Play Factory Town

Play Factory Town

Attached: FactoryTownGrainChutes.webm (480x270, 2.82M)

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Attached: EntireTown.webm (480x270, 2.11M)


why are all these factorio clones coming out all of the sudden?

It's like settlers but only the good parts.

Attached: 190194-the-settlers-ii-10th-anniversary-windows-screenshot-donkeys.jpg (1280x1024, 529K)

Why does it look identicle to Kingdoms and Castles?

Why did they chose a medieval theme instead of an industrial revolution one. Chutes looks dumb.

What does this have that factario doesn't?

why did we have a million pubg clones? and before that moba clones? and before that cod clones and wow clones?

Low poly aesthetic. Hopefully they can make the graphics have a bit more pizaz over time.
You can extract mana and there's magical items you can get. Looks like there'll be fantasy stuff down the chute.

It's been a year since Factorio got popular.

Its quite fun but it needs a lot of balancing and an actual goal for the player

Attached: sdsdsdsd.png (642x189, 68K)

Looks like a cheap, low effort garbage that just tries to combine ideas of other successful games for a quick buck

Looks like it, but mainly because it's in desperate need of an art pass.

If you want me to buy your game post marketing material that allows me to actually see the product, how am i supposed to get hooked on a 480x270 webm?
I'm looking for this kind of games, always have been a huge fan of logistic puzzles, chain of production and resource managment, but you need to sell yourself better?
It probably doesn't have the scale of fuggtorio, doesn't make me feel like a brainlet like zachtronics, and it doesn't look comfy and polished like old anno games, what's your selling point?

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Tbh it's more like A-train or any other resource moving city builder, but with assembly lines.

This dude should put out a demo like the Factorio guys.

>Play Factory Town
I wish I could.
But the U.I. and controls are SO FUCKING SHIT it makes the otherwise actually really promising experience into a nightmare. Coupled with really ugly art direction it just makes sticking out with it not worth it.

Which really is a shame, there are many good ideas in the game. I would really fucking love to love it. Maybe it will improve over development, but I fear the U.I. is not something that is going to be fixed easily.

Factorio was a massive hit and a game proving there is tremendous potential in the (basically new) genre. It's really good, I hope to see more and more Factorio inspired games.

It mixes Factorio like elements with more RTS / City-management elements, which sounds really good on paper. Also, it has some unique verticality play to it, which again, in theory look really great.
In reality though... it's often a real fucking pain in the ass.

Has an interesting concept and take on the Factorio style but it still looks shallow a rough in it's game play and style. I think the art style and graphics are the biggest turn off for me. The game just visually looks half assed with zero personality. A big part of what makes Factorio fun is that is does actually have a good visual style and even basic things from drills and rocks have their own look to them.

The game has quite a lot of depth from what I played of it.
The visuals are pretty bad, but I really think the controls are the REAL fucking problem here. If the gameplay was fluent and slick, I think you'd forget about the poor art style very quickly, but as it is, you constantly battle the controls and U.I. to do even most rudimentary shit. You literally have to fucking save before setting up a bridge because the odds are something will accidentally screw up really badly in the process.

It doesn't look that good to be honest. It looks very shallow, something I definitely don't want from a factory game. If it isn't then show me one of those gigantic factories like in Factorio doing ridiculous shit.

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I'd recommend actually playing it. It's not shallow. For all the issues it has, lack of depth isn't one of it. I can understand that the game has even worse case of the Factorio problem of not looking appealing at first glance, and hell, I think it is currently barely playable. But it's good to know which issues are valid and which aren't.

i personally thought factorio looked cool. this does not.

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I rather wait for 1.0 to be finished. Factorio was already finished years ago even when they refused to leave early access.

My only gripe with Factorio is how dingey it is. Needs more color variety.

Factorio has decent art direction, I agree, but it is really difficult to get a grasp on the mechanics from promo materials. Hell, even the developers repeatedly acknowledged that has always been the biggest issue they had to struggle with.

I do agree Factory town looks pretty ugly. And I think it's an issue. I was really just acknowledging your point about "shallowness", which I seriously don't believe to be accurate.

but I'm playing Banished

I think it fits Factorio's tone. And it's not that dull. It uses a lot of pastel colors and there is quite a lot of variety in the environments, plus the sheer amount of details put into the sprites is quite amazing.

What makes the game deep? I can guess it's the thing that makes factorio deep, finding more efficient layouts. But in this case I can play Factorio.

What's the point of this game? Make more work? What's the purpose of complicating your town?

The transportation systems are actually more intricate than in Factorio. Or at least have a different set of their own interesting quirks.

I will admit I did not put that much time into it (I only barely got to belts before the annoyance with the controls finally made me give up).
But I will admit I absolutely love how the game uses things like chutes work, and how they actually acknowledge verticality. In general the verticality play seems the most promising feature of the game.
There is also an entire city-builder element to the game, that requires flexible supply chains and shit, which is also pretty cool.

But again: actually building something in it can be a pain in the ass. Especially the villager controls... god.

i'm not that other guy. as a factorio fan, i think this game looks pretty bad (visually). kinda starting to think these kinds of games aren't meant to be made in 3d.

It looks surprisingly gay

This is how Factorio 0.1.0 looked, I'd say we've become a long way.

Maybe FT can also improve.

Attached: factorio010.jpg (1893x1078, 548K)

Much like in Factorio, it's kind of a progression for progression sake. You have to upgrade your town to get access to more advanced technologies and more efficient automatization tools, which in return allows you to expand your city further, and the cycle repeats.
I don't know if there is any end-game to it, or if it's more of a Skylines approach.

The machinery is fine. It's the ground texture. I wish there was a mod to make it slightly brighter.

>games that literally just roblox tycoons


The 3D aspect is I think pretty vital to Factory Town. It has major mechanical role.

Well it's early access so it could go both ways. It doesn't look like it will blow up the way Factorio and other popular early access games did so the same kind of motivation will certainly not be there.

Can I get a quick rundown?

early factorio was comfy

expound on that please. what makes the z level essential to this game? are there production lines that require use of the z level?

City builder + Factorio. Early Access and full details of jank, but promising.

>factory town
>not factorio

Is there any survival or enemies? Just build a bigger population?

No and no. You can literally wipe all the shit you've built including houses, get refunded in resources fully and rebuild anew. Its very sandbox-ey atm.

It's a city-builder / manager combined with logistic elements like Factorio.
You build houses to get access to more workers, you assign workers jobs like chopping down trees or collecting food which you need to deliver to houses to upgrade them. Eventually you'll need more and more complex goods to regularly supply your houses with, so you start needing more and more complex crafting chains, so you start using the games logistic tools to automate some parts of the process - things like chutes (which are kinda like conveyor belts, except they only work when they go down-hill or on flat surface), conveyor belts, transport vagons and even trains (allegeldy, I did not get that far).

The interesting thing is mostly the fact that the game is 3D and verticality plays a major role. But...
Yeah. It has MAJOR issues. Controlling your workers is particularly pain in the ass. The verticality is interesting, but actually constructing the platforms can be clumsy as hell too. A.I. and pathfinding is completely unpredictable at times, and just digging up things you want to construct can be pretty annoying process in itself.

>MFW You can stack all your houses on top of eachother
>Save tons of space
>No downsides because the Food Market and General Store ignore pathing.

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Wow. I did not figure that out.
It's an EA game after all.

I fully expect there to be high rises at some point.

And somehow settlers looks better. I'd rather play the 2d settlers 1 or 2 than that piece of shit.
Why can't indie devs hire a fucking artist?

Damn, I hope house upgrades will actually have visual impact on the houses rather than a "level" text hovering up when you click them. But really, the game has bigger issues that need to be sorted out before they polish the visuals.

Id say yes but you can still see the general style and ton of the game even in the early version. FT just looks like the same voxel art style.

Have you looked into Alien Biomes?

Can you play with the look but not the effects? Looks nice.

Its been a while since I used it, but when I did all it did was add the biomes and add reskinned trees and rocks, no real game changers. If there is new stuff I would imagine you could disable it in the mod options.

I'm not autistic enough. Just like Factorio the game becomes ridiculously overwhelming and fast.

It's pretty low key compared to Factorio. Being able to dismantle buildings and get your resources back mean you can't really fail it.