Dwarf Fortress is on Steam because dev needs healthcare


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Sheet, well anyway, what do you think?

stop linking to kotaku without an archive link you fucking faggot

I see no issue with it. They need an injection of cash. They have been offering their game for free for over a decade because they care about the game and want other people to enjoy it. They could have sold out a long time ago, but decided to continue developing their pet project.

but piratefags told me devs make tons of money giving things away for free

this could've been avoided if drumpf made healthcare free

Why doesn't he just get a real job?


Are there any good H mods for this game?

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>linkin sementaku on Yea Forums

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Sorry boyo, I know 8ch told you otherwise, but archive still gives clicks to the original site.

That wouldn't help, he's got enough to cover his brothers healthcare while he deals with cancer but this is for his own personal shit if things go wrong

How is game development not a "job"?
Not everyone wants to be a wagecuck in an open-office space working a 8-to-5 (with an unpaid hour of lunch) for 5 days a week, almost every week of the year.

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>get $7000 / month in donations
>somehow still not enough to cover health care costs if something were to happen in the US
Really makes me think.

>have product
>sell product to pay for your needs
oh no, capitalism has failed

The initial scrape would but all subsequent access would just be a snapshot of the page.


Nice country Americans lol

Working as intended i'm sure

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What kinda shithole is this normal?
In my country the average office workday is 9-2 4 days week, with overtime pay if you feel like working longer.

Yes, thank you for providing us with this valuable information that is publicly available and has been known for a week. It's not like you want clicks for your shitty article, no siree.


I can't buy it though?

Also americans are fucking pathetic, truly an inferior people that is going to go extinct within 20 years.

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>gov gets involved in something
>sellers smell money
>prices increase
>”only the government can save us from this burden!”
all according to keikaku

I just want to know good mods


where are you from where you only work 20 hours a week?

Maybe if your income is only 7k a month you are just a waste of space and deserve to die? You underperform, that's all there is to it, if you also need more money than you are worth you go straight into the bin. That's how selection works, for a healthier and more productive society.

Nagato getting butt fugged

Why doesnt he stop being muhrican?

lmao imagine being this coporatecucked

>uninsured with 84k income

Yeah no shit he can't afford healthcare.

This enters in my top 5 jewest post list.

Post sad panda link.

A shekel for the good goy

>needing money in order to have the things you want

Who'da thoight. We live in a society

there are people making more than you that think you're poor

I didn't save it. Just look up the tags Nagato anal and it's there somewhere

>the guy is dedicating his life to creating a literal fantasy reality simulator
>all the retarded Yea Forums drones just shit on him.
God Yea Forums is just a sewage fire at this point.

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You do realize that Patrion counts as capital gains and is taxed at around 45%
So 5% goes to Pation then 45% after that goes to the government, leaving half that. And depending on your medical situation, that may not be enough if going out of pocket since the dude likes in Maryland and they're state health system is a shit show (known from personal experience).

I got into it yesterday. Still don't know what the goal of the game is but it's pretty cool, easier to learn that what most people make it out to be.
Does anyone know if you can donate to the developer? This game obviously look like it took a lot of time and effort to make, I'd be happy donating a few bucks to the guy, especially since the game is free.

well if the shit you're spouting is true, then you're in switzerland or maybe 2-3 other countries
>What kinda shithole is this normal
well, gee whiz, the entire rest of the world, I dunno?

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he's got a patreon.

Thanks, will check it out.

>I can't buy it though?

You do realize that is in no way how that fucking works?

which graphics do you prefer?

Average hours per week is around 42.5 in switzerland, unless you land a very niche administration job.

>Available: time is subjective

that’s what you guys said 20 years ago

thats 50 results man

>Still don't know what the goal of the game is
To make a functioning fortress for as long as you can. No other goal then that, you make your own goals. You want to wage war against the goblin hordes and raze their sites? Go ahead. You want to create a bunch of artifacts that will go down in history? That's cool. Want to make your fort the capital of your civilization? Awesome. Almost anything you can think of, you can do.

there were some changes during obama but the escense was still basically just a way to railroad people into a shopping mall of health insurance companies. its called a marketplace unironically.

Yeah, they are going to be a while. Villains update and working out bugs is another year of effort.

Norway. Salmon raising feeding office. Granted, pays so good you don't need to work any more anyway. A mcflipper or other low level job is more akin to 8 hours 5 day plans though.

All the merrier. Have fun, admiral.

It's extremely difficult for Americans to move abroad. The US government takes every measure they can to prevent it and once you escape the prison that is the USA they still tax you while abroad (something no other country does). You're forced to relinquish your citizenship if you want to stop being cucked by double taxation (which most Americans that move to Europe do because even low tier EU countries are better than the US).

That's not how that works, you fucking inbred hillbilly. It depends on how much you make. Also, patreon is taxed as ordinary income, according to a quick google search


and 20 years ago before that unironically lol these Eurotard have always been retarded

>make your own goals
I want to use a graphic tileset

Unironically how does medical bill coverage work in the USA?
Toady makes like 7k per month.
If he gets a health insurance, then he'd end up giving what $100-200 (?) per month for that.
Then suppose he gets hit by a car or whatever. His insurance should cover almost all of the medical bill, right? I don't see how he can't just get health insurance with his current income.

That's not yuros, that's merchants

>devs make 7k or so a month
>get up around 80-90k
>nearly in 6 digits range
>still cant afford a good health care for some reason
>but can still waste money doing weeks long trips and fucking around

You are enlightened, user. Good to see people like you exist here. You give hope for the human race.

>Then suppose he gets hit by a car or whatever. His insurance should cover almost all of the medical bill, right?
Unless you have really good corporate insurance, you are forced to pay a certain amount of money for your own healthcare before insurance comes in and pays the rest. Sometimes you can still be forced to pay thousands of dollars. And when it comes to recurring medications, you can count on paying micro-transactions for the rest of your life. Oh, and assuming his brother got this problem while uninsured, he can literally never get insurance money for it because it's a "preexisting condition."
Americans are FORCED to work for big companies. Small businesses are dead because you will go bankrupt for being a part of one. It's easily the worst first world country, though it's borderline second world at this point.

maybe get a real job if you need health insurance

This information is available from the development himself, there was no fucking need to link to a Kotaku article instead of the original source.
No need to link to it full stop, just link to toadys statement


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amazon should push this as an idea to get prisoners working more closely with society. we could let them out of prisons in these cages for work

I feel like trumps predecessors are to blame here.

>implying every american is a city dweller
>not owning a plumbing business in the midwest and making 6 figures

You could probably make some sort of rape mod by giving dwarves penis and vagina bones with the wrestling system.

that's basically how it works. there are public plans you can get if you don't have a job with health insurance too. if you can't live on $7k a month then you're a failure of a human being

>pay a certain amount of money for your own healthcare before insurance comes in and pays the rest
That's what I was thinking. This amount comes down to like a couple hundred dollars in my country. It feels strange that you have a health insurance and would still end up paying thousands of dollars in certain circumstances.

yes if he is above the poverty line which he is but it also depends on the plan a lot and there are many of them. they have tiers like flight tickets the bronze/silver/gold etc. It tells you what you get a discount for at the doctor or any other specific services. i don't know much about cancer but assume you would look for one with that type of doctor. it will also exactly tell you how to use the big pool of money usually portioned for you per year like sudden emergency room visits or staying at the hospital.

Why would you want to keep your citizenship?

What the fuck? That's standard pretty much anywhere.

Has there been some recent change in the US healthcare system?
Because I don't remember 10 years ago seeing a single article about healthcare but these days the internet makes me feel like everyone is dying on the streets next to the hospital in the US. Seriously, I don't even care about burger politics and I see this healthcare shit daily

this is why we need obamacare

>be american
>breaks finger
>5000000000 in debt

Most Americans have family and friends that live in America and they would like to freely visit them. If you throw your citizenship in the trash, government services in the US will go out of its way to make your life worse while you visit. Not to mention that they will throw you in prison the second you land there if you don't pay your double taxation.

It probably doesn't help that the u.s government consistintly refuses to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation.

>what is regulation
the government wouldnt let itself be gouged like that you fucking ape

-o sir we don't say that word here.

It literally does you idiot. The whole student loan fiasco happens because the colleges realized they could price gouge the government and get away with it.

Or maybe, you know, deal with the inflation in the first place rather then do some second hand bandaid

>it costs too much in taxes to pay for this
>let’s just get the government to slap more regulations on

In the US, since the government doesn't cover health costs, some people actually don't want health insurance.
The government says they get to keep their money, but if they have to go to the hospital they'll basically get robbed by healthcare providers because of how bloated the costs have become and how insurance providers have balanced it out.
What the US should've done, is cover health costs from the beginning, way before it got attached to people's livelyhood as a "benefit" instead of a necessity that the government should pay for.

Pretty much, the co-pay where I live is a few hundred bucks at most a year as well. The main problem is that the government isn't allowed to negotiate prices in the US unlike in most western nations.

Its already a miracle how great the economy is in the US considering its size. and I'm saying this as an european. the average american has a way higher living standard than the average european.
Obviously you will never compete with some rich small homogeneous white country where the average person speaks 2-3 foreign languages but thats not a fair comparison anyway to be honest

My copay is $2000. I don't even want to go near a doctor for a regular checkup because even something that simple will cost me like $500 out of pocket. God forbid they ask for bloodwork.

Fuck off, retard. Government regulation works in other nations because they aren't ludicrously corrupt.

>income is a form of natural selection

imagine sucking the jewish cock so hard you collapse into yourself and vanish out of existence.

>live in Sweden
>dad had to retire from welding in his early 30s due to a stroke
>is convinced he'd be better off economically in the US because they pay less tax

Consider yourself lucky - most white-collar jobs don't suffer a loss in productivity when workers only have to work four-six hours of the day. Human productivity declines sharply by the fourth hour, and yet managers claim "muh work loss" when the idea of a six hour workday is suggested

RIP toady. Who will now inherit the crown of autistic game dev?

>$84k is a shit salary
wow I'm a poorfag and I didn't even know

Is this a Kuroneko cosplay?

No it doesn't, journos hate archive.is.

But honestly if you're running an adblocker it doesn't matter anyway.

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Imagine being such a corporate bootlicker that you think owning your own business isn't a "real job"

the first click instead of every click retard

>we’re getting older now, and one health problem that lands us in the wrong deductible or co-pay situation would be the end of full-time work on the game.
the absolute state of america

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I would rather the archive link, I have moral objections to adblock.

Maybe he was one of those dumbfuck Americans who believed they would never get sick and thus didn't have insurance.
Now no insurance company will take him. And medical bills are no joke.

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enjoy your malware

>creates thousands of hours of entertainment for countless people
>"dude why doesn't he just work for some megacorp where the only people that benefit are the people higher up lol"

I did the same shit, user, and it only lasted me into my 30s. Pay the $500 now so you don't pay $10000 when it eventually fucks you over.

They basically rely on donation either trough patron or pay pall. They are pretty cool dudes too.

>n-no I cant give 0.04 cents of ad revenue to a SJW site

If everyone in this thread gave them a click, we'd basically be giving them $2-3

Most employers over here offer health insurance as part of your pay. I can only assume Tarn/Zach are unemployed, or in some state of self employment. Where they live, there may very well not be any insurance providers that offer good deals to people in that situation.

>Toady makes one of the greatest games of all time and barely makes 7000 a month
>Meanwhile faggots making furry text porn games makes 32000 dollars a month
It's not fair bros.

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go back

>be american
>have a common cold
>go to doctor
>immediately $20,000 in debt
>extra $500,000 for the actual treatment
the absolute state of burgercuckland

Looks like tomie

Back to ribbit for you faggot

It would still contribute to site popularity for Google etc.

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he's got cancer so it's extra expensive.


Kill yourself kike

white radicalization?

Who crashed a plane into the fucking twin towers?
>george bush
shut up

You can. Graphics support will be better after the Steam version comes out, but basic tilesets have always worked.

he couldn't possible move out of that shithole country, not gotta beg for more money even though his "salary" is already higher than most people's at over 5k a month in donations for autistically working alone on a videogame that could've been completed 10 years ago


capitalism is based on nature

All races playable

America really is third world.

>neckbeards THIS MAD about their game getting more popular
you should blame that white nigger seth in the first place

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ToadyOne's resume has been gamedev in esoteric and unpopular languages for the past two decades. The man's a math savant but that won't help at his age for finding viable employment that would allow him to continue to pursue development. Even his doctorates and shit wouldn't help. It's definitely a hole he's dug for himself.

>getting more popular
This pretty much only bridges the gap for people like me who know how to install a tileset but can't get over the shitty mouse UI. The game is still the same and wo

That's not even true. Even the worst deductible is only 3 grand or so. That's it, that's max out of pocket for the year.
You're telling me this autistic retard can't put 3k in a bank account for emergencies?

*clicks it on every VPN server I own*

heh nothing personel user

But when? I went to buy it, both because I'm happy to support such a thing, and it's still one of those weird 'here but not avalable' listings.

no, it's only a matter of time until some epic streamer introduce that steam version en masse

Maybe she shouldn't go on Yea Forums if she dislikes it

Streamers are not going to play the game, that kind of game does not interest streamers. Why are you people so delusional?

>$6000 isn't enough you fucking assholes, give me more!

What a selfish cunt, fuck this guy, pirating his shitty game.

Fucking shit. Can Yea Forums get any dumber?

>in some state of self employment
It's this one. They work full time on Dwarf Fortress and live off donations.

I doubt you guys have found the perfect, incorruptible form of government, but assuming you do, stop trying to get us into situations that’ll backfire horribly until we fix our shitty government


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Because it dose not provide healthcare, insurance or retirement plans.

That's hard to do with

Come to México, where the normal hours are 9-7. 10 fucking hours of work just to make a living.

What? Who are you replying to?


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t. Jeb!

Government regulation works in the US too. Look up how many people are dying as a result of coal power in the US, and compare it to China. The difference is like two orders of magnitude.

you have to buy either one if you want them

I wish I could hate you to death.

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They might get a nice lump sum the first few months. but afterwards they'll be right back where they started.
They need to make a new product.

According to your retarded reasoning no person in China has a real job.

>Getting popular
Only bridges the gap for retards who don't know how to install a tileset

Fuck I wish health treatment costed the same as guns

>Dumb piratefags

archive.org is superior and not related to mail.ru with ties to Russian government

The government doesn't pay for your guns dipshit.

>government begins offering subsidized student loans without a real cap and to anyone that asks for them, no qualifications required
>schools immediately increase tuition costs by 20-50% every year for two decades straight
>woooow why is school so expensive?

Is this the creator?

Why do you think rent is higher in areas with big welfare programs? Basic Income won't work until we literally have robots doing everything.

I for one see this as a good opportunity to finally get into Dwarf Fortress since I'm not a superasci autist

>Is this the creator?
No, this is.

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>Even the worst deductible is only 3 grand or so
Pretending BarryCare's Bronze and Silver plans don't exist? Look up the Nigger Marketplace King Nigger blessed everyone with. The offers were routinely with $8000 deductibles and cost "only" $450 a month.

Why all of those "EPIC" and fantastic stories that dwarf fortress supposedly allow you to experience revolve around the same scheme?
>there was a fortress and it was doing good
>suddenly some random strong monster appeared
>everyone was killed by it
And you guys are so excited about that? Everyone who plays it says that stories and randomness is the main feature, but all I see is the same kind of stories, nothing really interesting.
And to get all this you have to endure horrible interface which is basically patchwork clusterfuck with key bindings that make no sense, and decypher ANSI graphics that, while ok for roguelike, does not fit this kind of complex strategy game. And the author is autistic fuck not wanting to change anything to make his game more appealing.
Why would anyone play that, beside for false feeling of elitism for mastering the horrible controls and graphics? To make things even worse the DF community is terrible and very unfriendly. They act so defensive and look down on anyone who didn't invest 1000+ hours to master the UI like them. But they have to rationalize this waste of time, I guess.

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American government can't do regulation properly. Socialized healthcare only has merit if your government holds the entire healthcare insurance market hostage and imposes its will. "We want these meds, procedures and diseases covered at around this price, fail to comply and you're not allowed to offer your services within our borders." Americans can't do that. They don't want to hurt corporations. That's how they end up with half-assed healthcare that ends up costing more.

>there was a country and it was doing good
>suddenly some random strong goofballs appeared
>everyone was killed by them
you've just summarized the entire history of ROME


America needs to be more independent in their states, that's the solution, it would be easier to manage that way, also less people, and better people.

>capital gains
amerislaps are fucking dumb.

Your government should have punished colleges which increased tuition costs that fast.

You are probably right. He was self-employed and insurance companies have plans for self-employed, even before the shitty marketplace existed. With $7,000 a month he could have bought top tier insurance.
No one is going to insure some guy who already has cancer. That isn't insurance, that is just asking the insurance company to pay all your medical bills for you.

The meme where Californians and New Yorkers always believe they "subsidize redneck red states" relies on not calculating the disproportionate amount of Medicare/Medicaid money those two suck down from the pot. The entire nation's workforce contributes to that singular pot. California consumes nearly 50% more of that money than the next largest consuming state but is nowhere near the top contributor.

>No one is going to insure some guy who already has cancer
King Nigger outlawed that. Another reason healthcare is so expensive is anyone can now hop on plans at any time you know.

>Download Lazy Newb Pack
Its not fucking rocket science

Jesus, I hope they can get what they need from the Steam releasd then, love these lads

that's why i added the last part, i know full well it's not going to work in the current condition the states are in, there is just no way, the amount of homeless people in California is the number of a small army at this point

Toady better not die on me, I need my 70 year development cycle.

The best part is that the co-pay system is totally fucked to get as much money from you and not insurance as possible.

>General medication like antibiotics/steroids that cost sub $100? $500 deductible
>surgery $10-20k deductible
>hospital stays 50k deductible

Shits so fucking broken in the US it's rediculous

What's wrong with making money?

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Healthcare has been a major issue since the early 90s because of IP law changes that benefitted drug and medical equipment manufacturers, and what originally was a single drug or shot here and there going through the roof has gone up exponentially driving up the total cost of healthcare rediculously. This has also been exacerbated by companies consolidating and now more of the industry is handled by fewer companies, meaning the ones that want to charge ridiculous prices have more ability to do so.

It's not killing people as much as it is putting everyone into debt until they either pay or file for bankruptcy, I also wouldn't recommend looking up what is legal to do with medical debt.

>Insurance never bills you for 10 years for medical care
>They sell the debt you've never seen you a collection agency
>Suddenly you are hit with hundreds of thousands in costs you need to pay off immediately or they start repossessing your shit.
>They also have no legal obligation to show you the original bills, only the amounts the insurance sold to them to collect.

Really my dude, never get truly sick, in a lot of cases you'll be paying for it forever.

I guarantee you that OP is a newfag who has never played DF and just wanted to shitpost about it, I would say a good 60-70% of this thread have never even tried it

Of that 7k they make they probably end up paying 2-3k in taxes because self employment in the US is a bitch and if you don't produce a physical product to sell as a commodity you get almost no tax deductions or incentives.

Health insurance also costs twice as much when you are self employed because employers are required by law in most places to cover a portion of their employee enrolled medical costs.

Also that's not how deductibles work, each kind of medical service has a different deductible, 3k deductible would only be applicable to certain care, if you actually had to stay in a hospital it would be much higher.

You have no idea how insurance works in the US

Nothing, really. Beyond a certain point it stops mattering, however. Like if I ever had a million dollars, I'd just retire. I don't need any more than that.

Imagine having to pay for your healthcare
t. Western European country that isn't being overrun by refugees, as much as Fox would love to tell you that

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Can you tell me which country you live in so I can verify you pay zero taxes toward a national healthcare system and it is indeed 100% free to you?

Do we have a release date? I want to play with that tileset and give them some money.

Still get it cheaper than you

Let's not make fun of Americans.
Noone could foot the bill for a nation full of diabetics who like to shoot one another

Why don't you?

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wasn't DF always free?

It wouldn't be free, it would come out of your taxes meanwhile the insurance oligopoly (which needs to be broken up as much as a monopoly ought to be) would just become enshrined by the government. It would drastically reduce the quality of healthcare in this country and shrink the middle class significantly.

>Rent higher in places where people use more social services
>Implying this is the causation

Rent is higher in places where industry creates wealth, government services are the teat for those who live in those places that don't have that type of employment. Depending on the industry it could be orders of magnitude difference, like Silicon Valley, where every landlord wants to get thousands out of people because they know they make that amount.

This is quite plainly clear in Seattle where even now that the supply/demand side of housing has levelled, prices still haven't gone down because if tech Bros won't buy, Chinese business tycoons will, because the housing market has become investment driven instead of housing driven, and landlords only give a shit about maximizing what they get out of the market.

Government services come into effect because instead of keeping these forces in check and preserving the best interests of their people, the people in power want to make their cut and they pinch pennies to keep the markets blown up by unfettered industry growth stable enough for low income people to afford shit on government assistance.

Hell look at fucking New York, everyone was rubbing their hands together gleefully awaiting their Amazon payday at the expense of the millions who live and work there and their fucking tax payer money who would never see employment from Amazon got their shit pushed in by people who have seen this all before.

When wealth is generated and then concentrated, it is always done at the expense of the people surrounding them that have no choice or no skin in the game, do this enough and the people affected have little recourse but become burdens of the state that makes money off of things that don't involve them but nevertheless needs them to sustain the systems that benefit those making the money.

Welfare is inevitable in unregulated free market capitalism, it can only be beat back by having a more level playing field.

Classic version will remain free and be kept up to date with the premium version

>New York losing out on an employer for hundreds of people Is a Good Thing
What's up AOC, livestreaming yourself this weekend?

>Western European country that isn't being overrun by refugees
Yeah because they all want to go to France , Germany, or Britain and skip your irrelevant ass

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>Euros and Canadians buy as much taxes as murricans
>Americans also have to buy healthcare

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Don't even know what your meme text is supposed to say because it doesn't make any sense in English you ESL faggot, you don't "buy taxes"


>employee net average tax rate for a single person in Canada with no children was 22.8%, compared to 26.1% in the United States

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There's no shortage of employers in NYC.

>buy as much taxes
You mean pay? No, Americans do not pay as much taxes as Euros

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By the way, it's awfully funny how Kotaku and Polygon seem to be the only newsites anyone talks about around here, isn't it?

>No citations
You're doing that for a reason, leaf. Meanwhile you ship all your serious patients to the South because of how good awful your bureaucracy is.

T. Works in the medical field

>linking to kotaku

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>average tax rate for a single person in Canada with no children was 22.8%
Doesn't look to be the case to me

>ignoring the perpetual truth that the USA has to enforce global hegemony and Canada does not

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Well don't you want him to fucking, you know... make games? If he does sure, but no more Dwarf Fortress.

You're an idiot. This isn't Chris Chan or Brianna Wu trash.

Doesn't help when every fucking neighboring state buys bus passes for homeless people instead of taking care of them so they all crash land in the only states willing to do fuck all. Homelessness isn't a situation that can be solved state by state specifically because the burden of one can be offset by sending them to be a burden on another.

States having strong independence isn't a bad thing, but there are problems that can only be inherently solved from a national perspective. There's a lot of shit that the federal government would still have to take care of, but a lot of our governments time is wasted on things that should be handled at a state level but can't because state level politics is even more corrupt than national politics. Especially in rural areas where they are essentially left to rot by their states so they can make money in other parts, or spend their time lobbying the government for subsidies or tax benefits to enrich state coffers.

Why do Americans love defending their shitty healthcare so much?

this board is nothing but 14 year old ben shapiro fans, it's been that way for a while now.


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Because the majority of people already don't have much money and don't want higher taxes to take more of what little they have.

Also, the govt. is insanely inefficient and I'm unsure why giving it more money would fix anything -- especially with regards to healthcare.

Not only am I positive you are reading this wrong because you're retarded, this doesn't rebuke the fact that Canada's socialized healthcare system has been regarded as a joke for decades even by lefties and anything serious gets shipped over the border.

yeah cause private healthcare and shit like meds and insulin prices being controlled by greedy rich people is so much better right

Spoken like a true 16 year old who thinks he figured everything out.

>food prices are ridiculous, shit like meat and grain prices being controlled by greedy rich people is so much better right

He makes $6,000 a month on Patreon, which is like $72,000 a year. Why would he need a job?

How have you managed to read that so wrong?

well to sumerize what other people said, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you

Because the only solution ever proposed involves increasing government control. Any more government control than we have now would just be 100% government controlled at this point, they already basically control everything about it. The more government that has been added every time to the healthcare equation the worse it has gotten. Obamacare accelerated healthcare cost increase even though Barry and Co promised it would decrease it.

I cant believe Trump killed the hardcore DF fans....

The great American healthcare system

Too bad no Americans can afford it

Attached: file.png (618x464, 204K)

>The country that has to use Gofundme to fund their medical debts lectures anyone else about how bad their government run healthcare is


Because it actually is a extremely complex issue which has been the result of decades of issues and half solutions. You have to deal with patent laws, oligopolies, general health and crime issues, and a myriad other concerns which is almost impossible given the division and pace of the government. I don't think many think American healthcare is the best, or at least not one that doesn't leave many behind.

I'd much rather pay taxes for health care than pay by usage. I'd rather have already worked those paid taxes into my budget and pay nothing when I get into am accident instead of paying thousands of dollars if I need medical attention.

The hubris of you, of course, is that you also want everyone else who doesn't agree with that to be forced to do so or be killed.

Yeah, it's hysterical that I get to go to the hospital without leaving with debt haha! I'd much rather leave in financial ruin! LMAO

>sprain your toe
>end up in debt for the rest of your life

nice """"country"""" americlaps

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>All these good goyim defending corporations.

Attached: 1458065130862.png (600x470, 83K)

I'm so fucking happy I wasn't born in USA. Shit-tier country.

What? No I don't.

Attached: 1551194526503.png (306x290, 6K)

My question is why lefties go to the hospital so much. What is it about them that requires so much hospitalization? They always act like they go 7 or 8 times a year and it's a common occurrence to them. I haven't gone to the hospital in 26 years. Sounds like the people who need to go every month should evaluate their lifestyle because it likely involves risky behavior, substance abuse, and mental illness that they should own up to and stop making everyone else pay for.

The only way to get free, government run healthcare in this country is to sign your soul to the devil and join the American military and kill brown people for oil.

America is the largest oil and gas producer on the face of the Earth now, your talking point from the Bush Era needs to be updated.

Why doesn't he get real healthcare?

I've been to the hospital like three times in my life at 25, but that would be enough to put me into debt for years to come.

Also, why do you assume that I'm a leftist? I'd rather pay taxes to not get charged per use of medical attention instead of paying insurance and then still likely have to pay out the ass for medical attention, anyway.

This posturing against Veneuzuela is all about its oil. America is still pissed Chavo nationalized it. Same with Libya, and Iraq. Once these 'allies' nationalize their oil they become 'dictators'.

>why do you assume that I'm a leftist?
>I'd rather pay taxes

Attached: 1528312785115.gif (272x281, 1.99M)

Not about the fact that tens of thousands are starving and thousands more dying in their unstaffed, unpowered, and unstocked hospitals thanks to True Socialism? Okay.

>72k a month
>not enough
cringe, also are they planning on selling it on steam or what

You mean those sanctions and blockades America is doing that is starving Venezuela? Or how about that cyber attack that took out its electric infrastructure, I wonder who the culprit was.

DESU if he even expressed interest in working with a major developer there would be a huge bidding war. The man is responsible for entire GENRES of games based off of dorf fort. Hell, idk why Notch doesn't cut him a check for a cool mil. Actually a do know why because notch is a lazy pos

Damn, I didn't realize that paying a corporation to "insure" your health only deny your claim because your injury isn't covered was so BASED and REDPILLED!

I'm not saying I love paying taxes, but it's the best of these two options.

>What kinda shithole is this normal?
so this is what those feminist hoes meant when they said "privilege" huh.

>implying weeaboo anime trash would even know how to play the base game not to mention adding mods

Not everyone wants to be a wagecuck in an open-office space working a 8-to-5 (with an unpaid hour of lunch) for 5 days a week, almost every week of the year.

What do you think average game dev environment looks like

Holy shit 7k a month is suicide worthy?

I make 2k a month and I'm debt-free, what the fuck are people spending so much money on? I don't have insurance though so I guess I'm fucked once I'm sick or need dental work

The government's prohibition on selling plans that don't cover what they "believe" is necessary is the roadblock. If I want to buy a plan that covers injuries sustained from accidents I cannot because the government says ALL health plans have to cover mental illness, substance abuse counseling, female reproductive health (even if you're a male) and a hundred other categories I would never use.


This is why the post office charges $200 for stamps.


most people make 2-3k, don't believe all the larping here

get insurance through your work retard

That's because healthcare should be a social safety net and personalized plans go against that very concept.

two consenting adults engaging in trade contract with each other, comrade we need to destroy these foul beasts

Now that they're charging for it people can start complaining about some of the retarded buggy shit in earnest, since they can't just deflect it anymore as "lol it's free you can't complain"

Attached: patrick.jpg (1152x864, 54K)

Live in a place that actually matters and you'll see just how far $2k/mo gets you. Maybe you can bribe the homeless cartel to give you slightly better begging spots.

The post office hasn't had a profitable quarter in 13 years.

In america work wont provide you shit unless you're over 37 hours a week for an entire month, you drop to 36 once and they won't provide a penny

You can guess how many 35 hour jobs are availible, a lot

good, its a government run organization, it doesn't need to be profitable

Is washington a place that doesn't matter? Last I heard it had a pretty strong economy, one of the biggest in the USA in fact

mabye don't live in California?

Because socialized catch nets are not what the USA was founded on and I don't give a shit about anyone but myself. I want to buy what works for me and not be restricted because it doesn't help the shithead who has been admitted to the hospital DT'ing for the 8th time this month.

Ah yes, it's all America's fault, Maduro dindu nuffin

if you use insurance there's absolutely no way to receive healthcare privately. you have to be put in a state mandated database and that data is farmed and used for research purposes and who knows what else in the future. insurers also use that information to deny coverage or charge you more money for healthcare. plus the state fines you if you don't participate in this system. it's all bullshit

and get replaced by UPS, FedEx, emails, and faxing?

Good job, you're keeping up.

I just want to talk about video games

>this is what the ameriboomer actually believes
>muh regulations bad

The government is the biggest fucking entity with the biggest bargaining power there is.

The only place that matters in Washington is Seattle, and there's no way $2k/mo can sustain you in Seattle. the whole rest of the state could be burned to the ground and the world wouldn't even notice.

We all hope you get a cancer so you can enjoy your freedom and have unrestricted choices.

Why is it so important to you to live in a place "that matters"? What does that even mean? It sounds like joining a commune in your mind.

>Seattle mandates $15 minimum wage
>almost instantly causes hundreds of small businesses to go belly up and spike unemployment among the underclass
>lefty's only response is "w-well those businesses didn't deserve to exist anyway if they couldn't pay that much!"

Getting cancer exempts me from 75 years of federal legislation on healthcare? Sign me up. You're a fucking retard just spouting shit that sounds like insults in your mind.

Americans are such good fucking goyim lmao.

I get it, Hitler was a long time ago, but the revelution was recent enough that we remember what a corrupt government looks like.

America was a nation founded on slavery and genocide, how else can you explain their hatred for socialized healthcare? They're a nation of savages.

>breaks arm
>$5,000 has been removed from your Steam wallet
Yeah, you definitely care about yourself.

What you're working is a part time job how did you not notice.

seething african or indian

I have no issue with people paying for their healthcare. Doctors work too hard to not get paid.
But the prices are ridiculous

>Live in a place that matters

So having 10ish places to eat, electronics, a mall, bars, gas, and groceries all within a 3 minute drive of me a place that doesn't matter?

What exactly do I get from a place that matters?

it is demonstrably true that it is that way with healthcare. the government subsidizes food production and controls the prices what the fuck are you talking about

>mfw get a nigerian affirmative action doctor who tells me everything is fine and won't even give me any paperwork documenting test results
>see another doctor
>everything is fucked

how is this legal

The government hasn't "controlled food prices" since 1946 after the emergency WW2 Rationing Board was disbanded. Do you need an updated textbook?

if anything just the minimum to get on the company's health insurance plan

Just link the Patreon post directly, you goddamn faggot.

You do understand that countries other than America exist?
France is way above your shitty levels. Even the UK's NHS is above you.

The AMA rationed medical school for 50 years and created a crunch so bad that now the only quick source of MDs is importing them from diploma mills in India and Africa

imagine my surprise when he turned out to be a complete dumbass

Why are you linking kotaku, just link the original source from patreon

Okay, where?

Attached: 1515965351408.jpg (432x454, 21K)

Can you link the United States' Food Price Control Board website, please?

Ah, as in "i want malware"

Sweden was a nation founded on slavery(Trälar) and genocide(Finns), how else can you explain their love for socialized healthcare? They're a nation of savages.

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you should always take care of your health, its a good idea

you do realize we have other shit going on, right?
you fuckers are trying to tell a gambling addict to buy a new car because his current one is making a funny noise.

One of the strangest things I ever saw was a pale-skinned blonde-haired blue-eye Sami talk about how white privilege oppressed him and his ancestors.

I'm still amazed Venezuela still has supporters. Even when talking about the period before intensified sanctions in 2015 and 2017 every Venezuela I talked to had no shortage of complaints against the management of the country.

irs.gov for one part

Michael "Fat Lesbian" Moore worshiped that country for decades and lots of young, affluent liberals worship that retard and believe the shit coming out is logical. You have to account for that.

there is not a nation under the sun that was not founded on Slaves, the native american tribes had slaves.

can you go into more detail

You mean rich expats from venezuela you talked to?

Even today there are more slaves than there were in the days of the slave trade. Unsurprisingly the Arabs are the biggest perpetrators, which is not unexpected given that they through history enslaved more whites, blacks, and pretty much everyone they came across and dwarfed the Atlantic Slave Trade.

>people with the means to leave do so
Gee, really?

did you read that shooter's manifesto or something

More like why doesn't he just leave his third world country without healthcare.

shooter? did the NZ fag leave a manifesto about arab slave trade?


it was a small part of his overall manifesto, also talked about the role of jews in the atlantic slave trade

Some working class actually, you meet a lot of foreign immigrants in the construction industry

sounds like breivik 2.0

i learned about the Arab slave trade like all young Europeans, by watching Asterix versus cesar, where a fat arab kidnaps a gaul couple and sells them at an auction


Attached: Astérix et la surprise de César.jpg (851x506, 52K)


How hard is it to move to Norway if you're a white American?

Why does this look so familiar to a burger like me? Especially the fat dude and the midget with the winged helmet.

My mother moved to Italy when she was 20 and never filed an american tax return in 40 years (forty). IRS or anybody else never bothered her. She still renews her passport at the embassy, gets her envelope to vote abroad, and comes back to the usa every now and then to visit her relatives. I call bullshit.

you probably saw it as a wee lad, and have forgotten it, you should watch it again, it's pretty good

Attached: i thought you only sold african merchendise.png (1318x726, 2.03M)

How poor is your Mom? Americans who make under 150 grand a year are exempt, but if you have the means to move abroad, you are making more than that. Being allowed to leave the America prison isn't for the plebeians.

Based and redpilled. Should be the new mascot of FN.

Maybe we shouldn't let pharmaceutical corporations charge 2000 fucking dollars for a bag of salt water or allow the same companies to charge seventy fucking dollars for four dollar asthma inhalers. Americans are the most fucked by their health care system because corporations literally run their government and allow these corporations to run fucking monopolys through patent fuckering. Meanwhile th exact same medications manufactured by the same fucking company is sold for a fraction of the cost in other countries because they don't allow America's level of bullshit.

How did the guy made a living all this years?

Also she chose not to get italian citozenship. I am a dual citizen, (usa-italian) and my italian taxes are deducted after my american ones. I spend only 10-15% more and I get the benefit of italian healthcare. It works similarly for a uni professor I know who is german. You are full of it.

It's not bullshit, but it's possible to slip by, I had an American friend here who paid nothing, and another one who had to pay when he moved back

>ornery little man and rotund brickshithouse peasants that beat up foreigners for trespassing on their land.
i am sure they don't mind Asterix, at all

So the brothers have been getting thousands every month on donations and it didnt crossed their minds to get a health insurance?

She took a fucking plane, that's it.
It's not hard to get a visa in Italy. And as opposed to many other immigrants she actually found a job and kept out of trouble. She kept going to the immigration office on time to renew her permit until one day they just gave a permanent one.

Will it get mouse support?

If yes I will gladly pay.

man in the future I bet people are gonna be lie 'how did our ancestors work so many works?'
it's actually kinda crazy how school and work force people to try to be productive for so long when it would be better to focus on people's peaks than have them grind away full throttle for 8+ hours

Not him but I have looked pretty deeply into Norwegian immigration because I love the country so much. They have very strict immigration laws and require, at minimum, a college degree and an offer of employment if you want that tasty work visa. You can be accepted by 'foster' families who will house you and pay you to do chores but I don't think you make progress towards full citizenship that way. Also you really wanna learn Norwegian so you don't fit the typical American shitbag immigrant stereotype. Knowing it before you try to come is a massive A+ advantage.
>If you know two languages, you're multilingual
>If you know one language, you're American

I'm amazed that anti-American retards are usually 100x more retarded than actual American are what with all this hyperbole.

>tfw autismbux also gets you Medicaid

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remove the cage and surround him with anime figurines and you've got a picture of game development.

without the nukes, how well would Europe survive another world war?

>I haven't gone to the hospital in 26 years.
>Lol just don't get cancer

>routing all your web traffic through google servers so they can track it
the absolute state of kotaku

Basic income won't work until we have a post scarcity society.

Go ahead and talk about the buggy shit that hasn't been addressed by the dev then

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I'll fucking bite this one

There is nothing wrong on DF being on steam

>Breaks arm, pays my deductible of $2,500 and any other medical expenses are covered for the rest of the year.
>Because I hit my out of pocket maximum, all drugs, follow up appointments, and physical therapy is 100% covered.
>Pays $50 a month for this plan, thanks to having a good job with a non-shit company.
>Refuses to pay for neets, somehow called an idiot by retards on Yea Forums because they think I'm going into debt because of $2,500 bill, even though that's barely 1/8 of my emergency assets(for medical issues, getting fired, family emergency)
>Yea Forums mcjobbers think the system isn't fair, even though they get paid what they're worth, which isn't very much, because they aren't worth very much.

You guys should do the math. If the taxes cost me more than: ($50 a month X 12 (Total monthly fees = $600) ) + my deductible($2,500): TOTAL= $3100. That means I'm getting a bad deal. Considering how much free medical care would cost for everyone, I'd end up paying more than I do now. You guys are retards. $3100 is not a lot for a years worth of unlimited medical coverage.

Attached: disdain-for-plebs.jpg (600x693, 43K)

as if clicking options from the unorganized menus in DF would make it any more playable

We already could, at least on a basic level, if the basics and value of them weren't being artifically pumped up. We have literal food mountains. Regulations that dictate 'shape' of fruit that can be sold. Supermarkets are barred from giving dumpsters of uneaten baked goods and food past it's sell-by (not eat by, sell by, an important distinction) date. Housing and basic ulities IS already basically given, and paid for, by the state for the vast majority of low-income families. Entertaintment like vidya is so cheap now it might as well be free.

Scarcity isn't really the issue in the western world. I'm not even really sure what the root cause of the above issues is. I mean, fuck, you could all but erase homelessness overnight by turning some state-owned buildings into japanese-style capsule hotels, hiring a few security guards and a manager or two, and allow them to be used free by those without an address. I know it's more complicated than that, and there would those who wouldn't and those that would abuse such a thing, but it's an example of something cheap that could be done to ease an issue.

Someone, somewhere, or a group of people, are happy with the status quo. We've been able to solve, or move towards solving, our societal issues for decades now.

stockholm syndrome


I'm an American who takles gret care of himself and is in otherwise great health, don't underestimate how much of a run-around you're given by the healthcare industry to diagnose and treat seemingly minor issues, ESPECIALLY if you need referrals and pre-approval for everything. My journey:
>complain to primary care physician about sudden onset of pelvic tightness, erection dysfunction, abdominal pain, fatigue, and trouble passing waste
>get sent to diagnostics for BMP and PSA, GI, urologist, and radiology
>get sent back to primary care physician and walk away with nothing but a prescription for Linzess
>NO ONE thought it was too important that I kept telling them my penis was retracted and rock-hard deep halfway down to my butthole
>one night past my primary care physician's hours, get horrific stabbing pain worse than usual and go to the ER
>they run tests, do a contrast CT, find nothing, and send me home with a prescription for high dose Ibuprofren
>nothing improves
>go back to primary care physician
>get sent back to GI
>GI sends me for colonoscopy
>they find nothing
>get fed up and do my own research
>inspect myself and find a barely-visible white "cord" under the skin in my inner thigh, apparently a thrombosed vein
>go back to primary care physician
Every one of these people are paid six figures and it all would've bankrupted me ten times over if I wasn't insured. Shit, if my insurance wasn't as good as it is, I still probably would've paid out the nose.

Who? Why?

If it doesn't come before we get even half-scale automation, then the western world will turn into Judge Dredd style Mega-Cities or cyberpunk dystopias. You'll have the rich who 'own' the automated processes, the few who either work for them or were lucky enough to get the remaining jobs, and everyone else will live in literal slums surrounding tiny mini-cities containing the elite.

If you don't institute a way for the poor and destitute to look after themselves and their families, while taking away any chance they had to better their situation even with all the will in the world to do so, you are asking for the unwashed hoardes to drag you out of your ivory tower. And if they can't, because armies of personal killbots or some shit, they will at least surround you and build a society out of your trash and waste like in every good dystopia.

So, it might be a good idea for them to just put a basic income in place before it gets to that point. Unless you want every city in the western world to look like ghettos that have been cut off from all public services and supplies for six months?

What's with people incorrectly using this term lately?

Sue them? I mean, they should expect you to and have insurance against it, given the scale of that fuck up.

You don't need a perfect government to get affordable healthcare. Most governments are far from perfect but cracking down on medical overcharging is still something they can manage.

That cage actually looks really comfy desu

You don't see an issue with someone not being able to afford a basic human right?

does it still have the B E Y O N D - Q U A L I T Y intro?

Attached: 1547333677189.png (1103x571, 758K)

It’s less he can’t afford it more he’s future proofing himself just in case something dickish happens. Ne’s building a war chest to tap into.

someone here who has twitter should bully notch into putting a cool $1000/m into toady's patreon

This is a really well put-together post and you won't get enough praise for it.

>tfw too brainlet to understand DF controls and UI

how do i fix this bros

Why grow plump helmet spawn, grow sheep, chickens and cows instead.

no necromancer will bring him back

>Meanwhile Belle Delphine does even less for more

tileset artist who basically just "coordinates" assets from other sources, the art he does make himself looks like shit
that by itself is just annoying, but he pushes this "meph" brand and excessively advertises his patreon. he's a terrible person and the circlejerk surrounding him on the bay12 forums is cancer.

Got it thanks user

Take a look at this axle with cogwheel in the pic.
M*ph drew it by himself. That's how much of a brainlet he is.

Attached: based retard.png (1057x841, 126K)

Moralities for health and the consumerist markets don't mix.
It's one of the few but large problems with a liberal market economy.

Just grind it out for a bit. It becomes muscle memory.
I'm no expert, but I start pressing keys before I realize what I'm trying to do, it's possible.

Yes, for 20 bucks.

>wah I can't put in the work to tug on my dick wah
you're a fucking lazy parasite that doesn't even want to put in the work to let one loose. imagine being such a whiny person god fucking damn


I love you faggots

Can someone explain this picture? Haven't touched DF since like 2010.

Hahaha! Go away M*ph, you silly!

He's sacrificing his life for us.


>adventure mode
>playing as a black mamba man
>find a lone qt female elf in the woods
>talk to her and gain her trust, she seems very friendly and cheerful
>attack her by surprise and start wrestling
>managed to bite her upper right leg and paralyze her delicious thighs with my venom
>grab her by the throat and strangle her until she passes out
>mfw when I start carefully cutting every facial feature of this hopeless female elf without killing her with a bronze slicing knife
>stab her and left my knife stuck in her hand
>remove her trousers, loincloth and shirts
>then I walk away from her disgusting presence and her disfigured face
>she regains consciousness and starts crawling with a knife stuck in her hand and begging for help

Attached: 1552726674505.jpg (740x696, 199K)

Can't blame the autist developer for taking free money if someone is willing to hand it to him. Maybe he gets 5 or 10 bucks donations from randoms who have full Steam Wallets they're willing to share with him.
Doesn't he already sell it on some other store platform while running his free download option as well? It's not like Gaben went out to pay this guy for exclusivity like Epic Games would've.

Just organize the menus.

Like Gnomoria, Rimworld, Towns, etc.

What happens to a geat with two gears rulling in the same direction on opposite ends?

You can always use gun treatment. Apply directly to the forehead!

So you're saying their socialized medicine isn't working out for them?
What a shocker. Checkmate, eurofucks.

>download dwarf fortress
>dont know wtf to do
>go on youtube, search up tutorial
>commentator is boring as fuck
>go on wiki
>download entire wiki for offline use
>never read it
>sift through random color schemes
>take screenshot
>post on reddit
>farm upvotes
>close game
>shitpost on Yea Forums about how the game is gonna die and be filled with redditors and trannies now that it is on steam
Take that faggots ;)

>aw, this is going to be a story of how he adopted an elf

I see now, but from the pictures context it looks like it was made to roll on different directions if you also copy paste the same mechanism on the opposite side minor oversight on the icons design.


I will never give any money to any dev, Dwarf Fortress used to be one of the good guys, but I guess even them are greedy.

"basic human rights" are not the product of other humans' sweat equity

>Releases: Time is Subjective
If they want money, why the fuck isn't this released right now?

Because he's trying to get you to buy the game out of pity.

Most likely he'll still offer it for free
this is just some way for him to get money without shilling his patreon

Ow the edge kid.

he might be trying to fit in some extra shit to make it "worth" buying, like a texture pack (as far as I can tell)
who knows dude, maybe it's a mess to deal with steam

You cannot buy the game. It has no price.

Good thing you'll still be able to download DF classic for free and play it as you always have.

>Most likely he'll still offer it for free
Correct. The classic version is freely downloadable from the main site. The premium version is what you pay for on steam/itch if you want the new grafics and sounds.

>regulations work in other countries, so let’s pile more on
PLAN (tl note: plan means keikaku)

You're just being baited

>be american
>break arm
>$2000000 in debt
>debt collectors come and break my legs
>fixing my legs puts me in even deeper debt
>continue until you have no more healthy bones
land of the free

Except you can simply delay the bulk of the medical treatment until after you have some savings from a job that doesn't require those limbs. Just live a bit frugally for a while.

>be britbong
>muslims rape my daughter
>call the police
>go to jail

I'm the rich robot owner, get fucked poor-fag.

>Unironicly has a mass shooting every single week
>B-b-but member that one muzzie who raped a girl and got off a few years ago??
every time


Attached: 1506885595541.png (675x827, 28K)

>two people get shot in the knee
>”mass shooting”
>some dude committed suicide in a school parking lot at night
>”school shooting”

>one muzzie
>it didn’t unironically go on for 17 years

Americans are simultaneously disdainful and addicted to money

2k a month would literally be a death sentence in NY

T. A NYer

Attached: kek.png (1316x993, 164K)

Funny that entire area is most well known for spawning bloodthirsty raping marauders

if your own business makes no money then you have no job.

>For a more comprehensive list, see List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2019
Is living in burgerstan really that bad?

Attached: 1549843277419.jpg (1024x1024, 73K)

>at this point

You're more likely to die in a car accident or in your shower than you are to a mass shooting FYI.

does that excuse work on the IRS?

>10 years
statute of limitations, dumbass

you also don't seem to know what a repo is. a repo happens when the real owner of an item (e.g. a bank) takes it back because someone wasn't making their loan payments (the car is not legally yours until you pay it off). you never did something crazy like sign over your property as collateral for insurance, right? i don't think they would even do that. so the insurance company owns nothing of yours and can't "repossess" anything. you're a fucking idiot for falling for this shit.

one click in theroy?

Fuck, if this is true you yanks are seriously fucked. Call us commies all you want, but at least Australia's Medicare doesn't fuck us over with some pretty shady, morally reprehensible shit. You guys are flat-out amazing.

it's like lightning. It happens all the time but it's (probably) never going to strike you personally.

I’m sorry, make that 20+ years

nice bait pasta

It's neither, it's chingchings

I did not know it was even possible to be this new.

PragerU has destroyed America

Libertarians are just as retarded as communists. Both have volumes of historical data showing their ideology is full fucking retard but they still go on.

7k a month is more than enough for insurance and to pay the entire deductable if he was seriously sick.

I don't know where this myth of the inefficient government came from. You owe almost all technology in your life to government. Space Programs in various coutnries on the planet were the creators of 99% of the tech we use in our everyday life. Private companies don't invest shit. They take what government creates and iterate on it; they don't create. So I laugh when people say the government is inefficient. Yeah, maybe in some corrupt African warlord country but first world governments are absolutely not inefficient. It's just the people who say shit like are retards who have no sense of scale and have no idea what the actual costs are.

>What this country was founded on
Completely non-argumentative
We're 250 years past the "founding" stage.
Social understandings and society have changed more between 1948 and now than from 1947 back.


yeah small government america was so terrible

>quits job at an American university as faculty which pretty much gives you free healthcare for life even if you "retire" and the complains about so expensive healthcare
I mean, he has only himself to blame. I told him when he quit A&M that it would bite him in the ass, I told him.

Uh, yeah? Read a fucking history book you retard.

move to a normal place like a normal US citizen?

but what is the true path, sensei?

The fuck would they? the end goal was creating a dependant class of morons and lowering wages in higher skills. Which, they sold as, "rich people went to college, so going to college makes you rich!"

We have a state that's landmass is equal too about half of the eurotrash countires

Except humans shoot guns, lightning just happens.

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

w-whoa, that changes everything!

almost any real job offers health benefits.

Game is still available for free, steam release is to appeal to the retard/normie audience because downloading a tileset is rocket science apparently.

>I would rather the archive link, I have moral objections to adblock.
Do you have moral objections to avoiding getting ransomware on your PC as well? Cuz that's what's gonna happen to you if you don't wear an internet condom.

He likely wants to get the next big update out before releasing it

Well, there's a reason the "everything" download/app calls itself the "Lazy Newb Pack."

Just don't get sick lmao

ransom ware isn’t that hard to get rid of

What I want is mouse support.

>pacman -S dwarffortress
>not having socialized medicine in your country

It's better not to get infected in the first place.

Hey you're still a faggot

i solved the health care issue by not making any money anymore

This is one of the few threads on Yea Forums I've genuinely enjoyed since Chrisposting

Based and bootlickerpilled

>Private companies don't invest shit.
Remember that time we gave the telecommunication companies like 400 Billion for fiber optic infrastructure 5 years ago and they pocketed it all and have done nothing in that time?
Or how Chattanooga, Tennesse had a municipal government internet service cheaper than all the ISPs and literally 100 times faster so the ISPs sued the city and got it stalled? I could never understand being a corpo shill on this website

the game is fun by the way

Guy is getting at least 7k dollars per month in donations, which sums up to at least 84k a year. It should be enough to support two people.
Other thing. This is what happens when you do not care about your fitness...

marxists are the ones supporting subsidizing

He sold his soul to Valve to save his soul. Interesting.........

Yes but does he get paid for his game?

Yeah ok. My human right to not pay for your shit trumps whatever bullshit you come up with.

>bitching about "only" 7000/ month

Holy fuck fuck this jew that's more than enough for healthcare

It's a bipartisan thing.
Let the big boys talk, okay?

Yeah. Both sides are neoliberal retards. Not sure why he said marxists but you can fuck off for trying to sound smart.


inflation is a good thing if it's kept within a reasonable/predictable level

Extremism is a symptom of a cause that's generally ignored and not fixed. Getting rid of the image boards wouldn't fix a god damn thing.

It's like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. Amazing. What exactly did you achieve? Literally nothing you daft cunt.

That’s not even the capital gains rate you dumbshit, short term OR long term. Not that either rate even applies here in any way.

Will the normal version without graphics still be updated?

Not that I don't want to buy it, in fact I've donated to these guys several times, but I'm a little scared of them just going all out on the Steam version and forgetting the original.

>Will the normal version without graphics still be updated?
Toady has stated that yes, it will be updated.
If anything, he'll need all those patreonbux after everybody on steam who wanted it has bought it.

Seems pretty based.

It isn't really that much money anyway for it, considering it's A) polished B) going to still be maintained for a long time.

You can't say that about most games nowadays, dropping support as soon as it launches, or kikestarter scams were you get a beta release tier 'launch 1.0' and then they disappear with the money.