Serious Sam

Okay, I just finished Serious Sam. I decided to play it because my friend said it was good, and I never had an interest in it back in 2002.

Anyways, I played it. It was fucking amazing. Firstly, it looks beautiful, even by today's standards. Jesus. The models are still good by today's standards, and somehow the textures become crisper as you walk towards them.

On the gameplay, all the weapons have their place. Somehow they balanced it where the Shotgun and Double-Barrel Shotgun are both useful. Shotgun for skeet-shooting like events, like shooting projectiles and Kamikazes, and the Double-Barrel for taking down big enemies. I love the Cannonball, it's a million times better feeling then the BFG.

Also the payphone joke at the end. Quality.

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Are you serious?

Give BFE and SS2 a miss.

2 is the best one.

You mean TSE or SS2?

What difficulty did you play on?

He probably means TSE is the best one

BFE has great combat and great feeling weapons but the level design takes an absolute nose dive for the first third of the game and a lot of fun guns are locked behind secrets

yeah Serious Sam is pretty great.
Don't mind the notDoom2016 babbies, they don't know any better.

While I greatly enjoyed S3, with TSE and the fact that they recycled stuff that was from another shooter I think is reasonable to expect better maps in the future.

The DLC addressed this but it felt out of place plus the main game was set in one region bland as fuck

But what if you like both?

there there



I only pity the plebs

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how to play BFE:
1.use the Fusion version
Enhanced mod
Classic Rocketeer and Kamikaze mods
no reloading mod
projectile Cloned Troopers
TLH Witch Bride mod
whatever reskins you like
from the Workshop
3.start a multiplayer game, select Coin-Op, set max players to 1
4.enjoy the mayhem

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>The models are still good by today's standards, and somehow the textures become crisper as you walk towards them

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>posting the alpha version

I like using that weapon mod to switch from old and different ones, although I find it was a huge mistake having unlimited ammo and giving my father the BFG.


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Cool, now play the HD version with us tonight.

That yellow Kleer is from the alpha and public test version.
Might as well complain that Ugh Zan looks like shit with his three heads, skeleton leg and crab claw.

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>Classic Rocketeer and Kamikaze mods

the what now

In BFE the Rocketeers have an extremely slow wind up whenever they shoot a bullet which includes them loading the gun, aiming at you and finally shooting after like five seconds, making them almost no threat at all.
The mod removes that wind up so they shoot on sight like they did in the first games.
Meanwhile the Kamikazes can be outrun in the vanilla version, something you couldn't in the original games, so the mod more or less simply increases their speed.

I can find no such mod in the fusion workshop

Does BFE get better at some point? I dropped it after 6 missions long time ago, the first 2-3 were garbage i remember, those hitscan enemies were awful too

those hitscan enemies hit you for like 2 damage, have a clear sound cue for when they detect you, and die from a light breeze

Well fuck, could've sworn that they were uploaded to Fusion, too.

It starts getting better at the level where you fight the gunship for the first time, but the levels before that really are awful.

i didn't say they were hard to deal with, just that putting dark places with spiders, those big building with just spiders, hallways with hitscan enemies, etc didn't feel like a serious sam game, its like they decided to turn SS into a generic shooter but thought halfway through it was a bad idea

Is there a Fusion mod that removes all the dust so I can actually see things?

SS3 is bad and you should feel bad for pretend to like it.


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The first part was mostly salvaged assets from a canned military shooter called T.E.O.R. that Croteam couldn't find a publisher for.
BFE was extremely low budget, about 500.000$, so they tried to recycle as much as they could, including assets from a Doom 4 proposal.

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careful youre not allowed to like two things here on Yea Forums quick choose a side

There's one that at least removes the excessive dust from Kamikaze explosions.

oh i didn't know, i hope they do well, Croteam seems like cool devs

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Don't worry, they're past the times between 2 and the HD releases where they almost closed doors and in fact, thanks to BFE's and The Talos Principle's success, they grew a lot since 2011.
BFE was made with a team of like 15 people, now they have about 60 employees and are still currently hiring new programmers and designers.

yeah, it starts getting better 1/3 in, so around where you dropped it

>He probably means TSE is the best one
no i mean ss2. ss2 is the casual filter of the series, only true patricians can appreciate its greatness.

The museum and No Place to Hide are definitely the low points of the game.
Meanwhile, I thought that the first level was actually a pretty decent "learning by doing" tutorial.

how do you guys feel about SS4? will they deliver or make another semi-blunder? we've only seen pre-alpha footage that looked like hot garbage but it's too early to judge

like you said, it's too early to judge. if done right the 100k on screen thing will be legendary for FPS'. But if the AI remains as it is in pre-alpha then it wont be too fun and just make me feel sad

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>pre-alpha footage that looked like hot garbage
Because you weren't supposed to see it and the only reason you saw it at all was due to a leaker from some no-name website.
BFE and Talos Principle looked godawful, too, up until a month before release and given the latter's high acclaim and The Last Hope's very positive reception, which was just a side project by four team members, I HIGHLY doubt that the game will suck.

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>playing sam 2 online with 16 players in one sitting
truly suffering

I think that the expectations should be higher compared to S3, because is been a long time and they are coming off 2 games that must have sold well and a reliable non intrusive publisher, being indie and small is no excuse now.

I preferred The next encounter.

Normal. I played Serious Sam Classic, but I'm planning to play on Hard in Serious Sam Revolution to get all the achieevos.

>alpha version

BFE is the best game in the series, kid.

They will deliver.
SS3 was shooter of the decade and BTFO Doom4, and Talos Principle was GOTYAY tier instant classic that was born from the devs attempts to make the Sam4's quiet moments more interesting than the old "find key 2 door".

Similarly, I cannot wait for the Talos 2.

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