>30 for this
Defend this steam drones.
30 for this
Hello thibaud.
looks like crap
looks comfy
what does steam have to do with the price lmao
You just don't like it because you're an Epic Games shill. Steam would not do anything wrong.
>Defend this random game's price
No thanks.
>paying full price for any game
Hey Thibaud, can you post a DRM free mega of this game? Looks kinda intriguing, but I don't pay for indie games without having tried them beforehand. Too much absolute garbage flying around.
>paying for games on a PC
>any year
>developer sets the price
>hurr steam bad
Impaired graphics and from an indie dev, multiplayer heavy so it needs funds to subsequently help with improving online performance. Seems to be a fairly dynamic civ builder. Seems like a perfectly fair price compared to AAA devs now charging up to 100 dollars for their "games" at release. I'm not gonna get it because I don't enjoy the genre but I don't see an issue.
What are you? Poor?
You dont have to buy it faggot
Why? Nobody is forcing you to buy it
Well, 30USD for an early access game is a bit silly. Is it a good game?
It's Zeus/Pharaon/Ceasar but with pigs and multi.
Oh. Well, those are good games. Hopefully the online isn't terrible.
Is it good?
Pretty impressive for a Game Maker game with a solo dev.
For a massive online game with mechanics of classic old school city builders? Seems fine to me.
Now if this game really DELIVERS on the promises it makes is a different issue. Ymir always felt like "too good to be good" and "too ambitious for what it can aim for". But sure as fuck it does not feel like an overpriced title.
Developer sets the price.
Is it Game Maker? That's kind of neat.
people are paying more for an HD remake of a top-down zelda game
>multiplayer heavy so it needs funds
It needs an actual playerbase more than anything.
>defend this
People can charge whatever the hell they want for games. If no one buys them, they can equally adjust to the actual market price. If people do, then why go lower? A game costing money doesn't mean jackshit to me, even a crappy game.
supply and demand faggot
looks soul
>Games price is set by valve
Your a fucking retard
>Hopefully the online isn't terrible.
It's optional, you can also play by yourself, with friend/s or on server with other people.
Except with timers.
i wanted to get this before i saw price it was on my wishlist. but $49.95 is far too much
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