
You WILL play Granblue Fantasy Versus or Ferry will beat you!

Attached: __ferry_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_tetsu_kimuchi__4665e901a9093a0f72b5f4f0a7a636a3.jpg (1338x2011, 569K)

I'll play if they announce some eternals

i'm not really into fighting game, but i can't wait for re:link.

Attached: granblue-fantasy-project.1040.583.jgwc.1.jpg (1040x583, 312K)

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Can she beat me up anyway?

Attached: 55886262_p0.png (636x900, 458K)

Nice pits!


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I want to tie her up where she's forced to expose her vulnerable pits and then tickle torture her pits!


Attached: 54741800_p0.jpg (652x831, 638K)

Entire race made for armpit and back fetishes

Ferry is a serious girl, do not attempt to apply your lewd delusions!

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If Ferry is supposed to be dead, how is she alive? Can someone explain her gimmick?

I don't understand.

Attached: 55486830_p0.jpg (1200x1300, 289K)

waiting for cog

Attached: cog sled.png (457x324, 245K)

Imagine sideboobs spilling out her clothes

One gets the feather, the other gets my tongue

You will understand it better after getting whipped for being that dumb!

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Where's Korwa? I need my wife Korwa.

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the genius medic that failed to cure the disease made a pact that people suffering from it would at least stay in undead state

not enough Ferry doujins

>another garbage images dump thread

>Entire race made for armpit and back fetishes
What nonsense, you perv!

Attached: __ferry_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_yummy_yoi__4f0a2abbad5b0fb7b7503a63f6245b81.png (1500x2000, 1.84M)

After it comes out on other systems besides the PS4.

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It's Arcsys, of course they will release it on PC.


Euden’s gonna be the secret unlock character, right?


No, I learned a long time ago to just fap to fighting game art and not waste my time with the games.

Ferry best erune

Considering that the logo reveals 9 characters, and then there's Gran, I'm guessing Djeeta will be character 11 and have an unique moveset based on costume swapping.

>Ferry best erune

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Attached: DReycECVAAAbStx.jpg (847x1200, 194K)

>10 characters

oh boy this is calamity trigger all over again

I need some information about PC releases. I fucking hate the PS4 and the PS5 is right around the corner anyway so this feels like it'd be the absolute worst time to buy a PS4 just for 3 games.