both classic and shadowniggers

You are a fucking delusional

Less than one week until it all ends.

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>Story patch should be in 3 day, because they need to finish msq before full trailer

We'd know if the next story patch was going to be out this Tuesday by now 100%. It's going to be on the 26th, the full trailer won't spoil anything.

You mean furfags.

He wouldn't get any attention so what's the point? You only gotta do it once and if you have a clean template you can paste it over that bitchcat anytime


End? No my friend, the shitposting is merely beginning.

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Yeah, by my WoL's braps

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I would care about dungeon scaling if the dungeons were ever hard, but they're not. It does nothing but make dungeons take longer.

Taken away too soon.

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If the run is BARELY 20 minutes at the designated level what makes you think it'll be two hours at a higher level? Get fucking real dude.

imagine if FFXIV had mythic dungeons

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Yotsuyu was a dumb whore who deserved everything that happened to her.

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Because you're playing with a guy running through the game the first time with ilevel 10 gear and no skills?

>where's trick?

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Here's your SMN main bro

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If you don't raid and don't need your 99th orange parse I highly recommend trying to get gear with actual sps, not the meme eureka gear with 5 materia slots.
>meld 5 sps materia
>get skalla in lvl70 roulette
>itemlvl synced to 370
>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone
Having sps in your gear without relying on materia guarantees you have high sps in any content.

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>be the only melee job
>lose stacks and my dps

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>mfw the mongoloid bard lbs the boss a couple seconds before me
>of course he also wins the roll for items after
how do I give negative comms please fix

Is that the PVP armor?

that only happens in content where it doesn't matter

it matters to me

>Lose stacks
What? How do you fuck that up? There's plenty of time after an LB to reset your GL3.

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Whoever came up with the twitch prime idea was a genius. That shit was like throwing life rafts at a sinking ship.

Mikoto is cute!

Even the strongest of shields cannot defend the weakest of wills. A moment's hesitation beckons a lifetime of pain!


There are too many systems in this game. I have 2 70s and play every day yet I have no idea what this is. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

>lose stacks
You have to be a retard to lose stacks after LBing

its a minigame in Gold Saucer. only for the most extreme dressup players. casual savage raiders need not apply

DPS greeding retards that would rather abandon a pull than see it to completion because their DPS isn't what they had imagined is easily one of the worst aspects of raid mmos

I'm honored to play BLM so that my pull/group DPS is high no matter the occasion or my gear

The one with Wu Kong as the end boss is literally the only dungeon I enjoy.

Since they're never going to go as spoiler heavy as the Heavensward trailer again, we've probably already seen everything they'd show us from Stormblood MSQ (WoL vs. Elidinos?); what we haven't seen yet that was in BOTH Heavensward and Stormblood trailers is whatever our hub city is for the expansion. Maybe a hint at a dungeon or two if we haven't already gotten that (Stormblood trailer at least showed the Temple of the Fist and the Shisui of the Violet Tides).

official ver.

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I can't believe some random twitter thot would shamelessly steal the wondrous work made by anonymous members of a Taiwanese scooba diving billboard

Other way around bud.

thot crime should be punishable by death

>Stealing work from a Tibetan throat singing tapestry

Thieving tranny


Why would you lie like that?

Why are you so obsessed?

Anyone else ever been to the Final Fantasy cafe' in Akihabara?

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I don't know about that. while its obvious the Scions would eventually wake from their coma. seeing them alright in the ShB does take away what little drama it had. Although we haven't seen Alisae or Alphinaud yet

A-are there lala waitresses?

its possible that the Thancred, Urianger and Y'shtola we see are different versions of ours

>going to asia unironically
no thanks, I like keeping my organs and staying STD free

No. But you get free coasters.

They're replicants.

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only the female lizards are trannies, retard. the males are mostly edgy white knights desperate for female attention like you

No degenerates allowed.

I was there a few months ago because I'm being transferred for my job. I'm moving to Tokyo in a couple of months now, so I wanted to make sure the place is not a shithole. Turns out Tokyo and Japan are actually pretty awesome, it's not like the rest of Asia.

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The only thing it really tells us is that at least versions of them are up and about - remember that the diagnosis from everything including Matoya's Crystal Eye is that the souls are just "elsewhere"; none of them are dead, but they're not currently tethered to their bodies.

The hell are you on about? 75% of the male lizards Ive seen are gay guys

No lalas no go

>>No degenerates allowed.

The WoL is a replicant or advanced Android

male lizards are all gay as fuck dressing in strings and that bunny outfit.

So Matoya possess Y'shtolas body temporarily. Who will be using Urianger's body then?

>caring about synched content outside of ultimate

that one frog that is bummed about not having a purpose

I want to possess Urianger's body!

I'd say into the the you go but it's not even welcome there anymore so there is that.

>dick is wrong
No wonder you cretins cut off your own.

Because you fucking said yourself that dungeons should be scalled to max level?
And that means for full kit which is 800% more potency than rotation on 15lvl

Meant for

What would you do if you were able to possess Y'shtola's body for a few weeks

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What armor is that? I like it

>not having all itemlvl tiers BiS sets so you can have orange Kugane Castle parse
Look at this noob.

As a level 63 WHM (I already have a level 70 job, so no MSQ for me), what's the best place to level up? HoH? Sirensong?

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63 whm means you can do underwater whore palace

The shisui place for dungeon. HoH isn't as fast as dungeons but its a little less engaging in case you want to take it easy

This is what I’ve been guessing. The Scions in the trailer are from a different shard, that’s why all their jobs are different.

maybe we'll have to fight them to get our version's souls back.

If the Titania/Alisae thing is true, she might be Suzaku 2.0

why would they go through all that effort make a Doman summon a primal when the Regulus, along with his crew in the dreadnaught witnessed an eorzean turn into a Primal.

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I'll run both version of Gubal and Antitower any day of the week. I just want more Sharlayan stuff, honestly,

Er. Does she retain the memories when she gets it back, and am I around to suffer the punishment that would follow?

It makes me a little sad because it's almost certain that Matoya's own body won't somevive the process, or she can't return, for dramatic purposes, and this is going to be a drawn out death scene for her and a last hurrah. I really liked the character and her dying is going to suck.

>made my gf dress up like Alice in Wonderland when Antitower came out
a really good month desu

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I still really love Susano ex, I know it's easy with current dps and hp but everything just so fucking fun

is stormblood (non steam) ever going to be 20 bucks again? are they just waiting for the twitch prime subs to expire first?

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I just hope nobody left gets what they want.

The promotion ends in May. Which will leave subs up until June. I gave up waiting for an official sale and got a key from G2A for 20 bones.

Twitch prime gets you Stormblood?
Can I grab that if I just sign up with Amazon prime?

I really want to enjoy the game but fuck the MSQ are boring as hell

do G2A keys work for NA? ive read conflicting info on this

>it's not even welcome there anymore
They moved on their own because of asshurt trannies like you spamming it with gore and other disgusting shit.

lea monde soon

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no i beat the main story on the free twitch sub, i want to get stormblood before SB comes out but its only been on sale on steams version

Will it be the next 8 man raid?

>Tfw still use fighter set on my WAR because I can't find a tank set that I like after 50
What do you recommend?
I liked the set from The Vaults but it got old rather fast

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Twitch Prime gets you ARR and a free month. Stormblood you'll need to buy separately, and if you buy Shadowbringers you get all expansions but don't actually get access to them until ShB releases (July 2nd).

I want europe to leave

Legitimately stick with the Fighter set, job-armor is good shit across the board anyhow. I only ended up changing Fighter's with using the hands and feet from the 70 set because I didn't care for the asymmetrical gauntlets/greaves.

>people still bother killing plumes and the sisters in garuda hard
>people still let ifrit jump before reaching 70% in ifrit hard
>people still fall off in titan hard

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The trannies were there.

next 8 man raid will be FF4 themed


I'm sorry I offended you.

Well cocks, that's what I was planning to do.

trannies trannies trannies trannies trannies trannies

Hopefully the split won't fuck up your already small community too hard yuropoor.


Fanfest is in a week, there's a good chance we will see discount again.

I don't play on EU, keep seethin.

>tfw the only race that isn't a ffxi carryover will be tainted with this shit forever

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it's a creative insult with a lot of meaning behind it bro

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Mine did. I just did it today. Just make sure your region and currency are correct when purchasing.

Hold out for Hrothgar to be decent, if they're male-only the worst you have to worry about is barafags and if they have females as well then they'll probably be the option for people who want to be musclegirls but don't want to be femroe or highlander

>tfw fighter set is your favorite war set but long hair clips like a bitch

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I wish consumable items played a more important role in this game. Using healing potions, ethers, antidotes, eye-drops, and so on to save yourself from a tight spot, but also being able to use them on other players like in the other FF games, or even just being able to use phoenix downs mid-combat.

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That is why you never have long hair in this game.

I really don't see it happening, but I'd like another musclegirlfag option since femroe only look good in fanart.

They are important. You pop them to dps.

enjoy your potency pots

Femroes are weird, Merlwyb looks just fine but the face options for NPC/player roegadyns suck dick. I was surprised we didn't get Othardian roe options after Gosetsu was shown but I guess they don't want it to totally dip into "large hyur" territory.

is he going to try to kill Hydaelyn

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Stat potions are a shit. Introducing them was a mistake.

I hope they'll look good. But after seeing male Highlanders, Roes and even Au Ra, I'm sure they'll look weird either facially or body proportions. Probably both

>Accidentally opens a portal to the Nierverse
>Mysterious cases of people suddenly turning into salt start occurring all over Hydaelyn

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I still occasionally fall off of Titan because the ease of the fight relaxes me too much. In fact, thats often why that sort of mechanics end up killing me, because my attention wanes. It's why I play tank; it forces me to at least enough attention to whats going on that I notice I'm about to get punted off a ledge.

Spoiler, Arbert and some of his crew are coming back and taking the bodies of others again
Loli Minfilia is just some dead girl Minfilia took over

Name a worse class to level than MCH

holy actual shit this job is entirely fucked

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-Half as long
-Twice as bright
-Sorry Warrior of Darkness, i gotta try
-I know

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>metal gear

MCH is real easy to level if you like pvp. I went from 30 to 70 and got the coat for 100 wins along the way

Never post this again

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MCH doesn't even have a rotation does it? the entire thing is built on stalling until your windows line up, which happens once every 3 minutes or something retarded
>oh no, I triggered overheat on the last trash pack before the boss, guess I'm going to be worthless in the first two mins of the boss fight

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>5 Scions in a coma
>5 WoDs
>"This place sure has changed, but not for the better." Its because the last time the WoD were there the place *was* different

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Based Kaiyoko Star living rent free in your head


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Are you me? I have so much trouble finding good tank glamours, but for me it's mainly because bulky armour looks like shit on small races. Anyway, my suggestion is Berserker's Helm + Carborundum Armor of Fending, I believe there's a dyeable version of the helmet too.

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Why would whoever possessed Thancred give a shit about protecting Minfillia?

Nice. Always wanted to pick up a portable dilator.

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You may accept this post or defy it, but you cannot deny it

It's every one minute in Stormblood.
The issue is it's so easy to drift out buff windows now. Activating flamethrower a couple seconds late can lead to such a massive DPS loss to the point of keeping your cooldowns lined up with group CDs in the ONLY thing that matters to MCH DPS. There is no small micromanagement that leads to little DPS increases like the rest of the jobs have, it all comes down to keeping yourself lined up with party buffs. It's both braindead and the most stressful thing in the world at the same time.

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>not wanting to protect women
can you just o back to /pol/ alright? fucking fuck the fuck off, christ. keep your retarded shit to your containment board ffs

Here's your ShB 8-man raid bosses.

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After the fan fest

He's referring to the Ridorana cataract.

pet and be nice to lalas please

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how can you people even enjoy whm holy shit
the job is so straightforward and boring, one button press to dps and half of the heals are overkill

> Wouldn't get any attention
> People know who really made it and post the real one
> Creates artificial conflict on Yea Forums about themselves to get more attention
Tranny cat could easily play mind games with the reptile brains user


Short story long, didn't wanted to deal with RNG or a pet.

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WHM's simplicity and reliability are what sets it apart, no RNG elements like fishing for crit-adlos or a useful card

Healing feels almost secondary on the job. I do my utmost to heal as little as possible until I'm forced to by mechanics or simple player idiocy.

Is there some secret to getting a card from a npc? Been playing hab for like an hour. It's a solved game at this point. He literally can't win on me.

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>Minfilia actually was fixing shit in shard 1
>Arbert wants to protect her out of gratitude
It's not hard to understand user

She's gonna be in ShB right...?!

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stop playing TT user, it's not good for your health

>Have stones to throw
>Have heals to heal
>have wind to dot
>Have holy to spam in dungeons
I don't need anything else

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>moon runes
>brown chicks
double the yikes double the cringe

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Keep crying you fucking tranny. What is it with this place bitching about buzzwords? You hear the word faggot a million times here and no one bats a fucking eye but the moment a trigger wird is found for you faggots you immidately start begging fucking mods to block or filter the word. You are cancer fucking kill yourself.


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t. tranny


I'm going to FUCK with Y'shtola

>Corporate twitter.

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lol fag

yikes tranny


It's just discord incels who want to fuck axewounds trying to co-opt the insult to make not girls feel better about themselves.






>get ozma mount
>take one screenshot of me riding it
>haven't rode it since

What was the point

who wants to fuck trannies? the only person triggered here are the fags who derail threads to cry about them.

Time to examine and manage your impulses/compulsions.

Personaly, I just can't find that shit fun because of the Discord bullshit surrounding it. They're their own worst enemy.

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was it worth the 150 hour grind? you fucking retard


The Eureka grind never had the ozma mount as the goal until hydratos came out. But it was the only "content" to do at the time. I guess it was worth it knowing that I have something that triggers other people when they see or even hear about.

he's not gonna peg you bro.


>get ozma mount
>keep riding choco mount
>try out ozma mount
>feel like a tryhard faggot displaying my hours wasted in eureka
>switch back to choco
Why is it always like this for me

I'm sorry, user, but she wants to fuck every WoL. She's horny for Warriors of Light.

BA took me 4 hours.

Then you bought your account and spent 0 hours grinding in the rest of Eureka? Got it. 4 hours is a reasonable total amount of time to spend on a mount, I agree.

I didn't do Eureka for the Ozma mount.

>using choco
I felt pretty fucking liberated once I realized that I didn't need any other mount after obtaining the witch broom from the halloween event like three years ago or so. I've given away rare mount drops to others, passed on primal mounts because I knew I'd never ride them, and had a hearty giggle watching people farm the yokai watch event. It's a pretty good feel. You end up doing content just for the content's sake rather than to grind for mounts you'll never ride again.

>Helping someone grind out their last scales for Rathalos
>Whistle drops on final run
Surprised they let me have it even though 2 of them needed less than 10 to go.

>not riding this fabulous item

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SINoALICE collab soon

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you can just tell this is some gacha trash that will never be added.

I've been using this guy ever since they released it as a promo and I haven't felt like changing in the slightest.
Before that I used the MSQ Magitek Armor.

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I'm triggered they used the generic music for it. Completely destroyed any desire I had for it.

above average intelligence, below average self realization.

It's pretty nice. I like the more subtle mounts. That, the falcon, chocobos.

I don't know what that is but the thumbnail reminded me of Granblue.
GBF collab when so we can trade potatoes.

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I'm indecisive and depressed, tell me what to main. I have no friends or a static to tell me what to do.

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God I want to make a lalafel but the name I want for my lala is being squatted on, so I am here playing hyur instead

How long does it take to get from close to the end of heavensward to caught up if I rush?

We need more healers. Its fucken barren

didn't yoko taro have something to do with this?

>All of my friends quit the game
>No idea how to get new ones

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>chocobo mount
Based you don't need any other mount other then your trusty companion. I chuckle when I see all those tryhard mounts and the people farming for them. I mean just look at the EX mounts for example in the end all that effort you put in is just for the same mount recolored like 10 times. The stormblood versions are especially garbage and the final one is even more so since it's just a reskinned fenrir.

Like 2-3 days if you play all day every day and skip movies. On release of each expansion it took me 2.5 gaming sessions of 16-18 hours to cap.

Yes and it MIGHT be connected to Drakengard/Nier, but is only speculation so far.
Also, I was thinking in a collab like GARO (Gear obtained through pvp)

Healers and tanks are always in demand.
Tanking is generally simpler than healing in XIV, but also has harsher gear requirements. If you just want to get parties either works.

Join a raid static.


This thing is so bad.

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>someone actually likes Neverreap

I mean, more power to you I guess, but it's literally my least favorite right after AV.

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>Wants to be accepted as a warrior of the peaceful Amal'ja
>Gets spooked by how she looks all dolled up because her catslut genes started kicking in
Next Brothers of Ash quest would have been her being indoctrinated as their warrior slut.

It's getting a global release soon, so I'll be checking it out. Its also pretty popular in japan right?

I have no parsers on fflogs so that isn't happening.

There is constantly groups looking for people. PF, the official forums, the recruitment reddit, just take your pick and either reply to someone elses post or put one up yourself.

>Its also pretty popular in japan right?
It's not FGO that's all what I know

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I'm sure there's some sort of Discord recruitment thing but I just pugged current savage fights until I ran into a group that needed my job.
Just means you gotta join a new static.

Additionally, since the raid tier is pretty old, you may have trouble finding one. However, people will be returning to gear up for ShB's first raid tier, so now's the time to get out there and see who's shopping around for competent teammates.

Also, be a tank or healer and you'll be a lot more valuable in the raiding marketplace.

>I do not see the appeal in those preening pretty boys
Dude's the opposite of gay

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The Vault
Both Gubal
Kugane Castle
Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
Swallow's Compass

Probably puts you in a better position. Any reasonable group won't be phased at blank logs, it's looked upon favouribly compared to bad logs.
As long as you know your shit, there's no worries.

It's the i180 PvP armor for MNK.

If this game is anything like WoW, every static has their tanks before anything else can you can never ever find a group as a tank. I learned that lesson a decade ago.

I came back to the game a few months ago after not having played since early HW so I didn't have any parses or shit either. It took me all of 2 weeks to find my current group, and that was not because nobody wanted me in the meantime, but because I turned 3 FCs down since I didn't see it working out with them.
People are looking everywhere, the only reasons you wouldn't find a group would be either straight up not trying, or having way too high expectations.

That's literally just a Hellsguard with cat ears

I am not trying because right now I have no class or role identity due to indecision.

hrothgar not happening
north viking lore given to seeq
models reused for viela men
big men with wide nose
sorry shotacon

I'm sick of WoW and I'm looking for something new. Is there a big hulking viking race you can play in this game?

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its no FGO, but its doing ok i guess


Then either pick one or talk to potential groups and play whatever is in demand. Being flexible and playing whatever is best is absolutely never a bad thing as long as you can still actually play the job.

>Soken x Hyadain

I'd be up for that

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When are we getting Garlean themed sets?

I think he has a thing for his roegadyn friend.

Yoshi doesn't want us dressing like them

he should do a better job at making them dislikeable.

I don't know if you're ESL or autistic but this shit still does not make any sense after the 5 times you've posted it

Don't do this you'll just burn out very fast and quit the game. You should play what you want and honestly just don't bother with the whole raid thing. If high parsers and whatnot don't get you off it's not for you. At best you can try pugging it when it's a bit older and people are used to it. You don't want to join a static and be forced to play a role/job you don't like and/or don't want to play. People saying be tank/healer don't listen to them unless you yourself want to tank/heal because you will regret it. This is a video game not a job so If you're not having fun and feel like you are working it kinda defeats the purpose.

Free trial up to level 35.

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I kind of like playing everything.

he'll have them literally destroying you and and your loved ones and the solar system while they're at it and you'll go hmm yes they have very good points

Not necessarily vikings but they are big and hulking.

>person doesn't have anyone to play the game with but wants to have them
>gets told to join people playing the game and play together with them
Sorry, but what?

Hope you like playing as a wardrobe with limbs.

Honestly don't bother since you'll go back when the next expansion/classic releases anyway. FFXIV is just a more polished version of the wow themepark mmo so if you're sick of wow you likely won't like XIV either.

>Being flexible and playing whatever is best is absolutely never a bad thing as long as you can still actually play the job.
Sucks as raid lead though. If I can do your job better than you then we have a problem. If you refuse to listen to advice after me proving my point, I'm just going to look at replacing you.

user wanted to make friends, not raid. Raiding is a way to meet people and maybe make friends. Otherwise, it's hard to meaningful time with people in-game.

Roe and Highlanders are the big guy races, with Roes being bigger than Highlanders. Both Roes and Highlanders get muscle sliders, too.

SAMchads, assemble

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I want to play MCH, what now?

that wouldn't make sense, magic is all over Hydaelyn anyway and they'll never touch older zones because MUH MSQ
might be cool to see it though

>still no news on the English stream


Depends on what kind of group you have.
If you are doing serious progression raiding and underperform then you get replaced, it's that simple. You will find that a lot of the more serious players play whatever is best and move around in what jobs they focus on depending on fight and patch anyways

Also all this is kinda irrelevant for the guy anyway, I doubt he wants to get I to progression raiding, otherwise he already would be or at least trying to.

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>Also all this is kinda irrelevant for the guy anyway
Which is why it's not a reply to him, moron.
Being flexible has its problems.


This is exactly my thinking and why I want people to help me stick to something instead of just generally liking everything and not mastering 1 thing.

Is there a site that has story synopsis for the different patches?
I have no idea what happened up to where I was when I quit anymore

There was, they just put the details in the EU update first.

>Date & Time
>Sunday, 24 March, 2019 at 1:00 (GMT)
>* Starting time is subject to change.

>Official FINAL FANTASY XIV Twitch channel (Japanese language)
>Official Square Enix Twitch channel (English language coverage)

Basically you just need to go to the Square Enix twitch channel instead of the FFXIV twitch channel

>samurai runs straight at the party after the first crush weapon hit

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The fuck is that?
A 5 year old?

You've got a journal menu.

I'd tell him to join an FC or something before joining some static. Like if you are not really sociable you won't make friends that way or any other way for that matter. Why torture yourself like that? In the end you'll likely say few words anyway and treat it just like a job in the end, just show up, do your thing and leave. People who are sociable will make friends regardless of what you do and people who aren't won't. That is just life. If you're anything like me you'll cringe and hate yourself for putting on a ''mask'' to appease people for the off chance to become ''friends''. If you want to raid go for it but don't go into it with a halfbaked reason like only doing it to gain friends because you will tire of and/or grow to hate it if it doesn't work out for you.

The entirety of Gosetsu from start to finish.

You meet a him - a man with nothing but devotion for his country and his master, and the clothes on his back - having just travelled across the sea in a tiny boat on his own.
You don't know much about him beyond that he is someone who is larger than life, and has a goal in mind: to find a dear friend and heed the call of arms once more to fight for his country.
After a short time in his company, and him finding Yugiri, the two of them set off back for Doma in what could be your final farewell.

By sheer luck and the allignment of fates, you find him again in Kugane, still as he was before. Full of zeal and giving the Kugane guards trouble. Still he had his goal of finding a former commrade in arms in order to rekindle the flames of revolution and take back Doma, and so he becomes a travelling companion for a brief time.
During this time you still don't learn much about him, apart from understanding his resolve to protect the people of Doma when he willingly gets captured to prevent the slaughter of a small village on the coast.

Eventually you manage to find his master, Lord Hien. From this moment onwards, you begin to truly understand who Gosetsu is. Originally responsible for the protection of Hien's father Kaien, when Lord Kaien died Gosetsu blamed himself for not being strong enough to protect him. He held this shame heavily and vowed to find some way to attone, to protect Hien and to see that one day Doma would return to being free once more.

Despite all this, Gosetsu was still a deeply troubled man in many ways. This culminated when the Warrior of Light and Gosetsu were tasked with aiding the Dorthal tribe in the Azim Steppe. Having just defeated a pack of wolves who were attacking two Dorthal warriors, Gosetsu was shocked and angered to find that the warrior who had died in the attack was to be left to rot.

Yes, seeing his shit the people around you are because you are straight up better at whatever they are doing than them is indeed a problem. Very good point you got there.

That's only the live letter, though. They keynote should be covered in English as well according to this.


She's 25.

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my man be goin around with his aoe buttons unbound while lookin like a trash mob in doma

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Why does she look so fat?

Play as MCH then?

is this some reddit copypasta?

Worse, a lalafell. Vile creatures.

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>so is this guy gay?

Yes, very

But he's only into big burly Highlander guys, twinks turn him off.

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aoe's are for faggot mages

based imperial samurai

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which skills are the ones most likely to get axed?

Joining raid midcore is a solid way to make friends. All my friends are from my first raid static. Then. I would fill in for my former static mates new statics and make even more friends

I want to do content with people but I am fucking shit at short talk, that is why I left the Ultros Yea Forums FC back during ARR, no one knew who I was since I am shit at making small talk and literally no one wanted to do content with me whenever I spoke up.

All TP related ones for sure and maybe ones which serve little to no purpose like the monk punch or machinist barrel stabilizer.

Your hotbar hurts me

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as a bard, i could see Straight Shot getting replaced with Refulgent Arrow at some point, with the crit boost coming from somewhere else (Iron Jaws maybe)

dots will be the same button, if they aren't rolled into one double potency one

Army's Paeon doesn't really have anything going for it

Empyreal Arrow is just a ogcd filler.

I'm not a fan of abilities that are just 'click this once a minute for massive damage' so I kinda want Sidewinder to go, but I love its animation

Jeez you guys should have seen the thread that happened around 3am last night, for reference it's 4pm where I'm at now.
It damn sure wasn't burger hours and the entire thread was what seemed like three people just arguing about raiding. Literally just raiding. One guy said he was a former hardcore raider, then others asked him to prove, then he proves it(sort of), then he goes on a tangent about raids taking tooo many resources from causal content. then he said raiding took no skill and that you shouldn't feel proud about clearing hard content. And it just went on and on the entire thread. these three humorless fucks just arguing endlessly.
I don't know who to blame for that shit thread, so I'm gonna blame euros. Fucking depressed euros.

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>not being ambidextrous

Raiding in ff14 is kinda crap.

>As raid lead
Oh dear, look at the context. Them being shit isn't the issue, it's the unwillingness to listen to advice.

>absolutely never
Don't use absolutes, it certainly does have its problems.

Don't think of it as what you CAN play, think of it as what you're WILLING to play. That usually narrows it down some. Take the roles and rank the jobs in the order you'd prefer to play them etc.
Just remember the underlying system mechanics are more important to know than the individual job mechanics.

>that hand in the background


Raiding, especially ultimate, is very good, but there's nothing to do right now at end of expansion.

it's the best part of the game and better than wow's, what are you talking about?

The moment when you're alone with him and meet the dothral was one of my favorites in the game. He was one of the great success of Stormblood along Fordola.

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I could want to play anything but if this game is anything like that other MMO, raid groups only ever recruit ranged DPS and healers, nothing else.

I feel this a a problem lots of people playing mmos face. People who aren't sociable playing a social game and a having a hard time because of it. Just unsub and wait for the next patch. I don't mean this maliciously but its just as yoshi-p himself said. Do the content and then take a break and maybe come back later to do new content. I don't have any friends ingame too so I do this as well. It's just mentally draining to play a game like this alone.

>Third Eye and Merciful Eyes not bound
Well at least we know that you've never done enough damage to take aggro.

I have never raided, what a bad feel.

Don't just look at group adverts, advertise yourself looking for a group/

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>playing with shit tanks

You mean playing with 95% of DRKs

And the rest

How the fuck do you lose aggro as a DRK? Just use Dark Arts + aggro combo and you won't lose hate ever, even if you drop Grit

The way of the Dorthal meant that they believed any who die will surely be reborn an even more powerful and whole warrior.
This contrasts heavily with Gosetsu's beliefs. The way of the samurai is to fight to find meaning, and to die having found fulfillment in life. Not because they revel in the idea of a warrior's death, but because they know their death will have made the difference. A samurai does this so that his soul may find peace.

For the Dorthal, they believe that death is just a part of their cycle. Death is to be celebrated as an event of growing. There is no shame in having an unfulfilled death, as there will always be another chance soon. Never truly finding peace, but not being haunted by it either.
Gosetsu found comfort in this idea.

Gosetsu's journey would culminate in his sacrifice at Doma Castle, to allow Hien and the rest of the group to escape while the entire building crumbles around them. This act was to be Gosetsu's last, his final action to ensure the safety of Hien and the freedom of Doma - for after this, the Garleans would rule no longer. This was his redemption.

With fresh bullets nestled in his side, his waning strength was enough to allow the safe escape of his companions, and his soul was to find peace. With nothing but the sobbing cries of Doma's greatest enemy to comfort him, they were both burried alive in the ruins of Doma castle. Presumed dead.

Yet despite this, "The Kami" that Gosetsu so strongly believed in saw it fit to not only spare him from his honorable samurai's death, but cast him on an island with an anmesia suffering Yotsuyu.

Very quickly Gosetsu found himself in a cruel situation where he was now to be the caretaker of one of the biggest enemies of Doma. His devotion to the people of doma and resolve were to be truly tested. Yotsuyu was no different than a helpless child in this state, and she was still a person of Doma.


I have similar problems and let me tell you, that's exactly where joining a group that takes the game a bit more serious, serious isn't implying prog raiding here, just people that schedule raids and try to clear some of the tougher fights, helps a lot.
All of a sudden you have topics to talk about, in-game things, but that's all that's really necessary for a start. You will naturally communicate about the raids, mechanics, probably hang out and do raid prep together, and just chat about these things.

Yeah that is a problem that is not a problem of euros per se more so then the nature of humans and mmos in general. Humans are beings who want to distinguish themselves and if you put a lot of people together others are going to try to stand above others so stuff like that comes with the territory that is mmos.
It was posted by someone in that thread as well but his post was mostly ignored but what it came down to I think was that balance here between giving different groups of people what they want was important here.

I chose Ejika.

That is something I would love to do but it's that first step that's the hardest. i just think as a long time player of WoW, that first step destroyed me mentally with how awful people can be.


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Haven't done many DFs with random DRKs have you? They almost always get ass fucked, being a healer with one as your tank is pure suffering

>playing the game for the 1 supposedly good fight
>better than wow's

Only mount you need is the heavensward story one, based

>Third Eye and Merciful Eyes are dps skills

ohhhhh, right
the black chocobo

The main thing is it feels like HC/raid level content has shifted downwards with nothing to replace it. Meanwhile, Eureka etc. get added too.
Ultimates wereof a drop in a bucket of what's needed for some sort of content parity.

I play with a 99th percentile warrior and I still use Merciful Eyes to ease the burden of aggro.
Anyone who doesn't use Merciful Eyes is either playing with a dogshit tank who perma-tank stances or you're 50th percentile peak.


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nice rebuttal, cuckold


He's all hopped up on that crystal tower power, like Nero.

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>bragging about drawing aggro from rando shit tanks

>Living Dead gives you 10 seconds to die BEFORE you get 10s invuln
>they always use it while surrounded by mobs and eating shit at 4% HP
>Fuck 'em, keep spamming Cure II because if I stop they're fucked when it expires anyway.

>Fantasiaing into a race that run like complete fucking idiots.

I was going to be an Au'ra Dude until I saw their run animation

Living Dead just needs to be reworked for ShB. It only has synergy with WHM. SCH and AST struggle to heal DRK back to full unless they have literally all of their cooldowns still available.

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Wow raids feel more fluid, more active. ff14 raids come down to rote memorization of mechanics since the whole fight is heavily scripted. Also, having only 8 people make them inherently easier. They feel hard because they're made to be artificially difficult by punishing even the slightest mistake.

You don't like using EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE IN YOUR BODY to run slower than a Lalafell?

Eventually returning to his companions in Doma, Gosetsu brought with him the problem that was Yotsuyu. Should she truly have forgotten everything, then "Yotsuyu" was undoubtedly dead, and in her place was a girl of dubious innocence named 'Tsuyu.

Despite all this, Gosetsu had believed that the duty of protecting the girl named Tsuyu was given to him by the Kami, despite what the woman named Yotsuyu had done.

When the time came for Yotsuyu to regain her memories after a period of torment from her brother and the people of Doma, and her transformation in to the Primal Tsukuyomi - Gosetsu was once again left a man who had failed in his duties. Despite his resolve engraining itself in to Yotsuyu in an attempt to protect her (literally), he could only watch as the Kami once again inflicted him with a cruel fate.

With Yotsuyu now dead, Gosetsu was once again a man holding deep shame. Once again did he decide to seek redemption. His last act was to become a wandering monk to further aid the people of Doma, or anyone in trouble for that amtter.

Perhaps he will never truly find peace, or perhaps the Kami may finally cut him a break and he will find the redemption that he is seeking. We may never know.

Regardless, that is why Gosetsu was unironically the best character in Stormblood, and probably even the entire game.

>Synergy + ED + B2
>Excog + Lust
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>Not making the chocobo companion itself black
Get on my level.

>artificially difficult
there it is, boys

All that effort for 5mph

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I ain't no chad but at least I have all my buttons bound

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anything rare drops in last dungeon? minion, mount?

Excog + 2 Lust works but that assumes you have all of your aetherflow available. If you do, it's either lucky timing or you're not playing SCH correctly.

All of these things require multiple cooldowns and can be easily foiled if the tank is still being hit by everything or not using cooldowns.

They're just not nearly as good as being able to use Benediction and call it a day. LD is a bad ability.

>artificially difficult

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>All of these things require multiple cooldowns and can be easily foiled if the tank is still being hit by everything or not using cooldowns.
Oh... Oh no, you don't know how LD works, do you?

Not that I know of. If anything the gear is dyeble so there is that.

Do you?

>easily foiled if the tank is still being hit
You haven't needed them to hit max HP, just heal for that amount over the duration, for a long while now. That shouldn't be an issue.

playing the free trial right now
not getting the hype for this game yet

>retard stands in a puddle
>raid wipes
Great hard content guys. Real difficulty comes from the number of mechanics and mechanics steadily grinding you down.

What hype? The only people hyped for this game are glamsluts who like to take cute screenshots.

You're the retard on the team that keeps making us wipe.

If you aren't smart enough to not stand in fire you're not good enough for EX or savage content and this game is not afraid to let its players fail.

What you call fluidity in WoW raids is actually just training wheels.

Fair enough. It's still a lot more work than WHM. Having to burn all three aether stacks on healing instead of DPS really hurts for SCH. It's probably not as bad for AST.

All because you're too dumb to move out of clearly marked aoes doesn't make them bad, just you

>That's not REAL difficulty! I am the sole arbiter of what is and isn't actually challenging!

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He actually did say he was shocked people like them and so tried harder to make them villainous

You don't need 3 stacks unless you're severely undergeared. Also, apparently blowing a 45s cooldown is worse than blowing a 3m one. You learn new things every day on Yea Forums!

I just want to die.

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>artificially difficult

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is this just a niche kinda game
like a cult classic but for faggots

post modded waifus

play DRG

Real difficulty comes from the people you play with, which is why as much as I want to raid I don't.

Post Yugiri.

WHM DPS doesn't suffer too much from using Benediction. Each ED I don't use is a lost 150 potency.

>make their entire empire a joke as puppets to the ascians, playing right into their hands and achieving the exact opposite of what they want
>people STILL like them

He should just give up desu

>a retard standing in a puddle doesn't wipe you in wow
found the casual heroic raider, or has wow difficulty fallen that far since ive quit?

Stormblood was complete and utter shit compared to HW

Ah, one of THOSE scholars.

Great rebuttal, cuckold.
>let the players fail
You make it sound like you're doing nuclear physics while in reality you only need to watch a 10 minute guide. If oneshot mechanics weren't a focal point of raid design, the fights would be ridiculously easy.
Oh so since it's all so nicely marked and easy, how can you claim the raids are hard?
Bet you're a retard who thinks BA is hard content.

>watch a 10 minute guide

WoW is just as bad honestly, it just seems to get a pass because most people grew up on it or wasted a good portion of their lives on it so they refuse to think it can do wrong

git gud

>watch a 10 minute guide
and you still get hit by aoes? Jesus just leave shitter

One that's actually good at the game?

>mess up a mechanic
>expect to not get punished
lol what, do they just let you fail whatever you want in wow?

Not him but I don't mind fucking up mechanics and learning but I hate being the only one learning those mechanics. I know no one has patience to play with someone new to a fight.

Worse. She is..

*may Allah forgive for uttering this word*

a Falafell.

so you're a retard that fucks up mechanics on the reg and wants a safety margin for error built into the fight's tuning. Don't know about you but the severity of punishment for failure is irrelevant to me as I never make mistakes, so I can't really relate.

In what situation would you be the only one learning the fight?

It's the cost of your tank not dying, you should be ready to use GCDs also.

Ah and they're back it seems. shame since it was the first decent thread in a while.

Farming groups, it's not like people are still doing learning groups for like Byakko.

That's fine, I don't mind having to adjust. But pretending LD is anywhere near as good as Hallowed or Holmgang is stupid m8. LD could be a lot better.

>But pretending LD is anywhere near as good as Hallowed or Holmgang is stupid m8. LD could be a lot better.
Nobody has insinuated that. Stop projecting.

Yeah, except the last fight which has longer guides due to it having 2 phases.
You don't actually need to be very good.
>I am able to dodge heavily scripted yellow puddles on the floor so I'm a biiiig strong raider, raids haard
No you fucking moron. I want more mechanics, not 5 heavily scripted mechanics that a fucking child can memorize. It just that the average raider in this shit game is so bad that oneshot mechanics make it seem like fights are hard.

yes because Zul was so much fun right ?

That was the entire point of the conversation. That's why I said it should be reworked in the first place.

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If they didn't lock it to duty complete then they obviously don't mind new people

Lies and slander, Loonh Gah is a strong independent Miqo'te and doesn't need no man since my WoL is female

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Fanfest can't get her soon enough.


Stop watching MrHappy guides.

Don't you have a dick to go suck tranny?

And nobody has said it shouldn't be.

Then we are in agreement

Just create one yourself, I guarantee that there will be people joining it, I did Shinryu like that recently. Only people you will get will be absolute garbage who can't do their rotations properly though.

but how will I know what strategy to use in pugs?

Made for headpats and bouncing on your lever

As someome who's never played an MMO befpre but played every Final Fantasy except XI is this one good?

Where's my fucking patch.
Surely they're not gonna release it after the fanfest?

They will.

Have you done any SB endgame raids and shit? Some of those become a real mess with like 2 or 3 mechanics going off at once, it's hard because it's unforgiving. The game is telling you to learn and pay attention, WoW is pretty mindless for the most part and gets quite tedious and boring. But you're most likely just some WoWfag here to shit on the competition for laughs so not like this conversation is going to get anywhere, have fun elsewhere

there is a free trial go find out faggot boy

It is the best on the market at this time. It would be a good introduction to MMOs for you.

It starts a bit slow though depending on which job you choose, fair warning. You will legitimately have to sink a few hours into it before it starts to pick up.

>Surely they're not gonna release it after the fanfest?
They literally said at EU fanfest that the patch would come the Tuesday after JP.