Gen II

Why is Gen 2 so beloved among nostalgiafags?
>Shitty Pokemon variety until very late in the game
>Lots of Shitmons like Stantler and the Flat Snake
>Pokemon like Larvitar locked until Mt. Silver
>Victory Road is a fucking empty small cave with no trainers in it except your rival at the end
>Most caves in the game are just empty with not much going on
>Final Gym Leader Pokemon only level 40
>Worst Champ in history of Pokemon with his 3 stupid Dragonites that are all even below the evolution level for Dragonite
>Kanto is completely empty, Viridian Forest is literally 4 lines of bushes

Even when i got and played the games as a kid i was disappointed. Only i didn't understand my disappointment because in my mind newer always meant better. I mean, Gen 2 games are definitely better than Gen 1 but they're definitely a disappointment and i don't see how anyone would be able to like them more than Gen 3 or later.

Attached: gen2.png (924x464, 986K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you faggot, dunsparce is based

I don't like pokemon that much but it was a great sequel and returning to Johto was kino as was fightiing Red.

It's not like i hate Dunsparces design. It's just such a useless Pokemon, doesn't even learn a single good move either. It's one of those Pokemon i kept training thinking it would at some point show its hidden potential.

According to Yea Forums, literally every generation is bad

Attached: 1455285162277.jpg (3492x2288, 1.43M)

Water color art was so much better

>Trumpet Toddlers
>Tuba Tykes
>Brass Babies
>Jazzophone Juveniles
>Sousaphone Sucklings
>Putatara Pueriles
>Horn Humpers
>French Horn Fetuses
>Cornet Cocksuckers
>Fiscorn Faggots
>Kakaki Kids
>Flumpet Failures
>Buisine Bitches
>Sackbut Shitters
>Cornettino Children
>Pocket Trumpet Pussies
>Ophicleide Ovaries
>Buccina Bastards
>Slide Trumpet Sluts
>Wazza Whiners
>Vienna Horn Vaginas
>Bugle Babs
>Saxhorn Sperm


Attached: No hoenn.jpg (200x272, 13K)

Imagine literally lying to get attention

Because it's Gen 1 but without the full retard problems. Pretty much everything Gen 1 does Gen 2 does better. It also allows people to indulge in nostalgia without having to beat their chests about how much they like Kanto.

I always thought it was because two regions worth of play.

Name 1 lie
The only cave that wasn't completely devoid of anything interesting was the ice cave because of sliding puzzles. That's literally it.

Because it's one of the few times the developers were ambitious as fuck. And if all the pre-release footage was any indication the scope would've been far bigger

Meanwhile, the Polished Crystal romhack.
A Crystal 2.0 of sorts, even adds a Wondertrade-like mechanic in the Goldenrod center for early team diversity.

"Most of the caves are empty"
>Union cave/Ruins of Alph
>Mt. Mortar
>Dark Cave
>Rock Tunnel
>Mt. Moon is shrunk but still has stuff going on

Gen 2 is my favourite but it has glaring flaws
>Poor level scaling particularly the massive power jump at Claire's gym
>Gen 2 exclusive Pokemon only found in Kanto
>Certain types have very little choice Fire in particular.

Gen 2 has problems that even with HGSS, it still has

>Shitty Pokemon variety until very late in the game
Just like every other pokemon game
>Lots of Shitmons like Stantler and the Flat Snake
Not all pokemon are fucking fighter pokemon like Machamp. Even Gen 1 addressed this. That they evolve into something worth the time is dependent on the evolution.
>Pokemon like Larvitar locked until Mt. Silver
Or trading
>Victory Road is a fucking empty small cave with no trainers in it except your rival at the end
It's called Victory Road not Participation Road
>Most caves in the game are just empty with not much going on
Just like irl, right?
>Final Gym Leader Pokemon only level 40
Every pokemon game suffers from this
>Worst Champ in history of Pokemon with his 3 stupid Dragonites that are all even below the evolution level for Dragonite
Or maybe he's just that autistic. Regardless why you bitching about Gen 1 when your question was about Gen 2?
>Kanto is completely empty, Viridian Forest is literally 4 lines of bushes
Which still happens today in pokemon. Sorry but most areas are bland because not every place can be a theme park.
Only reason I liked Gen 2 is that most everyone mentioned it did Gen 1 better. Mainly for me was the legendaries.
The 3 dogs were better than the 3 birds, while getting ho-oh lugia over Mew Mewtwo

>Just like every other pokemon game
*blocks your path*

"Reeeee why can't I get houndour early" is not a major deal breaker.

It's a sequel to gen 1 and doesn't shoehorn a mediocre mandatory legendary pokemon storyline in

>non-fans like at least 1 game
>"fans" hate all of them and constantly spew shit and infographics like pic related in every thread
Yeah, that makes sense, totally reasonable

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>It's called Victory Road not Participation Road
What a sad excuse when Victory Road having many trainers and strong Pokemon and being the final big stretch of combat leading up to the Pokemon League is the staple of the Pokemon game series.

Attached: Silver Sprites.png (1120x728, 155K)

Attached: Crystal Sprites.png (1120x728, 154K)

I always preferred Silver's sprites (it's the version I had, to be fair).
Pokemon have never looked tough or intimidating to me anyway.

Because its the only game in the series that is a direct improvement over its predessor and didn't remove features.
Also it was still headed by the original director and had the watercolor art style, which was nice.

Sounds interesting, would you recommend I go with that or HG? Never played gen 2 outside of some of Gold. Got to the steel gym and her pokemon are way too high level, can't even grind efficiently because I already battled all nearby trainers and the wild pokemon are too weak. Does your patch or HG fix this?

Valid criticism though. For example, in crystal (I think it might be Crystal only) you can catch level 5 Growlithe's as early as before you even challenge the first Gym Leader. Why Growlithe? Why not Hundour when it's literally part of the new roster? Why lock that shit behind Kanto? Makes zero sense. Especially when Houndour would've spiced up the early game variety times 10.

Best way to play the game is to just solo with based Typloshion

literally soul vs soulless

Because it's like Gen 1, but without the gamebreaking bugs and unbalanced mechanics.

Literally any fire move against Jasmine is free, there's probably a ton of fire TMs in Goldenrod.

>Why lock that shit behind Kanto?
>Why does a Pokemon game have tradebait?

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>having many trainers and strong Pokemon
How are they strong when they will never beat you with their low level pokemon let alone the elite four? Especially when those trainers have a poor selection of pokemon they throw at you.
It would've been better than they at least had 1 pokemon at 100 and then the rest drastically drop in level for a noticeable challenge.

Gen 2 is the original KANTOOOOOOO

>*blocks your path*
Changed to, go here, does this, do that, next area unlocked.
At least Gen 1 had a lot of story related shit like the boat travel. Going to a secluded area to meet a scientist. Etc etc etc

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Good thing it doesn't base it off the gen 1 anime's league.

Because 2 regions and better sprites. That's pretty much it.

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>>Victory Road is a fucking empty small cave with no trainers in it except your rival at the end
>It's called Victory Road not Participation Road

It might as well be since every trainer surrounding Gen 2's Victory Road is severely underleveled and weak, including the rival.

Gen 6 has the problem in the opposite direction. There's a ton of Pokemon but they're all uncreatively obtained on the main path. So it's just down to RNGesus on whether you're going to see the one Pokemon you want out of the 20 types crammed into this patch of grass.

Pokemon BW2 has the best distribution hands down.

Seething 2fag

>It might as well be since every trainer surrounding Gen 2's Victory Road is severely underleveled and weak, including the rival.
I mean at that point the rival was stronger than the other "participants" and he probably beat him. Something I expect from these rivals being total dicks.

Gen 2 has that distribution only if you suck ass at exploring

>Gen 2 games are definitely better than Gen 1 but they're definitely a disappointment

They improved the gen 2 without changing too much so it still felt somewhat like gen 1, just better.

Gen 3 was too different for some, I was one of the people that didn't like it when it came out.
I changed my mind over the years though and welcome changes.

They're not strong as in being actually a challenge to beat. They're strong conceptually, and the concept of the victory road is that that's the place where strong trainers go on their pilgrimage to the Pokemon League. It's not that difficult to understand, brainlet. If we just removed all trainers that aren't "strong" we could just empty the entire fucking game.

>n-no u
Absolute state

Fire punch on kadabra =free win when you fight jasmine. Also there should be magma in the burnt tower right?

Gen 3 truly is the best. You even forgot the 1st Gardevoir stage and yet the variety is still absolute Kino early game

>Gen 3 truly is the best.

Something can be better and still be disappointing.
Gen 2 improved a lot of things and wasn't broken, but it was empty and had shit variety.

>It's not that difficult to understand, brainlet.
Says the brainlet that doesn't understand that it is not beneath Silver to tell all those trainers to fuck off.

Been playing HG recently and I honestly have no idea OP. My Pokemon are all like 10 levels lower than the E4 which I'm doing right now and there's no way to get their levels up other than smashing my face against the E4 over and over again. It also doesn't help that a lot of the gym leaders/rockets/e4 have tanky pokemon that just stall you a lot and make the game boring to play.

Gen 3 haters are a small vocal minority that whine a lot.

Sorry brah it's true, Johto is Kanto's shitty little brother

>and had shit variety

Pokemon went to shit in gen 5 and it never recovered.

Don't you mean Hoenn fans? They're always seems to be about 20 across Yea Forums and /vp/ seething at gen 2 for existing.

>stray off the beaten path

>D-Doesn't count

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There's also Surskit, Skitty, Wurmple and Slakoth too. Never did realize how many of the new pokes you could catch early on in Hoenn actually

Well, it's utterly incomprehensible for most people how someone could think that Gen 2 was the best.

Series peaked with 4 and 5. Everything before and after is shit.

Well, it's utterly incomprehensible for most people how someone could think that Gen 2 was the best.
Most Gen 2 people are just quantity fags.
>I-it had a completely empty Kanto region though! It was great, so much content!

Should've put some more of that content into Johto, maybe the final Gym leader would've been able to evolve their fucking Pokemon to 3rd stage that way.

Kill yourself unovabortion, it peaked with 4. Only thing 5 did was mark the downfall of the series.

Because I got to go back to KANTOOOOOOOOO OO!!!!!!!!
Haven't you ever notice whenever the majority of players praise the Gen 2 games, it almost always has to do with Kanto and not Johto? And whenever people bring up complaints, it's almost always about Johto? Seems like such a coninkydink hmmmmmmmm????

Locking good pokemon is a good thing. Shitmons are a good thing when you have no fucking choice but to use them.

It made your team actually feel organic and finding actually good Mons at the end of the game was a really exciting experience.

When you get flooded by ubers from the start of the game it just feels like the challenge gets whacked out of balance.

Wasn't 4 the one that added like 30 new Pokemon, 15 of which were really bad 3rd evolutions to Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon

>it peaked with 4
kek, garbage
Once you get past Emerald you're greeted with slow game and a disturbing lack of fire everywhere

Pokemon don't have to be great to be interesting. See Wishiwashi.

Lol no, it's the peak. Infinite tms, diverse selections, godly post and pregame. It's kino and shits on the lesser Pokemon games.

Why does everything become soft and fat? Cubone and Charizard are improvements though. Everything else was ruined.

>lack of fire
>playing DP
No one to blame but yourself

>Series peaked with 4 and 5.
Based, but gen 3 had it's merits.
Gen 3 had the best legendary hunt in the entire franchise.

And 5 was the one that added a bloated pokedex consisting of 90% shitty ripoffs of gen 1 pokemon and the legendaries consisted of my little pony rejects and copy paste genies.

soul vs soul

>beginning of cutscene hell
>shittiest starters
>most linear region
yeah okay retard

>most linear region
and THIS is to go

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Sinnoh babies attack again, they can't accept that they don't see their fucking slow stupid god-themed generation as the best

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this might be salvageable if you start below the snow mountains, but then it'll feel like backtracking.
it'll also depend on how dense the areas are.

I'm replaying Crystal right now, total blast. The physical/special split not having happened yet is fucking over so many of my mons though.

My biggest gripe with Pokémon is that a dope-ass design like Ledian goes to one of the absolute worst Pokémon ever

Yes, i agree.
Thanks for being on my side, user.

Is the soul

Attached: Pokemon2.png (820x1184, 63K)

Nigger, are you seriously acting as if gen 2's victory road wasn't a piece of shit?
In RB, there are 12 trainers in and around victory road all have party levels between 41 and 53.
In GS, there are only 7 trainers all have parties in between 30 and 36. This includes Silver's party too. Weaker than the last 2 gyms.

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>shitty variety
It has similar if not superior variety to gen 1 at least. Electric/rock/flying/ghost/grass within the first two cities, this one's not even good bait.
>Lots of shitmons
Again, no more than any other gen.
>Larvitar locked until mount silver
Yeah the pseudo-legendary with massive potential needs to be earned. Shocker. Dratini locked until safari zone, imagine that.
>Empty victory road
Not really
>Caves empty
See other reply, can't be assed to link, fuck you
>Final gym leader pokemon only level 40
Your party should be around that level barring grindspamming, and her kingdra will fuck you up anyway. I don't see a problem.
>Worst champ
That's not how you spell Diantha
>Kanto is empty
Giving viridian forest as an example is pathetic. And there's plenty to do in Kanto. Sure, maybe not as much as in Johto, but the fact that it was included at all is great.

TL;DR, here's your (You), faggot

>Gen 8
Do yourself a favor and open this in full size and look at the actual paths.

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Is there anything more adorable than zoomers trying to understand the original appeal of gen 1 and 2?

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There's someting funny about how Pokefags will claw at each others' throats while typically using arguments that can be applied to literally every region or game we've seen, including their favorites, because of the sweeping generalizations and subjective opinions they like to make

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But i'm a Hoenn-chad

there's a certain irony to talking about passion while using nu-memes

>>Empty victory road
>Not really
Post the trainers in victory road then.

>Dratini locked until safari zone, imagine that.
You can get there after like 4 badges dude
Larvitar is literally locked until post game. Literally post 16 badges post game. There's no excuse. Especially since these pseudo legendaries as some people call them already have built in OP protection by evolving really, really late. For example, Gen 3 has this pseudo legendary steel Pokemon really early in the game but it doesn't evolve until level 32 or some shit.

silver misdreavus is so wonky

All it did was make everyone use Ampharos because most of those 1% encounters like Yanma and Marill were gutter trash. Gen 1 understood this with the Safari Zone. You had to go through an annoying gimmick, but you were rewarded with some of the best Pokemon in the game, both from a pve and pvp perspective. What do you get from dealing with Johto's shit? A crappy mouse, an awful dragonfly, a garbage pufferfish, and so on.

Pokemon fans are autists. Gen 2 was the best generation if you like video games, it wasn't the best generation if you're a faggot who wants to fuck Pokemon or talk about anime or queer shit like competitive Pokemon.

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New phone wallpaper. Thanks.

Gen 4 had so much SOUL

user, why lie on the internet?

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>has to do with Kanto and not Johto?
oh, you mean that feature to visit two regions that was literally never brought back into a new game other than remakes?
If you could go back to Johto in Gen 3 or revisit Hoenn from Sinnoh, those games would probably be praised as well

You’re missing what people liked about GSC. It wasn’t Kanto. Nobody cares for Kanto. It was the fact we got to go back and see the previous game’s region and how things had changed.
If you could do that in later gens, I highly doubt people would hold GSC/HGSS in such high regard

What "exploring?" A lot of gen 2 pokemon are often found as extremely low encounter rates on main paths or in the postgame. In the mean time, you're mostly just running into the same stuff you saw in Red/Blue.

It's the generation that introduced the most important stuff compared to any other gen
>Egg and reproduction, Pokémon babies
>Item holding
>Dark and Steel type
>Day and night cycle (which was actually remover in gen 3)
>Happiness stat
>New evolutions methods
The only other major improvements of the gameplay were the phys/special split in gen 3 and the Fairy type in gen 6

Not truly.

You could use my use of the word zoomer to classify me into some pre-assumed group you've concocted in your head, then disregard my opinion based on a purely dreamt up version of me.

I mean, that's what I'd do too if I sought to convince myself of some moral or intellectual superiority.

The problem is if you're still concerned about IQ you're not even playing the real game yet.

If you're < 24 there's still hope though so don't be hard on yourself.

>Why is Gen 2 so beloved among nostalgiafags?
Because people who praise GSC only do so because they like being fed the same Kanto pokemon all over again.

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God the original art is SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL

also helps you didn't start in kanto.
obviously it would be dumb to start a new gen looking like a pure rehash leaving from pallet, but after your 8 badges the game quickly pushes you into kanto but only on a single path and all you can do is SEE it your first time through, who knows if that's actually navigable space.
then to get there official the first time it's by boat and ss anne done right to give it some backbone only to end up in vermillion fully powered up to tackle the region in another way.
newcomers didn't know what they were in for, and returners got to see everything that changed.

what a meme

In gen 2, you could get:
>3 flyers (Pidgey, Spearow, Hoothoot)
>3/4 normals (Ratatta, Dunsparce, Tedisura, Togepi?)
>2 grass-types (Hoppip, Bellsprout)
>1 rock (Geodude)
>1 ground (Phanpy)
>4 bugs (caterpie, Weedle, Ledyba, Spinarak)
>2 water (Poliwag, Wooper)
>2 poison (Zubat, Ekans)
>1 ghost (Gastly)
>1 fire (Growlithe)
>1 shitty psychic (Unown)

That's 21-22 (plus one starter) different species BEFORE 1st badge.

>shitmons no more than any other gen.

Gen 2 was always known for being filled with babies and single stage shitmons than other gens. Get outta here here with that shit.

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>1 shitty psychic (Unown)
So cool from a lore standpoint but absolutely shit in-game

Attached: day_29_unown_by_neroinu_d7070ym-fullview.png (800x800, 175K)

You can't expect all mons to be battle gods. Some are just meant to be akin to ordinary wild animals or magical yet weak creatures. Though from a game play perspective this is obviously a bit counterbalance intuitive.

wonder how interesting it would be for unown to start at level 0/1 and evolve every 4 (first at 4) and either trash or rework ! and ?

Gen 2 was literally designed to be the ultimate pokemon game, and HGSS are the best remakes
Stay mad with your mediocre gens that do the same shitty tired reboot and were designed for nothing more than milking the franchise with their planned obsolescence and limitations

Man Unown is truly the most disappointing and weirdly unrealized Pokemon in the series.
What was the plan here?
I always expected to find SOMETHING regarding the Unowns while wandering those ruins in my childhood, but turned out there's just nothing to them.

>>Shitty Pokemon variety until very late in the game
>>Lots of Shitmons like Stantler and the Flat Snake
>>Pokemon like Larvitar locked until Mt. Silver
>>Most caves in the game are just empty with not much going on
That's every single Pokemon game.

Focus testing with autistic jap children and whatshisname mimicking current Toriyama.

At the very least I wish Unown had a hidden ability where its stats increased with every additional Unown in your party or something like that
Would be an interesting single-player gimmick team I bet

it's full of soul

>Virgin unknown ruins
>The chad ancient regis chambers.

Attached: Sealed_Chamber_2R_E.png (336x368, 4K)

Gen 3 was peak kino and everything before and after are inferior.

>may peak waifu
>Steve was chillest champion bro with best attitude
>three best legends
>the og battle frontier
>none of the nerdyness of later battle mechanics but not autism of earlier gens
>bad dudes were retarded comical instead serious or try hards

Attached: IMG_1115.png (420x420, 78K)

Getting Teddiursa and Phanpy early was only in Crystal and still locked behind the Dark Cave's HMs.

>>may peak waifu
She got me through puberty Dawn with the follow-up

>Stay mad with your mediocre gens that do the same shitty tired reboot
But GSC is guilty of throwing mainly the same RBY pokemon at you.

>Have all three Regis in your party
>You must nickname Regice
>Regice must be holding a "cold" item
>Go back to Regice's cave
Goddamn getting Regigigas in ORAS was something straight out of a playground rumor

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I think the reason i am a Hoenn-fag comes down to the fact that the whole game just felt like it was brimming with mystery.

>Nobody cares for Kanto
Then what's with the constant Kanto Pandering the series has been doing since 2013, and that people (excluding us cynical fucks here) praise?

>>Shitty Pokemon variety until very late in the game
False, you can catch 20 different Pokémon before the first badge in Crystal. It's just a bit less in G/S.
>>Lots of Shitmons like Stantler and the Flat Snake
So? There are shitmons every gen. You're not forced to use them.
>>Pokemon like Larvitar locked until Mt. Silver
I can give you that one.
>>Victory Road is a fucking empty small cave with no trainers in it except your rival at the end
Yeah but the route before it is filled with cooltrainers just like a victory road.
>>Most caves in the game are just empty with not much going on
False, there are neat events like Union Cave and the Ruins of Alph, Lapras, Karate King.
>>Final Gym Leader Pokemon only level 40
If you're not a grinder you reach her at about level 34 so it's fine.
>>Worst Champ in history of Pokemon
with his 3 stupid Dragonites that are all even below the evolution level for Dragonite
Wallace is fucking worse and has the same typing as the last gym leader.
>>Kanto is completely empty, Viridian Forest is literally 4 lines of bushes
Valid point.

I was posting about Crystal, didn't really remember changes in GS.

Phanpy is accessible where you get Geodude, and I'm pretty sure Tedisura is available form the gt go in the DC. It's just rare.

>its a sequel to the first games
>why do they have stuff from the first game

>You’re missing what people liked about GSC. It wasn’t Kanto
It literally was. Johto is filled with more Kanto pokemon than Gen 2 pokemon for some reason and people's most lauded feature of GSC is going to Kanto. I remember even the anime having more episodes about Gen 1 pokemon than Gen 2 pokemon in the Johto seasons.

>is a sequel
>why do you expect new content


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Just a good way to hook casual Pokemon "fans" who are now adults and have nostalgic memories about trading Gen 1 Pokemon cards in the school yard.

I don't think any of them care that much at the end of the day.

>>its a sequel to the first games
Yeah, nice excuse.

>get a new region and new pokemon
>b-but muh kanto shilling
fuck off retard

So a sequel is supposed to use the same stuff all over again and obscure new options? With that mindset you should work for Bethesda.

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Not him but as a gen wunner, like most others in this thread I'd assume if I had to pick I'd choose Johto every time.
Gen 2 feels more like the starting point and 3 was the real first sequel, at least to me.

the garbage that is gen3 is what happens if you remove all the content from the previous games

What a terrible analogy, Bethesda sequels drop features. Just like Pokemon.

Yeah, a sequel with much weaker opponents and smaller dungeons.

>smaller region than kanto
>99% of the time youre encountering or fighting kanto pokemon

Whsts the point of gen 2 games when I can play a better designed gen 1 game when the pokemon rosters are practically the same?

>fuck the new games for being easy!

>surf around
Stumble upon a random cave.
>on the other side is a fucking skyscraper in the middle of nowhere.
>Go inside.
>all those high level mons
>need to push your biking skipls tobthe absolute limit, because of the breaking floors.
>finally reach the top
>see this motherfucker waiting for you.
Absolute kino.
No game had a better legendary hunt that gen3.

Attached: 255-2559248_rayquaza-transparent-pokemon-emerald-clipart.jpg (320x336, 72K)

Why do you people keep making Gen 2 threads around the clock? It's basically a general at this point.

>Hoennbabbies forever SEETHING over their games killing Pokemania

Stay Salty.

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Who here /plays with only 3-4 pokemon on their team to simulate being an NPC pokemon trainer/?


but Masuda said that gen 3 was what convinced him that Pokemon wasn't just a fad
if anything, you should argue that Gen 3 proved that Pokemon could survive even with cutting out content

You must not play many games if you think it's normal for sequels avoid showing off new things to players.

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>Union cave/Ruins of Alph
>Copy-pasted corridors with only 1 (one) Pokémon to catch, and it's a fucking useless shitmon that only knows 1 (one) move

Why do you want to be an NPC?
Better question is.
Who /native mons only/.
For every first playthrough I always use only mons that are native to that region.

But Gen 2's filler anime killed pokemania.

do you at least have hm slaves in the other slots?

the anime va cast changing certainly didn't help

Gen 2's fatal flaw is one of the weakest rosters of original pokemon.

Actually gen 2 killed it. I remember everyone at my school saying the gs games were shit and made them lose interest in pokemon entirely.

>Liking Larvitar
>Disliking Stantler and Dunsparce
Metagaming pleb detected

>oh no i actually have to work towards getting new things
filthy casual

>Gen 3 has this pseudo legendary steel Pokemon really early in the game but it doesn't evolve until level 32 or some shit.

Wtf are you talking about? Beldum is obtained in Mossdeep which is 7 gyms in

>locked behind Dark Cave’s HMs
wrong. Phanpy was at the bottom of route 46. Teddiursa was found in Dark Cave, no HMs needed.

Why do you people keep assuming that someone criticizing Gen 2 means they started at Gen 3? Also, Gamefreak said Pokemania died with Gen 2 but the release of Ruby/Sapphire solidified the franchise something successful and ongoing.

Gen 2 is filled with problems and annoying shit like how raising happiness is so slow, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. Halfway done towards completing my dex in Crystal, and its a fun comfy time. BW2, Platinum and Emerald are all better games though.

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>damage control
all of gen3 is dogshit
no exceptions

based and ruby/sapphire/emerald pilled

Masuda has autism.

who gives a shit, just download a hack fixing most of these


>Why do you people keep assuming that someone criticizing Gen 2 means they started at Gen 3
It's an easy way to shit on people.

>gen 2 stealth genwunner seething gen 3 and 4 was the peak and dropped
Pokémon after lack of kanto

>lowest sales in the entire franchise
>no they are not bad
RBE are trash tier games

You Gen 2 fags always says this when in reality getting new pokemon in GSC is based on waiting till night and walking around the same spot until the off chance you might see something new. Or just waiting until Kanto.

I think he means Aron

>phys/special split
Gen 4 not gen 3

it's not like its really false
Gen 3 selling millions validated that Pokemon was a definitive cash cow

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gen3 sold like dogshit

>johtofag claiming some other generation killed pokemonia

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Actually gen 2 killed Pokemania

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>Not wanting to fuck Pokemon
Look at this faggot

I really enjoyed generations 1-4; all have their own merits as well as areas that lacked. why does every Pokemon thread devolve into autistic screeching about X generation is the best and everyone who doesn't share my opinion is a retard?

That was Gen 2
Gen 2 was literally designed as a sequel to RGBY and made to be the end of the series
There’s an article with an interview stating this fact
Gen 3 is based off the success of Gen 2 and realizing Pokemon prints money

Because it's been par for the course for Hoennbabbies. They're always making these threads. Forever angry that their watery trumpet game will never be considered part of the Golden Age of Pokemon.

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Go back to your containment board.

And Lapras, and Natu, and Smeargle

Why do people go on Yea Forums and lie about really easily disproven stuff?

>polished crystal
>adds abominations like rhyperior, electivire, and magmortar
>messes with shiny color palletes to suit his own taste

GSC's over-reliance on Kanto and the shitty filler anime killed pokemania.

Christ, not only do you Gen 2 fags lie about the games but you lie about the success of the franchise as well.

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Electivire is miles better than Buzz you tasteless pleb

>Black 2/White 2 sales


>Forever angry that their watery trumpet game will never be considered part of the Golden Age of Pokemon
By whom?

best games are SoulSilver or LeafGreen but goddamn something about night in gen2 was too comfy

kill yourself retard

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Why would you intentionally not want known evos (and babies if applicable)?
Might as well never touch HGSS

I wish the series kept it

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>best selling 3rd version at the time, at the very end of the DS lifecycle
I don't get it

>plays trumpet eternally over water routes

the moment they started to marked the games to girls is the moment where it turned to shit

Ahahahahaha. I forget we have sinnohsperms now.

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The fuck are you yiking about? BW2 literally sold more than any other third versions.

because they look like utter shit

So the moment it had an E for Everyone logo?

Why would you want this? Hell, why would you want just a few shitty pokemons instead of all shitty pokemons from a gen?

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I'm 29 and started playing with Blue. Electivire is just miles better than Buzz.

Some of you people just have the worst fucking taste in anything, and these threads have gotten more and more consolewarsy in the past year. If anything I'm a Unovabortion because I like BW2 the best, but yeah sure, Sinnohsperm (its supposed to be Sinnohfetus but hey, I get it, you're new and young).

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I started with Blue and Stadium 1, and I shit on Gen 2 all the time for the terrible options it has. And apparently I'm not alone since Gen 2 pokemon can barely make it in the top 100 of popularity polls.

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No gen will ever compare to the magic that came from gen 1 and how much it's now being pander to because of it

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Because it's canonical and being ignorant doesn't change it?
I don't know if Polished removed trade reqs but just slap an everstone on that bitch.

so I can Eviolite Rhydon. Literally the only reason.
Name me one theme from Gen 3 that's even close to this. You can't. Stay mad.

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The E4 battle theme shits all over this. Same with Battle Frontier Brain.

>almost 30
>still dicks around with pokemans
>likes electivire
I'm sorry, user

>pokemon thread on Yea Forums
>some autist keeps replying with "trumpet trumpet trumpet!" to every post that disses gen 2
Why does this always happen?

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>polls where literal trash tier and handout mon make it to the top
irrelevant polls since they only exist for mystery gifts

Are you going to stop playing video games when you're 30, user? What a sad, insecure person you must be.

I already stopped, I'm just here out of habit

pokemon is just a traditional turn-based jrpg with creatures
anybody can value the rest that ties it together however they want

I was waiting for someone to point this out.
I suppose it's just one rabid johto fanboy since every thread like this is the same.

>I-I'm 30! I also frequent a board for a shit franchise composed exclusively by underage, allow me to give it away.

That's legitimately pathetic.

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Gen 3 sold a lot considering that pokemania was over and they had to really come out with a good game in order to solidify it as a franchise with future potential.

Gold/Silver/Crystal were more of a “Pokémon 2” rather than a fully fledged new pair of games. The new Pokemon added were meant to supplement the original 151 instead of being front and center like in every other following game

Based god pony
It's an easy way for genwar fags to cope

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not as pathetic as electivire.

You’re retarded

>I also frequent a board for a shit franchise composed exclusively by underage, allow me to give it away.
Yea Forums?

Distribution is a big problem. There are too many new Johto pokemon thrown at you that are normal types in the first half of the game, mixed in with old gen 1 normal types. It gets pretty repetitive.

Not him, but to the original point how does Polished Crystal sin by adding in additional, canonical evos?
Just because you don't like them?

I knew it. You couldn't. Go play in some water and catch some ZIgzagoon, loser.

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That doesn't have anything to do with
>Gen 3 is based off the success of Gen 2 and realizing Pokemon prints money
Fucking retard and your fanfiction

that, and generally everyone agreeing they're needless garbage.
>silver scizor shiny

>Gen 3

Lurk moar. This happens in every occasional pokemon thread. One Gen 2 fag gets mad that there are people that don't like Gen 2 and then spends the rest of the thread going on about "TRUMPETS" until the thread 404s. Just let the autism runs its course.

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masudas games are literal dogshit

So if I like every gen, how do I fit into this equation

>that, and generally everyone agreeing they're needless garbage.
this doesn't undermine their inclusion though, this is just opinion.
they're factually evos, don't stand out being there, and does not knock the hack.

>to this day the mere mention of trumpets and water deeply upset the hoenntoddlers
I can't come up with any parallels to this, they truly are the biggest nostalgiafags.

>Gen 2 has more challenge and postgame content than Gen 6, Gen 7, and LGPE


>best dragon still making the top 10

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We apparently don't belong here because Yea Forums isn't for fans of games, its for fanboys and shitposters.

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Thanks for agreeing with me. Gen 3 was truly the peak

I started with gen 2 and thus have the absolute most nostalgia for it, but gen 3 was awesome. Sure it lacked some stuff that shouldn’t have been cut but I absolutely loved sapphire as a kid.

>Pokemon based off of generic wild animals are the most common

What’s the problem here? Sorry you can’t get Pokemon like Rhydon or Houndoom so early on

Why do the japanese like Magnemite so much?

>ctrl c ctrl v kanto
>look at all this new content!

*peak trash

Because the Gen 2 remakes are the best in the series and had more exploration, content, and challenge than the tutorial infested, cutscene slog, nothing to do after beating the league, POOP we have gotten in the last several games.

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>don't stand out being there

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your hack is headcanon shite

Its a trading meme from gen 5. Helped a lot of people with their join avenue.

still haven't disproved anything, it's clear you hate them. that's fine.
but there's nothing objectively wrong with them being in polished crystal.

>factual evos are headcanon
oh geez

It's cute.

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if you're playing Pokemon for a challenge I think you're into the wrong franchise

Convince me to delete my 9 year old save so I can replay it.

BW2 challenge mode was pretty good

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they never appeared in Kanto or Johto, so they're headcanon


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I'm convinced that Pokemon fans themselves hate the games in this series more than anyone else

cold take

Why would you do that and not get a second cart of the other game?

>lets make the games even easier by giving the player more xp
challange mode is a joke

>Sword and Shield add watercolor art as the official art for the game
>suddenly it becomes good

There was literally a bulbapedia article or something asking if Gen3 was overhated because Gen3 was the bigged punching bag in the series until the 3ds gens came out.

>Swinub used Icy Wind

>Gen 2 had this EPIK final boss
>USUM has.....Hau as the "final boss"

Ummm.......what happened?

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Because I’m cheap and don’t like spending money on games, let alone games I already own.

You’re right, had GSC (the games designed as a finale to the series) failed, I’m sure they still would have made Gen 3

Finale means the end. Nothing after that. GSC being the finale means no more games. Game freak saw the success of the games and decided to make more. That’s not a fanfic. That’s what happened.

Again, you’re retarded.

Red is a pretty shit trainer in gen 2, and both him and Blue are in gen 7. Hau's team isn't half bad, same with Gladion.

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okay, that's a fair point to bring up.
I suppose by and large, playing vanilla Pokémon (as in not your own imposed restrictions) is not supposed to be a challenge for people over the age of 12. I'm not saying this to knock Pokémon that "it's for children", but we have to be honest.

...or just copy paste the ROM on your PC?

keep seething.
you're fine in hating them, I don't give a fuck, but them being main series canon and just optional additions in the hack is perfectly fine and not something against it.

Thanks for posting more fanfiction, retard

kukui > trash that is hau

That's a fair point. But that being said, I remember Yea Forums crying really hard about Hydreigon in BW1. I'm sure anyone who was here back then remembers the tears.

Pokemon is not really hard overall but manages to have a few spike moments.

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>shit we need a final boss
>lets just take it from the previous game like 99% of the content


>Gen 3
I loved fighting five billion Tentacools

Crystal was basically just a tacked-on third version to squeeze out even more cash

I'm sorry for your taste, user.

Gold has better looking sprites than Silver.

It's not about "taste" you retard. You're attempting to make it subjective when it's not.

Why would you play GS over Crystal?

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Why would you play Crystal over HG/SS?


original art looks like shit

This is the best you have to back up your personal grief? Yeah, I must be the one coping.

Because gen 2 and gen 4 are mechanically quite different, and playing gen 2 on the VC allows you to transfer some really good stuff forward into bank.

I play both, and enjoy both.

No Mareep.

Okay now post red's team

>Because gen 2 and gen 4 are mechanically quite different
Yeah, Gen 2 is much worse.

Cynthia's team shits on Red's team desu

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cope harder

Are you people not aware of repels or whatr?

>redrawn wojack shit
I'm not reading your self-capped post, autist

I've always hated Gen 3. Never will get over not being able to bring my Pokes over. They're forever trapped because of Gen 3 and will never join their brother

So basically, Gen 4 is the best cause of Platinum and HGSS while 6 and 7 are both turbo easy mode piles of shit? Glad we agree on that at least.

>shit we need to make a new game
>let's just remove every new feature from the previous game

>Because the Gen 2 remakes are the best in the series and had more exploration, content, and challenge
user, HGSS started the trend of making places and side content that were once optional into mandatory segments that slow the game down. In addition, despite having the Physical/Special split, opponents still have terrible movesets that don't fit them (pic related). Plus, the challenge comes from trying to have a team of more than 3 good pokemon since every trainer is underleveled and don't offer much experience.

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coping with being wrong

How did we go from chads like this to.....Hau and....Trace....?

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USUM is way more challenging than easy mode HGSS but yeah sure, if it means you'll stop talking to me.

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This could explain why the Pokemon fanbase became so autistic with time. It became less and less feasible for the average person to actually "catch em all" and soon only autists were left willing to take up the task.

It's purely for nostalgiafags. Even HG + SS didn't fix a lot of these problems.

>he doesn't know about the island 3 Hau fight

Oh right there are people in this thread without complete dexes.

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>Ultra Necrozma
lmao My Decidueye one shotted him with a Z move cause they're so broken

I'll take this as your admission of defeat since you're spewing garbage now, as you have been.
To reiterate my final point, not about the subjective quality of Polished Crystal but the objective additions:
>rhyperior, etc. are main line, factually canonical evos
>their additions do not detract from the hack experience or the original experience
>they are optional
>there is nothing subjective about this
And with that have a great life. I'm done with you, enjoy talking yourself in circles.

thanks Yea Forums, you've successfully convinced me that every gen is bad
i'm glad i have friends like you guys

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Sugimori kept up with the artist he was ripping off.

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That bothered me less than the fact that they removed the day/night cycle and added in natures. Pokemon already had enough variable shit to worry about when building a team with IVs, why complicate things further and make it more of a bitch to do?

That thing couldn't get into Smash, it isn't one shotting anything with boosted 720 stats.

>Gen 1
+OG Pokemans/Nostalgia
+Well balanced region
-Broken to the core

>Gen 2
+addition of bredding, shinies, genders, time-of-day, held items
+Dark & Steel types
+special split
+nice access to pokemon overall
+excellent atmosphere
+robust postgame
+fixed gen 1
-shit access to many of the best new pokemon
-some locations are very empty
-evo stones and items mostly unavailable until after E4.

>Gen 3
+lots of new pokemon
+excellent Postgame (frontier)
+great gen 1 remakes
+addition of abilities, weather, double battles
-too much water
-removed time-of-day

>Gen 4
+physical/special split it the most important (and the best) change in the history of the series.
+Sinnoh is nice
+Excellent remakes of gen 2 games
+nice visuals
+mostgames have great postgame
-too many legendaries and evos of previous gen pokemon
-latter range from improvements (Electivire) to hilarious monstrosities (Lickilicky)
-shit rival

>Gen 5
+shitton of new battle types and mechanics
+great/excellent postgame
+addition of seasons, unlimited TMs
+slowly fixing HM oversaturation
+lots of locations
+difficulty options
-linear as fuck
-shit starters
-battle visuals not as clean as in gen IV

>Gen 6
+mega-evos are surprisingly good addition
+shiny type
-+hoenn remakes exist but are kind of butchered
-+3D models in battles
-abandoned lots of fun shit from previous gens
-easy as shit
-gen 1 nostalgia in full force
-boring postgame
-slug dragon

>Gen 7
+interesting changes to the formula
+some regional variants
+more challenging than XY
-other regional variants
-shitty CINEMATIC experience
-postgame not found
-everything about LGPE
-Ultrabeasts look like digimons
-Z-moves was a very uninspired addition.

>Pokemon already had enough variable shit to worry about when building a team with IVs
IVs didn't exist before gen 3. You're thinking DVs.

I wish people on Yea Forums knew what they were talking about.

>>Shitty Pokemon variety until very late in the game
Wrong, GSC allows you access to more Pokemon variety than most other gens, allowing you access to Water, Grass, Poison, Bug, Normal, Flying, Rock, Ground, Ghost, Electric, and Psychic types all before the very first gym.
>>Lots of Shitmons like Stantler and the Flat Snake
Implying Gen 1 didn't have a load of shitmons since comp hadn't taken off yet. Not to mention shitmons that were bad in GSC have since become good like Qwilfish and Mantine.
>>Pokemon like Larvitar locked until Mt. Silver
HG/SS fixed this
>>Victory Road is a fucking empty small cave with no trainers in it except your rival at the end
I agree this is lame
>>Most caves in the game are just empty with not much going on
Wrong, Mt. Mortar is a proper dungeon, Ice Cave has both top tier music and a fun gimmick, Union Cave has a lot more to it to explore after your first visit, Whirl Islands are an admittedly frustrating challenge, but a challenge nonetheless
>>Final Gym Leader Pokemon only level 40
And if you fought every single trainer you came across, your Pokemon will only be around level 32-36 at this time
>>Worst Champ in history of Pokemon with his 3 stupid Dragonites that are all even below the evolution level for Dragonite
First of all, Diantha is the worst champ in the series, and it isn't even close.
Second of all, stop pretending like 3 Dragonits doesn't fucking work
>>Kanto is completely empty, Viridian Forest is literally 4 lines of bushes
Still the best Postgame in the franchise, HG/SS also added shit to Kanto like Gym Leader rematches which made exploring the region more fun, since you had more to do than just fight the 8 other Gym leaders.
In closing, you're a faggot with garbage taste

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>Gen 1 squirtle and bulbasaur
Jesus fucking Christ they're adorable.

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SEETHING sinnohsperm


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>Second of all, stop pretending like 3 Dragonits doesn't fucking work
Not him but its a lame fight. Thank fuck the rematch in HGSS has a better team.

forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't gen 3 have time of day?

Houndour is not locked to Kanto in HG/SS

>Gen 4 and 5 win

It was the fuckin pinnacle of the old school original Pokemon and there's no denying it.

>expecting people on Yea Forums to play the games they're complaining about

>-too much water
really nigger
i'm pretty sure it did, but everyone's internal battery died

How did the "Mew under the truck" meme spread across the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET in an age where almost noone had internet? I was like 8 and people on the school yard talked about it (Germany) and from talking to people on here it was the same in America, Asia, Northern Europe etc.
I mean, that was literally the dial up internet time. I didn't even know the internet existed until many years later. I was a kid from a village who went to schol with other kids from villages.

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It had time for stuff, yes, but it lacked an actual day and night cycle. Getting Espeon and Umbreon in FRLG/RSE was a fucking nightmare.

kids are stupid and gullible.
water is wet.

>maybe if i cap my faggy post in the 4plebs archive, they won't know it's me!

What said. Fire Red and Leaf Green beat Heart Gold and Soul Silver as remakes. The trainers are reasonably stronger, have better moves, and the new side content isn't forced onto you.

Technically it did but it had no day/night cycle for some fuckall reason. It also removed week days and its events.
A reason why RS were so hated on release is because while GS were strict improvements over RBY, RS removed a lot of cool stuff GS had added.

I don't think you can get Mareep before Falkner.

>TFW I'm still gonna buy Pokemon SWSH
>Will mainly just play it for the online because I know the main story + lack of postgame is just gonna be another disappointment

>17 (seventeen) years later still trying to contest water as a negative

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Just play Showdown.

That doesn't explain how the exact same rumor spread all across the world in a pre-internet age.

The online better be actually fucking good or I'm not getting it. Remember being able to challenge the Battle Frontier with your friends online in gen 4, or the subway in 5? This game has PAID ONLINE, it better fucking deliver. LGPE didn't even have a battle facility.

You can find them in the grass on the route that Sudowoodo is blocking

Wasn't Gen 5 the slowest of them all?

I had the internet and a Quake machine back then.
You were just poor.

You can't get down there before beating Falkner, though. The route is blocked by some guy.

t. literally playing gen 2 right now

Gen 2 is life
Gen 4 is hometown

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No, it was miles faster than gen 4.

But did you talk about Pokemon in some obscure Forum? Didn't think so.

he's only a sinnohfag in your headcanon ;)


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I love Magnemite

>"nostalgia", in itself is a negative
What the fuck.

How pathetic. Spend less time shitposting about the games and more time actually playing them, you might know what you're talking about.

word of mouth and magazines were a thing, stupid.

I was wrong, its ROute 32. You can absolutely find them before Falkner, though, they appear in the grass patch right above the guy that blocks you, unless you're playing Crystal.

Getting the kanto starters immediately after the kalos starters was like a fucking joke.

No you can't. I'm putting my foot down on this, user, I legitimately know you can't get Mareep before Falkner.

They're the same basic concept you literal fucking autist.

>that desperate backpeddling
Get off Yea Forums and play some video games, dummy.

In fairness, you were the one who tried to "gotcha" with your pedantics.

ohhh I see thank you to you and posters before for the explanation

A lot of those pokemon were left overs since they couldn't fit them all in gen 1. I do agree with you on the map not necessarily being as great as it could be had it waited maybe just until GBA released but at the time Pokemon was white hot and Nintendo wanted to capitalize on what could have possibly been a fad of the times. Of course Pokemon proved not to be and is still going.

Also get rid of that whole new means better crap. Old doesn't automatically mean better either but to me it seems most people playing games would instantly go with the opinion that new game automatically means better game. Stupid to think such thoughts.

They are the same basic thing, DVs range from 0-15, IVs range from 0-31, but they otherwise serve the same purpose mechanically.

Gen 2 (especially the remakes) is great but the best is pic related. Gen 7 is utter shit. Hopefully Gen 8 will at least be SLIGHTLY improved compared to 7.

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I got out my 3DS to prove your ass wrong but fuck me, you're actually right, well done.
You can get them in HG?SS though

The Pokemon gen that was released when you were 10-11 was the best one. This is objective fact.

>They are the same basic thing
Nah. DVs functioned on a different system. For example, female pokemon will ALWAYS be weaker than male pokemon.

That's not a different system, that's the same basic system with slightly different conditions.

>rehashed the dogshit boxlegendary storyline from gen3
gen4 is awful

But I was 10 when Ruby and Sapphire came out and everyone knows those games are trash

holy shit based gamefreak
why was this scrapped?

Before Falkner? I don't think so.

Its okay user, it happens.

Gen II was only so good because it fixed some of the crappy stuff about Gen I, not that it was without its own problems. It was also better than Gen III

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because female spiders being weaker than male spiders would be unrealistic

>Shitting on Platinum when it had the most challenging main game, Elite Four, and Champion
>A lot more to explore after beating the story
>Great battle facility
>you prefer SM shoving a mediocre story down our throat with the AWFUL Battle Tree postgame


>Also get rid of that whole new means better crap. Old doesn't automatically mean better either but to me it seems most people playing games would instantly go with the opinion that new game automatically means better game. Stupid to think such thoughts.
I thought i made it very clear that these were my thoughts as a CHILD.

>muh realism in a game full of magical animals

Terrible taste

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>Why is Gen 2 so beloved among nostalgiafags?
Because nostalgia.

dunsparce is based you retard

Sinnoh was an absolute chore to navigate because of the over-reliance on HMs and bad game design like that big snow route that slowed your walking speed to a crawl and you couldn't ride your bike. Hoenn remains the GOAT region.

Dunsparce was for flinch hax and utilizing how busted Rage was back then.

Dunsparce once it gets Serene Grace is legitimately good.


>flinch hax
That was and still is a complete fucking meme.

>big snow route
>bad game design
Pleb detected

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And then Alola removes HMs and gives us NOWHERE to explore.


>shit tier evil team
>trash tier pokemon distribution
>half the new mon are just evos of old pokemon
>garbage central cave dungeon
>overuse of HMs
>second worst rival in the entire franchise
>muh god pokemon

Spotted the shitter who never had a Dunsparce with Headbutt, Bite, Rockslide and Glare.

Snow is shit, especially when it makes walking around to get anywhere a boring literal slog. Gen IV was slow in way too many ways.

Removing HMs was a good move, the fact that Gamefreak decided to not give us any areas to explore was independent of this and has to do with the fact that Pokemon now exists solely to milk suckers of their money with minimal effort put into development.

Gen 3 will forever be the best one with the most soul.
Debate me

That's a silly post to screencap. The fun of pokemon was discovering and using a variety of different potential party members. Collecting them all was a priority for barely anyone. That post also doesn't mention the lack of usability in the new pokemon and how you were better off just using some variation of a team you'd get in R/B/Y anyway.

If it's that easy, why haven't they done this again

>Why is Gen 2 so beloved among nostalgiafags?
You just said it; because of nostalgia.

>and how you were better off just using some variation of a team you'd get in R/B/Y anyway
It's a game for toddlers, nobody gave a shit and muscled through the game with whatever they liked. I remember considering Togetic to be one of my strongest Pokemon despite it being hot garbage stat wise and having a terrible move set.

This, Gen 2 is objectively shit and nostalgia is all it has going for it. Pokemon didn't become a good series until Gen 3, before that it was just running on fad hype.

are you for real bro?

Fuck off Team Aqua.

Not him but he's right.

Gen 3 was absolute garbage, gen 4 is when shit actually became usable thanks to the split and could keep all the good features from previous games thanks to not being limited by technology.

*Gen 4

>GSC is released
>Gen 2 pokemon are mostly shit and you're better off sticking to Gen 1 pokemon again

>Johto anime is released
>most of Ash's Gen 2 pokemon are shit and he relies on his Gen 1 pokemon again

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

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If you dislike Electivire then you can go fuck off forever.

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People will hate you for speaking the truth.

>Ash gets Heracross, one of the best pokemon from gen 2
>barely uses it, immediately boxes it after the 2nd gym, and then doesn't use it until his final fight with Gary in the league
>still keeps Bulbasaur and Squirtle in his party

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I imagine this is how historical figures would feel if they were resurrected and had to read what people were saying about them.

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>He thinks Shigeru "READ MY FANFIC" Ohmori will make alternate paths in Gen 8
OH HOHOHOHOHOH, you're a funny guy which is really ironic considering he started with Game Freak as the map designer of Hoenn and Sinnoh. What went so wrong?

The snow route was kino and it wasn't even that slow after all. Stop complaining you sissies.

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Why the fuck were there so many shitty pokemon in Gen 2? Like half of the new pokemon are just not worth giving the time of day because they have a shitty typing, shitty stats, shitty movepools or all 3. I think it says something when the champion of the region doesn't use a single gen 2 pokemon.

>Likes Megas buy dislikes Z-moves
The true mark of a pleb

>walking through a relatively linear route at a snail's pace with nothing to see but snow and trees is "adventure"


Doesn't GF have the same problem Bethesda has? Bunch of college buds starting a company together and holding positions they're too incompetent for and GF also refusing to expand the company to accommodate for the customers expectations of their games.

>Who needs atmosphere in games.
>Just make it stick figures or a Smogon simulator!
Fucking kids I swear.

Bruh, have you ever been outside, especially in the winter? During winter it really is as tough to get through a field of snow as it is in the game.

>muh atmosphere
Meaningless buzzword.

This is a video game. It's supposed to be fun.

Fun is a meaningless buzzword. Now remember to take your adderal next time.

Faithfully imitating how something would be in real life is pretty impressive for a game on that scale. Especially considering it's based off something relatable to playing outside as a kid. Which is kind of the whole vibe Pokemon goes for. I'm sorry you can't appreciate anything that isn't instant gratification. It isn't even that bad of a route when I replayed it last month.

Fun is the very focus of video games you brainlet. Not "atmosphere".

I only played Plat once years ago and I have zero recollection of the snow routes being annoying. I do remember the great music though and the feeling of traveling to Snowpoint city being exciting.

isn't "challenge" at the core of games?

Fun means nothing when there are people gaining enjoyment from torture play or licking feet.
I had fun going through snow routes in a Pokemon game for the first time and I wish Pokemon had more cold climate regions.

Yes, theres a new tall grass patch directly above the guy that blocks your path that can have Mareep in it

stand alone complex

I wouldn't say they refuse to expand (Game Freak have more employees than Monolith Soft, and Monolith Soft is typically pulled on all sides to do QA, co-development, and miscellanous shit, as well as development on their own games, and this is all done with zero overtime) more so than Game Freak's really ass-backwards development philosophy as well as simply being incompetent. Their interviews are like the ramblings of a man pulling shit out of the most rotten of asses.

If it was, nobody would be playing Pokemon.

Can you explain what was fun about it? It's literally the same as any other route except your character's walking speed is slowed way down. Nothing new or interesting happens. You could get the same experience from playing on an emulator and turning the speed down.

No there isn't.

I always wondered what the fuck happened with Sneasel. Why was it brown and blue?

I played every gen from 3 and onward as a kid and only tried gen 2 in 2012 and I find it much better. It's an objective truth amongst people with standards, lad.

Gen 3 was ruined by the amount of fucking oceon you had to swim through. There’s only so long you can see blue and have random encounters with tentacool

Gen 2 is dogshit compared to gen 4/5

oh no no no no

People who bitch about GSC are looking at the games with modern eyes, at the time it delivered.

Sure, i'm just saying that competition is the core defining aspect of games. Competition is actually a better word choice.


Then why was i disappointed about how scaled back and empty everything was even as a 9 year old?

>scaled back and empty
>compared to gen 1
Just go fuck yourself.

There's just something about Gen 2 designs aside from babies that really stand out from all gens. Maybe it's the eye markings/body markings. I really wish I could explain it.

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It's nostalgia. Gen 2 was shit.

Pretty much. Pokemon newstalgiafags are the worst. They just constantly impotently rage about standard behaviors for every series
Franchises that take massive departures between entries are really quite rare. And even then they all carry over common characters, themes, enemies, etc.

Watching zoomers whine about the obvious and logical move to push the most iconic designs to the foreground that is present in every single video game series in existence but FOR SOME REASON Pokemon shouldn't be allowed.
Does Pokemon go a little too far with the memberberries? Sure, especially lately. But zoomer reactions to being reminded that they weren't around for Pokemania are significantly overblown asspain.

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Seething hoennzoomer

now to be fair Green Hill Zone sucks donkey dick

Yes but compare the minor annoyance that the Sonic fanbase directs towards Green Hill likes and compare it with certain subsets of the Pokemon fanbase reacting in pure, frothing rage to ANYTHING to do with gen 1

Johto is beautiful because of its theme and how the pokemons living here feel like they belong there.
It was a region based of japanese folklore and was mostly forest. So it made a lot of sense that there were pokemons like Stantler, Furret, Noctowl, Xatu, Sudowoodo, etc. And, just like in folklore, some creatures are unexplicable like the Red Gyarados; and, just like in rl, we find an explanation to those myths (as in the red gyarados being a shiny pokemon).

I love the region because it was very mystical and "magical"

The addition of dark and steel types, as well as real ghost and dragon attacks like Shadow Ball and Dragon Breath made it all way more balanced.

The only good pokemon that only appears late in the game is Hondour. But, as soon as you enter Kanto, you can reach his area in a manner of minutes. Larvitar, i think, is very powerful, so it makes a bit of sense that he's in Mt Silver (if it wasnt the case, EVERYBODY would use him).

>>Kanto is completely empty, Viridian Forest is literally 4 lines of bushes

What an ingrateful jaded bitch you are. Having Kanto with all the gyms and mostly all the content was amazing. Even if the viridian forest was non-existent, it's a real miracle that we even had two regions there. So far, is the best "post-game" content in the franchise. Btw viridian forest was boring af, it had weedle, caterpies and rare pikachus

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Classicfags and Modernfags can get pretty heated up

And modern nupokefags are perpetually heated up

Silver and Gold were assballs then and assballs now. Only played Red / Blue and Silver or Gold, can't remember, but I knew the game was ass compared to R/B. Was so shit didn't even bother with GBA pokemon when I had a GBA.

Well duh, that's because Pokemon was never good


This user is correct. Besides, Larvitar is too OP

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Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic games play completely differently though, so it's understandable. Pokemon has largely remained the same turn-based shit since the beginning.

>Gen 2 has too many shitmo-

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Based Garchomp

hg/ss > emerald > platinum > bw2

Literally four games worth playing, the trio version (crystal, emerald, platinum etc) is always infinitely better than its predecessors and gen 6/7 were fucking shameful

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real talk the art style and music in the remakes fucking sucks

nah, both are great

>HGSS better than BW2
In what world

someone keep this as a copypasta and just paste in every pokemon thread on Yea Forums from now on, this is the only correct opinion

>You had to go through an annoying gimmick
Unless you used the Cinnabar Island, lol

soul soulless

In the world where it's still Unova ultimately.

Kusoge taste.

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I never said BW2 was bad. But it can only be so good as it's still working with Unova as the basis for the region, and BW1 and the foundation it laid for the region were absolute kusoge.

>start a nuzlocke blind run of 5
>see this thread and just want to run HGSS for the 50th time

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BW2 are the best in the series by far. Saying they're the worst of the group you listed is where your kusoge taste comes in.

How do you manage to find enjoyment out of that shit level curve and pokemon distribution?

what generation are these games from?

I'd rate it above platinum but below HGfrom BW1 on the title really drag it down in parts. The new areas are pulling all the weight, nobody likes the desert, chargestone cave, or the linear (by pre-3DS standards) routes, etc

by playing on an emulator so speed-up makes any grinding tolerable. distribution is fine, you can backtrack places with surf or unlock the safari zone bonus area within 2hours of dealing with chuck to get shit like houndour/larvitar.

>Shit level curve
Is this the part where we pretend that any of the Pokemon main games have good encounter design in the main game?
Besides, the only real bump in the level curve is going from gym 8 to the E4, everything else got fixed in HGSS.
>Shit pokemon distribution
gitgud at exploring.

There is

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Play Crystal Clear.

>People who can't even find the easiest of easy Pokemon like the pre-Falkner Mareeps think Johto has bad distribution
Every. Fucking. Time.

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>dude water lmao

yeah that's gonna get a yikes form me.

I'll show off my boring tastes.

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It's far from shit, but it's not perfect.

What’s the best emulators to play gen 3, 4 and 5?

>bottom ~20 are legitimately bad
>top 50 are almost entirely face legendaries and other marketing shit
>starter designs are all sitting around the 100-150 range
>everything from 200 to 500 is mostly plesant designs

>Doesn't explore all of the areas currently accessible to him
>Doesn't go for the early game Slugma
>Neglects to return to Union cave despite the obviously telegraphed "come back with surf" level design
>Isn't know about the early Wobbuffets
>Refuses to use the Safari zone because it would kill his argument
>Isn't aware that the new routes in HGSS provide you with Steelix and Misdrevous
>Ignores the swarm mechanic entirely

>no mega flygon
this one hurts the most

pretty nice, big + for sudowoodo

Mine was made around the release of gen VI, so it might ba a bit outdated, plus my taste has changed a bit. Generally, the top pokemon is the best for each type.

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Johto’s victory road is really the route between New Bark Town and the Kanto/Johto border gate. You can tell due to all the Ace Trainers that are on the route

I'm a big fan of your choices outside of the waifumon and zoroark

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>Only reason M-Flygon didn't happen was because "we couldn't think of a design haha"

Only reason I'm suspect of "Armored Evolution" is because it means Flygon actually got something.

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Holy fuck
How did I never realize this
It even leads right up to Victory Road and has nothing but strong Pokemon on it
There's even a rest stop before the cave itself

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The beta revealed that Unown was supposed to be a metaphor for American imperialism, it's really unfortunate that they dropped it in favor of... nothing.

Atleast they had the best pokemon movie.
>unknown are eldritch reality warpers from another dimension that took an interest in a lonely little girl, because they sucked her father into their nightmare dimension and she was the onlynthing he could think of at that time.
>movie is about them fucking with reality by fulfilling and twisting the wishes of the little girl.

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watercolor squirtle is the only one that looks bad

Gen 1 and 2, the perfect pack

Yo i remember watching that film in cinema with my mom

Playing Renegade Platinum right now. Gen 4 with improvements is peak Pokemon.

Falkner truly was one of the greatest troll designed gyms ever.
>Tells you multiple times before you reach there that is is a flying gym
>Geodude and Mareep make for the obvious choice because of type advantages
>Lightning fast Pigeotto with Gust to fuck up Chikorita and Mud slap to fuck up Cyndaquil Mareep and Geodude
>Mudslap lowers accuracy
I bet they were laughing their asses off when they were programming that shit.

Just use rare candies.

Burned 60 or so in my recent run to fix the completely fucking retarded curve.

because at that point Pokemon still had some creativity and every pokemang wasn't fucking retarded looking derivative bullshit or fucking icecream pokemon

The only Beldum available is the one Steven gives you in the post-game.

Theoretically Flygon got Z-moves too. If Armored Evo is another "everyone has access to it" gimmick, Flygon will be included as well.

desmume and visual boy advanced for example

So how many gens until we see moves that have 2 types?
>Flying press
I know we already have that but it is a gimmick signature move.

Keep seething, faggot.

It has NO fucking business being in kanto. Fuck outta here. Gen 2 is my fav. I will replay it a million more times before I die but I will forever think gamefreak is fucking dumb for choices they make that are CLEARLY dumb like that and challenge mode in BW2 having retarded unlock conditions

This a million times, people who hate Gen 2 judge it and criticize it for not following the trends and principles that the series only started to have in gen 3. Gen 2 was a completely different direction, it wasn't meant as a separate story but as a sequel, and that entailed still starring and giving significant spotlight to the first batch of Pokémon that were still popular at the time.

It's not about nostalgia but about realizing that the circumstances behind the creation and execution of Gen 2 are totally unlike those of any of the following gens, in many ways almost the opposite. It has flaws but its context is not one of them unless you really can't look past the Masuda mold the series gained after Hoenn.

Gen1 (the best gen) also has based Mankey.

>game has obscure and random elements that gave into playground lore

>starters were literally the most japanese weeaboo old school 90s anime characters they could come up with

All the other games did that but better.

Gen 3 introduced abilities and temperaments
Gen 3 is therefore the best.
Although the physical/special split of Gen 4 is pretty kino too.

I love Rosa and Hilda!

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>Gen 3 is therefore the best.
>doesn't have day and night
>didn't come up with the split first
not the best

doesn't remember geocities and livejournal and webrings